Politics Republican

Ben Stein Schools Rick Perry on Basic Economics

Recently, Rick Perry made a statement accusing the Federal Reserve of treason if the chairman Ben Bernanke “prints” more money before the next election. In Perry’s own words,  “If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I dunno what y’all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treasonous in my opinion.”

Well, Perry has come under tremendous scrutiny, since he is one of the leading contenders for the Republican nomination. The obvious criticism is not his use of the word “dunno,” and the unpleasant George Bush flashbacks that word conjures up, but the accusation of treason and his apparent lack of knowledge on how economics really works.

So, Ben Stein, another conservative Republican who is known for his economic commentary, felt the need to explain a few things to Rick Perry. Ben wrote;

This economy is stuck in a cruelly slow recovery from a recession that started on Bush 43’s watch. Mr. Obama, a likeable man, is trying to get the economy going again. Mr. Bernanke, who has made many mistakes at the Fed, is also trying desperate measures to get the economy moving again.

One of the measures the Fed is using is to increase the money supply or what Gov. Perry would call “printing money.”

Typically this is a helpful move, although not lately. It’s not a radical move. It’s not anywhere near a “treasonous” move.

It is not at all clear that in an economy as weak as ours that creating more money would cause inflation.

The idea is to make money cheaper so businesses will borrow and then invest.

That’s simple enough. Make money cheaper, that way business will borrow more to invest, which leads to more hiring, and more purchases made by workers collecting a paycheck, thus, the economy gets moving again.

Or maybe Rick Perry already knew that having the Feds print more money could be beneficial to the economy, and his intention is not to get the economy moving again before the next election, in which case, quite frankly, would be treasonous move on his part.

Politics Republican

Jon Huntsman Does Not Trust His Fellow Republican Opponents

Jon Huntsman, the only semi sane member of the group of misfits vying for the Republican presidential nomination, recorded an interview on ABC This Week Sunday, in which he tried to separate himself from the GOP heard.

Huntsman was asked a series of questions about the political positions some of his fellow Republican presidential contenders have taken recently. Among some of the questions ABC’s host Jake Tapper asked, was one about Rick Perry and his views on evolution, to which Huntsman cautioned that the Republican party must be careful of the far right views they have adopted. He claims, ” I think there’s a serious problem.  The minute that the Republican Party becomes the party – the anti-science party, we have a huge problem.  We lose a whole lot of people who would otherwise allow us to win the election in 2012.”

But it was the question about Michele Bachmann and her position on the economy, especially her recent stance on not wanting to raise the debt ceiling that got Huntsman putting his distrust of his fellow Republicans on the record.

Question from ABC’s Jake Tapper;

You were one of the only, if not the only Republican candidate, to support the deal to raise the debt ceiling.  You called Congresswoman Bachmann’s position a, quote, “crash and burn” approach. Would you trust a President Bachmann to do the right thing with the economy?

Jon Huntsman, the Presidential contender for the Republican nomination answered;

Well, I wouldn’t necessarily trust any of my opponents right now, who were on a recent debate stage with me, when every single one of them would have allowed this country to default. You can imagine, even given the uncertainty of the marketplace the last several days and even the last couple of weeks, if we had defaulted the first time in the history of the greatest country that ever was, being 25 percent of the world’s GDP and having the largest financial services sector in this world by a long shot, if we had defaulted, Jake, this marketplace would be in absolute turmoil. And people who are already losing enough as it is on their 401(k)s and retirement programs and home valuations, it would have been catastrophic.

Read the rest of ABC’s report here.

George Bush Politics Texas United States

Texas Apologizes To America For Bush And Perry

Well it’s about time.

We have been waiting for this apology since Bush first announced his intentions to run for President. And here we are, 10 years later, with an economy in the ditch because Bush took us into two unpaid wars, instituted trillions in tax cuts for the rich, an exploded deficit and spent hundreds of billions in the dumb medicare part D program. And now, another Texan has decided to follow in Bush’s footsteps.

I guess this apology is better late than never!

Politics Republican Texas unemployment rate United States

Unemployment Claims In Texas Debunked – The Chart

A dose of reality for Rick Perry’s Texas in reference to unemployment. Kevin Drum posts this chart at Mother Jones, and it shows the present unemployment rate of Texas, as it relates to the unemployment rate of the 11 states immediately surrounding Texas. Drum points out that Texas only beat 4 states, while the other 7 have better employment rates.

Seems Rick Perry’s policies aren’t so special after all!

Politics Protest

Perry Stuffed His Mouth With Food To Avoid Answering Questions

Image via Wikipedia

Not even a week after formally announcing his intentions to run for President of the United States, Rick Perry is already getting his share of protesters, and questions about Social Security caught Perry so off guard, that he stuffed his mouth with food to avoid answering.

Twenty four hours after arriving in New Hampshire, Perry and his group went to grab a bite to eat. Outside, a group of seniors from the New Hampshire Alliance For Retired Americans gathered on the sidewalk outside the Popovers on the Square restaurant, holding signs with slogans like “Another Texas idiot for sale,”

ABC reports what happened next:

As the presidential candidate from Texas walked into a local restaurant, Popovers on the Square, he was forced to shake hands with voters amid shouts of “Hands off Social Security and Medicare!” and “You’re a threat to America” from the anti-Perry forces who gathered just a few feet away from him. It was the first organized protest of this kind since Perry arrived in the Granite State.

Inside the café, Gail Mitchell and a companion grilled him: “You said Social Security was unconstitutional.”

“Social Security’s going to be there for those folks,” Perry answered his inquisitors, making reference to the elderly.

“But you said Social Security is unconstitutional,” Mitchell repeated.

“I don’t think I — I’m sorry, you must have,” Perry said before stopping himself.

Instead of elaborating, Perry stuffed a generous piece of popover in his mouth. (Perry called them “pop ups.”)

“I’ve got a big mouthful,” Perry said and then ordering a glass of water. He later tripped over one of the women standing at his side pressing him on Social Security.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Perry said to her.

It’s only the beginning Perry, hope you stocked up on the popovers!

Politics Texas

Rich Donors To Rick Perry Get Extra, Extra Special Treatment

Large donors to the Rick Perry campaign for governor of Texas are beginning to reap the benefits of their donations, or more appropriately, investments. Reports have shown that numerous individuals and couples who’ve invested in Perry, are getting multi-million dollar contracts and subsidies from the state of Texas, and some even get jobs in the Perry administration.

The LA Times reports that over the last 10 years, Rick Perry received $37 million from just 150 people, and of these “donors,” nearly half have received “hefty business contracts, tax breaks or appointments under Perry, according to a Los Angeles Times analysis.” The Times investigation found “donors” like billionaire Harald Simmons, who invested $1.2 million dollars in Perry. Simmons was rewarded with “permission to build a low-level radioactive waste disposal site in Texas, a project that promises to generate hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Other Investors:

Auto magnate B.J. “Red” McCombs, who contributed nearly $400,000 to the governor, is the primary financial backer for a Formula One racetrack to be built near Austin. The state has pledged $25 million a year in subsidies to support the project.

The Houston-based engineering firm of James Dannenbaum, who gave more than $320,000 to Perry, received multiple transportation contracts from the state. In 2007, Perry appointed Dannenbaum to a coveted post on the University of Texas’ board of regents.

A Mississippi-based poultry company run by Joe Sanderson, who gave $165,000 to Perry, received a $500,000 grant from a state business incentive fund championed by Perry to open a chicken hatchery and processing plant in Waco.

With its mix of big-money industries like oil and campaign finance rules that allow unlimited political donations, Texas has a reputation for monied campaigns. And its elected officials have long sought to elevate their political patrons.

Cal Jillson, a professor of political science at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, said donors had benefited more under Perry’s administration than they did under recent governors such as Democrat Ann Richards and Republican George W. Bush, Perry’s predecessor.

Now, Rick Perry is trying to take his investment company called the Rick Perry Presidential Campaign, nationwide, but in order for him to succeed, he must come to the little people to get their votes. Vote for Perry, the millionaires and billionaires need more hand-outs!

Politics Texas

Rick Perry Admits To Making A Major “Mistake” in Texas

Rick Perry wants to be president of the United States, and in order for that to happen, he must not only gain the votes of independents, but also the votes of the Religious conservative base. That’s why last Saturday Perry led a “Prayer Session”, pandering to this sect. Turns out though, that there was more pandering needed to win over the this group, so admitting that he made a major mistake in Texas, was as good a place as any to start.

The mistake Perry is now regretting, was a mandate he set up in 2007, requiring all sixth grade girls in Texas to get the HPV vaccine. HPV –  Human Papillomavirus – is the cause of, among other things, cervical cancer. Although this decision to have girls be vaccinated seemed like a good idea, conservatives have been getting down on Perry for making this decision. They claim this mandate is “too much government involvement.” At the time of his decision, Perry explained it this way;

“I understand some of the concern some of my good friends have about requiring this vaccine, which is why parents can opt out if they so choose. But I refuse to look a young woman in the eye 10 years from now who suffers from this form of cancer and tell her we could have stopped it, but we didn’t.”

“Others may focus on the cause of this cancer, but I am going to stay focused on the cure. And if I err, I’m going to err on the side of protecting life.”

That was his decision in 2007. The issue even followed him up to the 2010 Texas election, when his Republican primary rival Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, said this in an interview;

“[Perry] mandates 12-year-old girls to be vaccinated with an executive order for heaven’s sakes. “Didn’t even ask; didn’t even ask for an expert opinion; didn’t even ask the legislature for their approval. That is dictatorial.”

Now, realizing he’s on the national stage, Perry feels the need to flip-flop and explained his decision as “a mistake.” This is his new position, as he explained Saturday in New Hampshire;

“The fact of the matter is, I didn’t do my research well enough to understand that we needed to have a substantial conversation with our citizenry.”

It should also be noted that the drug Perry was mandating for the HPV vaccine, was made by Merck. Perry’s former chief of staff was a top lobbyist in Texas for Merck.

Call him a flip-flopper, call him a panderer. Just don’t call him a man of conviction.

Politics Republican Texas

Rick Perry’s Texas Has A $25 Billion Budget Shortfall

So far, so good. Rick Perry just announced his intention to run for the Republican nomination for President in 2012, so the main stream media is falling all over him, praising his “job creation skills” in Texas, his “rigid good looks,” his “Texas slang,” the ease at which he collects massive donations, and his “Bush mannerisms.”

And although these “traits” in themselves may be considered a plus by some, they have no bearings on his actual governing and presidential capabilities. Take for example this story that is, so far, ignored by the media; Rick Perry’s Texas has a projected budget shortfall of over $25 billion over the next two years.

This month the state’s part-time legislature goes back into session, and the state is starting at potentially a $25 billion deficit on a two-year budget of around $95 billion. That’s enormous. And there’s not much fat to cut. The whole budget is basically education and healthcare spending. Cutting everything else wouldn’t do the trick. And though raising this kind of money would be easy on an economy of $1.2 trillion, the new GOP mega-majority in Congress is firmly against raising any revenue.

So the bi-ennial legislature, which convenes this month, faces some hard cuts. Some in the Texas GDP have advocated dropping Medicaid altogether to save money.

Yep. Cutting education and dropping medicaid to save money… that’s the Republican way!

Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Michele Bachmann Wins Ames Straw Poll

The Ames Straw poll is not really important as far as the big picture of running for President is concerened, but Conservatives put a lot of emphasis on the event. Republican presidential candidates spent millions trying to influence a majority of Iowans who attended the carnival-like event.

This year, Tim Pawlenty effectively said that if he didn’t get a decent position in the poll, he will have to reconsider his candidacy for president. Well, the straw poll went public a short while ago, and Pawlenty came in 3rd with 2,293 votes. Second was Ron Paul with 4671 votes and Michele Bachmann came in 1st with 4,823 votes.

Even Rick Perry, who announced his candidacy for the Presidency earlier today, received some votes in the straw poll. Perry, although his name was not on the ballot, came in 6th with 718 votes. Mitt Romney, whose name was on the ballot, was beaten by Perry. Romney came in 7th, with 567 votes.

Rick Santorum came in 4th behind Tim Pawlenty, and rounding out the top 5 was Herman Cain.

Conservatives look to the winner of the straw poll as a good indication of who they should donate to, so candidates placing in the first 2 or 3 spots are usually in a good position to get more contributions. All eyes now look towards Rick Santorum and Herman Cain, and the expectation is that one or both these campaigns would be coming to an end.

Although Mitt Romney came in 7th, his campaign is expected to continue. Romney is leading in the general polls among Republicans.

An afterthought: expect Newt Gingrich to fall by the wayside soon.

New York Politics

Circus Clown Rick Perry Does His Juggling Act On Gay Marriage

It is so confusing working in a circus. For Texas governor, and possibly another Republican savior for the 2012 Presidential election, Rick Perry keeps dropping the balls as he juggles his statements. Today, he says one thing, tomorrow, it’s a different story.

Forgetting his previous statement that he agreed with New York’s decision to allow gay marriages, Mr. Perry suddenly remembered that he may run for president, and would need the votes of the Christian Conservatives. In his interview with Family Research Council’s president, Perry did try to juggle, but he just couldn’t keep all his balls up in the air:

After initially telling reporters that it’s “fine with me” if states like New York legalize same-sex unions through their own legislature, Perry is pulling a 180 and calling for a Federal Marriage Amendment…

“I probably needed to add a few words after that ‘it’s fine with me’ and that it’s fine with me that a state is using their sovereign rights to decide an issue,” he said. “Obviously gay marriage is not fine with me. My stance hasn’t changed.”

Perry said he supported changing the Constitution in order to ban gay marriage, a position that he characterized as supportive of states’ rights even as it would overrule New York’s own decision on the matter.

These people will say and do anything to get a potential vote, but once in office, their Corporate masters dictate the policies.

Abortion Featured Republican Texas

The Republican War Against Women Continues in Texas

A Law requiring doctors to take a sonogram of a fetus before performing an abortion, goes into effect as soon as Republican Governor Rick Perry of Texas signs the bill. It passed both the Texas House and Senate, and promise to be one of the most anti-abortion measures yet.

The framer of the bill – a man who could never understand the pain and reasoning behind the decision to have an abortion – Republican Representative Sid Miller from Stephenville, admits to the far-reaching intent of the bill, telling reporters; “this will be one of the strongest pieces of sonogram legislation in the nation.” He also predicted that the bill would “save numerous unborn lives.”

According to reporting from the New York Times;

“The bill requires a doctor to conduct a sonogram at least 24 hours before an abortion and to give the woman the opportunity to see the results and hear the heartbeat of the fetus. Though the woman can choose not to view the images and hear the heartbeat, the doctor must describe what the sonogram shows, including the existence of legs, arms and internal organs.”

Opponents of the bill say that this is just another attempt by “get-the-government-out-of-our-lives” Republicans to control the most intimate and personal decision an individual may make.

Other states have already begun or passed similar measures. A recent count reveals that since Republicans took over the House of Representatives in January, Republican controlled states all over this country have engaged on an all out assault against women, bringing some 916 bills against a women’s reproductive rights.

The promise by John Boehner, the Republican House Speaker to make “jobs jobs jobs” their number one priority has fallen on deaf ears, as the conservative ideology of “small government” apparently does not include their control over a woman’s right to choose.

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