Featured Republican Sarah Palin United States

Sarah Palin Will Be Missing From First Presidential Debate

On the night that the Republican presidential wannabes gather for their first presidential debate, one person will be conspicuously missing from the lineup. The self-described leader of the Teaparty movement, who abruptly quit her post as Governor of Alaska, will be working elsewhere that night. Sarah Palin’s has more important things to do

Sarah Palin seems determined to ditch the first GOP presidential debate. She’s booked a speaking event at a military-family tribute in Denver for that evening—this is, in fact, the second time she’s committed to this particular gig on this particular night, which waspreviously and temporarily canceled after Palin’s initial announced appearance led to “an onslaught of negative feedback.” Apparently, Palin would rather speak to a roomful of people who don’t seem to want her there all that much than debate other Republican luminaries over policy issues.

Can you really blame her? Why would Palin run for president when she can make $100,000.00 per guest speech appearances?

Read The Slate’s Report here.

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