Iowa Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics republican debate

A Breakdown Of The Republican Debate – Video

So you missed the Republican Debate last night? Have no fear. This video gives you a full rundown of all the highlights and low points of the debate. And for sections of the debates not shown in the video, well, just fill those parts in with the usual  “repeal obamacare,” “this president can’t lead,” and “I understand how to create jobs, Obama does not.”

That’s it, the entire debate. You didn’t miss much.

But do pay close attention to the $10,000 bet Mitt Romney tried to get Rick Perry to agree to. That bet is bound to come back to bite Romney in the future. Just for perspective, most middle class families have to work for months to see $10,000. Yep, that bet was not a good look for Romney… pure insensitivity on his part.

CNN Iowa Politics State of the union

No Worries In Bachmann Camp. Everything Is Under Control *wink wink*

The Michele Bachmann campaign has hit a bump in the road… a rather big bump indeed. A bump so big, that the beleaguered congresswoman may not be able to power her herself over it, and the media is taking note.

Appearing on CNN’s State Of The Union, Bachmann was asked about her disappearing acts in recent polls and debates, and if her campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is coming to an end. The candidate saw things differently, denying that her campaign was in any trouble. If fact, listening to Bachmann, you will be lead to believe her campaign is going according to plan;

“I think we are doing a good job getting our message out on job growth and on turning the economy around. That’s what we’re working on.

We’re not focusing on the day-to-day. Because as you have seen with many of the other candidates, candidates go up, candidates go down and what we’re very concerned about is making sure that the message gets out there, because it is not about any one of us, it is about turning the economy around and creating jobs.”

In must be something in the water. The Latest poll released on Monday and conducted by Washington Post/Bloomberg has Bachmann coming in at fifth place. She received a grand total of 4% of respondents wanting her to win.

But have no fear Teaparty fans, everything is under control. Again, Bachmann on State Of The Union:

“We’re just starting a kick-off today of four days here in New Hampshire and we’ve got a wonderful experience in Iowa and we’ve been in South Carolina, Florida, we’ve worked very hard and we have very strong numbers in those states and we’re looking forward to continuing that.”

And at the end of September, Bachmann appeared at the evangelical Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., and likened herself to the “comeback kid.”

“She’s in a position where delusion is presenting itself as the only opportunity, and it exists only in her mind,” said Chris Ingram, a Republican strategist not working for any of the GOP candidates. “Whenever you’re in the position to start referring to yourself as the comeback kid, that’s an acknowledgement that things aren’t going real well.”

Yes folks, everything is under control!

Barack Obama Iowa Politics

Tea Party Argues With The President In Iowa

President Obama has always called for civility in this ugly, sometimes racially motivated environment called the American political system. And on his most recent engagement with the American people in an open-air town hall meeting in Iowa, the Tea Party used the president’s call for civility as an opportunity to show how uncivil they really are, shouting accusations from the audience to Mr. Obama and engaging the President in what is being described as a “sparing match.

This report from Yahoo.

US President Barack Obama went head-to-head with a prominent conservative Tea Party activist, in a microcosm of a political clash that will play out in the 2012 election.

Ryan Rhodes, a leader of the group in Iowa, took on Obama during an open-air town hall meeting, which marked a moment of new intensity in the president’s campaign for a second term.

Rhodes shouted out that the president’s calls for more civility in politics had little chance of coming to pass after “your vice president is calling people like me, a Tea Party member, a ‘terrorist.'”

His question referred to media reports that Vice President Joe Biden made such a remark in a private meeting with House of Representatives Democrats at the height of a debt showdown earlier this month.

The clash came as Obama was intent on wrapping up the meeting in the shadow of a red country barn draped with an American flag, as the sun set on a rural corner of Iowa.

“I know it’s not going to work, if you stand up, and I asked everybody to raise their hand… I didn’t see you, I wasn’t avoiding you,” the president said, but later circled back to answer Rhodes’s question.

“I absolutely agree that everybody needs to try to tone down the rhetoric,” he said, before going on to detail some of the more explosive charges that conservatives have laid against him.

“In fairness, since I have been called a socialist who wasn’t born in this country, who is destroying America and taking away its freedoms because I passed a health care bill, I am all for lowering the rhetoric.”

Obama and Rhodes later engaged in an animated conversation as he greeted supporters on a rope line after the event, and the activist later told reporters that he believed that Obama was indeed a socialist.

Iowa Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Romney Is Laughed At In Iowa – Video

Mitt Romney, the leader for the 2012 Republican nomination for president has bought into the Conservative ruling of the Supreme Court that corporations are people. Speaking at an event in Iowa, someone asked Mr. Romney why should Social Security be a part of the deficit reduction plan, since it does not contribute to the debt.

Romney’s answer was that “Corporations are people too my friend.” What does one thing have to do with the other? I don’t know, but Romney seems to think there’s a reason to remind the crowed about the court’s decision.

The crowd is heard laughing at his nonsense!

Barack Obama Iowa marriage Politics Republican Rick Santorum United States

Michele Bachmann’s Expertise Is Slavery… Apparently!

We all remember Bachmann’s recent signing of a pledge which claimed that children born under slavery were better off than those born after President Obama became President! Well, Steven Colbert picked up on another very interesting piece of info about her and Rick Santorum – the other Republican Presidential candidate who immediately signed the document.

For Santorum, Colbert explains that he signed the pledge, even after being “taken aback” by the strong language it contained. Colbert’s re-enactment of Santorum reading the pledge is right on the mark.

And for Bachmann, Colbert picks on the many instances where she saw the need to equate something to slavery, you know, where her expertise lies…

Iowa Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Tim Pawlenty Beats Up On Michele Bachmann…Side-steps Question About Romeny

One of the characteristics that describe Republican 2012 Presidential contender Tim Pawlenty among his fellow Republicans is timid. Some would even call him soft, so it was no surprise when he was given the chance today on Meet The Press to criticize his fellow Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, Pawlenty again side-stepped the question. But when the question turned to Michele Bachmann, Pawlenty didn’t bite his tongue, stating that the female Republican contender don’t have a record to stand on.

When host, David Gregory asked Pawlenty about Mitt Romney’s health care policies, the question was a straight forward one. “Are you saying he [Romney] cannot be the nominee, unelectable as, as the nominee of the party, because of his position on health care?”

Question: Can Romney be the Republican nominee? Is Romney unelectable? The answer should have been simple – yes he can be the nominee, or no, he cannot!

Instead, the softness of Pawlenty went on full display.

GOV. PAWLENTY: I think if you’re going to prosecute the political case against President Obama and one of the top three or four issues is going to be the direction of the country in health care, it’s going to be very difficult for our nominee to be one of the co-conspirators or co- designers of that.

MR. GREGORY: I know that’s the argument. I’m asking you what your conclusion is.

GOV. PAWLENTY: It’s going to be very difficult for him to be successful with that on his record.

MR. GREGORY: In other words, he can’t be the nominee if he’s got this background?

GOV. PAWLENTY: I think as we — it’s going to be difficult for him to beat the president with that on his record. And, you know, his record is beyond just health care. It’s also a question of how did he do on judicial appointments? Where did we stand on bail outs? So all of us are going to have to account for our record. I’ve got a record. Governor Romney’s got a record. All the other candidates have record. I’ve got the best conservative record in the race.

The question was left unanswered.

Then the question turned to the only female in the race so far, Michele Bachmann. Pawlenty was asked what he thought about Bachmann’s candidacy and to distinguish himself from Mrs. Bachmann. Another simple question and amazingly, Pawlenty had a simple answer.

 “I like Congresswoman Bachmann, I’ve campaigned for her, I respect her,” said Pawlenty on the program. “But her record of accomplishment in Congress is nonexistent. It’s nonexistent. And so we’re not looking for folks who, you know, just have speech capabilities, we’re looking for people who can lead a large enterprise in a public setting and drive it to conclusion. I’ve done that, she hasn’t.”

Although I agree with Pawlenty and the facts back up his statement that Michele Bachmann have no accomplishments in Congress, one can only wonder why when the question is asked about a male he chooses not to participate in pointing out that opponent’s deficiencies. But ask about his female opponent, and Pawlenty suddenly had a lot to say.

I actually looked up the meaning of “soft” in the dictionary, and no, Pawlenty’s picture was not there, but it’s still early. Give it some time…!

Iowa Politics Republican Sarah Palin South Carolina

Sarah Palin Quits Again – We’re Not Surprised

The Quitter from Alaska has struck again. This time, Sarah Palin has walked out on her “One Nation” bus tour, leaving her most trusted aides scratching their heads and wondering “what’s next?”. The conservative website, RealClearPolitics is reporting that the ex-governor – who also quit that position half way through her first term – left the bus tour before it rolled into Iowa and South Carolina, as was previously planned.

Though Palin and her staff never announced a timeline for the remaining legs of her trip, aides had drafted preliminary itineraries that would have taken her through the Midwest and Southeast at some point this month. But those travel blueprints are now in limbo, RCP has learned, as Palin and her family have reverted to the friendly confines of summertime Alaska, where the skies are currently alight for over 19 hours a day and the Bristol Bay salmon fishing season is nearing its peak.

You know what I always say… “Once a quitter, always a quitter!” Well…I don’t always say that, and I changed some of the words around, but you catch my drift.

Elections Iowa Newt Gingrich Politics Republican South Carolina United States

Gingrich Campaign Falling Apart

This is a big LOL! moment. The Huffington Post is reporting that Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has a major problem – his campaign staffers are heading for the door in droves.

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich’s campaign manager, senior strategists and key aides in early delegate-selection states all resigned on Thursday, a mass exodus that leaves his hopes of winning the Republican nomination in tatters.

Rick Tyler, Gingrich’s spokesman, said he, campaign manager Rob Johnson and senior strategists had resigned, along with aides in the early primary and caucus states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Other officials said Gingrich was informed that his entire high command was quitting in a meeting earlier in the day. They cited differences over the direction of the campaign but were not more specific.

Maybe they all saw something shiny on the outside and decided to go investigate. How easily they get distracted.

Gingrich said he is determined to continue his campaign. At this rate, he may be doing it all by himself.

Featured Iowa Newt Gingrich Republican United States

Republican Newt Gingrich Give $150,000 To Hate Group

The Associated Press reported this week that Newt Gingrich – the morality standard of the Republican party who broke the news to his first wife that he was leaving her for another woman while she lay in a hospital bed recovering from an illness- funneled $125,000 dollars to an organization classified as a hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center.

The group called American Family Association – whose director Bryan Fischer, has demonstrated a documented bias against gays, lesbians and American Indians – used the funds to successfully oust three supreme court judges in Iowa in the 2010 elections. The supreme court judges had previously voted to legalize same-sex marriage in Iowa.

Reporting from Southern Poverty Law Center:

The story of Gingrich’s below-the-radar assistance to Iowa for Freedom started to dribble out on March 3, when The Los Angeles Times reported that Gingrich helped the organization get its start, offering strategic advice and arranging a $200,000 gift from an anonymous donor. The remaining $150,000, the AP reported, was raised in the form of donations to Renewing American Leadership (ReAL), a nonprofit group Gingrich founded that promotes his books, TV appearances, and films. It was ReAL Action, an arm of ReAL, that reportedly gave $125,000 of that $150,000 to AFA Action, the political wing of AFA. The final $25,000 was given by ReAL Action to Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition. Both AFA Action and Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition then supported Iowa for Freedom’s efforts, the AP said

Newt is just keeping in line with what seems to be the accepted behavior of today’s Republican party. More to come…

Read the rest of the report here.

Christian Featured Iowa Steve King United States

Republican Steve King – The Lying Christian

As an elected congressman or woman for that matter,  one of your primary responsibilities to the people who vote you into power is to be honest.  However,  Republican congressman Steve King from Iowa went on “The Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell and claimed that he lies to his constituents to keep the peace.

Only in America can a congressman come on television, say he’s a Christian, profess to know the truth about an issue, then deliberately withholds this truth from his constituents for fear of pissing them off! The issue in this case is whether or not President Obama is a Christian or Muslim.

Ladies and gentlemen,  please allow us to introduce to you the Lying, Christian, Republican Congressman from Iowa, Mr. Steve King.


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