Featured Republican United States Wisconsin Union Bashing

Republican Wisconsin Town Hall Meeting Reduced to Shame!

Remember the health care debate when the Teaparty, under the leadership of FOX NEWS and conservative radio commentators, went to Democratic town hall meetings with the goal of disrupting the meetings to portray America’s dismay with reform? Well, in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin earlier this week, real Americans expressed their real frustrations at Republicans and Scott Walker’s proposed union busting bill.

The town hall meeting was held for Republican State Senator Leah Vukmir. Also in attendance was US Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner. Evidently, the real feelings of these Americans were too much for the Republican congressmen, and they abruptly called an end to the meeting and exited to stage to the chants of “Shame! Shame! Shame!”

Scott Walker would dedicate 20 minutes of his “busy” schedule to a prank call he thought was coming from David Koch, but answering the concerns of their constituents is just too much to ask of these Republicans.

Featured Republican Sarah Palin United States

Sarah Palin Will Be Missing From First Presidential Debate

On the night that the Republican presidential wannabes gather for their first presidential debate, one person will be conspicuously missing from the lineup. The self-described leader of the Teaparty movement, who abruptly quit her post as Governor of Alaska, will be working elsewhere that night. Sarah Palin’s has more important things to do

Sarah Palin seems determined to ditch the first GOP presidential debate. She’s booked a speaking event at a military-family tribute in Denver for that evening—this is, in fact, the second time she’s committed to this particular gig on this particular night, which waspreviously and temporarily canceled after Palin’s initial announced appearance led to “an onslaught of negative feedback.” Apparently, Palin would rather speak to a roomful of people who don’t seem to want her there all that much than debate other Republican luminaries over policy issues.

Can you really blame her? Why would Palin run for president when she can make $100,000.00 per guest speech appearances?

Read The Slate’s Report here.

Barack Obama Michelle Obama Nancy Pelosi Politics Republican Sarah Palin

Poll Finds Michelle Obama is Hot, While Sarah Palin is Not!

In a new Quinnipiac University poll released on March 7th, Michelle Obama tops the list of the hottest political figures in America, coming in at 60.1 degrees. Sarah Palin on the other hand, registered among the lowest on the thermometer with her temperature at 38.2 degrees.

The poll surveyed 1,887 registered voters and asked them to rate their answers on a scale of 0-100, with the highest number being the warmest or hottest as it is in the First Lady’s case. Coming in second on the thermometer with a temperature of 57 degrees is the Republican governor of New Jersey Chris Christie, followed closely by President Obama with a score of 56.5 degrees.

The coldest among the group appear to be mainly due to the direct outcome of a smear campaign by Republicans during last November’s mid-term elections. Participants in the poll found Democratic representative Nancy Pelosi with the coldest temperature of 32.9 degrees, followed by another Democratic senator, Senate Leader Harry Reid. His temperature, according to the participants in the poll is 34.8 degrees.

See the full Poll Results Here.

Politics Ronald Reagan Tax United States

The Lesson of Not Taxing The Rich in Hard Economic Times

If history is to be our guide, then why aren’t we doing what’s already historically proven to work? The refusal by congressional Republicans to raise the taxes of the rich in these hard economic times makes as much sense as pouring water into the ocean. And this refusal goes against all that history has taught us.

According to a report written by Larry Beinhart, “History shows that when spending is cut — in the name of balancing the budget — recessions immediately follow. It makes sense, therefore, to look back at government tax and spending policies during the Depression and what the results were. ” Mr. Beinhart writes in detail some very interesting historical facts:

  • 1932 — Hoover raises the top tax rate from to 25 to 63 percent.
  • 1933 — Roosevelt comes into office. He begins spending at the same time that new tax hike comes into effect. The Depression bottoms out.
  • 1934 — Recovery begins. The GNP rises 7.7 percent, unemployment falls to 21.7 percent.
  • 1935 — New government spending on public works and rural electrification. A push to strengthen labor and raise wages. New taxes through the creation of Social Security.
  • 1936 — The top tax rate is raised again. This time to 79 percent. GNP grows a record 14.1 percent; unemployment falls even further.

Middle class Americans have carried this country on their backs for far too long. Since Ronald Regan took office in the 80’s and introduced the concept of trickle down economics, the concentration was placed on making the rich pay less in taxes while providing them with unlimited loopholes, in the hopes that when they succeed, the middle class will succeed. That concept has failed and over the last 30 years, the rich continued getting richer while the middle class fell more and more into poverty.

So here we have our lesson in history.  At a time when this country went through what is now called The Second Great Depression, all Americans, especially the rich, bore the responsibility, each paying according to his/her means. Today however, the lie of the sucess of a trickle down theory to boost a failing economy is still engraved in our minds, and the congressional Republicans are determined to keep it that way.

Read Mr. Larry Beinhart’s Report here.

Democratic Republican Teaparty

For The Teaparty, Happy Days Are Here Again!

Although the Republicans took over control of the House of Representatives in November and demanded an almost $1 trillion increase to the deficit to provide a tax cut to the rich, a recent poll suggests that the-government-is-spending-too-much-we-must-reduce-the-deficit Teaparty is now happier than ever before.

The poll, conducted by Pew Research Center finds that fewer people are angry at the government. Pew reports;

Overall, the percentage saying they are angry with the federal government has fallen from 23% last September to 14% today, with much of the decline coming among Republicans and Tea Party supporters.

Not surprisingly, the poll breaks down along party lines, with Republicans showing a more favorable outlook at the government. Back in September 2010, 33% claimed to be angry, as compared to 16% now. The excitement among the Teapartiers saw a 19 point increase, with their anger at government in September 2010 at 47%, but falling to 28% now. Democrats on the other hand showed a September 2010 anger level of 11%, and falling to 10% now.

Besides a $900 billion increase in the deficit, what else have the Republicans done to generate such happiness amongst Republicans and the Teaparty electorate?

Well, they really haven’t done much of anything else. What they have done is made a lot of promises! Apparently, these promises are enough for the Teaparty and their fellow Republicans. Among the promises;

  1. Repealing Health care, which will add another $230 billion more to the deficit according to CBO
  2. A promise to cut $61 billion from the budget, that would reduce services to pregnant women and, according to economist Paul Krugman, would “literally be stealing food from the mouths of babes.”
  3. John Boehner, the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives has promised to slash jobs by as much as 200,000, and another 700,000 this year’s end.

These are just some of the promises the Republican electorate are elated about. Adding trillions to the deficit, increasing unemployment and causing what many economists call a slowdown in our economic recovery. These actions just tickles the Teaparty.

Just imagine their joy if we plunge into another great depression.

Religion United States White House

Muslim Man Confronted By Christian Conservatives. Video

Our Constitution demands the freedom of religion in these the United States of America. Are these just words written on a document that many considers sacred? Or is it just another one of our  rights that Conservative Christian Americans would prefer to eradicate?

Below, two different religions clash infront of the White House. One Muslim man tries to pray, and is surrounded by those of the ‘Christian’  faith.

I wonder if the Founding Fathers would approve of this scene.

Politics Wisconsin Union Bashing

Republicans Say Otherwise, But America Is Not Broke!

The protesters  are still gathered, the drums are  still being beaten, and the chantings were still being heard. But today was a bit  different in Wisconsin. Michael Moore, the film maker who brought us classics like Capitalism: A Love Story and Sicko, arrived there on Saturday to deliver a speech. A speech he called, “America Is Not Broke.”

Before his speech, Michael thanked the 14 Democratic Wisconsin senators who have left the state to keep the governor from implementing his total control over the workers in Wisconsin. Moore stated;

Before I read this, I first just wanna thank – you don’t know how impressive it is to the rest of the country to see these 14 Senators, still, still, still refusing to participate in the steal of the century. So if they’re listening, thank you. Thank you Wisconsin 14. Thank you fab 14!

None of us really know what the specific outcome of all this would be. We have a good feeling though. We have a really good feeling about it. But one thing I do know, is that these 14 Senators would go down in the history books of labor history here in America…

This kind of resolve we’re used to seeing on the other side of the fence…. It’s just amazing. They only need one of them to crack. Only one has to come back, and they wont do it! They won’t! They won’t! And they’re Democrats!… I mean that in a positive way!

More spoke to rousing applause as he delivered his speech, saying;

America is not broke, not by a long-shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It’s just that it’s not in your hands. It has been transfered in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers, to the banks and portfolios of the uber rich.

Mr. Moore pointed out in his speech that here in America, just 400 Americans – some of those who received bailout money from the American tax payer – “controlled more wealth than half of all Americans combined!”

Four hundred obscenely wealthy individuals, four hundred little Mubaracks, most of whom benefited in someway from the multi-trillion dollar taxpayer bailout of 2008, now have more cash stock and property, than the assets of 155 million Americans combined.

Hearing this fact caused the crowed to yell, “shame, shame, shame.”

Mr. Moore asked the mainstream media to repeat that fact just once… we won’t hold our breath!


Newt Gingrich Politics rachel maddow Republican United States White House

Newt Gingrich Is Faking It, Again!

Newt Gingrich is a scam artist. You know, one of those people who sends you an email telling you of millions of dollars your African uncle left you in Ghana, but in order to claim your new found wealth, you must send $5,000.00 to them. Newt has a new scheme.

A beautiful breakdown of the Scams of Newt Gingrich is narrated below by Rachel Maddow. The scheme entails his plans to run for president… well, not really. Today, the Newt announced a website to “explore” running for president in 2012. And while you’re looking over Newt’s new site, try not to be distracted by the huge “Donate” button.

Maddow continues below.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Barack Obama Birthers Birthers Natural born citizen of the United States Republican United States

Georgia Wants Proof Of Citizenship Mr. President, Or Don’t Land There

It’s the lie that just wont stop. Republicans in Gerogia are pushing a bill that would require all presidential candidates to prove his or her citizenship before landing in the state. The birtherism lie continues.

House Bill 401 would not allow a candidate on the ballot until the Secretary of State receives “adequate evidence of such person’s eligibility for election” to those offices. The bill’s sponsor is Mark Hatfield, R-Waycross, but has huge backing with other GOP members.

“I think the issue with our sitting president has been left unresolved for a significant length of time that people have concerns,” Hatfield said. “But this is not just about our current president. It’s about enforcing the constitutional provisions for anyone who seeks the office of presidency.”

The proposal is a slight change from a similar bill from Hatfield last year. That bill would have required presidential candidates in Georgia to file an affidavit swearing to be a natural-born citizen.

Both measures are inspired by the “birther” movement that believes President Barack Obama was not born in the United States. The claim has been widely disproved when Hawaii released records of Obama’s birth, but it remains a popular sentiment among some factions.

In an effort to help explain the Birther’s issues, please watch this brief video explaining the whole conspiracy that supposedly began over 47 years ago, when Mr. Obama was born.

Read the rest of the report here.

Politics Wisconsin Union Bashing

We Are One – Americans Vs. The Republican Corporate Governors

We are one!

We are united. We are Unions. We are Americans.

Take away the rights of middle class Americans and all Americans are put at risk, for eventually Republicans will come and take your rights too.

Stand with Unions, stand with Americans.

Politics United States Westboro Baptist Church

Freedom Of Speech Gives Rights to Hate Church

It’s a case that started in the lower courts which awarded the plaintiff, Albert Snyder, a substantial award for his pain and suffering. Later, the ruling was overturned by the Supreme Court after it decided that the case of Snyder vs. The Westboro Baptiste Church,  did not break any laws.

Mr. Snyder brought the case against the 50 member ‘church’ because, according to the complainant, the members showed up at the funeral of his son Lance Cpl. Mathew A. Snyder, who was killed in the Iraqi war. Snyder accused the church of  “intentionally inflicting emotional stress,” because, as was the case in several other such funerals,  the church showed up with protest signs that read, “God hate fags” and “America is doomed.” The Supreme Court applied the First Amendment as its reasoning behind  siding with the “church.” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote;

“Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both joy and sorrow, and — as it did here — inflict great pain.”

In addition to free speech, Justice Roberts suggests three more reasons why the church was within its rights to protest.

  1. Their protest was within the public’s interest. The Justice suggests that although the signs may have been inappropriate, “the issues they highlight — the political and moral conduct of the United States and its citizens, the fate of our nation, homosexuality in the military and scandals involving the Catholic clergy — are matters of public import.”
  2. The Justice wrote that the relationship between the church and the plaintiff was not one of a private grudge, and
  3. The church had a right to be where they were and were not breaking any state laws to hold the protest.
The Westboro Church is not new to controversies. They also protested at the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, wife of presidential candidate John Edwards. Mrs. Edwards died of breast cancer in 2010, and had her funeral protested by Westboro group, who carried signs thanking God for her breast cancer. They also protested when congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in her head in January, where six people, including a nine year old girl was killed. Westboro thanked God for sending the gunman.

Although the ruling by the Supreme Court is understandable, it is groups like the Westboro Baptiste church, in my humble opinion, that makes it necessary to add a clause to the Constitution that would exercise some restraint in the use  of  the amendment when it comes to such cases. For example, so-called church groups that protest the funeral  of a soldier who died in the line of duty while defending their democratic right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, should not be protected under the first amendment.

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