
Michael Dunn Compares Himself to a Rape Victim

It’s amazing that the two men who committed murder and got away with it, now consider themselves “victims.”

George Zimmerman went on CNN over the weekend, lamenting that he is homeless and broke since murdering Trayvon Martin, calling himself a victim. And now this: newly released audio from Michael Dunn – the man who was not convicted of murdering Jordan Davis – reveals the chilling voice of the cold blooded killer telling his fiancée Rhonda Rouer that he too is a victim.

I was the one that was being preyed upon and I fought back. It’s not quite the same but it made me think of like the old TV shows and movies where like how the police used to think when a chick got raped going, “Oh, it’s her fault because of the way she dressed.” I’m like, “So it’s my fault (laughing) because I asked them to turn their music down. I got attacked and I fought back because I didn’t want to be a victim and now I’m in trouble. I refused to be a victim and now I’m incarcerated.”

“I’m the f*** victim here,” he said, laughing, during one of the phone calls. “I was the one who was victimized … I’m the victor, but I was the victim too.”

Dunn was convicted over the weekend of three counts if attempted murder for the three guys he missed when he fired 10 rounds into their car. Three of those rounds hit and killed Jordan Davis, but apparently that was okay, because the jury couldn’t decide if the dead body meant a wrong act was done.

In previous releases, Dunn wrote that more people should do what he did, claiming that if more people killed blacks and Latinos, these two minority groups would change their ways for the positive.

“This jail is full of blacks and they all act like thugs,” read one such letter. “This may sound a bit radical, but if more people would arm themselves and kill these f**king idiots when they’re threatening you, eventually they may take the hint and change their behavior.”

Court hearings to determine Dunn’s sentencing for the attempted murder convictions will he held in March.


Airline passenger’s complaint about Man The Size of an “infant Hippopotamus” Goes Viral –

This letter was sent to an Australian airline, by a passenger named Rich Wisken. Mr Wisken had a complaint and needed the airline to know about his experience on a recent flight.

Apparently, Wisken paid extra for a certain seat for a flight from Perth to Sydney, but instead was given a seat next to a man as big as ‘an infant hippopotamus’ and who smelled like ‘blue cheese’ and a ‘Mumbai slum’.

Needless to say, his letter went viral!

Traveller Rich Wisken wrote on a blog that he paid an extra $A25 (£13.50) for an exit row seat, expecting to travel from Perth to Sydney with more room than a normal economy seat.


Dear Jetstar…

Do you like riddles? I do, that’s why I’m starting this letter with one. What weighs more than a Suzuki Swift, less than a Hummer and smells like the decaying anus of a deceased homeless man? No idea? How about, what measures food portions in kilograms and has the personal hygiene of a French prostitute? Still nothing? Right, one more try. What’s fat as f***, stinks like shit and should be forced to purchase two seats on a Jetstar flight? That’s right, it’s the man I sat next to under on my flight from Perth to Sydney yesterday.

As I boarded the plane, I mentally high-fived myself for paying the additional $25 for an emergency seat. I was imagining all that extra room, when I was suddenly distracted by what appeared to be an infant hippopotamus located halfway down the aisle.

As I got closer, I was relieved to see that it wasn’t a dangerous semi-aquatic African mammal, but a morbidly obese human being. However, this relief was short-lived when I realised that my seat was located somewhere underneath him.

Soon after I managed to burrow into my seat, I caught what was to be the first of numerous fetid whiffs of body odour. His scent possessed hints of blue cheese and Mumbai slum, with nuances of sweaty flesh and human faeces sprayed with cologne – Eau No.

Considering I was visibly under duress, I found it strange that none of the cabin crew offered me another seat. To be fair, it’s entirely possible that none of them actually saw me. Perhaps this photo will jog their memories.

Pinned to my seat by a fleshy boulder, I started preparing for a 127 Hours-like escape. Thankfully though, the beast moved slightly to his left, which allowed me to stand up, walk to the back of the plane and politely ask the cabin crew to be seated elsewhere. I didn’t catch the names of the three flight attendants, but for the purpose of this letter, I’ll call them: Chatty 1, Chatty 2 and Giggly (I’ve given them all the same surname – Couldnotgiveash***).

After my request, Chatty 1 and Chatty 2 continued their conversation, presumably about how s*** they are at their jobs, and Giggly, well, she just giggled. I then asked if I could sit in one of the six vacant seats at the back of the aircraft, to which Giggly responded, “hehehe, they’re for crew only, hehehe”. I think Giggly may be suffering from some form of mental impairment.

I tried to relocate myself without the assistance of the Couldnotgiveas*** triplets, but unfortunately everyone with a row to themselves was now lying down. It was then I realised that my fate was sealed. I made my way back to Jabba the Hutt and spent the remainder of the flight smothered in side-boob and cellulite, taking shallow breaths to avoid noxious gas poisoning. Just before landing,

I revisited the back of the plane to use the toilet. You could imagine my surprise when I saw both “crew only” rows occupied by non-crew members. I can only assume Giggly let them sit there after she forgot who she was and why she’s flying on a big, shiny metal thing in the sky.

Imagine going out for dinner and a movie, only to have your night ruined by a fat mess who eats half your meal then blocks 50% of the screen. Isn’t that exactly the same as having someone who can’t control their calorie intake occupying half your seat on a flight? Of course it is, so that’s why I’m demanding a full refund of my ticket, including the $25 for an emergency row seat.

I’m also looking to be compensated for the physical pain and mental suffering caused by being enveloped in human blubber for four hours. My lower back is in agony and I had to type this letter one-handed as I’m yet to regain full use of my left side. If I don’t recover completely, I’ll have to say goodbye to my lifelong dream of becoming Air Guitar World Champion. If that occurs, you will pay.

To discuss my generous compensation package, email me at:, or tweet me at: @RichWisken

No regards,

Rich Wisken.

h/t Daily Mail

ObamaCare Politics

Governor Deval Patrick Counsels Congress on Obamacare – His Letter

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, witnessed firsthand some of the problems involved in providing healthcare to his state. And with that knowledge in mind, Governor Deval Patrick decided to write this letter to the members of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation.

The Members of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation:

As you consider current proposals to change the Affordable Care Act (ACA), I write to remind you about what we have learned from health care reform in Massachusetts, and to inform you of some of our experiences so far with implementing it.

We have seen firsthand the positive changes brought about by a strong individual insurance market with protections that ensure a basic level of care.  Individuals are protected from being dropped from insurance when they need it most, or being denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.  Benefits must meet minimum standards, and there are limits on individuals’ exposure to out-of-pocket costs for needed health care.  And the rest of us are protected against having our premiums inflated or our taxes tapped to pick up the tab for the uninsured or underinsured.  With these basic features in place, we have achieved near universal coverage, better health and slower growth in health costs.  With the ACA, the same can and will happen for the country.

Much has been made of the fact that some Americans have had their current policies canceled by their insurers.  Some of that, we know, is in the normal course of annual insurance renewals.  Some is because the existing policies do not provide the minimum level of coverage required by the ACA.  So long as the means for individuals to learn about and enroll in affordable alternatives is available, through an improved website, a call center or otherwise, the transition of people from non-compliant policies to compliant ones should proceed. 

Nonetheless, the public has been poorly informed about this transition, and too many consumers are unable to enroll conveniently in compliant plans.  For some, the temporary delay proposed yesterday by the President may be appropriate.  Our experience in Massachusetts tells us that our health plans and their customers have prepared for the transition and are unlikely to need or to use the additional time.

However, any delay in requiring plans to meet the basic standards of the ACA must only be temporary.  Leaving non-compliant plans to remain permanently in place means we revert to the status quo: a broken health care system where many people carry policies that don’t cover them when they get seriously ill, and where those with comprehensive coverage pay for those uninsured or underinsured in higher premiums and taxes.  Permitting plans to be permanently non-compliant means the pool of individuals who do purchase plans through the marketplaces will likely be sicker on average, and their options will be more expensive and constrained.  And it will disrupt the market-based model on which premiums and policy options hinge.

We benefit in Massachusetts from broad, bipartisan support for health reform and the willingness of our legislature — encouraged by business, labor, industry, patient advocates and others — to make refinements to our plan as we go.  The President does not enjoy that collaboration with the Congress, and the American people suffer as a result.  If you wish to take further legislative action to ensure the successful extension of the benefits of the ACA to all our citizens, I would humbly propose that you consider granting the administration broader authority to make adjustments to the ACA by regulation so long as such regulations advance the fundamental goal.  That way any administration can make changes in the details of implementation quickly in response to lessons learned along the way.

The fundamental goal of the Affordable Care Act is to give all Americans access to reliable, quality health insurance at a reasonable cost.  Guaranteeing a basic level of coverage for everyone is the first step towards fixing our broken health care system and promoting a healthier population.  We have seen in Massachusetts how well it works and how important it is.  While the transition is challenging for some, I urge you not to lose sight of the long-term good for all as you consider any changes or adjustments to the Affordable Care Act.

For these reasons, I urge you to oppose any bill that extends access to non-compliant plans beyond a short transition period.

With continued thanks for your partnership, I am

Respectfully yours,

Governor Deval L. Patrick


Koch Brothers Throw Republicans Under the Bus

We all know that the Koch brothers are financially responsible for the Teaparty and all they stand for. And we all know based on reporting from the New York Times that this government shutdown was planned months ago by the Republican leadership and their Teaparty brethren.

Their government shutdown to defund Obamacare plan however, has not panned out the way they expected, as more and more Americans continue to blame and abandon the GOP’s crazy antics. New Polling data shows that Republicans are paying a huge price for shutting down the government and now the financial foundation of the Teaparty wants nothing to do with the shutdown.

In a letter from the Kochs, the brothers are saying that that a government shutdown was never their idea, and that Republicans and the Teaparty were on their own.

“Koch believes that Obamacare will increase deficits, lead to an overall lowering of the standard of health care in America, and raise taxes,” the letter said. “However, Koch has not taken a position on the legislative tactic of tying the continuing resolution to defunding Obamacare nor have we lobbied on legislative provisions defunding Obamacare.”

Express Yourself

A Letter To My Next Girlfriend

Dear Someone,
I use someone because I probably don’t know your name at this point in my life.

Take no offense; Don’t be angry and come at me with a knife!

So…yeah you and me huh? That’s pretty sweet right?

Dam I’m four lines in and I already came down with writers block

That’s nuts because I usually can always seem to talk

Since I always talk a big game

Say I have no shame
Don’t care if you use “I dare you” with my name

But when I talk to someone I like

I clam up air tight

That’s how you know I ain’t feeling right (in a good way)

Have no fear though that shyness will easily thaw

It’ll give way to thing’s that’ll make you laugh or go “awww”


So what’s this letter about you ask, as do I in all honesty

Well keep reading and then you’ll see

It’s about me as the next paragraph will show

It’s also about you, I just wanted you to know


I don’t know what you’ll know about me at this stage

Probably some good things, hopefully nothing that’ll put you in a rage

I’m very open about myself though, I have nothing to hide

There’s no “I’ll tell you another time” or any story I’ll push aside

I wonder if you’ll know my favorite color is orange but I love to wear black

Or that I love my Lakers, basketball, and miss hearing “T-Mac to the rack!”

Maybe you’ll know I actually have a decent fashion sense (#HighFashion)

Or that I never shy away from giving my $.02


What about you? There are so many questions I can sit here and ask

Writing them all down though………dam that’d be quite a task

Have we been friends? Best friends? Or total strangers who just met

If we were total strangers let me say..”Finally a fish in the net!”

(Referring to that “plenty fish in the sea saying. Okay, not funny? Okay..)

Ah so many questions I could ask but it’s 1am and I’d love to sleep tonight

Instead of having my brain work in overdrive, blasting through all the red lights


Well whoever you were to me and whenever you do read this, let me just say

I’m happy you’re with me and not some other guy

I obviously like you, enjoying hanging out, and talking as well

I can’t say where this will go or how it’ll work

All I can say is to just kick back and let life run it’s course


Good night,



Suspicious Letter Sent to President Obama Tested Positive for Ricin

By  (@PierreTABC) , JACK DATE,  (@AnnCompton) ,  (@JimAvilaABC) and JEFF ZELENY
April 17, 2013

A letter addressed to President Obama that field-tested positive for the poison ricin was received at the remote White House mail screening facility Tuesday, according to law enforcement officials.

Law enforcement officials emphasized that these tests are preliminary and are often unreliable. They said the final word would come from a complete lab test that should be completed in the next 24 to 48 hours.

A false positive for ricin occurs at least once each year, a homeland security official told ABC News.

The facility routinely identifies letters or parcels that require secondary screening or scientific testing before delivery.

The office of Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi also Tuesday received a suspicious letter potentially laced with ricin, postmarked from Memphis.

Testing on the first letter is incomplete but expected to be finished this afternoon. The first letter was addressed to Republican Wicker.

The Secret Service mail screening facility is a remote facility, not located near the White House complex, that all White House mail goes through.

The Secret Service is working closely with the U.S. Capitol Police and the FBI in this investigation.

FBI sources say anytime suspicious powder is located in a mail facility, field tests are conducted. The field and other preliminary tests in this instance produced inconsistent results. The material has been sent to an accredited laboratory for further analysis.

Only a full analysis performed at an accredited laboratory can determine the presence of a biological agent such as ricin. Those tests are in the process of being conducted and generally take from 24 to 48 hours.

The Centers for Disease Control defines ricin as a poison that comes from castor beans and can be found in a powder, a mist, a pellet or dissolved in water.

“In the 1940s, the U.S. military experimented with using ricin as a possible warfare agent,” the CDC writes. “In some reports ricin has possibly been used as a warfare agent in the 1980s in Iraq and more recently by terrorist organizations.”

Featured Politics

Thuggish Allen West Refuses To Apologize. Fund-raises Instead.

The Republican thug who, for absolutely no valid reason, criticized and defamed Debbie Wasserman Schultz, went on Fox Business News on Thursday and flat-out said he will not be apologizing to Mrs. Schultz. When asked about the possibility of an apology, Allen West replied;

“That is not happening. This is a pattern I referred to in that email that goes back to 2010. Finally I think I have the right to stand up and defend my honor and make sure that this type of activity does cease. I sent her a private email, she decided to make it public by releasing it to the news media.”

A day before, the so-called congressman told a reporter from the Huffington Post that he did in fact apologize to Schultz, but later, his team released a statement saying that it did not happen.

Amazingly, Allen West is using this occasion to fund raise, telling his defenders that it’s “moments like this”  when he needs “friends.”

From: Allen West For Congress Date:

Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 2:32 PM

Subject: Vile, Despicable, and Unprofessional

Those three words sum up my feelings about Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

By now, you’ve probably heard the story. But I wanted you to hear it from me. Yesterday, on the floor of the House, I publicly expressed my support for “Cut, Cap, and Balance” –the leading conservative proposal to help us get our spiraling debt and spending under control.

Once I left the floor, Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (DNC Chair) –who it seems does little except act as an attack dog for the “vast left wing conspiracy” –attacked me personally for supporting the legislation.

It’s not a coincidence that she is the Chairwoman of the DNC and that the Democrats are making me target #1 for defeat. In a discussion of grave importance to this nation’s future, she somehow finds time to try to score political points. And she doesn’t have the guts to do it to my face!

Episodes like these show that her agenda isn’t to improve the lives of Floridians or to stand on principle. She’s an attack dog for the liberal, progressive wing of the Democratic Party –plain and simple. And it’s times like this that I need friends with me.

Please make a donation of $25 or more at my website right now. And join thousands of other patriotic Americans in standing up against the vicious attack from the Democratic National Party.

Steadfast and Loyal,

Allen B. West LTC(R) Member of Congress

But why should this shock anyone? Allen West is a Congressional Republican, and like the rest of them, no wrong doing ever warrants an apology. Well, maybe that’s not correct. They will apologize if your bank account has over 7 zeros in it, and donations to their coffers are promised.

Barack Obama donaldtrump Featured Hawaii United States

To The Editor, From Donald “The Birther” Trump

Gail Collins wrote an article back on April 2nd called Donald Trump Gets Weirder, in which – among other things – she referred to Birther Donald Trump as a Birther. Mr. Birther Trump found this reference offensive, or as he wrote in his birther response, “very derogatory.” The Birther then tried to justify his beliefs–no facts required– that President Obama was born in Kenya.

We now present the facts, as a birther sees them;

To the Editor:

Re “Donald Trump Gets Weirder,” by Gail Collins (column, April 2):

Even before Gail Collins was with the New York Times, she has written nasty and derogatory articles about me.  Actually, I have great respect for Ms. Collins in that she has survived so long with so little talent. Her storytelling ability and word usage (coming from me, who has written many bestsellers), is not at a very high level. More importantly, her facts are wrong!

As far as her comments on the so-called “birther” issue, I don’t need Ms. Collins’s advice. There is a very large segment of our society who believe that Barack Obama, indeed, was not born in the United States. His grandmother from Kenya stated, on tape, that he was born in Kenya and she was there to watch the birth. His family in Honolulu is fighting over which hospital in Hawaii he was born in-they just don’t know.

He has not been able to produce a “birth certificate” but merely a totally unsigned “certificate of live birth”-which is totally different and of very little significance. Unlike a birth certificate, a certificate of live birth is very easy to obtain. Equally of importance, there are no records in Hawaii that a Barack Hussein Obama was born there-no bills, no doctors names, no nurses names, no registrations, no payments, etc. As far as the two notices placed in newspapers, many things could have happened, but some feel the grandparents put an ad in order to show that he was a citizen of the U.S. with all of the benefits thereto. Everybody, after all, and especially then, wanted to be a United States citizen.

The term used by Ms. Collins-“birther”-is very derogatory and is meant in a derogatory way. Had this been George Bush or almost any other President or Presidential aspirant, they would never have been allowed to attain office, or would have been thrown out of office very quickly.

For some reason, the press protects President Obama beyond anything or anyone I have ever seen. What they don’t realize is that if he was not born in the United States, they would have uncovered the greatest “scam” in the history of our country.  In other words, they would become the hottest writer since Watergate, or beyond.

Open your eyes, Gail, there’s at least a good chance that Barack Hussein Obama has made mincemeat out of our great and cherished Constitution!

New York, April 7, 2011

So there you have it. All the facts needed to prove that the President of these United States was actually born in Kenya. No more questions need to be asked, no more proof necessary. If Mr. Birther Trump says so, then so it is.

I wonder if Birther Trump seen this video explaining “The Event!”?

Democratic Featured vote Wisconsin

Wisconsin Republicans Determine Democrats’ Votes Mean Nothing

Wisconsin Republicans are not playing anymore games when it comes to taking away the rights of the people of Wisconsin, and any attempt by elected Democrats to stop or slow down any of their outrageous policies, will be combated with a vengeance not yet seen in this American democracy.

We all remember last week when Democrats were locked out of the Assembly building and had to climb through the windows to enter. Now, Republican Senate Leader Scott Fitzgerald  has decided that he will wipe the slate clean when it comes to votes cast by Democrats. Mr. Fitzgerald will just erase their votes from the record. As he puts it, their votes just wont count.

In a letter to his Republican allies in the Senate, Fitzgerald wrote;

From: Sen.Fitzgerald
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 3:52 PM
To: *Legislative Senate Republicans
Subject: Senate Democrat voting privileges in standing committees

Dear Members,

With the return of the Senate Democrats this weekend, questions have arisen regarding Democrat members’ participation in Senate standing committee public hearings and executive sessions.

Please note that all 14 Democrat senators are still in contempt of the Senate. Therefore, when taking roll call votes on amendments and bills during executive sessions, Senate Democrats’ votes will not be reflected in the Records of Committee Proceedings or the Senate Journal. They are free to attend hearings, listen to testimony, debate legislation, introduce amendments, and cast votes to signal their support/opposition, but those votes will not count, and will not be recorded.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact my office.

Thank you,

Scott Fitzgerald
Senate Majority Leader
13th Senate District

Somehow, I can’t see the people of Wisconsin voting to put Republican back into power, forgetting that their basic rights can and will be taken away by any and all means necessary.

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