occupy wall street Politics

Told To Leave, Portland Occupiers Partied Instead

The deadline was midnight last night, that was the time the mayor wanted the Occupiers in Portland gone. But instead of doing what Mayor Sam Adam wanted, the crowed of thousands did a countdown to the midnight hour and then partied like it was 1999.

Police stood by.

As the hours went by and the sun began to rise, Occupiers declared victory. The night however, was not without incident, as one individual decided to disregard the Occupiers’ wishes to stay peaceful.

Around 2 a.m., an announcement over the PA system warned protesters to clear the street, and someone threw a projectile, injuring a police officer. But the occupiers—who had collectively made it clear that their resistance would be nonviolent—found the offender and turned him over to police. Tensions cooled somewhat after that, and for the next few hours, the police focused on controlling the crowd, which successfully held the park. A few hours later, as the sun began to rise and the parks were legally opened, protesters declared victory.

CNN occupy wall street Politics

Colin Powell Is In Favor Of The Occupy Movement

He is probably the smartest Republican alive today, and in a world where crazy people get to be the toast-of-the-town and are selected to run for the Republican party’s nomination for President, one wonders why a man of Colin Powell’s intelligence still calls himself a Republican.

In an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan, Powell spoke favorably of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, a movement other Republicans have gone out of their way to ostracize.

The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are “as American as apple pie,” former Secretary of State Colin Powell said during a recent interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan. According to Powell, there is plenty of justification for the movement’s outrage, but also some reason for concern over its direction.

Powell began by recalling his upbringing in Harlem and the Bronx at a time when his parents didn’t make much, but were at least able to find stable employment.

“I don’t think either of them ever made more than 50 or 60 dollars a week,” Powell said. “Both my parents worked for as long as I can remember, they always worked, they always had work.”

But this sort of job stability is no longer present, the retired four-star Army general said, a fact that is now serving as a catalyzing force for the Occupy movement.

It is time to leave the Republican Asylum Mr. Powell. Your talents and wisdom cannot be appreciated by a group of people who are willing to bury this country just to make the President fail.

Come on over, there’s plenty of room here.

occupy wall street Politics

Police Brutality Against OccupyBerkeley Students

More police brutality on American citizens, exercising their right to peacefully assembly and protest. The students at Berkeley showed their support for OccupyWall Street by forming OccupyBerkeley, only to have the stuffing knocked out of them by the very group who took an oath to protect and to serve them. A true example of how citizens who have a common cause are pitted against each other to generate animosity between the two to keep them enemies.

In the video we hear these American students screaming, “stop beating students!”

What about the Bill of Rights?

occupy wall street Politics

Michele Bachmann Meets Occupy Wall Street – The Encounter

Michele Bachmann, one of the Republicans trying to become the nominee to take on President Obama in the 2012 Presidential election, was doing what she does best, giving a speech about something she knows nothing about- in this case, foreign policies.

Then, in a manner of communication perfected by seasoned protesters, someone – believed to be from the Occupy Wall Street movement – began a call and response chant for several minutes, saying “Mike check. This will only take a minute. We have a message for Ms. Bachmann.”

The chant and response continued, and the message was delivered. Audience members tried shouting the protesters down, but the messengers continued until Bachmann was briefly escorted from the podium.

She later returned and continued her speech, first commenting on something else she’s shown she knows little about – the first amendment.


occupy wall street Politics

Did You “Take Your Money And Run” Last Saturday?

November 5th was officially “take your money and run” day. A day set aside for the people to hit the big Corporate banks where it hurts most, in the vaults. “Take your money and run” came about after Bank Of America decided to create a $5.00 monthly fee for any customer deciding to access their money by using their bank card.

The impact of Saturday’s “take your money” event is not yet known, but some very interesting details are coming out since the greed of big banks manifested itself in Bank Of America’s decision. A study by the Credit Union National Association shows that from September 29th to November 4th, hundreds of thousands have joined Credit Unions.

At least 650,000 consumers across the nation have joined credit unions in the past four weeks, reflecting consumers’ reactions to rising fees at banks, according to a survey by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA).
They have joined credit unions since Sept. 29, when Bank of America (BofA)  unveiled its plans to charge $5 a month for debit cards. The public outcry the past month has forced BofA and other big banks to reconsider their debit fees.

Americans finally taking matters into their own hands? That’s what this country is all about!

occupy wall street Politics

The Occupy Movement Forming A Political Party

If the Teaparty could be misguided into forming a party to protect the rich and their investments, why can’t the Occupy Movement form a party to protect the middle class. The leaders of the Ohio Occupy Movement is trying to take the movement to that next level.

Spokesman Tyrone Givens tells The Associated Press that he and other Cincinnati-based protesters traveled to New York’s Occupy site to pitch the idea. He says the party is vetting six potential candidates for local office from Ohio, New York and Kentucky.

The party’s website lists a 10-point platform, with items including reversing the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision granting corporations the right to spend an unlimited amount of money on political campaigns, limiting the influence of lobbyists and prosecuting those responsible for the recent recession.

Givens says the ultimate goal is to elect members of the “Occupation Party” to Congress.

occupy wall street Politics

Next Republican Debate To Focus On Protecting The Rich – Video

Sticking to their usual talking points, the next Republican Presidential Debate will be in accordance with all that Republicans hold dear… how to protect the rich at the expense of middle class America.

The video below is a promo for the debate which will be held on CNBC. Listen to the announcer.

Mitch McConnell occupy wall street Politics

Occupying Mitch McConnell’s Office

Too close for comfort, as Occupiers take their message directly to the enemy – Republican Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell.

WASHINGTON — Roughly 30 jobless protesters from D.C. neighborhoods occupied Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office in the Russell Senate Office Building Thursday, saying they wanted to talk to him about jobs.

But McConnell was busy at the Capitol Building, where he led Republicans in blocking a $60 billion infrastructure bill. The protesters said they supported the measure.

McConnell’s legislative director offered to sit down with the group, but they declined, saying they’d rather wait for the senator himself. So they sat in his office, taking up every chair and lots of floor space while McConnell’s staff went about its business. A Capitol Police officer scoped the situation and said her heart went out to them for losing their jobs.

McConnell is known for saying that Republicans only priority is to make president Obama a one term president.

Apparently, the 99% of Americans think their priority should be what Republicans promised when they won the House of Representatives – Jobs!

occupy wall street Politics

Sgt. Shamar Thomas Shames New York Police Department

He fought in Iraq, did tours in Afghanistan. But what got Sgt. Shamar Thomas mad as hell was the beatings peaceful civilians took from the New York Police, as they demonstrated their first amendment rights to peacefully assemble.

“These are citizens!” Sgt. Thomas proclaimed, as the NYPD stood listening. “Why are you hurting these people? If you want to kill or hurt people, go to Iraq!”

Watch below, as Sgt Thomas fight for the Constitutional rights of American citizens to assemble.

occupy wall street Politics

Occupy Wall Street – A Music Video

We’re The 99!

Pay close attention to the clips of police brutality being displayed against American citizens demonstrating their 1st amendment constitutional right to protest!

occupy wall street Politics zuccotti park

New York Fire Department Leaves Occupy Wall Street In The Cold

Following orders from New York Mayor Bloomberg, the New York Fire Department swept through Zoccotti park today, and confiscated generators and other necessary equipmemnt, needed to provide heating, lighting and ability to cook for the protesters.

The agency said it’s looking for any unauthorized use that falls outside the guidelines of the city’s fire codes.

Firefighters took generators from the medical tent and press information area, among other areas.

“We did send 30 or 40 firefighters through the park,” Mayor Bloomberg said this morning on his WOR-AM. “It happened the way you would expect.”

The mayor said the goal was “just to make sure everybody’s safe.”

The protesters seemed unworried about the loss of the generators.

“I lived in Alaska and worked on a fishing boat — this is nothing,” said Robert Marshall, 31. “We’re survivors.”

On a weekend when a winter storm advisory has been issued, this could mark the breaking point for the movement. Seems the billionaire Bloomberg and his banker buddies are winning the fight for Zuccotti park… by any low-down-dirty means necessary!

occupy wall street Politics zuccotti park

Bryan Fischer Says Jesus Will Take A Whip To Occupy Wall Street

One thing we know from his teachings is that Jesus identified with the poor, the hungry, the sick and the meek. Throughout the Bible, Jesus catered to the poor, fed the hungry, healed the sick and He had a special words for the meek, in that “they shall inherit the earth.”

But don’t tell this to Bryan Fischer. The leader of the American Family Association – a right winged “Christian” conservative group – said the people protesting against a rigged system designed to take from the poor and give to the rich, will be whipped by Jesus. Fischer wrote, “Jesus took a whip to the thieves and the covetous in his day. If he were to come back and do the same thing today, he just might start in Zuccotti Park.”

Here’s his full statement;

A CNN anchor asked earlier this week whether or not Jesus would occupy Wall Street.

That question can be answered with a categorical “No.”

First, Jesus has no truck with rank, blatant hypocrites. The OWS crowd has now fallen to squabbling over who gets a slice of the $500,000 which has been donated to them, and which, by the way, they put in one of the evil, greedy banks they are out to destroy.

Secondly, Jesus has no truck with those whose entire agenda is to flagrantly disobey two of the Ten Commandments of God.

God said, “Thou shalt not steal,” a commandment Jesus affirmed on numerous occasions. Stealing is wrong, and it doesn’t make it right when government does it under color of law.

And the OWS crowd is animated by a thoroughly ugly disregard for the 10th Commandment as well. God says, “Thou shalt not covet…any thing that is thy neighbor’s.” And yet the Occupiers are driven by a dark, bitter, resentful, angry and acquisitive greed for stuff that belongs to other people.

I submit that no political program that is predicated on a violation of twenty percent of God’s moral law can possibly be right, can possibly work, or can possibly be good for America.

Jesus took a whip to the thieves and the covetous in his day. If he were to come back and do the same thing today, he just might start in Zuccotti Park.

In other words, he might occupy Wall Street after all.

Interesting take on things Bryan. But your views don’t match what’s presented in the Bible. According to Luke Chapter 6 verse 20 to 26, Jesus spoke to his disciples and said;

“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
21 Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
22 Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.

23 “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.

24 “But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.
25 Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry.
Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.
26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you,
for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.

Keep on Occupiers. Your deeds are for the poor. Exactly what Jesus would have done.

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