Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Is Losing In Ohio, So His Son Buys The Ohio Voting Machines

Tagg Romney is the son of Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is running for president of the United States of America. Mitt Romney is losing in the battleground state of Ohio. So Tagg Romney, son of Mitt Romney, has bought the voting machines in Ohio. How is this not a conflict of interest?

The Report:

If the Romney’s can’t win legally, they’ll take over Ohio’s electronic voting machines through investments, a direct conflict of interest in a contentious state in this election.

The new owners of Ohio’s voting machines under the brand name HART Intercivic is none other than Tagg Romney the son of one of the candidates Mitt Romney. In recent weeks Tagg has taken a more “active role in his father’s campaign management” but when you look further, he also has a major problem with that role.

By virtue of conflict of interest alone, this role should be investigated by the DOJ preferably involving the addition of the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA to ensure this connection will not endanger the vote in Ohio and other states.

After all isn’t the security of an election both state and federal authorities responsibility to ensure the election is not stolen, tampered, or results altered?

Mitt Romney Politics

If You’re Voting For Mitt Romney, You’ll Love This Video

A video all voters must see. It only makes sense that you know the character of the man you want to make that next President of the United States. It’s the responsible thing to do… especially if you consider yourself a patriot!



Romney’s Son Wanted To Take A Swing At President Obama During Debate

The audio clip above features the voice of one of Mitt Romney’s son, Tag Romney. The son of the Republican presidential nominee went on a radio show after the second presidential debate was held and responded to the following question -“What is it like for you to hear the president of the United States call your dad a liar? How do you react to that?”

Being the class act he is, Tag answered, saying that he wanted to take a swing at the President. “Well jump out of your seat,” Tag said, as he explained his initial feeling. “And you want to rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.”

Tag later admitted that his plan would have been spoiled by the Secret Service.

The truth hurts, huh Tag?

fail Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Debates Mitt Romney – The Video

What if Mitt Romney had to debate himself. Who will win, or in Romney’s case, who will lose?

The good people over at Daily Kos took three of the many different positions Romney adopted over the course of this campaign, and the result is shown in the clip below.

It’s a great idea. I would like to see a longer debate between these two.

Mitt Romney Politics

Romney Throws Conservatives Under The Bus With These 5 New Positions

He’s been called many things – Mr. Etch a Sketch, a Flip-Flopper, a Chameleon and some have even called Mitt Romney a liar. But how will Conservatives describe Mr. Romney and his newfound positions that he unveiled in the debate? Here are at least 5 new positions Romney’s supporters would have issues with;

1. “There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.” In an interview with the Des Moines Register on Tuesday, Romney backed away from the promises listed on his own website to appoint Supreme Court judges who will overturn Roe v. Wade and end all federal funding for Planned Parenthood. In June 2011, he also specified his support for a “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” an abortion ban based on junk science. More generally, Romney said he would be “delighted” to sign a bill banning all abortions during his first presidential run.

2. “We want to reduce the burden on middle-income taxpayers, and we’re not going to provide a tax break to high-income taxpayers.” In the same interview, Romney disavowed his own tax plan, which would give high-income taxpayers a litany of tax breaks, including an across the board 20 percent tax cut and the elimination of the estate tax. During the Republican primary, Romney admitted that his plan gives tax breaks to high income tax payers, promising he was “going to cut taxes on everyone across the country by 20 percent, including the top 1 percent.” In order to pay for these tax cuts on the wealthy, Romney would have to raise taxes on middle class families by more than $2,000.

3. “Pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan.” Romney misrepresented his health care plan during the debate. In fact, only people who were continuously insured are protected from discrimination. Millions of Americans who have been denied insurance for their pre-existing conditions would be left to their own devices under Romney’s plan.

4. “You have to have regulation. And there are some parts of Dodd-Frank that make all the sense in the world.” Also during the debate, Romney suddenly embraced the bank reform law he previously said he would repeal entirely.

5. “The people who have received the special visa that the president has put in place, which is a two-year visa, should expect that the visa would continue to be valid.” Considered the most hard-line immigration candidate in a field of extreme Republican candidates, Romney said he would allow the young undocumented immigrants to keep their special work permits issued by President Obama, though he plans to end the directive if president.

Mitt Romney Politics

Joke Of The Year – Romney Calls Obama a Liar

Hold on to your chairs folks, we are not responsible for anyone falling over from laughter. Get this… In an interview that aired today, Mitt Romney, the most dishonest politician I’ve ever seen accused President Obama of lying.

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney says the upcoming debates will be tough because President Barack Obama has a tendency to “say things that aren’t true.”

“I think he’s going to say a lot of things that aren’t accurate,” Romney told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in an interview that aired on Friday. “I’m tempted to go back to that wonderful line by Ronald Reagan — ‘There you go again’ — but you can’t use something that’s [already been used].”

“Bill Clinton used that about you the other day during the Democratic Convention,” Stephanopoulos noted.

“I didn’t happen to see that, but doubt we’re going to pull out something from Ronald Reagan, he’s one of a kind,” the former Massachusetts governor explained. “But the challenge I’ll have is that the president tends to, how shall I say it, say things that aren’t true in attacking his opponents.”

“I’ve looked at prior debates and in that kind of case, it’s difficult to say, well, am I going to spend my time correcting things that aren’t quite accurate or am I going spend my time talking about the things I want to talk about? And that’s the challenge.”

But President Obama may also have his hands full when it comes to fact checking the Republican nominee.

MSNBC’s Steve Benen spent months chronicling Romney’s “mendacity” and claimed to have found 533 falsehoods in 30 weeks, according to a tally by blogger Fred Clark.

Mitt Romney Politics presidential Republican

We’ve Figured Out The Reason For Romney’s Lies –

Lies in the morning, lies in the evening, lies at supper time. With Romney on the ticket, you can have lies every time. And you will!

We’ve detailed some of Romney’s lies here, here, here, here, and oh yea, here, here, here, here, here, (deep breath)… here, here, here, here, here, here… I can go on, but I think you got the point.


Dr. Justin Frank Explains – Mormonism Makes It Easy For Romney To Lie

It seems that lying is now an acceptable part of politics. Yes, we know that lying and politics sometimes go hand in hand, but yesterday’s politicians at least tried to minimize the lies and appear truthful. But something changed especially in this year’s presidential election where lying is not only the norm, it is also encouraged by a complacent “news” media.

This change as far as we can tell, dates back to Mitt Romney and the very first political ad he ran against Barack Obama. The good people of America was shocked to the core when they saw Romney’s ad willfully misquoting the president. In the ad, President Obama is heard saying, “if we keep talking about the economy we are going to lose.” Romney’s ad intentionally failed to explain that Obama was quoting something John McCain said in the 2008 presidential election, leaving the impression that the words originated from Mr. Obama. When this was pointed out to the Romney campaign, they just shrugged off the lie as nothing and continued running the ad.

It quickly went downhill from there, as just about every ad the Romney campaign put out contained gross exaggerations, numerous misstatements and in many cases, straight-up lies.

In an effort to figure out why lying seems so natural for Mitt Romney, Justin Frank M.D concluded that Romney’s religion, Mormonism, plays a vital role. Dr. Frank wrote, “this pattern of lying and not acknowledging it, even when confronted directly, has persisted and led me to look for other sources of Romney’s behavior and of his clear comfort with continuing it. I think much of this comfort stems from his Mormon faith.”

Dr. Frank wrote of another lie Mitt Romney told on many occasions, even after he was told what the truth really was. That lie came from a book written by Norm Scheiber called The Escape Artists. Romney misquoted a passage in the book and said that “President Obama intentionally tanked the economy” to pursue healthcare reform. Even after the book’s author told Romney that he was lying and misquoted the passage, Romney continued the lie anyway.

Dr. Frank explains;

“Scheiber wrote on May 21, 2012, that Romney had the wrong takeaway from the book. He quoted Romney as having said, “In this book, they point out that they said the American people will forget how long this recovery took. So that means that when they went into this knowing that when they passed Obamacare, it was going to make life harder for the American people.”

That is not what Scheiber wrote, though he did write that the Obama Administration could have done more to help create jobs by pushing for a bigger stimulus package. He never said Obama knew that he was sacrificing the economy to pursue a pet project.

What is not dramatic is that Romney did not recant his position after Scheiber detailed what the book actually said three days later. But what is dramatic is what happened two weeks later, on June 6, when Romney said the same thing again — albeit with slight differences. Romney said the Obama Administration “knowingly slowed down our recovery in order to put in place Obamacare, which they wanted and they considered historic but the American people did not want or consider historic.”

So on June 7, Scheiber again had to repeat the actual words from his book. Rachel Maddow, on her MSNBC program, asked why Romney continues to lie in the face of evidence to the contrary. She said that in the case of Solyndra, when Romney lied explicitly about where the money went, he was “nailed for telling that lie” about Solyndra’s steering money to the Obama Administration’s friends and family. The Chicago Tribune headline “Romney Hits the Sauce Again” implied that you can be a teetotaler and still behave with the certainty of a drunk.

I found myself discussing this situation with several colleagues, and we agreed that Romney doesn’t lie. Let me repeat: Mitt Romney doesn’t lie. He is telling the truth as he sees it — and truth it is, the facts notwithstanding. This is not simply a case of Hamlet arguing about point of view, saying, “For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” This is about a conflict between evidence and faith. There is a long tradition in the Mormon belief system in which evidence takes second place to faith. Examples abound, as when two Mormon elders who were questioned about the inconsistency in passages from the Book of Mormon said, “We know the Book of Mormon is true and that it contains the Word of God even in the face of evidence that appears contradictory,” according to The Mormon Missionaries by former Mormon Janice Hutchison. Thus there are no lies, only faith-based certainty that translates as truth for which no apology is needed, since what was said was not a lie.”

Mitt Romney Politics Racism

Chris Mathews Owned Republican Chairman Reince Preibus, Calling Him “Garbage!”

If you haven’t seen or heard about this one yet, then have no fear! We have the video below.

Chris Mathews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball sat down with the hosts of Morning Joe and Republican Chairman Reince Preibus for a ‘friendly’ conversation. But anyone who’ve seen Chris Mathews’ show knows that when he gets going, there’s almost no stopping him. And having the Republican Chairman just a few feet away was enough to get Mr. Mathews going.

The ‘friendly’ discussion started with Mathews asking Preibus about some of the “questionable” ads the Romney campaign has run. Ads that many independent sources have called misleading or straight out lies. But what really got Chris going was a recent statement by Mitt Romney at a recent campaign event, where Romney said that no one had to ask for his birth certificate because everyone knows he was born here. To Chris and many others (including me), this statement from Romney was not “just a joke” as Romney and his supporters are calling it. Mr. Mathews saw Romney’s statement and the racial undertones it carried.

The conversation that started out fairly calm ended with the word “garbage” being thrown around, and in once instance, garbage was used to describe the Republican Chairman.

Mitt Romney Politics

Another Verse To The Song – Mitt Romney Is A Liar

Here’s an old song I’m sure you have heard before – Mitt Romney is a liar! See? You’re all shaking your heads in agreement.

Well, I here’s another verse to add to our little song. We have all the new claim from Mitt Romney that President Obama has “stolen” $700 billion from Medicare. Well PolitiFact checked into these claims and found…shockingly…that Mitt Romney is a liar!

Here’s how Romney put it in an interview with 60 Minutes shortly after selecting Ryan:

“There’s only one president that I know of in history that robbed Medicare, $716 billion to pay for a new risky program of his own that we call Obamacare.”

Here, we’re checking whether Obama “robbed” Medicare of $716 billion dollars to pay for Obamacare.

$700 billion from Medicare?

The claim that Obama cut $700 billion out of Medicare is relatively new. Not long ago, the oft-cited number was $500 billion. How did he manage to cut another $200 billion when no one was looking?

First things first: Neither Obama nor his health care law literally cut a dollar amount from the Medicare program’s budget.

Rather, the health care law instituted a number of changes to try to bring down future health care costs in the program. At the time the law was passed, those reductions amounted to $500 billion over the next 10 years.

What kind of spending reductions are we talking about? They were mainly aimed at insurance companies and hospitals, not beneficiaries. The law makes significant reductions to Medicare Advantage, a subset of Medicare plans run by private insurers. Medicare Advantage was started under President George W. Bush, and the idea was that competition among the private insurers would reduce costs. But in recent years the plans have actually cost more than traditional Medicare. So the health care law scales back the payments to private insurers.

Hospitals, too, will be paid less if they have too many re-admissions, or if they fail to meet other new benchmarks for patient care.

Obama and fellow Democrats say the intention is to protect beneficiaries’ coverage while forcing health care providers to become more efficient.

And Romney’s claim that President Obama is the only president in history to deal with Medicare? This is what PolitiFact found:

“We reviewed this history in detail in a fact-check of Romney’s statement from December, “Only one president has ever cut Medicare for seniors in this country . . . Barack Obama.” We rated that False. Many presidents have sought to rein in Medicare spending.

Here are a few highlights from that fact-check:

• President Ronald Reagan cut Medicare by reducing payments to hospitals, and he cut benefits by raising deductibles.

• President George H.W. Bush cut benefits by repealing a law that would have expanded coverage for drugs and catastrophic illness.

• President Bill Clinton cut Medicare by changing payments to doctors and other providers, which could be considered to have an indirect effect on beneficiaries.”

hypocrite Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Romney Cries “Dirty Politics,” While Perfecting The Art of Dirty Politics

Get this! Someone is accusing the other person of running a “dirty” campaign. Can you guess who the accuser is?

If you said Mitt Romney, you would be right.

The man who used his money to destroy all of his Republican primary opponents is now accusing President Obama of playing dirty politics. At a campaign event yesterday, Romney said the president is trying to “smash” the country apart to win the election. Romney’s claims was in reference to a statement Vice President Joe Biden made about Republicans putting “y’all back in chains” if they win the White House. Biden was talking about Republicans’ desire to eliminate regulations on businesses, allowing them free rein to do whatever they want.

Here’s his full statement:

“Look at what they [Republicans] value and look at their budget, and what they’re proposing. Romney wants to … He said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchain Wall Street. They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”

That statement was an open door for Mitt Romney who, over the last month or so, found himself in defensive mode as the Obama Team brought daily questions about his taxes, policies and his negative ads. Not one to miss an open door opportunity, Romney pounced on Biden’s statement;

 “This is what an angry and desperate presidency looks like. President Obama knows better, promised better, and America deserves better … His campaign strategy is to smash America apart and then try to cobble together 51 percent of the pieces.

“Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago and let us get about rebuilding and reuniting America.”

Romney’s record clearly speaks for itself. His very first ad against the president was called a lie by all the fact-checking news agencies. In that ad, Romney used a clip of Obama quoting John McCain in 2008 where McCain said, “if we keep talking about the economy, we’re gonna lose.” In Romney’s ad however, Romney edited the clip to make the audience think President Obama was saying those words.

The ad was just the first in a long list of Romney ads that fact-checkers have called lies or highly misleading. But as you read Mitt Romney’s statement above, you’ll think he was a poster boy for the Mormon Church or something, and based on his almost record-setting campaign lies, a poster boy for the Church he’s not.

Asked to respond to Romney’s statement, Ben LaBolt – Obama’s Campaign Spokesman said, “Governor Romney’s comments tonight seemed unhinged and particularly strange coming at a time when he’s pouring tens of millions of dollars into negative ads that are demonstrably false.”

We agree with you Ben!

Mitt Romney Politics

PolitiFact Points Out Another Mitt Romney Lie

PolitiFact took on Mitt Romney’s constant claim that President Obama is anti-business. Romney’s attack on the President stems from a statement Mr. Obama made a few weeks ago, where he said – among other things -” If you have a business, you didn’t build that.”

PolitiFact – a fact checking organization that analyze political statements of both Democrats and Republicans – checked Romney’s attack and found Romney is, once again, lying.

From PolitiFact : Romney cherry-picked a quote that made it sound like Obama was dismissive of businesses when in fact he was making a point that success comes from the combination of “individual initiative” and the fact that “we do things together.”

The biggest problem is that the Romney campaign has left out the lead-up to the statement — that “if you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges.”

These words indicate that Obama was referring to infrastructure and educational opportunities that were paid for by taxpayers through the government — things that established a necessary foundation for making private businesses successful.

We think his meaning is clear — that both business people and government play a role in the American enterprise system, not purely one or the other.

Our ruling

In speeches and videos, the Romney campaign has repeatedly distorted Obama’s words. By plucking two sentences out of context, Romney twists the president’s remarks and ignores their real meaning.

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