
Airline passenger’s complaint about Man The Size of an “infant Hippopotamus” Goes Viral –

This letter was sent to an Australian airline, by a passenger named Rich Wisken. Mr Wisken had a complaint and needed the airline to know about his experience on a recent flight.

Apparently, Wisken paid extra for a certain seat for a flight from Perth to Sydney, but instead was given a seat next to a man as big as ‘an infant hippopotamus’ and who smelled like ‘blue cheese’ and a ‘Mumbai slum’.

Needless to say, his letter went viral!

Traveller Rich Wisken wrote on a blog that he paid an extra $A25 (£13.50) for an exit row seat, expecting to travel from Perth to Sydney with more room than a normal economy seat.


Dear Jetstar…

Do you like riddles? I do, that’s why I’m starting this letter with one. What weighs more than a Suzuki Swift, less than a Hummer and smells like the decaying anus of a deceased homeless man? No idea? How about, what measures food portions in kilograms and has the personal hygiene of a French prostitute? Still nothing? Right, one more try. What’s fat as f***, stinks like shit and should be forced to purchase two seats on a Jetstar flight? That’s right, it’s the man I sat next to under on my flight from Perth to Sydney yesterday.

As I boarded the plane, I mentally high-fived myself for paying the additional $25 for an emergency seat. I was imagining all that extra room, when I was suddenly distracted by what appeared to be an infant hippopotamus located halfway down the aisle.

As I got closer, I was relieved to see that it wasn’t a dangerous semi-aquatic African mammal, but a morbidly obese human being. However, this relief was short-lived when I realised that my seat was located somewhere underneath him.

Soon after I managed to burrow into my seat, I caught what was to be the first of numerous fetid whiffs of body odour. His scent possessed hints of blue cheese and Mumbai slum, with nuances of sweaty flesh and human faeces sprayed with cologne – Eau No.

Considering I was visibly under duress, I found it strange that none of the cabin crew offered me another seat. To be fair, it’s entirely possible that none of them actually saw me. Perhaps this photo will jog their memories.

Pinned to my seat by a fleshy boulder, I started preparing for a 127 Hours-like escape. Thankfully though, the beast moved slightly to his left, which allowed me to stand up, walk to the back of the plane and politely ask the cabin crew to be seated elsewhere. I didn’t catch the names of the three flight attendants, but for the purpose of this letter, I’ll call them: Chatty 1, Chatty 2 and Giggly (I’ve given them all the same surname – Couldnotgiveash***).

After my request, Chatty 1 and Chatty 2 continued their conversation, presumably about how s*** they are at their jobs, and Giggly, well, she just giggled. I then asked if I could sit in one of the six vacant seats at the back of the aircraft, to which Giggly responded, “hehehe, they’re for crew only, hehehe”. I think Giggly may be suffering from some form of mental impairment.

I tried to relocate myself without the assistance of the Couldnotgiveas*** triplets, but unfortunately everyone with a row to themselves was now lying down. It was then I realised that my fate was sealed. I made my way back to Jabba the Hutt and spent the remainder of the flight smothered in side-boob and cellulite, taking shallow breaths to avoid noxious gas poisoning. Just before landing,

I revisited the back of the plane to use the toilet. You could imagine my surprise when I saw both “crew only” rows occupied by non-crew members. I can only assume Giggly let them sit there after she forgot who she was and why she’s flying on a big, shiny metal thing in the sky.

Imagine going out for dinner and a movie, only to have your night ruined by a fat mess who eats half your meal then blocks 50% of the screen. Isn’t that exactly the same as having someone who can’t control their calorie intake occupying half your seat on a flight? Of course it is, so that’s why I’m demanding a full refund of my ticket, including the $25 for an emergency row seat.

I’m also looking to be compensated for the physical pain and mental suffering caused by being enveloped in human blubber for four hours. My lower back is in agony and I had to type this letter one-handed as I’m yet to regain full use of my left side. If I don’t recover completely, I’ll have to say goodbye to my lifelong dream of becoming Air Guitar World Champion. If that occurs, you will pay.

To discuss my generous compensation package, email me at:, or tweet me at: @RichWisken

No regards,

Rich Wisken.

h/t Daily Mail

Health Healthcare

Obesity is now Classified as a Disease

Obesity rates in the United States remain unacceptably high, and the epidemic persists in affecting Blacks and Hispanics disproportionately.

Obesity is now classified as a disease. This was the final decision at the annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA), the organization that represents doctors nationwide.

Despite their own Council on Science and Public Health releasing a report earlier in the meeting which indicated that obesity was not a disease process, the AMA House of Delegates took the bold step to vote in opposition to this report.

Taking away the blame

For persons who struggle with their weight and the physicians that care for them, this designation of obesity as a disease is seen as a victory. Currently, there are very few resources available to those with obesity as this entity has been viewed as self-induced. The current dogma suggests that obesity can be cured with proper diet and nutrition.

Many persons believe that if you are eating the right foods in the proper portion sizes and following a dedicated exercise regimen, you will never become obese. However, science has taught us that while this may be the case for some persons, there is not a “one size fits all” approach to obesity.

Studies have shown that hormones in the body such as leptin and ghrelin play a role in the weight status of an individual. These hormones are just a few of the hormones that regulate energy balance in the human body. Leptin, a hormone that is primarily produced by fat, circulates in the bloodstream and communicates with the brain whether or not the body has had enough to eat.

For persons that have a higher leptin level, they will tend to eat more as their body does not sense that there is enough food or energy on board. The leptin level varies from person to person.

Some studies suggest that blacks are more likely to have a higher leptin level than whites. One such study indicated that leptin levels were much higher in black women, even after controlling for factors such as weight. The authors suggested that further research into leptin is needed to investigate racial differences in obesity-related diseases.

h/t – thegrio

Barack Obama Health Michelle Obama Mike Huckabee Politics Republican Sarah Palin United States White House

Mike Huckabee: I Think We Should Thank And Praise Michelle Obama

Sometimes you just don’t know what to expect from  Conservatives. There are days when you turn on the television and Mike Huckabee is on, criticizing Obamacare as a “government take-over” – a claim that has been debunked by the way, since the millions of new policies are provided by private insurance companies. And then there are times when he bucks his party’s talking points and actually defends someone on the other side of the political divide.

This time, Mr. Huckabee is defending Michelle Obama against the onslaught of criticism coming from some in his own camp, namely Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. On February 23rd, Mike was asked why the First Lady’s anti-obesity drive was viewed with such hostility. Huckabee replied;

Unfortunately I think a lot of it is because she’s the one presenting it, and that’s why I’ve been defensive of her. I still think her approach is the right one. I do not think she’s out there advocating that the government take over our dinner plates, in fact she’s not.

She’s been criticized unfairly by a lot of my fellow conservatives. I think it’s out of a reflex rather than out of a thoughtful expression. And that’s one of the things that bug me most about our political environment today.

We don’t have to believe everything the other side proposes is immediately all together bad. And the reason I’ve been very vocal, even doing an event with her and publicly speaking out for her initiative, is because it is exactly what Republicans say they believe, – that you put a focus on individual responsibility, you encourage people to make good choices and you reward them for doing so. I thought that was exactly what we were about!

At the end of the video shown below, Huckabee says obesity is also a national security problem, and that Michelle Obama bringing this debate to the national level is good for the nation’s security.  He then added;

Rather than us condemning Michelle Obama, I think we ought to be thanking her, and praising her for what she’s done.

Of course, when Huckabee says the First Lady has been “criticized unfairly”  by his fellow conservatives, he’s primarily referring to Rush and Sarah. The two have been a personal vendetta to destroy Mrs. Obama’s anti-obesity drive. But don’t expect the words of the Republican presidential candidate to change any minds, there is money  to be made in disagreeing common sense practices, or disagreeing with the occupants of the White House.

See the rest of the video below.

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