Politics Republican

Republicans Passed Resolution to Impeach The President

Republicans continue beating the impeachment drums because the guy in the White House is actually getting things done.

The South Dakota Republican Party passed a resolution at its state convention Saturday calling for the impeachment of President Obama, according to The Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

“Therefore, be it resolved that the South Dakota Republican Party calls on our U.S. Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States,” the resolution reads.

The resolution accused Obama of violating “his oath of office in numerous ways,” and mentions the recent trade of five Taliban members for captive U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl, among other issues.

Delegates voted 191-176 in favor of the resolution.

“I’ve got a thick book on impeachable offenses of the president,” resolution sponsor Allen Unruh told the Argus Leader.

Politics Republican

Nate Silver – The Abusers… sorry… The Republicans Will Win The Senate

We are like an abused spouse. We say that this time would be the last. We will not put up with this anymore. But our abusers apologies and promise never to do it again, so… here we go again, living in fear with our abuser knowing that one day, we will once again be abused.

We are too weak to change the situation. Change it seems, is scary. So we put up with our abusers the Republicans and will apparently vote for them in November.

Nate Silver has gained respect from both sides if the political aisle because his predictions are usually spot on. Nate is predicting that our political abusers will once again promise not to abuse us, and like abused fools, we will give them another chance.

Nate’s March forecast projected a Republicans gain of 5.8 seats. You’ll no doubt notice the decimal place; how can a party win a fraction of a Senate seat? It can’t, but our forecasts are probabilistic; a gain of 5.8 seats is the total you get by summing the probabilities from each individual race. Because 5.8 seats is closer to six (a Republican takeover) than five (not quite), we characterized the GOP as a slight favorite to win the Senate.

The new forecast is for a Republican gain of 5.7 seats. So it’s shifted ever so slightly — by one-tenth of a seat — toward being a toss-up. Still, if asked to place a bet at even odds, we’d take a Republican Senate.

Politics Republican

Republicans Eating Their Own – Reports that Bergdahl’s Dad is A Republican

So is this a story of Republicans eating their own because they think president Obama would be negatively affected?

You betcha!

The Daily Beast is reporting that Robert Bergdahl, the father of recently released prisoner of war, Bowe Bergdahl, is a Republican.

In June 2010, Robert Bergdahl, the father of released American POW Bowe Bergdahl, gave a speech at an Idaho Republican Party fundraiser. In one of his first public appearances during his son’s five-year captivity, he asked the conservative audience to show compassion for his son’s captors—and, in a twist that foretold the plot of Homeland—he alleged that the United States had killed one of those captor’s children with a drone strike

The Idaho fundraiser was an election year event, and the day’s other speakers—Idaho Senator Jim Risch, then-national-party-chairman Michael Steele, radio host Dennis Prager, and a belligerent stand-up comic named Eric Golub—took the usual shots at President Obama and rallied partisans to donate money to November’s cause.

Pass the salt.

Fox News and the Republicans have been on a feeding frenzy. They have jumped all over this one, knives and forks on hand, banging on the table, accusing Robert of being a Taliban, a Muslim sympathizer, even accusing the man of looking like a Muslim because he refused to cut his beard in protest of his son’s capture.

These people are devouring their own in an attempt to make the president look bad. Can you say ‘sick losers?’

Politics Republican

Republican Nuts Target Bergdahl’s Parents with Death Threats

He signed up and volunteered to fight a war for this country in Afghanistan. And I can’t say this enough, but regardless of the circumstances surrounding his capture, Bergdahl should be respected for putting on the military uniform and defending this country.

But respect has avoided the Army Sargent since his released from the Taliban and now,  Republican nuts are targeting Berghdal’s parents with death threats.

The FBI is investigating threats against the parents of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the latest development in a case that has put the spotlight on the circumstances surrounding his capture in Afghanistan and release by the Taliban.

“We are working jointly with our state and local partners and taking each threat seriously,” FBI Special Agent William Facer told CNN in an e-mail on Saturday.

Facer declined to detail the nature and severity of the threats, and a military spokesperson for the Bergdahls declined to comment.

Bergdahl’s parents have not been seen publicly since the announcement last week that the soldier had been freed from five years in captivity at the hands of the Taliban in exchange for the release of five detainees at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

Republican nuts. They love the troops!

Politics racist Republican

Republicans Lose One Of Their Own – Racist Cliven Bundy Now an Independent

Photo by George Frey/Getty Images

I think this is the Republicans’ way of re-branding their party – getting rid of the racists… but, who will be left after all the racists are gone?

LAS VEGAS — Southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy no longer is a Republican. Bundy, who is embroiled in a dispute over grazing with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, has switched his affiliation to the Independent American Party.
He and his wife, Carol, signed registration forms to the cheers of supporters at an Independent American Party gathering in Las Vegas on Friday night.

The event was held to honor Bundy for what organizers called “his courage in standing up for state sovereignty.”

democrats Elections Politics Republican Senate

New Analysis – Democrats Will Maintain Senate After Midterms

According to Upshot via The New York Times, Democrats now have a 57% chance if keeping power in the Senate.

Featured Republican

Today, They Plan to “Overthrow” Obama – Audio

The Republican haters who claim to be patriots but cannot stand the Constitution and the process laid out for electing a president, plan to march on Washington today with one goal in mind – to overthrow the democratically elected President of the United States of America.

The organizers say they expect somewhere between 10 to 30 million people to join their efforts to overthrow the president, and they warn that some will be “killed, wounded, incarcerated,” because the president they say, will not go peacefully.

“[I]t will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured,” organizer Harry Riley said, fearing that “patriots may be killed, wounded, incarcerated” in their effort to overthrow Obama.

Words of wisdom. If you’re going to take part in this 30 million people march to overthrow Obama today, make sure you stay close to a porta potty. With 30 million people, the line for the bathroom may be a little long. At some point they’ll all have to go.


Benghazi fail Politics Republican

Watch Morning Joe’s Republican Guest Totally Flips Out On The Republicans

He grew up in a conservative household and still identify himself as a fiscal conservative. But on Tuesday morning, CNBC anchor Brian Sullivan went on Morning Joe and totally dogged the Republican party.

The conversation had to do with Benghazi and why the issue of four dead Americans has become so political and divisive. When Republicans were referred to as… Republicans, Sullivan flipped out!

“Can we stop saying ‘the’ Republican Party?” Sullivan said. “As somebody who grew up in a conservative household, I don’t recognize the Republican Party of even my youth. I don’t like what I see. I don’t like the far right, I don’t like the extremism.”

He went on. “I don’t know who the Republican Party is anymore. I don’t know if the Republican Party knows who the Republican — because it’s not a party, unfortunately Republicans, that I can get on board with. Because I don’t like the small-minded attitude, a lot of the far right stuff that comes out — I should go home now.”


Politics Republican Voter registration

This House Republican Lied – Said Donald Sterling Is A Democrat

By now the entire world knows who Donald Sterling is – a verified racist who have been sued for his racist ways, and currently the owner of the LA Clippers.

Oh yea, Donald Sterling is also a registered Republican.

That last fact however, was either entirely missed by Republican Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI), or it was intentionally misused as an effort to distance the Republicans from racism – a feat that’s almost impossible to achieve considering some recent activities of the party.

In any case, Duffy was at a House Financial Services Committee hearing and felt the need to broadcast the lie that Sterling was a Democrat.

“We’ve all heard of the comments that were recently made by Mr. Sterling from the LA Clippers,” Duffy said, then he added, “who is a Democrat — made absolutely offensive comments.”

Again, Sterling voter registration says otherwise.


divorce Featured Politics Republican

This Republican Candidate Says Women’s Love for Their Kids Responsible for 95% of Divorces

Now I have heard a number of crazy things said by Republicans and if I had to choose the craziest, I’d be stumped. There are too many crazy contenders in the GOP to choose from, like Sarah Palin, Louie Gohmert and Michele Bachmann to name a few.

But it appears that everyday, another contender makes himself known and today was no exception. Thanks to reporting by Politico, our contender for the Republican crazy prize is Det Bowers – a South Carolina pastor and one of six Republican challengers trying to outcrazy Lindsay Graham.

According to the reports, Bowers made some comments in a sermon he preached to his South Carolina congregation. In his sermon, Bowers blamed women for “95 percent of divorces” because he says, they loved their kids more than their husbands.

“I find that in about 95 percent of broken marriages, though the husband’s the one that ran out on his wife, the wife loves her children more than she does her husband,” That is an abominable idolatry.”

“Do you hear me, ladies? It is an abominable idolatry to love your children more than you love your husband, and it will ruin your marriage. And yet you blame it on him because he ran off with some other woman! He did run off with some other woman, and you packed his bags. All of his emotional bags, you packed for him. Is that true in every case? No, but it’s true in the vast preponderance of them.”

“You just ran him off! You paid more attention to your children than you did to him. ‘Oh, he doesn’t need me?’ He needs you more than they do. He chose you, they didn’t. An abominable idolatry.”

Bowers is running for the United States Congress. He wants to be the next Republican congressman sitting in the seat presently occupied by Lindsay Graham. Now that this crazy story is public, his chances of winning the Republican vote just increased a thousand fold. He has the two basic attributes they’re looking for in their candidates – he’s white and he says crazy sh*t!

Republicans, speeding up this nation’s race to the bottom.


Politics Racism racist Republican

Republicans and Cliven Bundy are One And The Same – Video

Yesterday in my piece on the racist Cloven Bundy and his views about the “negro” people, I touched on the reason why Republicans and their media machine especially Fox News, are so easily drawn to the Bundy types. My conclusion in the piece was that Bundy exemplifies the dog whistle message these Republicans preach every day – that the lazy blacks are coming to take whatever you have, so be fearful, be very fearful… and buy more guns!

It’s the whole “birds of a feather flock together” mentality, so the flocking with Bundy was just the natural reaction for these folks.

However, Bundy’s true colors came to light yesterday when the New York Times published an interview where Bundy expressed some extremely racist views about black people and naturally, the same Republicans who crowned him King Bundy – leader of the Republican cause against the government and the second coming of Ronald Reagan – are now tripping over themselves in a mad dash to distance themselves from the crazy man brave enough to say the things they all feel inside. In the Times interview, Bundy did not blow the dog whistle with subliminal messages like the other Republicans do, he just spoke the message.

In recent weeks, Sean Hannity of Fox News was practically in bed with Cliven Bundy, stroking Bundy’s ego every chance he got. But now, Hannity is besides himself and has joined the mass exit.

This is what Hannity said in a statement.

Allow me to make myself abundantly clear. I believe those comments are downright racist, they are repugnant, they are bigoted and it’s beyond disturbing. I find those comments to be deplorable and I think it’s extremely unfortunate that Cliven Bundy holds those views.

On The Ed Schultz show yesterday, guest Mike Papantonio and M. Maxwell further explained the birds of a feather mentality in the Republican party.


Featured Republican

Jon Stewart Explains How Brain Matter is Wasted on Republicans

Remember the ad where a Republican running for office took a gun an shot at a stack of papers he called Obamacare? As if shooting at the papers would magically make the law they hate disappear.

Well Jon Stewart took this ad and its underlining meaning to its logical conclusion – a hypothetical that spilling coffee on the 13th Amendment would reinstate slavery.

“Oh my God I spilled coffee on the 13th amendment. Black people are slaves again,” Stewart said.

A great way for Stewart to show the waste of brain matter when it comes to Republicans and their approach to thinking.

Stating that we’ve probably seen the limits of the Republican hate to Obamacare with their shooting ads, Stewart then shows just how far these Republicans could go.

Please, don’t give em any ideas.

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