Arizona MSNBC Politics Sarah Palin shooting twitter

For Sarah Palin, It’s Too Little, Too Late

In an effort to distance themselves from the shootings yesterday in Arizona, where 6 people were innocently killed including a Federal Judge and a nine year old girl, Sarah Palin and her followers have begun a campaign to suggest that all the coincidences surrounding the incident were just that… coincidences.

The we-had-nothing-to-do-with-it campaign began shortly after the shooting. The webmasters of Sarah Palin’s website immediately removed the picture showing the crosshairs over Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords district in Arizona. A feeble attempt, as with today’s technology, archives of the site were already made showing the now forsaken image.

The pitiful campaign is also being waged on Twitter by an employee of Palin’s. Her name is Rebecca Mansour. Mrs Mansour has taken it upon herself to use her Twitter account to defend her boss against all accusations that the crosshairs gesture was  connected to the shooting.  She also appeared on a radio interview to defend Palin’s website and to tell everyone how wrong it was to make the association.

And then there’s Mrs Palin herself. Shortly after the shooting, she offered her “condolences” to the victims, saying;

My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today’s tragic shooting in Arizona.

On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice.

In one of her previous tweets after listing the Congresswoman’s district under the crosshairs, Palin advised her supporters to “RELOAD.” Her actual tweet read;

“Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: ‘Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD!’ Pls see my Facebook page.”

What Palin, her staff, and her devoted followers don’t want to acknowledge is that when you’re a renown, followed public figure who  negligently uses riotous words and actions to blatantly and willfully arouse the fearful, hateful emotions of your listeners, such as exhibiting crosshairs  over congressional districts on your website suggesting that your opponents be ‘taken out’,  then its to be expected that when a congresswoman  (and excuse my crudeness here) gets shot in the head…then connections will be made.

And this connection was made by none other than the victim herself, when she was interviewed on MSNBC almost a year ago. Asked about whether the political leaders of both parties should condemn the growing divide in this nation, Mrs. Giffords specified that it’s not only the responsibilities of political leaders to tone down the violence. She named Sarah Palin and expressed her concerned about being targeted by Mrs. Palin’s crosshairs depiction. In an eerie conclusion, Mrs Giffords warned Sarah Palin that “words have consequences!”

No one is saying Sarah Palin caused the shooting in Arizona.  But saying that she contributed to the vile political divide in this country is a huge understatement. We will always have  disagreements as a people, but we have to continue to use democratic ways to move on, while respecting our various differences.

Palin’s antics proved that manufacturing lies to maintain fake non-issues, is a profitable way to exist. She is not about solutions, for solutions will mean that  her antics are no longer needed, thus no paycheck. For  Palin and and her fellow commentator associates, saying or doing anything is warranted only if its about  maintaining the cash. As they deposit their checks however, the words of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords should ring in their ears, – “words have consequences!”

Health Care Medicare Medicare Part D Politics Repeal Sarah Palin United States

While Republicans Promise Repeal, More Health Benefits Go into Effect

Just days before its Republican enemies are officially sworn into office in the House of Representatives and Senate — armed with their zeal and desire to repeal it — major parts of the new Health Care law with a total of 21 provisions, will go into effect in 2011.

The areas of the law scheduled to take effect January 1st 2011, are geared towards consumer protection and as its purpose suggests, it should be very popular with the American people once the measures are fully implemented. Some of the measures scheduled to take effect on January 1st are:

  1. Rebates to Consumers if Insurance providers use less than 80% of premiums for clinical services. Providers would be required to use up to 80% of your premium to provide clinical services and quality of care to you. If they use less than this percentage, a rebate check covering the difference must be sent to you.
  2. Pharmaceutical manufacturers must provide a 50% discount on brand-name prescriptions filled in the Medicare Part D coverage. Also, federal subsidies for generic prescriptions kick in on January 1st.
  3. Eliminate cost-sharing for Medicare covered preventative services. Also, waives the Medicare deductible for colorectal cancer screening tests and authorizes Medicare coverage for a personalized prevention plan, including a comprehensive health risk assessment.
  4. Creates the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to test new payment and delivery system, with the goal of reducing costs while maintaining or improving quality.
  5. Reduces the Medicare Part D premium subsidy for those with incomes above $85,000/individual and $170,000/couple. Also, freezes income requirements for medicare part B premiums at 2010 levels for the next 8 years.
  6. Creates a new Medicaid state option to permit certain Medicaid enrollees to designate a provider as a health home and provides states taking up the option with 90% federal matching payments for two years for health home-related services.
  7. Provides 3-year grants to states to develop programs to provide Medicaid enrollees with incentives to participate in comprehensive health lifestyle programs.
  8. Establishes a national, voluntary insurance program for purchasing community living assistance services and supports (CLASS program).

Republicans, however, are  promising to stop the progress of these reforms by cutting off all necessary funding. They will take over the agenda in the House of Representatives on January 5th, and will introduce more Republicans to occupy more seats in the Senate on that same day.

Polls suggests that Americans have mixed feelings about the new Health Care reform measures, mainly because they were misled by Republicans and a Conservative media. Some Republicans have even won awards for misleading or lying to the American people, like Sarah Palin’s winning Lie Of The Year Award for claiming the Health Reform contains “Death Panels” to “kill your grandma.”

Democrats claimed that they are up for the coming fight, as they try to keep their signature history-making policy alive. The rumble starts January 5th 2011.

Source: The Kaiser Family Foundation

childhood obesity Michelle Obama Mike Huckabee Politics Republican Sarah Palin

Palin Vs. Michelle Obama. Conservatives say Palin Loses

Image via Wikipedia

You can’t turn on the television or radio, or pick up a news- paper these days without seeing or hearing the name  “Sarah Palin” plastered throughout an article, or her name being discussed as the potential next presidential candidate for the Republican party. But over the last few weeks, Mrs. Palin has decided to engage in a fight that has upset both Democrats and Republicans alike.

Mrs. Palin’s obsession-like paranoia with Mrs. Michelle Obama’s efforts to show kids a healthier way to eat has put her at odds with her own words in the 2009 State of the State address and the views of her own party.

The program the First Lady is advocating is voluntary and geared towards schools and parents to encourage kids to eat better and to make exercise a daily part of their routine.

Mrs. Obama’s childhood antiobesity campaign has received the approval of members of both sides of the political spectrum, except Mrs. Palin, who see these efforts as “too much government” and a “government take-over.”

In an interview with conservative host Laura Ingraham, Palin said the First Lady’s effort to curb childhood obesity amounts to a lack of trust that parents can make the right decisions for their children. Palin said;

Take her anti-obesity thing that she’s on. She is on this kick, right. What she is telling us is she cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children, for their own families in what we should eat. And..and..and I know I’m going to be again criticized for bringing this up, but instead of a government thinking that they need to take over and make decisions for us according to some politician or politician’s wife priorities, just leave us alone, get off our back, and allow us as individuals to exercise our own God-given rights to make our own decisions and then our country gets back on the right track.

But these are not Palin’s first comments against Mrs. Obama’s campaign. She previously called Pennsylvania a “nanny state run amok,” when some schools in the state decided to serve more healthier foods to their students. Then, to show her disgust in these schools, Palin proceeded to hand 200 sugar cookies to a Bucks County school fundraiser. In her most annoying voice yet, Palin then said;

“I had to shake it up a little bit because I heard there is a debate going on in Pennsylvania over whether most schools condemn sweets, cakes, cookies, that type of thing. I brought dozens and dozens of cookies to these students.”

Palin’s On The Wrong Side

The Wall Street Journal, a conservative opinion page is often critical of the Obama administration on various policy decisions, but on the Palin vs. Michelle Obama issue, the Journal recalls Palin’s own words in her 2009 State of the State address, when referring to Health Care reform. She said;

” ‘Health-care reform on an individual basis is often just this simple: we could save a lot of money and a lot of grief by making smarter choices. It starts by ending destructive habits and beginning healthy habits in eating and exercise.’ “

The Journal continues;

“Mrs. Obama’s campaign is grounded in similar sentiments, and in that sense is unusual for this White House in emphasizing personal responsibility. Mrs. Palin would be more effective if she made some distinctions among the Obama policies that really are worth opposing.”

Even the conservative 2008 Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, is siding with Michelle Obama on this one. Asked on a recent radio show what he thought about Palin’s desire to attack childhood obesity, Huckabee said;

“With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she’s misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do, Michelle Obama’s not trying to tell people what to eat or trying to force the government’s desires on people, but she’s stating the obvious: that we do have an obesity crisis in this country … The first lady’s campaign is on target. It’s not saying that you can’t or should never eat a dessert.”

Sarah Palin has been the Republican golden child since John McCain anointed her the 2008 vice presidential candidate. She has since taken on a lot of policies decision by this administration and question, even lie about the effect of those policies. She has never been rebuked as a liar, except that one time when her “death panel” explanation was called lie of the year by PolitiFact – a political fact checking organization.

Now, Mrs. Palin is at it again and this time, she’s on her own.  She was for healthy eating in her State of the State address, but now is against it because a Democrat in the White House is trying to educate children on healthy eating.

The politics of the moment dictates her moves. And the $100,000.00 speaking fees for criticizing the White House doesn’t hurt either.

Bill O'Reilly Politics Republican Sarah Palin tax cuts

Alan Grayson Slams Fox News and The Right Winged Propaganda Machine

Alan Grayson points finger and calls names in this presentation in the House of Representatives, showing why some on the right insist on continuing the tax cuts for the rich. Grayson stated the obvious, that the truth of the matter is, Congressional Republicans are all going to benefit from those tax cuts.

Alan came prepared with huge cardboard cut-out of different so-called “pundits,” detailing what they make and how much more they are sure to get if the Republicans get their way and extend the Millionaire Tax cuts.

He then came up with a better use of that extra cash these rich folks don’t need – using it to create jobs – over 3 million jobs at $30,000 a year Grayson says, is the better way to get this economy moving again.

Names like Fox News contributors, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Bill O’Reilly and even the former President himself will benefit tremendously from having these millionaire tax cuts extended. In Mr. Grayson’s own words;

They want tax cuts for the rich because they want a tax cut for themselves. What do I mean by that? Let’s take a look at the people who are really in charge, the ones who actually run the Republican party.

Let’s start with this gentleman here, the man with the cigar, Rush Limbaugh. Doesn’t he look happy? According according to Newsweek, he makes $58.7 million a year, and extending the tax cuts means he’ll have another $2.7 million. Mega dittos, Rush, and mega money. Let’s look at the next one.

Here’s Glenn Beck, according to Newsweek Glenn Beck makes $33 million a year as a pundit and extending the Bush Tax Cuts means a cool $1.5 million for Glenn bBeck’s ongoing imitation of Howard Beale from Network. Now let’s look at the next one.

Sean Hannity. Newsweek says that Sean Hannity, this man of the people makes $22 million a year from his act on Fox. And that means the Bush Tax cuts mean an extra $1 million. $1 million for Sean Hannity. Maybe he can afford some anger management classes. Let’s take a look at the next one.

Bill O’Reilly. He makes a modest $20 million a year from his gig on Fox. That means that the Bush tax cuts give him not quite seven figures, nearly $914,000 of extra cash. It’s easy to see why Bill O’Reilly wants to see the Bush tax cuts extended. And I have to say, he’s no pinhead when it comes to that.

And Now, Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin has made $14 million this year from cashing in on her fame. In fact, she’s done a better job of turning fame into cash than anyone in American history. $14 million. So she wants the Bush tax cuts extended so she can make an extra cool $638,000. As she was — as she would gesture (shoulder shrug.)

Alan Grayson did not win his re-election in November, but he is not laying down in these last few weeks of his term in Congress. He is going out with a bang, and in the process, pointing out some very significant truths along the way!

Barack Obama North Korea Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States White House

Sarah Palin Calls North Korea an Ally – Twice!


Kim Jong Il – Sarah Palin’s Ally


Words that should never be used in the same sentence – “North Korea is our ally!”

Everyone knows North Korea is not our ally and would not even harbor that thought in their mind. But Sarah Palin, who went to five different colleges to get one degree and criticizes President Obama for everything from his handling of the September 11th 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, to his handling of the Great Depression of the 1930’s – is under the impression that Kim Jong Il of North Korea is an ally of the United States.

The revelation of our new friends in North Korea was made in a friendly interview on the Glenn Beck Show. Throwing soft ball questions to the presidential hopeful, Glenn asked a question that any 5th grader would be able to answer in a more coherent manner than the presumed 2012 Republican presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. What would she do differently than the president in reference to North Korea’s aggression to the South?

The college hopper, the Republican political goddess answered, and in two separate instances, referred to North Korea as our ally. The first occasion;

 “We’re not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do,”

Sanction in this case refers to giving approval. The dictionary’s meaning is: authoritative permission or approval, as for an action.

So to summarize Palin’s first statement, she is asking for the White House to approve the actions of North Korea. Beck didn’t correct her here, so Sarah Palin continued;

 “Obviously, we gotta stand with our North Korean allies.”

Beck, now realizing that his future president is referring to Kim Jong Il as our ally, quickly jumped in and corrected her, telling her that South Korea is our ally, not North.

Calling North Korea our ally once is a mistake. Doing it twice means something is seriously wrong with you.

For now, Republicans are pushing to get the Palin elected president. We will of course worry about our North Korea ally later.


CNN Politics Republican Sarah Palin

Barbara Bush says Sarah Palin should Stay In Alaska

And you thought all Republicans were automatic supporters of the former quitter from Alaska, Sarah Palin. Barbara Bush and former President George H. W. Bush taped an interview airing Monday on CNN’s Larry King Live. Asked by Larry King, what she felt about Sarah Palin, the former First Lady said;

“I sat next to her once, thought she was beautiful, and I think she’s very happy in Alaska, and I hope she’ll stay there.”

Larry King asked the former President about his feelings towards the Teaparty, to which Mr. Bush replied;

“I don’t know what it really is,” Bush said. But, he added, “I’m confused by it frankly.” He then added, “some of the ideas make a lot of sense.”

Although the honesty from Mr. and Mrs. Bush is refreshing especially in today’s political environment, it was short lived when Larry King asked about their feelings about the book “Decision Points,” written by their son and former President, George W Bush. Bush Sr. was asked what he thought about the book and replied;

Good. I think he’d done a good job selling the darn thing, he’d been out there all over the place. But I like it. It’s from the heart, it’s how he feels.”

Parents will be parents I guess, no matter what the child does or how he messed up… plagiarism and all!

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