Featured Republican

Preacher Says People Are on Welfare Because They Don’t Read The Bible

I grew up in the Church. Before they passed, my father was a Preacher and my mom was an Evangelist. I am sure that makes me somewhat of an anomaly with Republicans, because I have a Christian background but I am a Democrat. This mixture confuses these Republicans because as far as they are concerned, you cannot be a Democrat and a believer in Christ at the same time. But I’m not here to pacify their confusion, so I’ll go on to the point of this blog.

It really irks me when I come across wolves in sheep’s clothing, that is, people who call themselves preachers but take to the pulpit and “preach” nothing but hate and ignorance. I’ve used past blog-posts to highlight some of the idiotic statements these “pastors” have made in the past and sadly, here is another.

His name is Pastor David Barton and part of his message to his congregation was that people are on welfare because they don’t read the Bible. “I really believe this,” Barton said. Here’s his full statement;

Wouldn’t it be interesting to do a study between those that are on welfare and see how much and how often they read the Bible. You know, if Booker T. Washington is right that Christianity and reading the Bible increases your desires and therefore your ability for hard work; if we take that as an axiom, does that mean that the people who are getting government assistance spend nearly no time in the Bible, therefore have no desire, and therefore no ability for hard work? I could go a lot of places with this. I would love to see this proven out in some kind of sociological study, but it makes perfect sense.

While real preachers use the Bible to get their sermons, Barton – a Conservative Republican – allows his politics to dictate what and how he preach. Too bad he hasn’t paid attention to a particular political document by one of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson – the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States – who in 1802 wrote, “… I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.”

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney and his Polygamist Connection

Ben Jacobs from The Daily Beast wrote about a conversation he had with Montana Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer. Mr. Jacobs noted that when he acknowledged the irony of Mitt Romney’s father being born in Mexico, and Romney having problems with the Hispanic community, Mr. Schweitzer replied;

… that it is “kinda ironic given that his family came from a polygamy commune in Mexico, but then he’d have to talk about his family coming from a polygamy commune in Mexico, given the gender discrepancy.” Women, he said, are “not great fans of polygamy, 86 percent were not great fans of polygamy. I am not alleging by any stretch that Romney is a polygamist and approves of [the] polygamy lifestyle, but his father was born into [a] polygamy commune in Mexico.”

The Obama campaign spokesperson Lis Smith told the Daily Beast that “Attacking a candidate’s religion is out of bounds, and our campaign will not engage in it, and we don’t think others should either.”

contraception Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Mitt Romney Does the Santorum – Its All About Obama’s Religious Test

Call it desperation, call it pandering, call it President Obama’s Religious test. Whatever you think it is, just add it to the growing list of ways Mitt Romney has shown that he will say whatever and do whatever to be president.

Romney has seen Rick Santorum’s huge success among his base by attacking Mr. Obama’s beliefs, so naturally, Romney figures the same luck would come his way if he does the same thing.

“You expect the president of the United States to be sensitive to that freedom and protect it and, unfortunately, perhaps because of the people the president hangs around with, and their agenda, their secular agenda, they have fought against religion,” Romney said, responding to a question about religious freedoms, in particular the Obama administration’s recent controversial attempt to require all institutions, including hospitals and colleges with religious affiliations, to offer free birth control and other contraceptives.

The policy was later rewritten to allow certain institutions to refuse to pay for the contraception and instead allow for private insurance to offer the cost of the coverage.

“I can assure you, as someone who has understood very personally the significance of religious tolerance and religious freedom and the right to one’s own conscience, I will make sure that we never again attack religious liberty in the United States of America,” Romney said, seemingly referring to his own Mormon faith, which has frequently been questioned during his various campaigns.”

Oh, and the small part in the Constitution that says there shall be no Religious test to be President? That does not apply to Obama.

Leave it up to Mitt Romney – a man who claims to know what it feels like to have your religion and beliefs attacked – to do the same and attack someone else’s faith.

Christian Politics right winged

The Conservative Wave Is Cresting: Next Comes the Crash

If you listen carefully, you can hear it gathering momentum, foam, vitriol, recrimination and self-serving hypocrisy. It’s the conservative wave roaring towards the beach, cresting and ready to crash. The 2012 election will be the beginning of the end for the far-right conservatives and, like the liberals who didn’t see their wave tumble in 1984, will likely lead to an even uglier aftermath. Republicans are angry now: Imagine what will happen if they lose another presidential election this year (and they will), especially if they’re able to hold on to the House and take back the Senate. So close, yet so far.

The conservative Republican era that began in 1980 and tilted the country to the right had a good run if you supported the cause, but it was never able to achieve its stated goals of severely scaling back government, ending the New Deal and Great Society programs, overturning Roe v. Wade, and ending the progressive tax structure (though they’ve come pretty close with this one). They built up the military and got a Democratic president to end welfare, passed a too-expensive Medicare prescription plan and raised taxes enough to begin to pay off the deficit, though that cost George H. W. Bush his reelection.

The era lasted because Ronald Reagan and both Bushes were able to tame the party’s conflicting passions. Reagan galvanized the economic old guard GOP while paying lip service to the religious conservatives led by Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Reagan was never a religious person but he talked the talk well enough to keep the support of Christian conservatives, and really, where else were they going to go? That he was able to raise taxes, reform Social Security and work with liberal Democrats speaks to his political skills. The Bushes had a mixed record with the party’s disparate groups. George H.W. inherited Reagan’s mantle, but he was considered suspect on abortion. W. was more conservative, but still did not fight all that hard for the religious agenda.

Of course, the damage that all three presidents did with their hostility to government, marginalization of gays and women, and their Supreme Court choices will endure for many years.

The more recent history of the movement shows most conclusively that it is indeed on its wheezing last breath. The public still sees the Republican Party as the architect of the economic disaster of 2008, and as the economy improves President Obama will get the lion’s share of the rewards. More people support marriage equality than oppose it and the recent flap over contraception shows that the GOP is out of touch with the way most Americans, especially women, view both the birth control and religious issues.

That brings us to why this is the beginning of the end.

The far right wing of the Republican Party is driving the party’s agenda and there’s not one candidate who’s shown they can corral the competing factions. Conservative reaction to Mitt Romney ranges from suspect to hostile and none of the other candidates can claim the right’s support. Yet. That might change as Rick Santorum showed in winning three non-binding primaries last week.

If anything, the nomination battle has proven that the movement has splintered along economic, social and religious lines. Many of the proposals we’ve heard are meant to appeal to the far fringe Tea Party wing of the party (Ron Paul) or to the religious conservatives (Santorum and Gingrich). Romney’s attempts to appeal to the center while throwing the right some scraps on abortion and taxes have so far fallen short of gaining wide acceptance.

None of the candidates would take the deal that offered $10 in budget cuts for $1 in tax increases. Some in the party still question President Obama’s citizenship and religion, and the candidates accuse him of the most outlandish things: anti-religion, creating a communist state, forsaking Israel, and wanting Iran to get a nuclear weapon.

It’s an extreme agenda to say the least, and it will lead to the GOP’s crash. History shows that when you lose the middle of your constituency, you lose your mandate to govern. The Republican Party is on that path.

My sense is that this will all be exposed during the general election campaign and, combined with an improving economy, will result in Obama’s reelection. The 2010 Congressional elections resulted in redistricting that solidified the Republican’s majorities in the House, though Tea Party seats are certainly up for grabs in many districts, and the Democrats have to defend too many Senate seats to count on continued control of that chamber. Conservatives will still hold sway on many issues, but the wave is over. The United States won’t become more liberal, but it will become less conservative and less extreme. Most Republicans probably don’t see this trend coming, and it’s already too late to stop it.

For more, go to and Twitter @rigrundfest

Christianity Politics Rick Santorum

Santorum Use Christianity To Foster Fear In His Followers

How low do you have to go to call yourself a Christian, then use Christianity and its teachings as a fear mechanism for keeping your faithful followers in check by lying to them and invoking their deepest fears – that their faith is being challenged by the all powerful, all mighty president, Mr. Obama?!

Well, if you’re Rick Santorum, you can go pretty low. In the video below, Santorum does just that as he used God and Christianity to tell the audience that President Obama has taken us 1down a road of “overt hostility to faith in America.”

Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum Says Hiring Women Catholic Priests is a “Hostile” Act

Apparently, according to the Catholic Church, president Obama is waging a war on their religion. The war the Catholics claim, is the requirement approved by the president’s administration that calls on employers to provide an option for contraception in their employees health care policies.

Of course, no one is explaining that this law has been in effect for the last 10 years through the EEOC — Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , or the fact that the Catholic University in Washington DC is already providing this option to their employees. And everyone seems to forget the waiver included in the law for Churches.

But manufactured crisis is what gets the spotlight, and even Congressional Republicans like John Boehner has joined the war, choosing his obvious position and firing on the president.

“In imposing this requirement, the federal government is violating a First Amendment right that has stood for more than two centuries, and it is doing so in a manner that affects millions of Americans and harms some of our nation’s most vital institutions,” Boehner, R-Ohio, said. “If the president does not reverse the Department’s attack on religious freedom, then the Congress, acting on behalf of the American people and the Constitution we are sworn to uphold and defend, must.”

That is expected. Congressional Republicans have been looking for any reason they could find to oppose this president. But it was something said by Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, that caught my attention.

Mr. Santorum, the present leader in the Republican presidential field actually suggested that women priests create a hostile environment.

What they’ve done here is a direct assault on the First Amendment, not only a direct assault on the freedom of religion, by forcing people specifically to do things that are against their religious teachings. . . . This is a president who, just recently, in this Hosanna-Tabor case was basically making the argument that Catholics had to, you know, maybe even had to go so far as to hire women priests to comply with employment discrimination issues. This is a very hostile president to people of faith. He’s a hostile president, not just to people of faith, but to all freedoms.

We had already awarded the say anything to get elected trophy to Mitt Romney, but now here comes Santorum. We just placed the order for a second trophy.


Rick Perry’s Ad Called “Nuts” By His Own Pollster

A little bit of lies and controversy always seems to help more than they hurt in this crazy political atmostphere. Maybe that was Rick Perry’s goal when he launched a new ad, calling for the military to bring back don’t ask don’t tell, and implying that President Obama and the Democrats are engaging on a war on Religion.

But even before the ad launched, Perry’s own camp questioned the wisdom of the ad, with one top pollster objected to running it and called it “nuts.”

“…not everyone was comfortable with the script. When the ad was being crafted several weeks ago, Perry’s top pollster, Tony Fabrizio, called it “nuts,” according to an email sent from Fabrizio to the ad’s main creator, longtime GOP operative Nelson Warfield. In a separate email to The Huffington Post, Warfield confirmed that the ad was made over Fabrizio’s objections.

“Tony was against it from the get-go,” Warfield wrote. “It was the source of some extended conversation in the campaign. To be very clear: That spot was mine from writing the poll question to test[ing] it to drafting the script to overseeing production.”

Maybe Rick Perry should have listened to his pollster. As of 3:30PM today, December 8th, the ad has 216,181 dislikes on Youtube, and just a little over 4500 likes.

pat robertson Religion right winged

Pat Robertson Asks – Is Mac And Cheese “A Black Thing?”

Pat Robertson has never heard of “Mac and cheese,” and it took two black people to bring him into the light. The famous right-winged tele-evangelist from The 700 Club, in his effort to learn something new everyday, asked his co-host Kristi Watts about a recent interview she did with former Secretary of State in the Bush administration, Condoleezza Rice.

In the interview, Watts asked Rice, “What is your favorite Thanksgiving meal?” Rice answered “It’s Mac and Cheese,” to which Watts replied, “Sister, that is my dish, that is the one thing I can rock!”

With Kristi Watts back in the studio with Pat Robertson, Robertson wanted edification on the “Mac and Cheese” discovery. “What is this Mac and Cheese,” Pat asked, “is this a black thing?”

Any black person could see the shock on Watts’ face, and her first reaction was to put Robertson in his place. But as she opened her mouth to get ghetto on Robertson, she remembered the need for a paycheck, especially in this economic downturn. She replied;

“It is a black thing, Pat. Listen, and you guys, other people, the world needs to get on board with macaroni and cheese.” said Watts. “Seriously, I just… ok, Christmas and Thanksgiving, we have to have macaroni and cheese and it trips me out that you don’t.”

After a brief chuckle, Robertson concluded, “I really don’t, I don’t, and I have never.”

Christianity God Religion

New Prediction – The End Of The World Is This Friday

Yes, Friday, and we’re not talking about the Ice Cube Movies either.

Harold Camping, the Family radio evangelist who wrongfully predicted that May 21st 2011 would be the end of the world, is at it again. This time, Mr. Camping is saying the end will come next Friday, October 21st, 2011.

So what happened on May 21st? Mr. Camping had this explination;

What really happened is that God accomplished exactly what He wanted to happen. That was to warn the whole world that on May 21 God’s salvation program would be finished on that day. For the next five months, except for the elect (the true believers), the whole world is under God’s final judgment.

So according to Camping, if you weren’t saved on or before May 21st, then you have some very serious issues as next Friday approach.

One can only wonder if the Evangelist Camping ever read the book of Mark, Chapter 13, verse 32 – when Jesus’ apostles asked about the end times. Jesus answered, But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels who are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take you heed, watch and pray: for you know not when the time is.”

No one knows “but the Father.” Does this mean Harold Camping thinks he is “The Father?”

Oh Wow!!!

Barack Obama Christian Politics United States

President Obama Again Defends His Christian Religious Beliefs

We’ve heard it all before. Without any proof whatsoever, Conservatives go on the radio waves and on television and continue the lies and propaganda that President Obama is a Muslim. And although the Constitution specifically says there shall be no religious test to be president, this particular president is constantly under scrutiny about his religious affiliations. How amazing is the fact that the same people pushing their love for the Constitution of the United States in the media are the same ones putting President Obama through a religious litmus test that– if they had truly ever read the Constitution– they’d know was a worthless effort.

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