
Death Threats to Al Sharpton – “Hey n—-r, stop killing innocent people, I’m going to get you!”

Of course this is the natural progression to how a civilized people solve their differences – call each other names and of course, threaten to kill each other.

In the wake of the shooting of two police officers on Saturday by a man who previously shot his girlfriend, Rev. Al Sharpton somehow became responsible, along with Mayor Bill De Blasio and yes, Barack Obama.

After the shooting, Sharpton, appearing alongside the wife and mother of Eric Garner, played a voicemail for reporters purportedly of a racist threat made against him.

“Hey n—-r, stop killing innocent people, I’m going to get you!” according to the barely audible recording.

The voice mail also included three f-bombs that went over live television in New York.

Sharpton also took umbrage with police union leaders who have blamed Mayor de Blasio for allegedly inciting violence against cops.

NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were gunned down in cold blood as they sat in their patrol car on Saturday in Brooklyn.

“To blame the mayor and others is not what we need,” Sharpton said. “The blame game will only lead to further kinds of venom and further division.”

Sharpton urged protesters and police critics to remain peaceful.

“If we go into an area where it’s eye for an eye, then it is only a matter of who can out pluck eyes rather than who can make the system fair for everybody,” he said.

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