Mitt Romney Politics

Romney on Same Sex Marriage – ” I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender”

(CBS News) FORT LUPTON, Colo. – Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Wednesday said he unequivocally opposes “marriage between people of the same gender,” drawing a contrast to President Obama’s “evolving” position on the issue.

In an interview with Denver-based KDVR-TV, Romney was asked about the failure of a ballot measure that would have allowed same-sex civil unions in Colorado. “I indicated my view, which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender, and I do not favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name,” Romney said. “My view is the domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights, and the like are appropriate but that the others are not.”

Romney, in another interview Wednesday, told CBS affiliate KCNC in Denver: “My position is the same on gay marriage as it’s been well, from the beginning, and that is that marriage is a relation between a man and a woman. That’s the posture that I had as governor and I have that today.”

However, it’s still early in the election season. Check back later to see if Romney’s position changes. Most likely, it will.

Mitt Romney Politics

Etch A Sketch Moment: Romney Appeals To The Gay Community – The Right Wing Protests

In his effort to shake the Etch A Sketch and erase some of the things he and his Republican presidential candidates have said against the gay committee in their numerous debates, Mitt Romney hired a gay man as his National Security Spokesman. Needless to say, members of his “severely conservative” base have seen through this very transparent move by Romney to suddenly appear more inclusive, and they are calling him out on it.

Bryan Fischer, one of the most vocal Conservative leaders against the gay committee took to his Twitter account and tweeted that Romney’s move was another way of telling the “pro-family committee to drop dead!”

[blackbirdpie url=”!/BryanJFischer/status/193508518282797056″]

But according to The Chicago Phoenix, Romney’s shaking of the Etch A Sketch is working.

Chuck Wolfe, CEO of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, praised Grenell for taking on the role with the Romney campaign.

“Good for him,” Wolfe said. “We applaud the participation of out professionals in government and politics. Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, serving openly is important. It allows you to speak honestly about yourself and the LGBT community to colleagues inside campaigns and government offices.”

It remains to be seen if the rest of the LGBT community follows Chuch Wolfe’s lead and fall at Romney’s feet.

marriage equality Politics

Love Is Natural, Hatred Is Learned

Two alcoholic heterosexuals get married. They produce a child with fetal alcohol syndrome. This marriage has the blessings of both state and church. Two men or two women who want to marry each other, who are upstanding members of their communities and have adopted and raised productive children, are prohibited in most states and allowed civil unions, which are inferior to marriage in fact and in law, in a few.

This is equality under the law?

Marriage equality will be the law of the land sometime in the future but, for most gays and lesbians, justice delayed is justice denied. How can this be? How can a country that promises freedom and civil rights for all of its citizens continue to deny basic rights to a sizable group?

Opponents say that being gay is unnatural and that there’s something inherently wrong with loving someone of the same gender. That’s exactly wrong. Love is one of the most natural processes humans have. You don’t even have to think about it. It just happens from the time we’re born and lasts throughout our life.

Hatred and discrimination, on the other hand, are unnatural. We need to remember that people are not born anti-gay. Discrimination and hatred are learned behaviors and most children learn them from the very adults who claim to be fair, just and responsible. And why are these adults anti-gay? Some are frightened or threatened or jealous or ignorant or all of the above. Some use a rigid cultural definition of what constitutes a family. Some are offended by how other people show their love. Some use a deity as a weapon to threaten and marginalize.

The religious argument strikes me as utter hypocrisy. How can we love the sinner but hate the sin? Isn’t that attitude responsible for sanctioned discrimination and actions against homosexuals? The same goes for the social argument that the right wing peddles. How can the party that lives on freedom and keeping the government out of our lives continue to preach that government should deny marriage equality? Both groups have made the claim that allowing gays to marry would damage heterosexual marriage. In fact, the opposite is true. Marriage has been shown to make families more stable and productive, strengthens commitments to social values, and provides for economic expansion as people make purchases for different stages of life. Gender preference has nothing to do with how we love our family members or how firmly we commit to them.

The more compelling democratic argument is that every adult should be able to marry the person they love, adopt children and be protected by all laws and rights that all other adults have, including economic rights and privileges.  A federal court decision on Wednesday used an employment benefits case to determine that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional. The decision by U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White was unambiguous in its defense of liberty and equality:

“The imposition of subjective moral beliefs of a majority upon a minority cannot provide a justification for the legislation. The obligation of the Court is ‘to define the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral code,'” White wrote. “Tradition alone, however, cannot form an adequate justification for a law….The ‘ancient lineage” of a classification does not render it legitimate….Instead, the government must have an interest separate and apart from the fact of tradition itself.”

 On February 7th, a panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found that:

“Proposition 8 (which denied homosexuals the right to marry) served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California.”

These courts have it exactly right. Denying citizens their full rights because of who they love is utter nonsense. The history of the United States shows us to be a country of inclusive rights. To have candidates for the highest office in the land proudly proclaim their preference for discrimination, hatred and disdain is obnoxious, offensive and backwards. Marriage equality is on its way. Let’s make it sooner rather than later.

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CNN Tid Bits tweets twitter

The Right And Wrong Of The Roland Martin Suspension

After reading all of the responses to Roland Martins suspension from CNN I have been compelled to voice my perspective on this matter.  I do not know Mr. Martin personally nor am I a member of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) organization.  However, I am concerned about the arguments made by those who are opposed to CNN’s decision to suspend Martin. In my opinion, Martin supporters fail to acknowledge that he is responsible for the public scrutiny of his actions that led to his suspension. Moreover, I do not think that CNN was unfair or unreasonable in their decision.

Of the many responses I have read on this matter there are two commonly held views that I am especially concerned with.  The first one deals with the argument that the suspension was unfair because CNN has not treated others the same when for similar acts of poor judgment. This argument is plausible however I think it negates the issue at hand.  The matter here is not about what others have done but Martin’s personal conduct which reflected not only his views but represented those he is affiliated, in this case CNN.

I understand that employers should act fairly.  As such, if CNN has a standard for which they discriminately applied, then Martin should seek legal redress. However, whether CNN has punished others for misconduct is of no consequence in this matter.  Martin’s decision to make express his personal views in a public forum subjected not only himself but his employer to unwarranted scrutiny.

I am sure that CNN does not seek to control the private affairs of their employees.  However, like any reasonable parent that tells their child to always conduct themselves in ways that will not negatively reflect upon the entire household.  This is not an unreasonable request.  In fact, it is quite common for employers to place in their employment contracts that repercussions will follow for private acts that are not consistent with the principles of the organization.

For instance, I am an adjunct instructor for a college in Texas and in the faculty handbook we are advised of the fact that

“…the public will judge the profession and the institution by the statements that an adjunct makes both in public and private life, he or she should strive to be accurate, to exercise appropriate restraint, to show respect for the opinions of others, and to avoid creating the impression that he or she speaks or acts for the System when speaking or acting as a private person.”

As such, given Martin’s affiliation with CNN he knew or should have known that such remarks could not only be misconstrued but subsequently attached to the network simply by association.  Moreover, because it is likely that the relationship between CNN and Martin is governed by a contract he, like myself, is probably required to exercise good judgment in his private life.

Therefore, those that argue CNN has a double standard should consider the old adage, “two wrongs don’t make a right.” Even if CNN failed to reprimand others for the same offense, it does not make their suspension of Martin unreasonable or unwarranted.  Furthermore, as an intellectual and a media professional, Martin should have known jokes made publicly to persons outside of his personal circle are likely to be scrutinized and possibly misinterpreted.

In this case, members of GLAAD asserted their opposition and urged CNN to take disciplinary action.  Given the mission of GLAAD it was foreseeable that Martin’s failure to exercise good judgment might affect his standing with the network.  Based upon the facts at issue Martin should take full responsibility for his actions.

The next argument involves GLAAD’s characterization of Martin and subsequent influence that led CNN to suspend Martin.  GLAAD deemed Martin as anti-gay because of the following tweets he made on February 5, 2012 during the Super Bowl:

  • “If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped David Beckham’s H&M’s underwear ad, smack the ish out of him!”
  • “Who the hell was that New England Patriot they just showed in a head to toe pink suit? Oh, he needs a visit from teamwhipdatass.”

In response to the tweets GLAAD encouraged members to express their opposition to Martin’s remarks and inform the public of their mission. GLAAD members and their supporters begin tweeting messages branding Martin as homophobic.  In addition, they alleged that Martin’s tweets promoted the use of violence against gays.  Then GLAAD issued this statement to  Inside TV:

“This isn’t a mistake made on Twitter. It’s part of a pattern of anti-LGBT rhetoric that culminated in two tweets yesterday promoting violence towards gay people. The time has come when CNN and Time Warner have to decide whether they want to continue to use their platforms to elevate those who use such language.”

The actions taken by GLAAD and its members prompted supporters of Martin to lash out against the organization. In defense of Martin sympathizers argued that GLAAD’s was to extreme in demanding CNN to fire him.  While they agreed that Martin was irresponsible for his tweets, they disagree that he was advocating violence against gays. Martin advocates argue that he may was merely joking.  Moreover, they insist that while his words may have been offensive GLAAD’s was wrong for defaming his character.

Like Martin, GLAAD has a right to say whatever they believe to encourage others to support their cause.  GLAAD is an organization that is purposed to fight for equality of its members.  In doing so they seek to hold media outlets such as CNN accountable for the images and messages they produce or endorse that are derogatory towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender persons (LGBT).  As such, the actions by GLAAD may be extreme to some light of the circumstances but they are consistent with the mission of the organization.

As an interest group GLAAD enjoys the freedom to organize and express their views.  America is a pluralist society which supports the theory that all interests are free to compete for the influence of their views to be incorporated in government, media or any other entities that may affect their members.  As such, for those that disagree with GLAAD they too were free to organize and represent their position to CNN.  Instead Martin supporters waited until after the decision was made to launch their opposition.

The fact that CNN agreed with GLAAD and decided to take corrective action in my opinion was not wrong.  As aforementioned, most companies both public and private expect those affiliated or employed to conduct themselves in manners that will not negatively reflect upon the institution.  Here, CNN reviewed the situation and determined that the remarks made by Martin were “regrettable and offensive.”

The network deemed his speech to be demeaning and said that they are “inconsistent with the values and culture of our organization, and is not tolerated.” Whether Roland Martin is a nice family man is not the issue.  When Martin decided to post his comments on twitter he also made a decision to subject himself to public scrutiny, misinterpretation and suspension from work.

As I previously stated, Mr. Martin knew or should have known the possible consequences of his actions.  Thus, his decision to tweet is personal views in a public forum in effect said that he was willing to accept the following repercussions.  Therefore, to the argument that CNN has a double standard this may be true.  However, it does not make Martin any less responsible for the consequences of his poor judgment.

Politics Republican

Little Boy Tells Bachmann Of His Gay Mother

She prides herself in her ability to “fix”gay people. Infact, Michele Bachmann and her husband have a business dedicated to “praying the gay away.” So one could only imagine the horror Bachmann felt, as little Elijah whispered these words in her ear, “my mother is gay and she don’t need fixing.”

The look on Bachmann’s face after the revelation was made is priceless!

Herman Cain Steven Colbert

Herman Cain’s Problem? He’s Gay – Steven Colbert

And we thought Herman Cain had a woman (or multiple women) problem all along. Steven Colbert, through a process of elimination, has put his finger on the real issue Herman Cain is hiding.

According to Colbert, Cain is gay, that’s why he cancelled an appearance on The Colbert Report. Colbert figured Cain couldn’t stand being around all his beauty.


Michele Bachmann

Jon Stewart And Jerry Seinfeld – Is Marcus Bachmann Gay?

Okay, I’ll admit it. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, you can watch someone’s behavior, their mannerism, the way they talk, walk and dress, and from these appearances, you can most of the time accurately determine the sexual orientation of that person. Most of the time…

Have you ever seen Marcus Bachmann’s movements or listen to his speech patterns? My opinion is not conclusive, but in my view, it all points to one thing…

Marcus opened a clinic with his wife and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, and their claim to fame is the ability to cure gay people.

It is with this in mind I direct your attention to the video below, where Jon Stewart tries to figure out Michele Bachmann’s husband’s preference. And while having some, um, issues trying to come to an initial conclusion, Mr. Stewart invites Jerry Seinfeld to contribute his opinion.

In the end, the conclusion is made that Bachmann’s husband Marcus, cures gays, so he can “hoard all the gayness for himself.”

Featured Illegal immigration Immigration Immigration Reform Republican shooting

Republican Congressman Suggests Shooting Illegal Immigrants

This is not your grandparent’s Republican party. This batch is of a whole new breed. We have documented time and time again, the unbelievable attempts by the Republican Party to totally eliminate anyone whose priorities do not match theirs – whether it be Latinos, Muslims, women, Jews, Blacks, Gays or any other minority group. But never before have we seen a Republican congressman suggest shooting illegal immigrants from a helicopter.

His name is Virgil Peck, a Republican representative in Kansas. While debating funding for a bill that allows for shooting feral hogs from a helicopter as a way to control the hog population, Mr. Peck couldn’t help suggesting the use of this method to control the illegal immigration problem, saying;

It looks to me if shooting these immigrating feral Hogs works, maybe we have found a solution to our illegal immigration problem.

With pressure from his fellow Republicans to apologize, Peck issued the following statement;

My statements yesterday were regrettable. Please accept my apology.

How do these people get elected!? A United States Republican congressman publicly advocating shooting people?

Yea, this is definitely not your grandpa’s GOP!

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