What we’ve all learned from the Republican primaries was that God told each and every Republican contender to run for President. They’ve all said it. From Herman Pizzaman Cain to Michelle investigate congress to see who is un american Bachmann, to Rick “Santorum” Santorum. They’ve all said that God told them to run for President.
They’re all home now watching Mitt Romney.
For the most part, Mitt Romney has trailed in the polls against President Obama. But after the first debate where the president appeared to be in dreamland, Romney saw the surge in the polls he expected from his RNC Convention. And up to a few weeks ago, many Republicans predicted a win for Romney on Tuesday. They were all calling the moving trucks, preparing to move Romney and his peeps into the White House.
But then, Hurricane Sandy [an act of God] made her presence known along the east coast and a newfound coöperation between the President and Republican Governor Chris Christie dominated the airwaves, pushing Romney and his false message off to the side. For almost a week, news stations focused on the storm and the aftermath and Americans are, once again, seeing the caliber of a true leader from the president.
Republicans are taking note. They are calling hurricane Sandy the “October Surprise.”
In the pages of The Washington Post, a chief Republican Strategist Karl Rove, began setting up the talking-point in the likely event that Romney lose the election on Tuesday, and according to Rove, Sandy will be blamed;
“If you hadn’t had the storm, there would have been more of a chance for the [Mitt] Romney campaign to talk about the deficit, the debt, the economy. There was a stutter in the campaign. When you have attention drawn away to somewhere else, to something else, it is not to his [Romney’s] advantage.”
“It’s the October surprise. For once, the October surprise was a real surprise.”
And with that talking-point in motion, the rest of the Republican party used Sunday’s talk show circuit to hammer home Roves point. Appearing on CNN‘s Candy Crowley’s State of the Union, Republican Haley Barbour said;
“The hurricane is what broke Romney’s momentum. I don’t think there’s any question about it.”
“Any day that the news media is not talking about jobs and the economy, taxes and spending, deficits and debt, Obamacare and energy is a good day for Barack Obama. You had a blackout — you had a blackout on all of those issues that started about last Saturday and lasted until about yesterday. That was what was really good for Barack Obama.”
Now if you take the Republican’s attempt to affiliate God with a political candidate, and if Sandy was an “act of God,” it would make perfect sense to conclude that God saw the way Romney was gaining in the polls and allowed Sandy to Bring Barack Back into the public’s focus. It would make sense to conclude that President Obama – if the Republicans thinking is correct – is the candidate God prefers. And it would make sense to conclude that if God prefers Barack Obama, then conservative Christians determined to put Romney and his peeps in the White House would be going against God’s will if the vote for Romney…!
And if Romney is a leader in the Mormon Church, shouldn’t he see this sign and drop out? I would.
Only time will tell, and that time runs out on Tuesday!