Mitt Romney Politics Racism

Chris Mathews Owned Republican Chairman Reince Preibus, Calling Him “Garbage!”

If you haven’t seen or heard about this one yet, then have no fear! We have the video below.

Chris Mathews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball sat down with the hosts of Morning Joe and Republican Chairman Reince Preibus for a ‘friendly’ conversation. But anyone who’ve seen Chris Mathews’ show knows that when he gets going, there’s almost no stopping him. And having the Republican Chairman just a few feet away was enough to get Mr. Mathews going.

The ‘friendly’ discussion started with Mathews asking Preibus about some of the “questionable” ads the Romney campaign has run. Ads that many independent sources have called misleading or straight out lies. But what really got Chris going was a recent statement by Mitt Romney at a recent campaign event, where Romney said that no one had to ask for his birth certificate because everyone knows he was born here. To Chris and many others (including me), this statement from Romney was not “just a joke” as Romney and his supporters are calling it. Mr. Mathews saw Romney’s statement and the racial undertones it carried.

The conversation that started out fairly calm ended with the word “garbage” being thrown around, and in once instance, garbage was used to describe the Republican Chairman.

Barack Obama Politics Wall Street

Chris Mathews Ask Why Business Hate President Obama?

Jim Cramer, CNBC host of Mad Money is considered one of the main voices of Wall Street. He is known as an outspoken financial expert who is not afraid to speak his mind. The financial expert went on Hardball with Chris Mathews today, and was asked one main question – why does Wall Street hate President Obama, when they are making record profits?

Cramer attempted to answer for Wall Street, stating that what investors are concerned about is that President Obama is anti-business. Shocked by Cramer’s claims, Chris Mathews points out the facts: that under President Obama, the stock market rose 31%, and Corporations have gained 88% of all income. Chris asked the question again, “Why do they hate this guy?”

Watch Cramer’s answer below.


Should Bachmann Be Commander-In-Chief? Her Advisor Doesn’t Know

Michele Bachmann’s former campaign manager and present senior advisor Ed Rollins, appeared on Hardball with Chris Mathews today, and could not seem to answer one simple question – would you like to see Michele Bachmann as Commander In Chief?

After beating around the bush and failing to answer, Mathews conceded by saying “you are so slippery, I know you’re not going to answer my question… I know I’m not getting an answer from you…..”

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