
Charges Dropped Against 80 Year Old Who Took Down Obama Signs With Hitler Mustache

Authorities have dropped charges against an 80-year-old Connecticut woman who tore down political signs, including one that showed President Barack Obama with an Adolf Hitler-style mustache.

Nancy Lack was driving by a post office on Main Street in Hebron, Conn., on Oct. 11 when she saw signs showing Obama with a Hitler-like mustache. She said she was so offended by the images that she took the posters down.

“I just got very angry that they would do that to Obama’s image,” Lack said. “I took the one by the road and the two by the table.”

The posters were from LaRouchePAC, which backs presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, and supports impeaching Obama for what they describe as “war crimes, cover-ups and blatant violations of the Constitution.”

Lack said when she removed the posters, she knew she would get in trouble. Some workers with LaRouchePAC tried stopping her, but Lack wouldn’t back down.

“A woman was following me to the car and I put the posters in the car and I said, ‘Make sure you get my license plate’,” Lack said.

Lack was arrested and charged with sixth-degree larceny and breach of peace.



The Bill Clinton Ad – It’s The Same Failed Republican Playbook

BILL CLINTON: “The stuff some folks are saying about President Obama sound kind of familiar. The same people said my ideas destroyed jobs—they called me every name in the book. Well we created 22 million new jobs and turned deficits into surpluses. President Obama’s got it right. We should invest in the middle class, education and innovation. And pay down our debt with spending restraint and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. Sound familiar?”

Barack Obama Politics

Israel Strikes Romney – “Shooting From The Hip Is A Very Dangerous Sport To Engage In”

In a new interview released today in Foreign Policy magazine, Efraim Halevy the former head of Israel’s foreign intelligence organization Mossad, the “Spymaster” has a few choice words directed at Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

“Regarding the election, I think many of the statements made by the Republican candidate are very undesirable as far as Israel is concerned. I remember an article of Governor Romney’s in the Washington Post in March where he advocated dispatching American warships to the Eastern Mediterranean. Shooting from the hip on these matters is a very dangerous sport to be engaged in. And I think that drawing Israel into this campaign is detrimental to Israeli interests, and I regret that one of the candidates is doing this.”

Romney, the Republican Party and the right wing media continuously attack President Obama, saying that he does not fully support Israel. This is despite the fact that Israel’s Prime Minister, Israel’s Defense Minister and Israel’s President, all say that military and intelligence sharing has never been better under any other U.S. President.

h/t The Examiner

God Mitt Romney Politics Rape

Mitt Romney Endorses Richard Mourdock – Who Is Richard Mourdock? Video

We’re still trying to figure out who Mitt Romney is. With all his shifting positions moving from severely conservative to endorsing the president’s foreign policies, it is fair to say that Mitt Romney is still trying to figure out Mitt Romney.

But when Mitt Romney makes an official endorsement, it is a good indication of what Mitt Romney believes and stands for.

Mitt Romney officially endorsed Richard Mourdock. Richard Mourdock thinks that a pregnancy that results from rape is God’s doing.


Mitt Romney Politics

Romnesia Made Him Do It – Mitt Romney Endorsed President Obama Wholeheartedly

In the first debate, I think we can all agree that Mitt Romney won. The President just didn’t show up. In the second debate, President Obama returned to the stage and dominated the debate, clearly winning and shaking Mitt Romney to his core. And now, in the third debate, probably because he was still shaken from the second debate, Mitt Romney chose to agree with practically everything President Obama said tonight.

Mitt Romney offered a ringing endorsement of the President.

Romney agreed with President Obama’s decision to go into Pakistan to get Bin Laden. His previous position was saying there’s no need to “move Heaven and earth” to get Bin Laden.

Romney also decided to change his position and agree to the 2014 deadline to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. Previously, it was understood that Romney wanted to base his decision on the recommendation of the Generals in the field. Now, that’s changed.

And where the auto bailout is concerned, Mitt Romney simply lied, trying to fool the American people into believing that he wanted the government to finance the bailout. He actually said he wanted the government to step up and bailout the industry after they went through a structured bankruptcy. Of course we all know that what Mitt Romney said in his infamous op-ed, was “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.”

And teachers? According to tonight’s debate version of Mitt Romney, he “loves teachers,” he actually said that. But just this year, Mitt Romney stood in Wisconsin and mocked the President’s wish to hire more teachers, saying;

“He wants another stimulus, he wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers. Did he not get the message of Wisconsin? The American people did. It’s time for us to cut back on government and help the American people.”

On and on Mitt Romney went, abandoning his previous positions and accepting the President’s positions on the issues. Mitt Romney accepted the president’s policy on drones, he accepted President Obama’s policies on Syria and he agreed with the President on the crippling sanctions in Iran.

So thanks to Mitt Romney and his apparent lack of ideas on the issues, we leave this final Presidential debate knowing that what the President has done so far is correct, and that Mitt Romney has no different plans to do things differently. And for that reason, among others, I solidify my vote for President Obama in November instead of trying an amateur with no ideas.

Even President Obama saw Romney’s lack of ideas;

See for yourself.


PolitiFact – Mitt Romney Lies 58 Percent More Than All Other Candidates Combined

You’ve all heard it, that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are liars. Well, no need to take our word on it, we now have a study that proves exactly what we’ve said all along.

PolitiFact – a ‘non partisan’ organisation that many considers lean slightly to the right – did the study comparing the claims of the Republican Presidential ticket of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to those of the Democratic Presidential ticket, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

PolitiFact found the following;

For statements that were ruled to be “True” and “Mostly True”, it’s Obama and Biden at 45.0%, Romney and Ryan at 29.1%. When it comes to “False”, “Mostly False” and “Pants on Fire”, it’s Romney and Ryan at 43.9% and Obama and Biden at 28.8%. In fact, Romney and Ryan have over 4 times as many “Pants of Fire” lies as the President and Vice President. Mitt Romney himself has well over half of the total amount of “Pants of Fire” lies (58.6%) of all the candidates combined!

Mitt Romney Politics

Missed The Second Debate? Here’s Saturday Night Live Version – Video

With the third and final Presidential debate airing tonight, it will be helpful if you get up to speed with what actually happened in the last debate. But instead of sitting down for 90 minutes watching the President’s smack down of Mitt Romney, just spend 10 minutes and get a full understanding of what really took place.

With that said, here’s the second Presidential debate… Saturday Night Live version:

Barack Obama Foreign Policies Mitt Romney

Foreign Affairs

Remember when foreign affairs wasn’t a major part of the presidential campaign? It was supposed to be about jobs, jobs and jobs. But now that the world has intruded on our parochial election, the third debate will play a major role in the last two weeks of this contest.

This does not bode well for Mitt Romney, and it plays into one of Obama’s strengths.

Romney’s first problem is with Libya. He’s been wrong about what actually happened since the attack on September 11, and made an error of both fact and tact in last week’s debate. And now that internal documents show that the president was right about the Benghazi attacks, Mitt will need to find another avenue to question Obama’s leadership.

He won’t find that with Iran, due to the latest reports that show the Iranians interested in having face-to-face discussions with the United States about their nuclear program. Romney has been critical about the way that Obama has handled the Iran issue, but reaching out for talks, even if they take place after the election, shows that the economic sanctions are having a devastating effect on the Iranian economy. On the campaign trail, Romney has talked about military strikes on Iran as a way of protecting Israel. Now, however, even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agrees that sanctions are an effective policy.

Romney has also boxed himself in on Afghanistan. According to this story in the LA Times, his policy is much like the President’s.

In the 16 months that he has been running for president, the thrust of Mitt Romney‘s policy toward Afghanistan has been this: He would hew to President Obama‘s timeline to withdraw U.S. troops by the end of 2014, but he would part ways with the president by giving greater deference to the judgment of military commanders.

Beyond that, Romney has revealed little about what his guiding principles would be for committing U.S. troops in conflicts around the world or what elements have shaped his thinking about Afghanistan — subjects likely to be broached in Monday’s foreign policy debate.

Excuse me for being naïve, but don’t we need a sense of Romney’s worldview? Would he keep troops in Iraq and Afghanistan if he already was president? And how much deference would he give to the military commanders? I thought that our Constitution guaranteed civilian control of the military. Ultimately, the president is the Commander-In-Chief. President Obama has made those tough decisions. It looks like Mitt is ready to…defer.

But the above policy represents a shift from previous Romney statements on Afghanistan, so it’s difficult to tell exactly where he stands.

Obama’s foreign policy has been pragmatic, and at times he has angered the left by keeping some of the Bush security laws and not closing Guantanamo Bay. But the killing of Osama bin Laden and treaties with Russia on weapons and Colombia, Panama and South Korea on trade prove that he is a president who has his eyes on the future and a keen sense of how the United States will succeed in a truly global environment. He needs to hammer these points home and expose Mitt Romney as the foreign policy rookie that he is.

For more, go to and on Twitter @rigrundfest

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Is Losing In Ohio, So His Son Buys The Ohio Voting Machines

Tagg Romney is the son of Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is running for president of the United States of America. Mitt Romney is losing in the battleground state of Ohio. So Tagg Romney, son of Mitt Romney, has bought the voting machines in Ohio. How is this not a conflict of interest?

The Report:

If the Romney’s can’t win legally, they’ll take over Ohio’s electronic voting machines through investments, a direct conflict of interest in a contentious state in this election.

The new owners of Ohio’s voting machines under the brand name HART Intercivic is none other than Tagg Romney the son of one of the candidates Mitt Romney. In recent weeks Tagg has taken a more “active role in his father’s campaign management” but when you look further, he also has a major problem with that role.

By virtue of conflict of interest alone, this role should be investigated by the DOJ preferably involving the addition of the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA to ensure this connection will not endanger the vote in Ohio and other states.

After all isn’t the security of an election both state and federal authorities responsibility to ensure the election is not stolen, tampered, or results altered?


Utah’s Salt Lake Tribune Endorsed President Obama Instead Of Romney, The State’s “Favorite Son”

Mitt Romney is a leader in the Mormon faith. Utah is one of the biggest Mormon state in the nation. And Utah’s Salt Lake Tribune endorsed President Obama on Friday.

In an editorial explaining their decision, The Tribune praised Romney for  rescuing Utah’s Winter Olympics in 2002. That, the editorial says, made Romney “the Beehive State’s favorite adopted son.” It goes on… “Romney managed to save the state from ignominy, turning the extravaganza into a showcase for the matchless landscapes, volunteerism and efficiency that told the world what is best and most beautiful about Utah and its people.”

So why has The Salt Lake Tribune endorsed the President? According to the editorial, there’s too many different Mitts to choose from and this, the editorial claims, is sad to accept.

“Sadly, it is not the only Romney, as his campaign for the White House has made abundantly clear, first in his servile courtship of the tea party in order to win the nomination, and now as the party’s shape-shifting nominee. From his embrace of the party’s radical right wing, to subsequent portrayals of himself as a moderate champion of the middle class, Romney has raised the most frequently asked question of the campaign: “Who is this guy, really, and what in the world does he truly believe?””

“The evidence suggests no clear answer, or at least one that would survive Romney’s next speech or sound bite. Politicians routinely tailor their words to suit an audience. Romney, though, is shameless, lavishing vastly diverse audiences with words, any words, they would trade their votes to hear.”

And what about President Obama? The editorial continued;

For four years, President Barack Obama has attempted, with varying degrees of success, to pull the nation out of its worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression, a deepening crisis he inherited the day he took office.

In the first months of his presidency, Obama acted decisively to stimulate the economy. His leadership was essential to passage of the badly needed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Though Republicans criticize the stimulus for failing to create jobs, it clearly helped stop the hemorrhaging of public sector jobs. The Utah Legislature used hundreds of millions in stimulus funds to plug holes in the state’s budget.

The president also acted wisely to bail out the auto industry, which has since come roaring back. Romney, in so many words, said the carmakers should sink if they can’t swim.

The editorial also spoke about the President’s foreign policies, calling them, ” perhaps his strongest suit, especially compared to Romney’s bellicose posture toward Russia and China and his inflammatory rhetoric regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons program.”

The paper concludes “our endorsement must go to the incumbent, a competent leader who, against tough odds, has guided the country through catastrophe and set a course that, while rocky, is pointing toward a brighter day. The president has earned a second term. Romney, in whatever guise, does not deserve a first.”

contraception Mitt Romney Politics rachel maddow

Mitt Romney – One Foot In Favor Of Contraception, The Other Foot For The Blunt Amendment – Video

Mitt Romney is known as a flip flopper, we all know that. And sadly, we are slowly beginning to accept the fact that the man Republicans want to be the next leader of the free world, has no backbone, no real grounds to stand on. It is sad that we are accepting the fact that Romney can be influenced to change his position by anyone and everyone.

And another example of this came in the second Presidential debate. Mitt Romney, realizing that he was losing among women voters, came up with a brand new position – that he is now for contraception and against employers telling women what they can and cannot use in the privacy of their bedrooms.

This is the same Mitt Romney who, just a few months ago, stated his strong support for the Blunt Amendment. The Blunt Amendment says that employers are allowed to tell women what they can and cannot do in the bedroom.

Rachel Maddow explains:

Mitt Romney Politics

If You’re Voting For Mitt Romney, You’ll Love This Video

A video all voters must see. It only makes sense that you know the character of the man you want to make that next President of the United States. It’s the responsible thing to do… especially if you consider yourself a patriot!


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