Mitt Romney Politics

Lying Joe Isuzu Merges Into Lying Mitt Romney, Or Is Lying Mitt Romney Merging Into Lying Joe Isuzu?

Joe Isuzu. Remember him? He was the “car salesman” for Isuzu cars in the 1980’s. Joe was known for making promises about Isuzu cars that were… for lack of a better word… lies. In one of his commercials he promised viewers that if they bought one Isuzu, they would get another car for free. He also said things like, “this car is so cheap, you can buy one with pocket change.” He said that while holding up a quarter he pulled from his pocket.

Well birds of a feather flock together, and Joe has seen something in Mitt Romney that made him revert to his old lying ways. Joe has substituted the Isuzu car with Mitt Romney, and he is saying some things that he know are lies.

In the ad below, lying Joe Isuzu merges into lying Mitt Romney… or is it lying Mitt Romney merging into lying Joe Isuzu?

You decide.

China Chrysler Mitt Romney Politics

Even The CEO of Chrysler Calls Romney A Liar – “Jeep Assembly Will Remain In The U.S”

Romney first said it in one of his stump speeches, that because of President Obama jeep manufacturing was leaving Ohio, destroying jobs in the process, and relocating to China. He then doubled down on that message with an ad geared to the people of Ohio. Then, to cover all his basis, Mitt Romney is presently playing a radio ad in the state explaining that Jeep manufacturing is on its way to China.

The problem is Mitt Romney is lying, and it was pointed out to him after he said it in his original stump speech. Chrysler, the parent company of Jeep, told Romney that what he was saying was incorrect. Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne responded in a statement;

“I feel obliged to unambiguously restate our position: Jeep production will not be moved from the United States to China. Jeep assembly lines will remain in operation in the United States and will constitute the backbone of the brand. … It is inaccurate to suggest anything different.”

But of course, hearing the CEO of the company say you’re wrong means absolutely nothing to the Romney campaign  and the lie that Jeep is moving to China is still featured in his campaign speeches, on television and now on radio.

The Obama campaign is also pointing to this latest Romney lie by putting out an ad of their own. In the ad, Romney is referred to as “dishonest.” I’ll be a little more blunt and call it the way I see it. Romney is a liar!


Chris Christie – I Appreciate The Leadership From President Obama – Video

Republicans have manufactured all sorts of falsehoods to describe president Obama, from communist to socialist to having no leadership skills whatsoever. But when it comes down to reality, these same Republicans swallow their lies and admit the truth, that President Obama is an exceptional leader in good times and bad.

Republican governor Chris Christie just admitted that very point as hurricane Sandy roared over the skies of New Jersey. Christie, in one of his many press conferences today regarding Sandy explained a telephone conversation he had with the president. Christie admitted that Mr. Obama called and asked about FEMA, to which Christie said he had no complaints. President Obama advised Christie to call him directly if he had any problems or questions. Christie then said that those are the qualities he appreciates in a leader.

Sidenote: Mitt Romney thinks that it is “immoral” for the Federal Government to offer help to the victims of  natural disasters.

Mitt Romney Politics war

Mitt Romney – Who Needs Congress? My Lawyers Will Advise Me On Declaring War

The clip below features the cast of Republican candidates trying to get their party’s nomination to take on then candidate, Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential elections.

In the clip, moderator Chris Matthews asked Mitt Romney a question – who will you consult before sending our troops into war? This should have been easy one for Mitt. The Constitution already answered this question – Congress is the body of Government authorized to declare war. But when asked, Mitt Romney replied that his lawyers would make that decision.

This is not a joke people, this man could be the next president of the United States.

Mitt Romney Politics

Yes, Mitt Romney Called Federal Spending On Disaster Relief “Immoral”

As Hurricane Sandy makes her way toward the United States’ east coast, Governors in the path of the hurricane are declaring their states disaster areas. Even New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie said in a press conference today that he spoke with President Obama, and he is set to accept help from the Federal government as Sandy approaches his state.

But imagine if Mitt Romney was in charge. Huh? You can’t remember what Mitt Romney had to say about the government helping its citizens in the event of a natural disaster?

Well let me jog your memory.

Remember during the Republican primaries when Romney and his fellow Republicans were trying to out nut each other? A question was asked about government relief during times of natural disasters. Mitt Romney answered that question by saying that federal spending on disaster relief is “immoral.”

 We cannot — we cannot afford to do those things without jeopardizing the future for our kids. It is simply immoral, in my view, for us to continue to rack up larger and larger debts and pass them on to our kids, knowing full well that we’ll all be dead and gone before it’s paid off. It makes no sense at all.

Just what Americans need. A president who thinks it is “immoral” to provide help to Americans after a natural disaster.

Mitt Romney Politics

Could Be a Mitt Romney Record – Ad Tells 4 Lies in 30 Seconds

First, here’s the ad.

And here are the lies:

1. “Mitt Romney has a plan to help the auto industry.” No specific plan is referenced in the ad, and Romney’s campaign web site does not include a plan to “help the auto industry.” In 2008, Romney wrote a New York Times editorial titled, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt,” and he re-upped his call against the auto rescue during the Republican primaries this year.

2. “[Romney] is supported by Lee Iaccoca and the Detroit News.” Chrysler Chairman Lee Iaccoca has indeed endorsed Romney. The Detroit News, a self-described “conservative newspaper,” endorsed him last week. But in that endorsement, the paper slammed Romney’s “wrong-headedness on the auto bailout.”

3. “Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy.” Obama did take both companies into a managed bankruptcy, the path Romney says was originally his idea. Romney, however, supported private sector financing of the bankruptcy, a plan that was “pure fantasy” at the time since no private lenders could lend to the companies in the middle of the financial crisis. Without federal intervention, the companies would have almost assuredly collapsed, costing 1.3 million jobs, according to industry estimates.

4. “[Obama] sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China.” This week, Romney claimed he read a news story that said Chrysler was planning to “moving all production to China.” The Bloomberg News piece he referenced, though, made it clear that Fiat, the Italian company that now owns Chrysler, was opening new factories in China to make Jeeps for Chinese consumers. No American plants will be closed, and no American jobs will be lost. The ad’s claim may not be as false as Romney’s previous statement, but it is certainly misleading.

Mitt Romney Politics racist Republican

The Race Race

It doesn’t come as a complete surprise, but this article from Yahoo! News about racial attitudes is a shameful comment about our so-called post-racial attitudes. Turns out they aren’t very post-anything.

Antebellum would be more accurate.

From the article:

In all, 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes, compared with 48 percent in a similar 2008 survey. When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election. In both tests, the share of Americans expressing pro-black attitudes fell.

And there’s more. This week, Colin Powell officially endorsed Barack Obama for president with eloquence and reason. That, evidently, was not enough for former Bush Chief of Staff, New Hampshire Governor and present Romney staffer John Sununu. His take was that Powell endorsed Obama because he’s black. So is Powell.

In the small mind of a zealot, that makes sense. Not only is this offensive from a racial point-of-view, it is meant to reduce Colin Powell, a great military leader and public servant who actually enunciated a military doctrine that all presidents should honor, to someone who can’t think for himself and must endorse Obama for emotional reasons. He’s questioning Powell’s intelligence. Bad move.

The strategy of dividing the country by race has been a Republican staple since Richard Nixon used the Southern Strategy in his 1968 and 1972 campaigns. Ronald Reagan endorsed state’s rights very early in his 1980 campaign, and Sununu’s boss George H.W. Bush famously made Willie Horton the face of black males in 1988. Racism was muted, for the most part, in the election of 2008 (many Democrats feared a Bradley Effect where people say they’ll vote for a black candidate in a poll, but don’t vote for them in the actual election) as the economy and a near-Depression pushed it to the background. But racism is alive and well in 2012.

Fortunately, I believe, this might be the last national election where the Republican Party’s coalition of older southern and western white voters influences its policy choices. The country is changing demographically and the GOP had better nurture the few African-Americans in its ranks for 2014 and 2016 if it wants to remain competitive. I also expect Latinos like Marco Rubio to be the face of the party at the expense of Paul Ryan. Even young people might find a GOP message more reassuring if it wasn’t so anti-black, brown and gay.

Despite these attitudes, it does look like the United States is about to reelect its first African-American president, and that means something. Obama doesn’t betray a great deal of passion in his non-campaign face, but he desperately wants to win this election for symbolic and political reasons. A one-term presidency would embolden the racists to say that the US tried an African-American president and he failed. Two terms allows Obama to be an even more powerful symbol and leader, as he will now be president when the economy recovers, and the health care, Dodd-Frank and tax reform laws take hold.

In short, he will leave a legacy worthy of a great president.

For more, go to and on Twitter @rigrundfest

Politics Racists Republican

Top Republican Says “My Party Is Filled With Racists!” – Video

That was the response from Mitt Romney’s top adviser John Sununu, who criticized General Colin Powell‘s decision to endorse President Obama in the presidential election. Sununu insinuated that Colin Powell only endorsed the President because they’re both black.

“Frankly, when you take a look at Colin Powell, you have to wonder whether that’s an endorsement based on issues or whether he’s got a slightly different reason for preferring President Obama,” Sununu said in an interview on CNN. When asked to explain his statement, Sununu continued, “Well, I think when you have somebody of your own race that you’re proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him.”

On The Ed Show, the guest was Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, the Former Chief of Staff at the State Department for Colin Powell. Ed asked his guest to comment on what John Sununu said, and the Mr. Wilkerson’s response took me by surprised. Although I believe what Mr. Wilkerson said is true, hearing him say it was sad. Sad that this was our reality, but still refreshing to hear a Republican telling the truth.


Barack Obama Politics vote

Jay Z For Obama – “The Power Of Your Vote” – Video

It’s getting down to the wire with 11 days to go before the November 6th elections, and President Obama is turning to hip hop mogul Jay Z, to help get out the youth vote.

“For so long, there was this voice that was silenced out there as far as exercising your right to vote. I think it was a voice that was silent because people had lost hope. They didn’t believe that their voice mattered or counted. We thought it was just politics, you know, people going back and forth. And at the end of the day it never trickled down to where we lived.

“Now people are exercising their right, and you are starting to see the power of our vote. He made it mean something for the first time for a lot of people.”

Vote! Our future literally depends on it!

Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics Steven Colbert

Stephen Colbert’s $1 Million Proposal To Donald Trump – Video

There are a lot of proposals going around, but this, this proposal by Stephen Colbert takes the cake! Will the donald accept? Only time will tell…


Birther Donald Trump Donald Trump Mitt Romney Politics

President Obama To Donald Trump – We’re Not In Kenya Anymore. Get Over It!

Donald Trump dropped his “big” breaking news yesterday, saying that he would donate $5 million dollars to a charity of President Obama’s choice if Mr. Obama shows his college papers and passport. A foolish gesture indeed and one not worthy of a response from the President of the United States.

But on last night’s appearance on The Jay Leno show, the President mocked the donald’s proposal, saying;

“This all dates back to when we were growing up together in Kenya. We had constant run-ins on the soccer field… He wasn’t very good and resented it. … When we finally moved to America I thought it would be over.”

A fitting response indeed!



Former Republican Secretary Of State Colin Powell Endorses President Obama… Again!

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell on Thursday endorsed President Barack Obama for reelection.

“I voted for him in 2008, and I plan to stick with him in 2012,” Powell said on CBS’s “This Morning.” “I’ll be voting for he and for Vice President Joe Biden next month.”

One of the most coveted endorsements remaining in the 2012 presidential race, Powell, a Republican, said Obama inherited a horrendous economy and has begun to turn it around.

“I think, generally, we’ve come out of the dive and we’re starting to gain altitude,” said Powell, who served as George W. Bush’s secretary of state. “It doesn’t mean all our problems are solved.”

Powell also took issue with some of GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s foreign policy positions, calling Romney’s stances a “moving target.”

h/t Politico

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