health care law Politics Repeal

Next Stop For Health Care Law – The U.S Supreme Court

In a move some are describing as  pure confidence, the Obama Administration has allowed the September 25th deadline to pass without filing their appeal to the 11th Circuit Court, in the ongoing battle by Republicans to repeal the President’s Health Care Law. Republicans have claimed that the individual mandate in the law is “unconstitutional.”

Former acting Solicitor General Walter Dellinger, who supports the law, told Politico that this move to allow the case to be heard now by the Supreme Court, “confirms what I had already concluded: That the government is confident that it’s going to prevail in the Supreme Court and would like to have a decision sooner rather than later.”

But opponents to the law are looking at this decision differently.  Randy E. Barnett, a Georgetown Law professor who is working with the plaintiffs, credits the President for not delaying the case anymore and for sending it to the Supreme Court for their decision in what he refers to as a “constitutional controversy.”

Politico Reports:

The issue of the constitutionality of the individual mandate has been widely expected to be decided by the Supreme Court. The key question has been the timing. The Justice Department’s apparent decision to ask the Supreme Court to review the case greatly increases the chances the issue will be heard in the 2011-12 term, which begins Monday.

The Supreme Court now has several strong reasons to accept the case. The court rarely declines requests from the government to take a case, especially in situations in which a circuit court has struck down a piece of a high-profile law.

The current political make-up of the Supreme Court is 5 to 4 in favor of the Republicans/Conservatives. In a perfect world, one would expect these justices to strictly adhere to the rule of law and judicial precedent. But this particular court is an activist court, implementing decisions that benefit their political party’s ideology over the rule of law.

Expect justice to eventually prevail, but with the current political occupants of this Court, justice will be delayed then detoured until the new occupants move in.

For more on this story, click here.

New Jersey Politics Republican Ronald Reagan United States

Chris Christie Answered Again… No! Now Stop Asking!

Chris Christie delivered his keynote address tonight from the Reagan Library, speaking to a group of Republicans and reporters eager to know if he was going to change his mind and run for the Republican nomination to take on President Obama. However, after delivering his speech, the question apparently went unanswered.

Then came the short question segment from the audience. The first question was from a woman who asked  Christie what would he do to improve the economy. Boring.

The second audience member however, asked the question everyone wanted an answer to – are you running for President?

Christie’s answer to that question, was to direct the audience member and everyone watching to the video below. According to Christie, this is his answer to the question.

Elections Politics Republican taxes

Rick Perry Really Said That? O.M.G! – Video

When I came across this video, I thought it would be just another amateur trying to put their mark on the joke that is Rick Perry. Boy was I wrong!

This video shows Rick Perry ‘saying’ some things that are quite frankly, amusing. Okay, okay… the words you hear are not the ones coming from Rick’s mouth, but compared to what the Republican presidential candidate has been saying so far, these words would be an improvement.

Watch, and enjoy!


Crazy Right Winged Nut Calls President Obama The “Anti-Christ” – Video

Last week, we told you about the Obama re-election campaign headquarters in L.A being attacked with BB-Guns. The attack preceded the President’s visit on Monday, where he held a fundraiser event and got heckled by someone in the audience calling him “the anti-christ,” and saying that “Jesus is the Lord.”

To that, the President says, “I agree… I believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord, I believe in that.”

The video follows, but what was amazing about this video is the President’s reaction. Being called the anti-christ by someone sitting in the front audience, just feet away from him, Mr. Obama smiled at the protester, allowing him to finish his tirade before being out-chanted by the audience saying, “four more years.”

As the protester was led out of the auditorium to a boisterous chant of four more years, the President tried advising the protester that he may have forgotten his jacket, still smiling.

Somehow, I don’t see the anti-christ actually looking out for your best interests by reminding you to take your jacket. I think the anti-christ will want you to leave your jacket indoors, hoping that you’d get sick… without healthcare… and die… quickly. Kinda like the Republican’s plan for uninsured Americans.

Watch the video below.

Canada Dick Cheney Politics Protest terrorist

Massive Protest In Canada For “War Criminal” Dick Cheney. Video

On a recent visit to Canada, former vice president Dick Cheney was greeted with chants of “war criminal,” as Canada’s residents expressed their displeasure in the actions taken by the Bush Administration in Iraq and their blatant violations of the Geneva Convention through the Administration’s torture policy.

Dick Cheney appeared at The Vancouver Club, where attendees paid up to $500.00 to hear him speak. Referring to Mr. Cheney, one protester called him a terrorist, saying;

“…well you can say the The Vancouver Club is harboring a terrorist and a war criminal tonight cause I think crimes of state, can also be acts of terror. Terrorizing people in Iraq, terrorizing detainees and prisoners… so to borrow some of the rhetoric of the Bush Administration, they are harboring a terrorist.”

To block the entrance to the building where Cheney was giving his speech, protesters sat in the road and literally held the legs of attendees trying to gain access while police struggled to keep the pathway clear.

This should be Dick Cheney’s welcome everywhere he goes.

Watch the not-so-hero’s welcome below.

Barack Obama Politics tax cuts

A Rich Man Ask President Obama – Would You Please Raise My Taxes?

In a LinkedIn Q & A, President Obama was asked a question by someone the Republicans have been trying their hardest to protect – a rich guy. The man asking the question told the President that he was unemployed, not because he forced to, but because he chose to be. He then asked;

“Would you please raise my taxes?” He continued: “I would like very much to have the country to continue to invest in things like Pell Grants, infrastructure, and job training programs that made it possible for me to get to where I am.”

We can safely predict that the regular talking GOP talking points to this man will be, “just write a check!” It’s the same talking point they’ve made to Warren Buffett and many other responsible rich folks who want to pay their fair share.

Republicans have taken a pledge not to raise taxes on the rich and are now fighting the President’s attempt to add revenue to the economy by asking the rich to pay the same tax rate as middle class Americans.

Politics Republican

Saturday Night Live – Either The 7th or 8th Republican Debate…Whatever!

Saturday Night Live’s take on the Republican’s Debates, and candidates for the Republican nomination. Although they were making fun, the parallels to the real debates and candidates are stunning. Like when the audience cheered the monumental amount of executions in Rick Perry’s Texas, or when they cheered the death of a man without insurance in a hypothetical question posed by Wolf Blitzer of CNN. And those are just some of the extraordinary things said in their debates.

Although Saturday Night Live actors were making fun of the Republican candidates, they appear more sane than these actual candidates would ever be.


Maxine Waters – Obama’s Language To Black Caucus “Curious”

President Obama addressed the Congressional Black Caucus last weekend, and said some things to the predominately black audience that Maxine Waters found questionable. In his speech, Mr. Obama told the caucus, “Stop complaining. Stop grumbling. Stop crying. We are going to press on. We’ve got work to do.”

Asked about the President’s remarks, Mrs. Waters said;

“I’m not sure who the president was addressing. I found that language a bit curious,” Waters said today. “The president spoke to the Hispanic Caucus… he certainly didn’t tell them to stop complaining and he never would say that to the gay and lesbian community who really pushed him on don’t ask don’t tell or even in a speech to APEC, he would never say to the Jewish community stop complaining about Israel.”

“So I don’t know who he was talking to because we’re certainly not complaining. We are working. We support him and we are protecting that base because we want people to be enthusiastic about him when that election rolls around.”

Watch the President’s remarks here.

Barack Obama executive order George Bush Politics

President Obama Ends A Failed Bush Policy – No Child Left Behind

President Obama:

“Our kids only get one shot at a decent education. They cannot afford to wait any longer. So, given that Congress cannot act, I am acting.”

And with that, President Obama used his Executive pen this week and put an end to another of former President Bush’s failed education policy, No Child Left Behind, (NCLB). The policy, signed into law in 2002, is considered a failure by educators all across the country.

The president blamed congress for dragging its feet on revamping the education system saying, “We can’t let another generation of young people fall behind… we are in the midst of an enormous economic challenge,” Mr. Obama said. “The most important thing we can do is make sure that our kids are prepared for this new economy. By signing the Executive Order, President Obama is granting states a waiver, which would allow them to draft their own education programs, instead of the one-size-fits-all approach Bush envisioned under NCLB.

Politics Unemployment

President Obama Speaks To The Congressional Black Caucus – Video

With a 16.7% unemployment figure looming over the black population, President Obama, the nation’s first black president, has heard much criticism from  black leaders in Congress and leaders in black communities across the country. On Saturday, President Obama was invited to speak at the Congressional Black Caucus annual dinner and urged African-Americans to stand with him and “press on.”

To encourage his audience, President Obama quoted from Martin Luther King Jr., saying;

 “Before we reach the majestic shores of the Promised Land, there is a frustrating and bewildering wilderness ahead. We must still face prodigious hilltops of opposition and gigantic mountains of resistance. But with patient and firm determination we will press on.”

The President told the Caucus that he’s heard and listened to their criticisms, but argued that he needs their help to get his $447 billion jobs bill passed. He told the audience that the jobs bill will “put our people back to work doing the work America needs done. Let’s pass this jobs bill.”

With patient and firm determination, I am going to press on for jobs. I’m going to press on for equality. I’m going to press on for the sake of our children. I’m going to press on for the sake of all those families who are struggling right now. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I am going to press on.

Barack Obama Politics teachers weekly address

President Obama – States Will Have More Flexibility In Fixing Education

In his weekly address, President Obama stressed the need for Education as it relates to job creating and maintaining oureconomic edge in the world. The President also spoke of the failures of No Child Left Behind, and detailed his Administration’s efforts to make sure education is a priority for students, and the American people.

While the goals behind No Child Left Behind were admirable, experience has taught us that the law has some serious flaws that are hurting our children instead of helping them. Teachers are being forced to teach to a test, while subjects like history and science are being squeezed out. And in order to avoid having their schools labeled as failures, some states lowered their standards in a race to the bottom.

These problems have been obvious to parents and educators all over this country for years. But for years, Congress has failed to fix them. So now, I will. Our kids only get one shot at a decent education. And they can’t afford to wait any longer.

The President also spoke about the flexibility he’s given to the states, to do what is necessary to improve education in their schools.

And that’s why instead of just pouring money into a system that’s not working, we launched a competition called Race to the Top.  To all fifty states, we said, “If you show us the most innovative plans to improve teacher quality and student achievement, we’ll show you the money.”


Vandals Attack President Obama’s Re-Election Office In L.A

On Monday, President Obama is scheduled to visit Los Angeles on a three-day campaign and fundraising trip, but the non-violent right-wing have already decided to roll out the red carpet the only way they know how – by vandalizing one of the President’s reelection offices.

The incident, as reported by L.A Times, occurred at around 7:25pm on Thursday. No one was injured, as the office was already closed. The LAPD and CIA are investigating the incident. CIA spokesman Max Milien said, “We continue to monitor all incidents, whether it be vandalism like this or any events tied to the president.”

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