
An Angry Hillary Clinton – “I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me” – Video

Bernie Sanders is proud of the over 6 million donors who have contributed to his campaign. And he is not afraid to hit his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, for taking big dollars from big donors. According to Sanders, when you are funded by big money, it is easy for big money to dictate your policies.

But Hillary Clinton has had enough!

A visibly angry Hillary Clinton lashed out at an environmental activist Thursday while accusing the Bernie Sanders campaign of “lying” about donations sent from the fossil fuel industry to her campaign.

“I am so sick, I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me. I’m sick of it,” Clinton told Eva Resnick-Day of Greenpeace, who confronted the Democratic presidential front-runner on the rope-line after a campaign stop in New York. Clinton acknowledged that some of her donors work for fossil fuel companies.

Greenpeace released video of the encounter, which showed Clinton jabbing her finger at the activist. The former New York senator also appeared frustrated earlier in the day when Sanders supporters interrupted her speech, shouting “she wins, we lose” in unison before being escorted out of the event at SUNY Purchase.

Some will say the truth hurts!


Donald Trump Politics

How Donald Trump Spells Lying – “LYEN” – Video

The man is running for president of the United States AND he is leading in the Republican field. So, given that Republicans want the least qualified person in the nation to be their leader, Trump’s inability to spell is perfectly fine with them.

Appearing at a rally in Kansas today, Trump told the audience about some of his fellow liars running for the Republican nomination. Ted Cruz came to mind and Trump felt the need to emphasize just much lying Cruz does on the stump by spelling the word.

“How would you spell that? L-Y-E-N, with a big apostrophe,” Trump said.

Yes, he is running to be the most powerful man in the world, the leader of the free world! “LYEN!”



Bill Maher – Republicans have Gone from Lying to “just making sh*t up”- Video

Things that come naturally to Republicans – lying and making sh*t up.

HBO’s Bill Maher explains.


Donald Trump Politics

Insightful – Donald Trump Explains Why Republicans Love Him – PIC

This quote was taken from Donald Trump’s 1987 bestseller, The Art of the Deal. In it, Trump explains that people who think little of themselves find comfort in those who lies and indulge in “hyperbole.”

People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts… People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion.”

Healthcare marco rubio

Marco Rubio’s Outrageous Claim says He Killed Obamacare – Ad

Republicans hate Obamacare, although many of them are enjoying the benefits of the President’s Healthcare reform law. That said, Republicans would gladly vote for any presidential candidate who promises to end Obamacare and rid them of this life-saving healthcare.

That said, the Marco Rubio’s campaign is going a step further to get the support of these Republicans. Rubio’s campaign is claiming that Marco Rubio is the only candidate who managed to “kill Obamacare!”

Yes, for those of us enjoying real healthcare for a change, Marco Rubio apparently killed the thing and we are now finding this out.

That said, Yahoo News is reporting that  some 11.7 million signed up for Marketplace plans, the Obamacare website estimates, while around 17.6 million people were covered under the ACA as of September. Open enrollment for 2016 opened on Nov. 1 and ends on Jan. 31. As of Dec. 21, upward of 9 million qualified health plans are thought to be confirmed for 2016.

But, according to Team Marco, Marco Rubio killed Obamacare. Who Knew?


Dick Cheney Politics

Dick Cheney – Wrong then, Wrong now – Video


Dick Cheney is wrong. That’s all I need to say and this post will be complete.

But I’ll explain.

The former vice president, who has been wrong on everything that has to do with Iraq, went on Fox News last week. The host asked Mr Cheney to explain why anyone should listen to him on the Iran Deal, when he has been consistently wrong on Iraq.

“Because I was right about Iraq,” Cheney replied.

Newsflash – Dick Cheney lies a lot too!

That statement prompted the White House to released the following video showing just some of the many instances where Cheney has been wrong on Iraq, and the release of the video just happens to coincides with a Republican anticipated speech given by the former VP.



Rush Limbaugh to Republicans – Lie about Iraq – Blame Failure on Obama

Rush Limbaugh wants all the Republican candidates for 2016 to stop admitting that the invasion of Iraq was a failure. Instead, the mouthpiece of the Republican party wants the other members of his party to blame Obama and Democrats for the war and everything else that went wrong with the Bush-led invasion. 

His advice to Republicans is to say that Democrats “attempt[ed] to divide this country by sabotaging the war effort” and “these things we’re living with today… are the result of the Barack Obama presidency.”

In other words, the mouthpiece of the Republican party want Republicans to lie about the war and its outcome. And the so-called “Christian Conservatives” will gladly accept Limbaugh’s talking point.

Listen to the audio here.

Politics taxes

Fox News Willfully Misleads – Implies That Obama is “Raising” Taxes on The Middle Class

One of the many specifics proposed by President Obama in this year’s State of The Union Address was lowing the taxes on middle class workers. To pay for this, the president has proposed closing tax loopholes and increasing Capital Gains taxes on the top 1%. But over at Fox News, they are hearing a completely different thing as they willfully mislead their audience into believing that what the president proposed will raise their taxes.

Look at their onscreen graphic. It asks the audience if Obama’s tax plan amounts to “Raising Your Taxes?”

Or maybe Fox is right. Maybe the only people watching their network now is the top 1%



Fox Apologized For Lying to Their Viewers – Got Slammed by Protester – Video

So a Fox station edited a video of a protest in Washington, claiming the protesters in the video were calling for the death of police officers. Of course, the protesters were saying no such thing, but we are talking about a Fox station here where deceptive practices are customary.

After it was pointed out by Gawker that Fox was once again lying to their audience, the station went on their Facebook page and offered an apology.

“Although last night’s report reflected an honest misunderstanding of what the protesters were saying, we apologize for the error,” the post read.

“We have deleted the story on our webpage and we offered to have Ms. Jones on Fox45 News at 5:00 tonight for a live interview,” it continued.

Yes, Fox thought it was a good idea to invite the subject of their ridicule on the network to talk about their video deception.

In that interview, Jones called out the station several times for misrepresenting her words.

“The interesting part that really gets to me is, where you guys edited it and stopped — like, how could that be a mistake?” she said.

“Once you play that whole thing, you would know that’s not something that’s being said,” she added.

The interviewer apologized several times, and though Jones told the station she was grateful to come on, she also said she now fears for her reputation and her safety. Near the end of the interview she began to cry.

“At the end of the day, people’s lives are on the line,” she said. “Now, even though we’re doing this, I still don’t feel safe because I still feel like the message is out there.”

“What if a crazed-out cop or a crazed-out supporter thinks I’m trying to get cops killed?” she later said, wiping tears from her face.


Politics taxes

John Boehner Getting Crucified on His Facebook Page For Telling Another Lie

The Republican Leader of the House of Representatives thought he was on safe ground when he decided to write a post on his verified Facebook page, claiming “House Republicans have protected 98% of Americans from permanent tax increases.”

For those of you following politics, you already know that the only “Americans” Republicans have fought to protect are the top 2% – the millionaires and billionaires among us. Republicans have, however, gone out of their way to make sure the middle class and poor suffer!

After posting his lie on Facebook, informed Americans began letting the Republican speaker know their feelings, some of them even calling him a “liar,” and seeing their response is a wonderful sight to behold.

Here are some of what these Americans had to say;

And there’s more! Page after page of informed Americans telling Boehner what they think of him and the Republicans in Congress!

I bet he wouldn’t try that again!

My day just got a lot happier!

Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting

Ferguson Police Chief Lied About Reason for Releasing Mike Brown ‘Robery’ Tape

After Mike Brown was murdered by a Ferguson police officer, his dead body stayed in the street where he was shot down for over 4 hours. His killer was then whisked away to a secret location with round the clock security, his identity kept under wraps and protected for days while the people of Ferguson protested in the street.

The killer, as far as we can tell, is still receiving a paycheck from the Ferguson police department.

But while the dead, cold body of Mike Brown laid in the street like roadkill, the Ferguson Police department led by their Chief was already trying to come up with ways to tarnish Mike Brown, as if he was responsible for his killer pumping multiple shots into his body as he tried to run away. One of the ways they tried doing this was to release a video of an alleged Mike Brown robbing a convenience store. No one knew why this video was released, especially since the video had nothing to do with Mike Brown’s slaughter.

The police chief however, tried explaining why he released the video.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said, that there were multiple request for the video. “We got a lot of Freedom of Information requests for this tape,” Chief Jackson said, “and at some point, it was just determined we had to release it.”

The Post-Dispatch filed a public records request the day the video was released, requesting all the written requests for records that the city had received.

 The records, which were provided to the newspaper 11 days later, showed that no organization had specifically requested before Aug. 15 a video of Michael Brown robbing a convenience store.

But requests from the Post-Dispatch and the organization Judicial Watch sought all documents related to Brown leading up to and including the shooting. A third request from ABC News asked for any video and audio records associated with Brown’s death.

The Post-Dispatch reporter who made one of those requests, Joel Currier, said he had heard rumors prior to Aug. 15 that Brown had committed a robbery just before he was killed. But Currier had no indication the alleged robbery was captured on video.

In conclusion, the killer is still being protected. He has not given his version of what happened the day he murdered Mike Brown. No incident report, but given all the time in the world to come up with a defense if the case even goes to court! But while they go out of their way to protect the killer, the Ferguson police, led by their trusted Chief, LIED. They’re doing all they can to release information about the victim, information that no one requested.

To protect and to serve!

George Bush Politics Republican

Report – Republicans Told 935 Lies To Take Us Into War

I thought it was a lot more but the official numbers are in, and the results show that President Bush and his top aides publicly made 935 false statements about the security risk posed by Iraq in the two years following September 11, 2001, according to a study released Tuesday by two nonprofit journalism groups.

“In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003,” reads an overview of the examination, conducted by the Center for Public Integrity and its affiliated group, the Fund for Independence in Journalism.

According to the study, Bush and seven top officials — including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice — made 935 false statements about Iraq during those two years.

The study was based on a searchable database compiled of primary sources, such as official government transcripts and speeches, and secondary sources — mainly quotes from major media organizations.

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