
Secretary John Kerry – Bashar Assad is a “Thug and Murderer”

The evidence is “clear and compelling” that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime used chemical weapons against its own people last week, Secretary of State John Kerry told the American people Friday.

The U.S., Kerry said, knows where the rockets carrying the chemicals were fired from — territory controlled by the Assad regime — and when they were launched.

His words came as the world waits for what are expected to be U.S. missile strikes on military targets inside Syria in coming days.

If a “thug and murderer” such as President Bashar Assad is allowed to do that without consequences, Kerry warned, there will be “no end to the test of our resolve. … It matters if nothing is done.”

In an appearance at the State Department, the secretary also said the death toll from that alleged chemical weapons attack was higher than has been reported. According to Kerry, U.S. intelligence has concluded that 1,429 people were killed. While he was speaking, the White House released some declassified details of what U.S. intelligence officials say they have learned about the attack.

Featured Politics

Thuggish Allen West Refuses To Apologize. Fund-raises Instead.

The Republican thug who, for absolutely no valid reason, criticized and defamed Debbie Wasserman Schultz, went on Fox Business News on Thursday and flat-out said he will not be apologizing to Mrs. Schultz. When asked about the possibility of an apology, Allen West replied;

“That is not happening. This is a pattern I referred to in that email that goes back to 2010. Finally I think I have the right to stand up and defend my honor and make sure that this type of activity does cease. I sent her a private email, she decided to make it public by releasing it to the news media.”

A day before, the so-called congressman told a reporter from the Huffington Post that he did in fact apologize to Schultz, but later, his team released a statement saying that it did not happen.

Amazingly, Allen West is using this occasion to fund raise, telling his defenders that it’s “moments like this”  when he needs “friends.”

From: Allen West For Congress Date:

Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 2:32 PM

Subject: Vile, Despicable, and Unprofessional

Those three words sum up my feelings about Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

By now, you’ve probably heard the story. But I wanted you to hear it from me. Yesterday, on the floor of the House, I publicly expressed my support for “Cut, Cap, and Balance” –the leading conservative proposal to help us get our spiraling debt and spending under control.

Once I left the floor, Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (DNC Chair) –who it seems does little except act as an attack dog for the “vast left wing conspiracy” –attacked me personally for supporting the legislation.

It’s not a coincidence that she is the Chairwoman of the DNC and that the Democrats are making me target #1 for defeat. In a discussion of grave importance to this nation’s future, she somehow finds time to try to score political points. And she doesn’t have the guts to do it to my face!

Episodes like these show that her agenda isn’t to improve the lives of Floridians or to stand on principle. She’s an attack dog for the liberal, progressive wing of the Democratic Party –plain and simple. And it’s times like this that I need friends with me.

Please make a donation of $25 or more at my website right now. And join thousands of other patriotic Americans in standing up against the vicious attack from the Democratic National Party.

Steadfast and Loyal,

Allen B. West LTC(R) Member of Congress

But why should this shock anyone? Allen West is a Congressional Republican, and like the rest of them, no wrong doing ever warrants an apology. Well, maybe that’s not correct. They will apologize if your bank account has over 7 zeros in it, and donations to their coffers are promised.

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