BLM Racial profiling

Brooklyn Man Stages “All Lives Matter” Protest – Video

I’m not sure why he felt the need to protest, as if anyone is saying that all lives do not matter. It is a common misconception for some when they see the Black Lives Matter signs.

AGIAN, no one is saying that all lives do not matter, but when black people are disproportionately killed at the hands of those supposedly protecting us, then the obvious conclusion is to wonder if these people believe that all lives do matter, and if they consider black lives a part of that slogan.

A worker at the store tried to explain the sign to the man, later identified as Abraham Knofler. 

“I don’t understand why this is so offensive to you, to see something saying that ‘Black Lives Matter,'” the store’s employee tried to explain to Knofler. “It’s not saying that all lives don’t matter, it’s just saying that Black lives matter because they haven’t mattered in this country ever.”

In any event, Abraham “Avrumy” Knofler woke up this morning and apparently decided that protesting against the Black Lives Matter sign in the window of a Brooklyn coffee-shop was a good way to spend his morning. Some didn’t agree with his decision.

This goes without saying, but a quick scan of Abraham’s social media sites show that he is an avid Trump supporter, but I think we already knew that.



As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

By Mike Caccioppoli

How predictable that right wingers would use the tragedy of the assassination of two police officers to go after police brutality protesters and those who use their First Amendment rights to free speech. This is not a surprise ladies and gentlemen because right wingers hate the First Amendment, hate freedom of the press, always have, always will. So they use any opportunity to attack those rights. The worst of the offenders so far are Rudy (Nosferatu) Giuliani and Pat (slicked back goombah hair) Lynch, the President of the PBA. Giuliani blames Obama (and those who spoke out about the murders committed by police in Missouri and New York) and Lynch blames NYC mayor Bill de Blasio. There are other right wingers who throw in Al Sharpton as well.

History has taught us that fascists will always blame the populace and those that speak out against atrocities. This happened during the Vietnam War when the relatives of Giuliani and Lynch blamed the war protesters for helping the enemy when we know that in fact they forced the government to pull out faster. The same relatives blamed the civil rights movement and people like MLK for the violence during the 50’s and 60’s and yet we know without those people blacks would still be drinking out of separate fountains and getting killed by police (oh wait, that hasn’t changed much.)

These folks were on the wrong side of history then and they will be on the wrong side of it now. It’s that simple. They are losers, period. Yet there they are spewing hatred and inciting more violence while blaming others for doing that exact thing. There is one person to blame for the death of the two NYC officers…the shooter. That is it. Now justice was immediately served when the gunman killed himself, something neither killer did after Michael Brown and Eric Garner were murdered. If the crazed gunman who killed the two cops had not killed himself another officer would have or he would have been arrested and would be in jail.

So, when these morons ask why people aren’t “up in arms” about the killings of these two officers, they are full of shit. Except for the constant violence we are all subject to in this country, including little children thanks to the right wingers best friend, the second amendment, there is nothing to be “up in arms” about. Justice was served, and quickly.

What is truly dumb and disgusting is the fact that people like Giuliani and Lynch can’t seem to get it through their white ethnic heads that you can be against both police brutality AND the killing of police. Imagine that! I know there will always be a pro police bias because most of us have more relatives/friends who are cops rather than criminals, but how about just shutting the fuck up and thinking for a minute instead of reacting with misguided rage and making even more people angry.

What happened in Ferguson was a tragedy, what happened on Staten Island was a tragedy and what happened in Manhattan was a tragedy. I’m very afraid that this cycle will only get worse and I have proof. Pat Lynch, a man beyond contempt, who looks like he belongs in an HBO series rather than as the head of a police union, just said that cops are now to act as though they are a “wartime” police department. For this he should be arrested for inciting violence. First of all who the fuck does he think he is? The bosses of that police department are the mayor, the police commissioner, and the citizens of New York City. The same citizens he has now declared “war” on. I have been saying all along that certain people in law enforcement want a war. Here is the direct call for that.

But I care about the families of these officers and I care about the officers. So I hope the people who actually put their lives on the line everyday ignore shithead Lynch. As having his kind of mentality is very dangerous in this day and age when thanks to the NRA so many nut jobs have guns. A “war” isn’t very smart, and Lynch has just put the lives of the very officers he is supposed to protect in jeopardy. The union should at least vote to fire him.

Those officers that turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio are no better than Lynch. They should have turned their backs on the officers that killed innocent people in Missouri and Staten Island. Instead they backed them up and even incited people by wearing “WE CAN BREATHE” T-Shirts. Do they think that maybe this kind of bullshit helped to fan the flames? Any cop that was seen wearing those shirts should have been fired. Also any cop that turned their backs on their BOSS should be fired. You and I would have been canned immediately if we did that at work.

They just don’t get it. The double standards are mind blowing. From the justice system to the way cops are allowed to act on a daily basis. From the small offenses like parking at a bus stop to get lunch, or turning on their sirens to head to the donut shop to the bigger ones such as inciting violence or committing crimes. Justice in these situations is rarely served.

Two cops were killed. Two people who were just out serving and protecting. Heck they may have even hated Darren Wilson and thought that Eric Garner was brutally murdered. All these right wing slimeballs can do is spew bile about the very people who are against any kind of violence.

They were just waiting for their opening, you could sense it. The fact they have used this tragedy for those purposes makes me wish for the worst for the lot of them.


Visit America The Not So Beautiful


Death Threats to Al Sharpton – “Hey n—-r, stop killing innocent people, I’m going to get you!”

Of course this is the natural progression to how a civilized people solve their differences – call each other names and of course, threaten to kill each other.

In the wake of the shooting of two police officers on Saturday by a man who previously shot his girlfriend, Rev. Al Sharpton somehow became responsible, along with Mayor Bill De Blasio and yes, Barack Obama.

After the shooting, Sharpton, appearing alongside the wife and mother of Eric Garner, played a voicemail for reporters purportedly of a racist threat made against him.

“Hey n—-r, stop killing innocent people, I’m going to get you!” according to the barely audible recording.

The voice mail also included three f-bombs that went over live television in New York.

Sharpton also took umbrage with police union leaders who have blamed Mayor de Blasio for allegedly inciting violence against cops.

NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were gunned down in cold blood as they sat in their patrol car on Saturday in Brooklyn.

“To blame the mayor and others is not what we need,” Sharpton said. “The blame game will only lead to further kinds of venom and further division.”

Sharpton urged protesters and police critics to remain peaceful.

“If we go into an area where it’s eye for an eye, then it is only a matter of who can out pluck eyes rather than who can make the system fair for everybody,” he said.

Mike Brown Politics shooting

Ignorant Rudy Giuliani Blames Obama and Sharpton for Cop Shooting in Brooklyn

Ignorance, thy name is Rudy Giuliani.

Appearing on Fox News on Sunday, Rudy Giuliani did what he does best, divide people with his dumb, ignorant rhetoric.

Giuliani was brought on Fox to talk about the recent unfortunate shooting of two police officers in Brooklyn New York on Saturday, when he chose instead to cast blame on the president of the United States for apparently inciting Americans to protest the killings of black men like Eric Garner and Mike Brown.

Giuliani, for what it’s worth, disagreed with the police union’s mouthpiece, who claimed that New York’s mayor has “blood on his hands.” Giuliani instead offered this;

“I think it goes to far to blame the mayor for the murder or to ask for the mayor’s resignation,” Giuliani said.

He continued: “We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all lead to a conclusion. The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”

Giuliani added that leaders like Obama and Al Sharpton “have created an atmosphere of severe, strong, anti-police hatred in certain communities.”

You got that? When police shoot or kill unarmed men, no one should have anything to say about that. Don’t voice your opinion, don’t exercise your constitutional right to protest because if you do, then you “hate the police.”

Again, ignorance, thy name is Rudy Giuliani!

shooting Tid Bits

Shooting Near Site of Brooklyn’s West Indian Day Parade

At least five people were shot, one fatally, near the route of Brooklyn’s West Indian Day Parade in a string of early morning shootings Monday, the New York Daily News reports.

A gunman opened fire into a crowd that had already begun parade festivities in Crown Heights about 3:30 a.m., police said, hitting three people and an unmarked police vehicle.

A 55-year-old man, shot in the midsection, died at the scene at the corner of Empire Blvd. and Rogers Ave. — about six blocks from the route of the parade that kicked off at 11 a.m.

A 22-year-old woman was shot in the ankle and a 22-year-old man was shot in the leg, cops said. Both were taken to Kings County Hospital in stable condition.

A round also shattered a window of an unmarked police vehicle, showering an NYPD detective inside with glass, officials said. He was treated and released from SUNY Downstate Medical Center.

chokehold Featured

Woman 7 Months Pregnant and In Her Very Own Police Chokehold

Welcome to the New York, where the police officers are called “the finest in the world,” but they still resort to the tried and proven primitive method of choking people inorder to restrain them.

After a Staten Island man named Eric Gardner, lost his life to an illegal cholehold administered by a police officer, other examples of this police-favored submission hold, have been highlighted on the Internet.

In this example, a woman in Brooklyn, seven months pregnant, got up close and personal with her very own chokehold. Her crime? Having a barbecue on the sidewalk in front of her house.

Photos released Monday by an East New York advocacy group show Rosan Miller, 27, struggling with a cop who appears to have his arm around her neck.

Featured racist

Brooklyn New York, 2014 – White Man Tells Black Woman To Sit at Back of Bus – Video

Again, this happened in the year 2014 in Brooklyn New York. A true Rosa Parks moment happened about a week ago on May 5th on the B35. Ironically, the racist got his wish in the end, as the other passengers on the bus all went to the back of the bus to keep another black man from getting to the white racist.


Politics shooting

Gun man Opens Fire on Bus in Brooklyn New York

A beggar opened fire on a city bus in Brooklyn Friday and shot a man who told him had told him to pipe down, police said.

The 46-year-old hothead was asking for money on the B12 as it rolled through Brownsville, police said. The victim told the creep to stop annoying people, and a fight ensued.

As the quarrel escalated, the thug whipped out a gun and fired four times, hitting the 31-year-old victim in the hand about 9:50 a.m., officials and sources said.

The eastbound bus screeched to a halt in front of the 73rd Precinct stationhouse on East New York Ave. An off-duty cop walking out of the stationhouse rushed onto the bus and arrested the suspect, who was trying to flee, police said. Charges against him were pending.

The victim, whose name was not released, was taken to Brookdale University Hospital with non-life-threatening wounds, officials said.

Police recovered a 9-mm. gun from the bus, cops said.


Police Forced Brooklyn Man to ‘Rap’ for his Freedom

Racist police acting as judge and prosecution? What else is new?

A Brooklyn man claims that “vicious, wicked and cold-hearted” cops forced him to rap an entire song in exchange for his freedom – but only if the rhymes were up to their discriminating standards.

The 28-year-old aspiring hip-hopper “was thus compelled to perform a rap song for his freedom,” the complaint states.

Shingles was at the Brooklyn home of a pal when a crew of cops – including at least one officer under investigation for other illegal entries – demanded access to perform a search, the suit states.

Homeowner Donyale Kitchens refused to allow them in until they produced a warrant. The cops agreed to come back later with the paperwork and Kitchens left, the suit states.

But the plainclothes crew eventually convinced a building super to give them keys to her pad, according to the suit.
Once inside, the officers handcuffed Shingles and two other men while they searched the apartment, the suit states.

But the cops abruptly decided to break for a musical interlude after learning that Shingles was an aspiring rapper.

“The defendant officers then told the plaintiff Quinshon Shingles to show them some “spits and bars,” specifically to perform a rap song, and that if he was ‘hot’ they would let him go,’ the suit states.

With his freedom on the line, Shingles burst into his verses – and passed the test.

“Apparently satisfied with the plaintiff Quinshon Shingles rap performance, the defendant officers indeed released him and allowed him to leave the subject premises,’ the suit states.

The search did not turn up any illegal items, the suit states.

Kitchens and Shingles are suing the NYPD for illegal search and false imprisonment for an undisclosed sum

cops New York News shooting

Woman Shot and Killed by Undercover Cops In Brooklyn New York

The woman shot dead by a Brooklyn cop after she crashed a stolen car was part of a violent crew who police say forced a man into his home at gunpoint, robbed him and shot him as he ran away.

Shantel Davis, 23, took a bullet in the chest during a wild struggle with police after she tried to drive away from the smashup on Church Ave. and E. 38th St. in East Flatbush on Thursday, cops said.

No gun was found on Davis. Her rap sheet — which included robbery and drug busts — shows she was no stranger to run-ins with the law.

Davis was due in court Friday on charges stemming from an attack on April 23, 2011 — when she and a band of brutes allegedly held a man hostage as they robbed his Clarendon Road apartment, court papers show.

The heist netted cash, video games and jewelry, the documents show. But the thieves threatened to take 29-year-old Ralph Ragoobar to East New York and torture him for more loot. He managed to break free and started running down the street, court papers show.

That’s when Davis’ crew opened fire, striking the fleeing man three times in the back and once in the leg. He survived the wounds.

“I was shot five times,” Ragoobar told the Daily News. “I just want to move on with my life.”
Davis and two others were later booked on charges that included kidnapping, attempted murder and weapons possession.

Davis was out on $25,000 bail when two narcotics cops saw her blow a red light at E. 48th St. and start speeding westbound down Church Ave. about 5:35 p.m. Thursday, cops said.

The two plainclothes officers — who sources identified as Detective Phillip Atkins, 44, and Police Officer Daniel Guida, 27 — began to follow Davis in their unmarked car as she sped through a series of red lights before she crashed, cops said.

Davis was driving a 1998 Toyota Camry that she allegedly stole the week before. Armed with a pistol — and just a block away from her E. 52nd St. home — Davis approached the car’s owner, Vilma Craig, 57, and told her to hand over the keys, sources said.

“She had the gun pointed at me,” Craig told the Daily News Friday. “She took my car, my pocketbook and everything in the car.”

It was not clear whether the two cops knew the car was stolen when they approached Davis after she wrecked it.

The 5-foot-6, 185-pound Davis slid into the passenger side of the car in an attempt to flee, cops said.
After a brief struggle with Guida, Davis hopped back in the driver’s seat and tried to drive away.

Atkins, holding his service-issued Smith & Wesson 9-mm., began to grapple with the frantic woman and tried to stop her from putting the car into gear.

But Davis managed to put the car in reverse and hit the gas. During the struggle, Atkins fired one shot, hitting Davis in the chest and killing her.

basketball Boston NBA Sports veterans

The Brooklyn Nets Have To Win

Last night during the 2013 NBA Draft the Brooklyn Nets acquired the Celtics two biggest names, Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett along with veteran shooter Jason Terry; in return the Boston Celtics got three first round picks (’14, ’16, and ’18), Kris Humphries (expiring contract), Gerald Wallace, Kris Joseph, Marshon Brooks, and Keith Bogans. Here’s a minute to let that all sink in.

The pressure is on for new Nets coach Jason Kidd

Right minute over, you alright? Looking at this trade it shows that the Brooklyn Nets have no problem with being way over the cap, love to be a center of attention, and have fully embraced the “win now” mind set. Overall their starting five: Deron Williams, Joe Johnson, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, and Brook Lopez, is pretty strong looking. With Paul Pierce they fill their need at Small Forward, with Kevin Garnett they bring a tested player and veteran into the locker room, lastly with Jason Terry they bring more perimeter shooting.

Will Brooklyn hoist a NBA Championship banner soon? Unlikely.

The trade puts Brooklyn in a tough position for the next few seasons. This team is walking into the 2013-2014 season with a new inexperienced coach, aging roster, weak bench, and as a whole way over the cap and into the luxury tax. If you ever wanted to see a team pull a “all or nothing” move, you’re looking at it. Brooklyn clinched 4th seed in the East last season and lost to an undermanned Chicago Bulls team. With the additions of Pierce, Garnett, and Terry they become more intimidating but still lack the punch teams like the Indiana Pacers, Miami Heat, and Chicago Bulls have to even contend for a championship. The Brooklyn Nets are stuck at the borderline of being mediocre and being a contender this season and will be stuck there for many years to come.

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