Barack Obama Politics

Bill DeBlasio on Rudy Giuliani – His “Political Trick” is “Absolutely Pitiful”

The current mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, called out the ignorant rhetoric of former mayor Rudy Giuliani today, calling Giuliani’s dumb political claim that the President doesn’t love America, “absolutely pitiful.

“Rudy Giuliani decided to attack the President’s love of his own country, his patriotism, his devotion to the United States of America. It’s absolutely – I think it’s pitiful,” Mayor de Blasio told reporters.

“I find it a cheap political trick for Rudy Giuliani to question the President’s love of the country. That is just – that is stooping very, very low, even for him,” de Blasio said.

De Blasio and other Democrats were responding to the former mayor’s comments on Wednesday night.

“I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that this President loves America,” Giuliani said at a dinner for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s considering a run for the White House.

Obama, Giuliani told those gathered at Manhattan’s 21 Club, “doesn’t love you. He doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up: To love this country.”


Rudy Giuliani – We Didn’t Take Over Iraq, So Obama Does Not “Love America”

What did Rudy Giuliani say this time that got his name plastered all over the internet? Based on absolutely nothing, the former mayor of New York and current September 11th fame-seeker said, that the president of the United States does not love America.

Yea, he said that.

This of course, is based on Giuliani’s expert expertise on all things Islam and his uncanny ability to associate Islam with terrorism. As far as Giuliani and the rest of the Republican party are concerned, Islam and terrorism are the same, and with this association made and the fact that President Obama fails to see the connection, well, Giuliani figures that the president just don’t love America.

He was addressing a group of supporters at a private event when he came to the conclusion that the president hates this country. And present at this private gathering was none other than Gov. Scott Walker, a potential 2016 Republican candidate.

“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Giuliani said during the dinner at the 21 Club, a former Prohibition-era speakeasy in midtown Manhattan. “He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

With Walker sitting just a few seats away, Giuliani continued by saying that “with all our flaws we’re the most exceptional country in the world. I’m looking for a presidential candidate who can express that, do that and carry it out.”

“And if it’s you Scott, I’ll endorse you,” he added. “And if it’s somebody else, I’ll support somebody else.”

After the event, Giuliani then explained and doubled down on why he made the remark. Apparently, when George Bush invaded Iraq on false pretense and sanctioned thousands of troops to die needlessly, Giuliani now thinks their deaths should have been justified with America “taking land.” Who knows? Maybe we were supposed to take over Iraq or something.

“What country has left so many young men and women dead abroad to save other countries without taking land? This is not the colonial empire that somehow he has in his hand. I’ve never felt that from him. I felt that from [George] W. [Bush]. I felt that from [Bill] Clinton. I felt that from every American president, including ones I disagreed with, including [Jimmy] Carter. I don’t feel that from President Obama.”



As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

By Mike Caccioppoli

How predictable that right wingers would use the tragedy of the assassination of two police officers to go after police brutality protesters and those who use their First Amendment rights to free speech. This is not a surprise ladies and gentlemen because right wingers hate the First Amendment, hate freedom of the press, always have, always will. So they use any opportunity to attack those rights. The worst of the offenders so far are Rudy (Nosferatu) Giuliani and Pat (slicked back goombah hair) Lynch, the President of the PBA. Giuliani blames Obama (and those who spoke out about the murders committed by police in Missouri and New York) and Lynch blames NYC mayor Bill de Blasio. There are other right wingers who throw in Al Sharpton as well.

History has taught us that fascists will always blame the populace and those that speak out against atrocities. This happened during the Vietnam War when the relatives of Giuliani and Lynch blamed the war protesters for helping the enemy when we know that in fact they forced the government to pull out faster. The same relatives blamed the civil rights movement and people like MLK for the violence during the 50’s and 60’s and yet we know without those people blacks would still be drinking out of separate fountains and getting killed by police (oh wait, that hasn’t changed much.)

These folks were on the wrong side of history then and they will be on the wrong side of it now. It’s that simple. They are losers, period. Yet there they are spewing hatred and inciting more violence while blaming others for doing that exact thing. There is one person to blame for the death of the two NYC officers…the shooter. That is it. Now justice was immediately served when the gunman killed himself, something neither killer did after Michael Brown and Eric Garner were murdered. If the crazed gunman who killed the two cops had not killed himself another officer would have or he would have been arrested and would be in jail.

So, when these morons ask why people aren’t “up in arms” about the killings of these two officers, they are full of shit. Except for the constant violence we are all subject to in this country, including little children thanks to the right wingers best friend, the second amendment, there is nothing to be “up in arms” about. Justice was served, and quickly.

What is truly dumb and disgusting is the fact that people like Giuliani and Lynch can’t seem to get it through their white ethnic heads that you can be against both police brutality AND the killing of police. Imagine that! I know there will always be a pro police bias because most of us have more relatives/friends who are cops rather than criminals, but how about just shutting the fuck up and thinking for a minute instead of reacting with misguided rage and making even more people angry.

What happened in Ferguson was a tragedy, what happened on Staten Island was a tragedy and what happened in Manhattan was a tragedy. I’m very afraid that this cycle will only get worse and I have proof. Pat Lynch, a man beyond contempt, who looks like he belongs in an HBO series rather than as the head of a police union, just said that cops are now to act as though they are a “wartime” police department. For this he should be arrested for inciting violence. First of all who the fuck does he think he is? The bosses of that police department are the mayor, the police commissioner, and the citizens of New York City. The same citizens he has now declared “war” on. I have been saying all along that certain people in law enforcement want a war. Here is the direct call for that.

But I care about the families of these officers and I care about the officers. So I hope the people who actually put their lives on the line everyday ignore shithead Lynch. As having his kind of mentality is very dangerous in this day and age when thanks to the NRA so many nut jobs have guns. A “war” isn’t very smart, and Lynch has just put the lives of the very officers he is supposed to protect in jeopardy. The union should at least vote to fire him.

Those officers that turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio are no better than Lynch. They should have turned their backs on the officers that killed innocent people in Missouri and Staten Island. Instead they backed them up and even incited people by wearing “WE CAN BREATHE” T-Shirts. Do they think that maybe this kind of bullshit helped to fan the flames? Any cop that was seen wearing those shirts should have been fired. Also any cop that turned their backs on their BOSS should be fired. You and I would have been canned immediately if we did that at work.

They just don’t get it. The double standards are mind blowing. From the justice system to the way cops are allowed to act on a daily basis. From the small offenses like parking at a bus stop to get lunch, or turning on their sirens to head to the donut shop to the bigger ones such as inciting violence or committing crimes. Justice in these situations is rarely served.

Two cops were killed. Two people who were just out serving and protecting. Heck they may have even hated Darren Wilson and thought that Eric Garner was brutally murdered. All these right wing slimeballs can do is spew bile about the very people who are against any kind of violence.

They were just waiting for their opening, you could sense it. The fact they have used this tragedy for those purposes makes me wish for the worst for the lot of them.


Visit America The Not So Beautiful

Politics shooting

Rudy Giuliani Egged On Protesters in New York, Even Blocked The Brooklyn Bridge

Rudy Giuliani is a ham. He is a political bad actor who uses unfortunate situations to further his own political ambitions. The man went on television all weekend criticizing the present mayor for allowing the protesters to “take over” the city and “blocking the Brooklyn bridge” during recent protests. But as it turns out, Giuliani is known for doing just that – taking over the city through protests even blocking the Brooklyn Bridge… and in Giuliani’s case, he literally took it over!

The protest in question happened during the Dinkins administration and it featured Rudy Giuliani who used the protest as an opportunity to launch a successful campaign for New York City against Dave Dinkins.

Below is an excerpt from an article written by The New York Times, as it detailed the events that unfolds in 1990’s. Balloon Juice dug this up.

Thousands of off-duty police officers thronged around City Hall yesterday, swarming through police barricades to rally on the steps of the hall and blocking traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge for nearly an hour in the most unruly and angry police demonstration in recent memory.

The 300 uniformed officers who were supposed to control the crowd did little or nothing to stop the protesters from jumping barricades, tramping on automobiles, mobbing the steps of City Hall or taking over the bridge. In some cases, the on-duty officers encouraged the protesters.

While the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association had called the rally to protest Mayor David N. Dinkins’s proposal to create an independent civilian agency that would look into police misconduct, the huge turnout — estimated by the Police Department at 10,000 protesters — and the harsh emotional pitch reflected widespread anger among rank-and-file officers toward the Mayor for his handling of riots against the police in Washington Heights last July, his refusal to give them semiautomatic weapons and his appointment of an outside panel to investigate corruption.

“He never supports us on anything,” said Officer Tara Fanning of the Midtown South Precinct, echoing the view of many in the crowd. “A cop shoots someone with a gun who’s a drug dealer, and he goes and visits the family.”

Mayor Dinkins, who was not at City Hall during the demonstration, denounced the protest as “bordering on hooliganism” and said he held the P.B.A. president, Phil Caruso, responsible for what happened. He accused Mr. Caruso of inciting his members’ passions and suggested the union leader was motivated in part by contract negotiations.

The Mayor also assailed Rudolph W. Giuliani, the probable Republican mayoral candidate, who spoke out against the Mayor at the union rally. Mr. Dinkins said Mr. Giuliani had egged on the protest irresponsibly for political reasons. “He’s clearly, clearly an opportunist,” Mr. Dinkins said. “He’s seizing upon a fragile circumstance in our city for his own political gain.”

Mike Brown Politics shooting

Ignorant Rudy Giuliani Blames Obama and Sharpton for Cop Shooting in Brooklyn

Ignorance, thy name is Rudy Giuliani.

Appearing on Fox News on Sunday, Rudy Giuliani did what he does best, divide people with his dumb, ignorant rhetoric.

Giuliani was brought on Fox to talk about the recent unfortunate shooting of two police officers in Brooklyn New York on Saturday, when he chose instead to cast blame on the president of the United States for apparently inciting Americans to protest the killings of black men like Eric Garner and Mike Brown.

Giuliani, for what it’s worth, disagreed with the police union’s mouthpiece, who claimed that New York’s mayor has “blood on his hands.” Giuliani instead offered this;

“I think it goes to far to blame the mayor for the murder or to ask for the mayor’s resignation,” Giuliani said.

He continued: “We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all lead to a conclusion. The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”

Giuliani added that leaders like Obama and Al Sharpton “have created an atmosphere of severe, strong, anti-police hatred in certain communities.”

You got that? When police shoot or kill unarmed men, no one should have anything to say about that. Don’t voice your opinion, don’t exercise your constitutional right to protest because if you do, then you “hate the police.”

Again, ignorance, thy name is Rudy Giuliani!


Mr Obama Fills Out His March Brackets – Republicans Call Foul

The President did something most Americans do every year, so naturally, Republicans found a problem with what he did. The latest example is Mr. Obama taking a few minutes out of his schedule to fill out his March Madness brackets. Most Republicans naturally have a problem with this, but we’ll look at what Senator Lindsey Graham and Rudy Giuliani has to say about this unbelievable thing the president did.

“Do you realize he’s never received one vote for any of his previous budgets? If he can pick one winner right in the brackets, he’s trumped on what he’s able to do on getting votes for his own budget,” Graham (R-S.C.) said Wednesday on Fox News’ “On the Record.”

Obama picked Indiana University to win the NCAA March Madness tournament, which begins Thursday.

“I think his basketball picks are good news stories and his budget is a lousy news story for him, and so he’s trying to do a good news story,” Graham said on Fox News.

He added: “So why he’s doing this? It’s a good soft news story. His budget is going to be met with absolutely no support from Democrats and Republicans.”

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said that he has no issue with Obama filling out a bracket — provided he gets his work done.

“I have no problem with the president doing his brackets. That’s fine. He’s having fun. He’s entitled to have some fun, but usually the way I look at it is you have fun after you do your work. And the president hasn’t done his work,” said Giuliani, a Republican, on Fox News. “He hasn’t done it in years. He hasn’t proposed a budget that’s serious since he’s been president. As Lindsey pointed out, he can’t even get a Democrat to vote for one of his budgets.”

Yep. Pay no attention to the fact that since the President’s policies took effect in 2009, the economy has been steadily adding millions of jobs that were lost under the previous Republican administration. And pay no attention to the fact that most Americans have regained the losses they suffered in their 401k and other annuity accounts. Or that the stock market recently hit an all time high due in part to the President’s policies, or that most economists agree that things are better now than when Obama took office.

Those are just facts Republicans would rather you not pay attention to. As far as they’re concerned, the President is not working.


Rudy Giuliani – I’m A Republican. I Don’t Need To Give Obama The Benefit of the Doubt

It’s okay not to wait until all the facts are in if you’re a Republican and the president is a Democrat. And you don’t have to quote the president accurately, either:

SOLEDAD O’BRIEN (HOST): The one thing I’m debating with you is just specifics. When you quote someone or you paraphrase them the only thing I ask is that you get that accurate. That’s all I ask.

GIULIANI: We’re also entitled to interpret what the president is saying without this, like, massive defense of everything he says…Excuse me if being the fact that I’m a Republican, I don’t give them as you do, all the benefit of the doubt.

H/t Alan

CNN Osama bin Laden Politics Republican

Rudy Giuliani Will Run For President, Or Maybe Not

The “Republican possible presidential candidate” plot thickens… well, sort of. This time, it’s the former mayor of New York and 2008 first round presidential drop out, Rudy Giuliani. On Meet The Press last Sunday, Giuliani opened wide the door to running, then closed it ever so slightly. Now, the door is just a little ajar.

GIULIANI: This was a risky decision to make. The president made it, he made it correctly, including the decision, I think, to dispose of bin Laden’s body so that wouldn’t become a cause célèbre. So I think these men, these firefighters and police officers that he met with, are men who exercise bravery every day in their lives, I think they admire that in the president.

GREGORY:  Does it impact at all, Mayor Giuliani, your thinking about running for president next year?

GIULIANI:  No.  Not in the slightest.  I separate the two things.  This was an American achievement.  Two presidents get great credit for it.  I also thanked President Bush this week because, no matter what, what about the debate, no matter what you come out on the debate of–about waterboarding, no doubt, all of the work he did and the changes he made in intelligence brought this about.  And President Obama’s improving that, and his decision-making brought it about.  It’s a great achievement for both presidents, both political parties, all Americans.

GREGORY:  And you’re still considering a run for the presidency?

GIULIANI:  Not, not right this minute, but, yes, I am.

You got to hand it to this group of misfits. They take a licking and somehow, keep on ticking.

Donald Trump Featured Republican Party (United States)

Donald Trump Won’t Waste His Time With Voting In Primaries

And why should he? He’s The Donald for crying out loud! He don’t need to vote in no stinkin’ primary! That’s a waste of his time, and quite frankly, his money. We are talking about the Trump here… There’s casinos to bankrupt, there’s hairspray to buy. Why waste time voting in a primary?!?

According to th New York Board of Elections, the last vote The Donald had cast in a primary election was back in 1989, some 22 years ago. But now, the Republican Presidential wanna-be candidate would like for you, all of you, to drive, walk, or push your ride  to the polls in 2012 and cast your ballots for him.

The report originally appeared on NY1, a television station in New York. After it aired, The Donald did what The Donald does best – lied again.

“You’re going to pay a big price because you’re wrong,” he told the NY1. “I have records that I voted and so does the Board of Elections … I signed in at every election.”

I don’t know about you, but I may have my own casinos to bankrupt on the day The Donald’s name appears on a ballot.


Will We See Fox News’ Roger Aisles On M.S.N.B.C.’s Lockup?

Yes, encouraging someone to lie to the Federal authorities is a crime, punishable with fines and or imprisonment, and that seems to be  exactly what Roger Aisles – the senior executive of News Corp and Chairman of Fox News – did, according to a Ms. Judith Regan.

According to a report from the New York Times, Aisles, the man responsible for the direction of the so-called “news network,” gave the unsolicited advise to Ms. Regan in an effort to protect Rudolph Giuliani, a then 2008 Republican presidential candidate. Regan – the Times reports – had an affair with Bernard Kerik, Giuliani’s New York police commissioner, and the man being considered by the Feds to head up the job of Homeland Security Secretary. Aisles advised Regan to lie or withhold information about the relationship from the feds, and according to Ms. Regan, the conversation was recorded.

The revelation was made in court in another case involving Ms. Regan. Brian C. Kerr, a former lawyer of Ms. Regan describes the evidence he found in an affidavit. The Times Reports;

But Brian C. Kerr, one of Ms. Regan’s former lawyers, describes in an affidavit the physical evidence he reviewed as “including a tape recording of a conversation between her and Roger Ailes, which is alluded to throughout the complaint” that Mr. Kerr and another lawyer, Seth Redniss, drafted for Ms. Regan. That complaint said News Corporation executives “were well aware that Regan had a personal relationship with Kerik.”

“In fact,” the complaint said, “a senior executive in the News Corporation organization told Regan that he believed she had information about Kerik that, if disclosed, would harm Giuliani’s presidential campaign. This executive advised Regan to lie to, and to withhold information from, investigators concerning Kerik.”

Mr. Redniss, in his affidavit, referred to “a recorded telephone call between Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News (a News Corp. company) and Regan, in which Mr. Ailes discussed with Regan her responses to questions regarding her personal relationship with Bernard Kerik.”

Would I be wrong to assume that Roger Aisles will deny these claims and the voice on the recording? No, of course not. As a matter of fact, it is expected that Mr. Aisles will deny it all, because after all, he’s the one responsible for the content of Fox News. There will obviously be more to this story in the near future.

Read the New York Times report here.

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