Featured Indiana shooting

Indiana Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill More Kids At Another Elementary School

CEDAR LAKE, Ind. — A northern Indiana man who allegedly threatened to “kill as many people as he could” at an elementary school near his home was arrested by officers who later found 47 guns and ammunition hidden throughout his home.

Von. I. Meyer, 60, of Cedar Lake, was arrested Saturday after prosecutors filed formal charges of felony intimidation, domestic battery and resisting law enforcement against him. He was being held Sunday without bond at the Lake County Jail, pending an initial hearing on the charges, police said in a statement.

Cedar Lake Police officers were called to Meyer’s home early Friday after he allegedly threatened to set his wife on fire once she fell asleep, the statement said.

Meyer also threatened to enter nearby Jane Ball Elementary School “and kill as many people as he could before police could stop him,” the statement said. Meyer’s home is less than 1,000 feet from the school and linked to it by trails and paths through a wooded area, police said.

Police said in the statement that they notified school officials and boosted security at all area schools Friday – the same day 26 people, including 20 students, were shot and killed at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.

h/t Huffington Post

Featured sandyhook shooting

Gone Too Soon – Names And Pictures of Connecticut Shooting Victims Revealed

They went to school that fateful day, but they never returned home. The names and pictures of the victims in the Newtown Elementary school shooting can be seen below – 20 children, 6 adults. A seventh adult identified as the shooter’s mother was also discovered at the shooter’s home.

The pictures of the children released to far are;



                                      Caroline Provide – 6 years old

The names and pictures of the adults revealed so far are;



The shooter and his first victim, his mother.

Politics sandy hook shooting weekly address

President’s Weekly Address – Coming Together After The Tragedy In Connecticut

In this week’s presidential address, President Obama spoke about the tragedy in Newtown Connecticut and insist that politicians and the nation must come together to take “meaningful action to prevent more tragedies” in the future.

We have endured far too many of these tragedies in the last few years. An elementary school in Newtown. A shopping mall in Oregon. A house of worship in Wisconsin. A movie theater in Colorado. Countless street corners in places like Chicago and Philadelphia.

Any of these neighborhoods could be our own. So we have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this. Regardless of the politics.

gun Politics shooting

House Democratic Prepared To ‘Embarrass’ President Obama If No Gun Legislation Is Proposed

House Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) told POLITICO Friday that if President Obama fails to act on gun control in the wake of the tragic shootings in Connecticut, she would have no problem “embarrassing everybody” in the administration into action.

McCarthy said before the election, she had spoken with White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew about the issue and told him, “Jack, I know the president is going through an election and I’m telling you after the election I’m coming out full force.” According to McCarthy, after the Connecticut incident, “the gloves are off” and she plans to do “everything” she possibly can to strengthen our gun control laws.

McCarthy’s plans include a campaign to pressure the White House into instituting an assault weapons ban. She acknowledged that the president might have his hands full immediately after the tragedy, but made clear that she expects a swift plan of action: “I want to talk to the White House. I know that they can’t give me an answer tonight, but I want to know what they’re going to do. I need to know what they’re going to do.”

The death of her husband and son in a mass shooting in 1993 was the impetus for McCarthy to join Congress fifteen years ago.

h/t Mediaite

Featured sandy hook elementary school shooting

President Obama’s Remarks On The Shooting In Newtown Connecticut


This afternoon I spoke with Governor Malloy and FBI Director Mueller. I offered Governor Malloy my condolences on behalf of the nation and made it clear he will have every single resource that he needs to investigate this heinous crime, care for the victims, counsel (for ?) their families.

We’ve endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years, and each time I learn the news, I react the not as a president but as anybody would, as a parent. And that was especially true today. I know there’s not a parent in America who doesn’t feel the same overwhelming grief that I do.

The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. (Pause.) They had their entire lives ahead of them — birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. (Pause.)

Among the fallen were also teachers, men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams.

So our hearts are broken today — for the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers of these little children, and for the families of the adults who were lost.

Our hearts are broken for the parents of the survivors as well, for, as blessed as they are to have their children home tonight, they know that their children’s innocence has been torn away from them too early, and there are no words that will ease their pain.

As a country, we have been through this too many times, whether it’s an elementary school in Newtown or a shopping mall in Oregon or a temple in Wisconsin or a movie theater in Aurora or a street corner in Chicago. These neighborhoods are our neighborhoods, and these children are our children, and we’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.

This evening, Michelle and I will do what I know every parent in America will do, which is hug our children a little tighter, and we’ll tell them that we love them, and we’ll remind each other how deeply we love one another. But there are families in Connecticut who cannot do that tonight, and they need all of us right now.

In the hard days to come, that community needs us to be at our best as Americans, and I will do everything in my power as president to help, because while nothing can fill the space of a lost child or a loved one, all of us can extend a hand to those in need to remind them that we are there for them, that we are praying for them, that the love they felt for those they lost endures not just in their memories but also in ours.

May God bless the memory of the victims and, in the words of Scripture, heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds.

Featured shooting

Conservative Preacher Says “Liberals To Blame for Aurora Shooting”

This is apparently how you win over souls for Christ. You go on your network and without any logical explanation, you condemn an entire group of people.

This is nothing new for Fischer. Why is he even considered a “Preacher” is beyond me. With Religious leaders like this, it’s only natural for the right-winged to be so misguided.

This one will be filed under Insanity!

Politics shooting

President Obama: “We Must Now Come Together As One American Family”

10:44 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Well, let me, first of all, say how grateful I am for all of you being here, and how much we appreciate everything that you’ve done. I know that there are a lot of people here who have been so engaged in the campaign, have sacrificed so much, people who’ve been involved back since 2007. (Applause.) And so I want all of you to know how appreciative I am.

And I know many of you came here today for a campaign event. I was looking forward to having a fun conversation with you about some really important matters that we face as a country and the differences between myself and my opponent in this election. But this morning, we woke up to news of a tragedy that reminds us of all the ways that we are united as one American family.

By now, many of you know, many of you have heard that a few miles outside of Denver in a town call Aurora, at least 12 people were killed when a gunman opened fire in a movie theater, and dozens more are being treated for injuries at a local hospital. Some of the victims are being treated at a children’s hospital.

We’re still gathering all the facts about what happened in Aurora, but what we do know is that the police have one suspect in custody. And the federal government stands ready to do whatever is necessary to bring whoever is responsible for this heinous crime to justice. (Applause.) And we will take every step possible to ensure the safety of all of our people.

We’re going to stand by our neighbors in Colorado during this extraordinarily difficult time. And I had a chance to speak with the Mayor of Aurora as well as the Governor of Colorado to express, not just on behalf of Michelle and myself, but the entire American family, how heartbroken we are.

Now, even as we learn how this happened and who’s responsible, we may never understand what leads anybody to terrorize their fellow human beings like this. Such violence, such evil is senseless. It’s beyond reason. But while we will never know fully what causes somebody to take the life of another, we do know what makes life worth living. The people we lost in Aurora loved and they were loved. They were mothers and fathers; they were husbands and wives; sisters and brothers; sons and daughters, friends and neighbors. They had hopes for the future and they had dreams that were not yet fulfilled.

And if there’s anything to take away from this tragedy it’s the reminder that life is very fragile. Our time here is limited and it is precious. And what matters at the end of the day is not the small things, it’s not the trivial things, which so often consume us and our daily lives. Ultimately, it’s how we choose to treat one another and how we love one another. (Applause.)

It’s what we do on a daily basis to give our lives meaning and to give our lives purpose. That’s what matters. At the end of the day, what we’ll remember will be those we loved and what we did for others. That’s why we’re here.

I’m sure that many of you who are parents here had the same reaction that I did when I heard this news. My daughters go to the movies. What if Malia and Sasha had been at the theater, as so many of our kids do every day? Michelle and I will be fortunate enough to hug our girls a little tighter tonight, and I’m sure you will do the same with your children. But for those parents who may not be so lucky, we have to embrace them and let them know we will be there for them as a nation.

So, again, I am so grateful that all of you are here. I am so moved by your support. But there are going to be other days for politics. This, I think, is a day for prayer and reflection.

So what I’d ask everybody to do, I’d like us to pause in a moment of silence for the victims of this terrible tragedy, for the people who knew them and loved them, for those who are still struggling to recover, and for all the victims of less publicized acts of violence that plague our communities every single day. So if everybody can just take a moment.

(Moment of silence.)

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. I hope all of you will keep the people of Aurora in your hearts and minds today. May the Lord bring them comfort and healing in hard days to come.

I am grateful to all of you, and I hope that as a consequence of today’s events, as you leave here, you spend a little time thinking about the incredible blessings that God has given us.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: We love you, Obama! (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, everybody. God bless you. God bless the United States of America.

Barack Obama Birthers Birthers Republican Party (United States) presidential candidates 2008 shooting United States

President Clinton – Birthers Shooting Themselves In The Foot

President Bill Clinton, one of the 43 previous men who carried the banner of President of the United States, who was never accused of being born anywhere else other than the US during his tenure, expressed his displeasure of criticism, by some, of the 44th man to carry the torch – President Barack Obama. One criticism that Mr. Clinton referred to, was the suggestion that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya. Mr. Clinton calls this “ludicrous.”

“If I were them, I’d be really careful riding that birther horse too much. Everyone knows it’s ludicrous.”

Appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America, the ex President then suggests to Bianna Golodgrya the reason why President Obama is not giving in to the wishes of the Birthers, by putting out a version of his birth certificate to satisfy their needs, instead of the version his native Hawaii government allows:

“I think one of the elementary rules of combat is you don’t want to get in your opponent’s way if he’s shooting himself in the foot.”

Featured Illegal immigration Immigration Immigration Reform Republican shooting

Republican Congressman Suggests Shooting Illegal Immigrants

This is not your grandparent’s Republican party. This batch is of a whole new breed. We have documented time and time again, the unbelievable attempts by the Republican Party to totally eliminate anyone whose priorities do not match theirs – whether it be Latinos, Muslims, women, Jews, Blacks, Gays or any other minority group. But never before have we seen a Republican congressman suggest shooting illegal immigrants from a helicopter.

His name is Virgil Peck, a Republican representative in Kansas. While debating funding for a bill that allows for shooting feral hogs from a helicopter as a way to control the hog population, Mr. Peck couldn’t help suggesting the use of this method to control the illegal immigration problem, saying;

It looks to me if shooting these immigrating feral Hogs works, maybe we have found a solution to our illegal immigration problem.

With pressure from his fellow Republicans to apologize, Peck issued the following statement;

My statements yesterday were regrettable. Please accept my apology.

How do these people get elected!? A United States Republican congressman publicly advocating shooting people?

Yea, this is definitely not your grandpa’s GOP!

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Featured God Religion shooting Westboro Baptist Church

Church Says “Thank God For The Shooter” In Arizona

You can’t get much lower than this, no matter how  you try. This statement from a “church” in Kansas gives the word “vile” a new  meaning.

Following the shooting in Tucson, Arizona 10 days ago, where 6 people died including a Federal judge and a 9 year old girl, the Westboro Baptiste Church in Topeka, Kansas placed a flier on its website stating, “THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER,” then went on to say that they will “picket their funerals,” referring to the six victims killed by the gunman, Jarad Laughner.

The group, who also picketed the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, wife of former presidential candidate, John Edwards, did not hold back their hate and extreme disgust for those killed in the shooting. The flier went on to say;

“Your federal judge is dead and your (fag-promoting, baby-killing, proud-sinner) Congresswoman fights for her life. God is avenging Himself on this rebellious house! 

Westboro Baptiste Church (WBC) continued, saying that a federal judge in Baltimore put the church on trial, and that congress “passed three laws against the WBC,” and that this was the  reason for the shooting. It was vengance. The flier states, “God sent the shooter to shoot you! And He’s sitting in Heaven laughing at you!”

When President Obama called for civility in his memorial speech after the shootings, this so-called “church”  turned a deaf ear to the message. They instead chose hate;

“WBC prays for your destruction–more shooters, more dead carcasses piling up, young, old, leader and commoner–all. Your doom is upon you!”

Below is the flier as it appears on their website.

Arizona MSNBC Politics Sarah Palin shooting twitter

For Sarah Palin, It’s Too Little, Too Late

In an effort to distance themselves from the shootings yesterday in Arizona, where 6 people were innocently killed including a Federal Judge and a nine year old girl, Sarah Palin and her followers have begun a campaign to suggest that all the coincidences surrounding the incident were just that… coincidences.

The we-had-nothing-to-do-with-it campaign began shortly after the shooting. The webmasters of Sarah Palin’s website immediately removed the picture showing the crosshairs over Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords district in Arizona. A feeble attempt, as with today’s technology, archives of the site were already made showing the now forsaken image.

The pitiful campaign is also being waged on Twitter by an employee of Palin’s. Her name is Rebecca Mansour. Mrs Mansour has taken it upon herself to use her Twitter account to defend her boss against all accusations that the crosshairs gesture was  connected to the shooting.  She also appeared on a radio interview to defend Palin’s website and to tell everyone how wrong it was to make the association.

And then there’s Mrs Palin herself. Shortly after the shooting, she offered her “condolences” to the victims, saying;

My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today’s tragic shooting in Arizona.

On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice.

In one of her previous tweets after listing the Congresswoman’s district under the crosshairs, Palin advised her supporters to “RELOAD.” Her actual tweet read;

“Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: ‘Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD!’ Pls see my Facebook page.”

What Palin, her staff, and her devoted followers don’t want to acknowledge is that when you’re a renown, followed public figure who  negligently uses riotous words and actions to blatantly and willfully arouse the fearful, hateful emotions of your listeners, such as exhibiting crosshairs  over congressional districts on your website suggesting that your opponents be ‘taken out’,  then its to be expected that when a congresswoman  (and excuse my crudeness here) gets shot in the head…then connections will be made.

And this connection was made by none other than the victim herself, when she was interviewed on MSNBC almost a year ago. Asked about whether the political leaders of both parties should condemn the growing divide in this nation, Mrs. Giffords specified that it’s not only the responsibilities of political leaders to tone down the violence. She named Sarah Palin and expressed her concerned about being targeted by Mrs. Palin’s crosshairs depiction. In an eerie conclusion, Mrs Giffords warned Sarah Palin that “words have consequences!”

No one is saying Sarah Palin caused the shooting in Arizona.  But saying that she contributed to the vile political divide in this country is a huge understatement. We will always have  disagreements as a people, but we have to continue to use democratic ways to move on, while respecting our various differences.

Palin’s antics proved that manufacturing lies to maintain fake non-issues, is a profitable way to exist. She is not about solutions, for solutions will mean that  her antics are no longer needed, thus no paycheck. For  Palin and and her fellow commentator associates, saying or doing anything is warranted only if its about  maintaining the cash. As they deposit their checks however, the words of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords should ring in their ears, – “words have consequences!”

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