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Mike Huckabee: I Think We Should Thank And Praise Michelle Obama

Sometimes you just don’t know what to expect from  Conservatives. There are days when you turn on the television and Mike Huckabee is on, criticizing Obamacare as a “government take-over” – a claim that has been debunked by the way, since the millions of new policies are provided by private insurance companies. And then there are times when he bucks his party’s talking points and actually defends someone on the other side of the political divide.

This time, Mr. Huckabee is defending Michelle Obama against the onslaught of criticism coming from some in his own camp, namely Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. On February 23rd, Mike was asked why the First Lady’s anti-obesity drive was viewed with such hostility. Huckabee replied;

Unfortunately I think a lot of it is because she’s the one presenting it, and that’s why I’ve been defensive of her. I still think her approach is the right one. I do not think she’s out there advocating that the government take over our dinner plates, in fact she’s not.

She’s been criticized unfairly by a lot of my fellow conservatives. I think it’s out of a reflex rather than out of a thoughtful expression. And that’s one of the things that bug me most about our political environment today.

We don’t have to believe everything the other side proposes is immediately all together bad. And the reason I’ve been very vocal, even doing an event with her and publicly speaking out for her initiative, is because it is exactly what Republicans say they believe, – that you put a focus on individual responsibility, you encourage people to make good choices and you reward them for doing so. I thought that was exactly what we were about!

At the end of the video shown below, Huckabee says obesity is also a national security problem, and that Michelle Obama bringing this debate to the national level is good for the nation’s security.  He then added;

Rather than us condemning Michelle Obama, I think we ought to be thanking her, and praising her for what she’s done.

Of course, when Huckabee says the First Lady has been “criticized unfairly”  by his fellow conservatives, he’s primarily referring to Rush and Sarah. The two have been a personal vendetta to destroy Mrs. Obama’s anti-obesity drive. But don’t expect the words of the Republican presidential candidate to change any minds, there is money  to be made in disagreeing common sense practices, or disagreeing with the occupants of the White House.

See the rest of the video below.

Glenn Beck Joe Scarborough MSNBC Republican

Conservatives Denounce Glenn Beck’s Crazy Antics

Say it ain’t so Joe:

In a shocking turn of events, conservative Republican Joe Scarborough of MSNBC has truned against his fellow conservative, ultra-extreme Glenn Beck. He then voiced his displeasure with the Beck-star – one of the appointed leaders of the Teaparty.

“I’ve been telling conservatives for about two years, this guy is bad for the movement, this guy is losing it before our eyes. He’s bad for the conservative movement. He’s bad for the Republican Party. He’s bad for Fox News…even guys over at Fox News have to start thinking, this can’t last. He’s out of control.”

Scarborough then pointed out that he is not the only conservative who’s becomming sick of Beck’s antics. He mentioned a blog post by another conservative, named Peter Wehner. The title of Mr. Wehner’s post is “The Most Distrubing Person on Cable Television.” A portion of the post said;

In the past few weeks Glenn Beck has spoken about the coming caliphate that he believes is about to envelope most of the world. He then dilated on the anti-Christ with a man who says he has “new prophetic understanding into the end times.”

In 2009, this self-proclaimed prophet wrote a column titled “What Obama and the Anti-Christ Have in Common.” Then, on a recent show, the discussion focused on the coming Islamic anti-Christ. And earlier this week, an irate, bellicose Beck spoke about the “perfect storm” America faces. “I can’t honestly believe we’re finally here,” he said in praising his own prescience. In his version of events, Beck is the solitary Voice of Truth willing to expose the New World Order (complete with references to Van Jones and Code Pink).

It’s hard to tell how much of what Beck says is sincere and how much is for show. Whatever the case, and even taking into account the entire MSNBC lineup, Glenn Beck has become the most disturbing personality on cable television. One cannot watch him for any length of time without being struck by his affinity for conspiracies and for portraying himself as the great decoder of events.

Well, it’s never too late. We welcome these conservative who are finally beginning to see the truth about Glenn Beck, and we hope that it’s not too late for the masses who watch Beck religiously, buying into his conspiracy theories and his willful attempt to dumb down Americans.

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Fox News rachel maddow Republican Wisconsin

Shep Smith of Fox News Tells The Truth! When Will He Be Fired?

As I write this post, I’m hearing the song, “Hit the road Jack,” playing in my head, and I can’t help but feel that it’s just a matter of time before Fox News sings that song to Shep Smith. He actually has a mind, and although sometimes he falls in line and echos their extremists talking points, for the most part, Shep Smith goes off on his own and tells it like it really is. So for this reason, he’s not a good fit for the liars at FOX.

Mr. Smith Goes To Wisconsin

His latest stab at the truth came this week when he again, branched off  and defied the talking heads at FOX.  Shep stated that what’s happening in Wisconsin “has nothing to do with the budget,” and he correctly sees  governor Walker’s actions for what they really are… dirty politics.


MSNBC Tid Bits twitter

Keith Olbermann Launches His New Website

And so, the return of Keith Olbermann has officially began, with the launch of FOK News Channel. Olbermann previously made the announcement in a tweet, saying “Proud to announce: Coming very very soon – your FOKNewsChannel website… #FOK” – [Friends Of Keith]

As described on the website,

Three-time Murrow-Award Winner Keith Olbermann is the “K” in “Friends Of Keith” and “Friends Of Keith” is the FOK in the not-for-profit FOKNewsChannel.

Next for Mr. Olbermann… his return to television.

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