Osama bin Laden Politics

President Orders Another Successful Rescue Mission – Nine Pirates Killed

When President Obama took to the stage almost a year ago and systematically – and comically – dismantled all hopes Donald Trump had of becoming president, he had just ordered the successful assassination of Osama Bin Laden. When he took the podium for the State of the Union address a few days ago, the president had just ordered the rescue of Americans held captive by Somali pirates.

The rescue mission for Poul Thisted and Jessica Buchanan, was successful, and it was carried out by the same SEAL Team 6 forces that got Bin Laden.

The captives, an American aid worker and her Danish colleague, had been held as prisoners since last fall. The New York Times reports that the pirates had recently refused $1.5 million to release their hostages, and that ransom negotiations had “ground to a halt.” After receiving reports last week that the American’s health was “deteriorating rapidly,” President Obama directed his security team to develop an immediate rescue plan. Nine kidnappers were killed in the raid.

Note to terrorists: Be very afraid anytime this president is about to make a big speech.

This is not the first time President Obama had an encounter with Somali pirates. In the beginning of his presidency, Mr. Obama ordered the successful rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips. Three pirates were killed in that rescue.

Is this what Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans mean when they continually accuse this president of appeasement? ‘Cause if this is appeasement, I would hate to see any acts of aggression from this president.


The Man Who Killed Gaddafi Tells How He Did It – Video

“We grabbed him, I hit him in the face. Some fighters wanted to take him away and that’s when I shot him twice, in the head and in the chest.”

Those are the words of the person claiming to be Gaddafi’s killer. He says his name is Senad el Sadık el Ureybi, and in the video he shows a ring and shirt he claimed belonged to the deceased Libyan leader, as reported by ynetnews.

The Associated Press is also reporting that under pressure from the international committee, the interim leaders of Libya have announced an investigation into Gaddafi’s killing.

Mustafa Abdul-Jalil told a news conference in the eastern city of Benghazi that the National Transitional Council has formed a committee to investigate Thursday’s killing amid conflicting reports of how the dictator who ruled Libya for 42 years died. Government officials have said initial findings suggest Gadhafi was killed in the crossfire as his supporters clashed with revolutionary forces seizing control of his hometown of Sirte.

Foreign Policies osama bil laden terrorists

The Obama Administration – Amazing In Capturing Terrorists – The List

A great read by Jake Tapper. A list of some of the terrorists killed or captured under the leadership of the Obama Administration. This is something the Republicans would not want the American people to know about. Although September 11th happened under the Bush Administration, Republicans will still try to claim some special authority when it comes to protecting the American people.

This list complements Jake Tapper;

There’s Osama bin Laden,  of course, killed in May.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader Anwar al-Awlaki as of today.

Earlier this month officials confirmed that al Qaeda’s chief of Pakistan operations, Abu Hafs al-Shahri, was killed in Waziristan, Pakistan.

In August, ‘Atiyah ‘Abd al-Rahman,  the deputy leader of al Qaeda was killed.

In June, one of the group’s most dangerous commanders, Ilyas Kashmiri,  was killed in Pakistan. In Yemen that same month, AQAP senior operativesAmmar al-Wa’ili, Abu Ali al-Harithi, and Ali Saleh Farhan were killed. In Somalia, Al-Qa’ida in East Africa (AQEA) senior leader Harun Fazul was killed.

Administration officials also herald the recent U.S./Pakistani joint arrest ofYounis al-Mauritani  in Quetta.

Going back to August 2009, Tehrik e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mahsud was killed in Pakistan.

In September of that month, Jemayah Islamiya operational plannerNoordin Muhammad Top was killed in Indonesia, and AQEA plannerSaleh Ali Saleh Nabhan was killed in Somalia.

For the rest of the list, click here.

death Georgia Politics

Teaparty Wanted Troy Davis Killed Sooner

Of course we all knew the Teaparty would have their take on the execution of Troy Davis yesterday. And who better to tell the Teaparty side of this killing, than Judson Phillips, president of the Teaparty Nation.

While most sensible individuals looked on last night in horror, as Georgia and the Supreme Court went ahead and legally murdered Troy Davis, the President of the Teaparty Nation wondered why the killing took 20 years to happen. In a blog post, Judson Phillips said this;

Troy Davis was on death row for twenty years. He was given a trial by a jury of his peers and then had countless opportunities to relitigate his death penalty.

The justice system was not broken.

On second thought, may be it was. For twenty years, he sat on death row while Mark McPhail’s family had to endure all of the appeals. Perhaps the question we should be asking is why does it take twenty years and an untold amount of taxpayer money for justice to be delivered?

An amazing take. Mr. Judson Phillips heard the very same things about Troy Davis’s case that the rest of the world heard. No credible evidence, disputed ballistic results, and the recanting of seven out of nine “eyewitnesses” testimonies. But with all these circumstances, Phillips ponders the question of why it took so long.

This statement from Davis makes me wonder if the famous Teaparty phrase, “I want my country back,” is a reference to back in the day,  when human beings were hung from trees. Back then, no trials were necessary and their idea of justice was swift and immediate. If you looked a certain way, behaved a certain way, or didn’t do as you were told, or you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, then you would be rounded-up, have a noose thrown around your neck, and hung from a tree.

I understand now Mr. Phillips – president of the Teaparty Nation. You probably have a noose in the trunk of your car, don’t ‘cha?

Barack Obama George Bush osama bil laden Politics september 11

George Bush To George Bush – Good Job On Getting Bin Laden

In an interview to commemorate September 11th attacks in New York, George Bush credited George Bush for the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

The work that was done by intelligence communities during my presidency was part of putting together the puzzle that enabled us to see the full picture of how bin Laden was communicating and eventually where he was hiding,” he said. “It began the day after 9/11.”

Although Bush and his brainwashed supporters would go to the grave believing this, the facts just don’t support their position and even George Bush himself showed his carefree attitude when questioned about Bin Laden’s whereabouts.

In 2006, Bush told reporters that getting Bin Laden was not on his ‘to-do’ list, saying, “I truly am not that concerned about him. I am deeply concerned about Iraq, I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you.”

But that was then, and this is now,  and with the new administration came a new purpose. That purpose resulted in the capture and killing of America’s most wanted terrorist, and now, Bush is ready to go down in history as the president responsible for getting Osama.

Can you say “delusional” ?

See the rest of Bush’s interview here

Arizona Politics Republican

Arizona Republicans Raffle Same Type Of Gun Used On Gabrielle Giffords

Just eight months ago, a crazy gunman walked up to Democratic congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona at a democratic political rally,  shot the congresswoman in the head in an apparent assassination attempt and  killed six people as he emptied his glock into the crowd. Today, a Republican fundraiser in Arizona is offering the same type of weapon, a glock 23, as a prize in their raffle.

For just $10, readers can purchase a raffle ticket (out of 125 offered) for a chance to win a brand new handgun. Not just any handgun, but a Glock 23

Arizona Republicans surely know just how effective this particular brand of gun can be. After all, it was only eight months ago that Jared Lee Loughner used a Glock 19 in Tucson – the seat of Pima County – to shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head. Giffords survived, but six other people, including a nine year old girl and a federal judge, were killed in the same shooting.

The raffle gun comes preloaded with adjustable grips, a case, and three 12-round magazines. Glock USA describes the model as “a slightly reduced size of a full-size handgun for easier concealment but still retains the performance on the level of a serious big bore.

These people are mentally sick.

Barack Obama Osama bin Laden Politics

Seals Helmet Cameras Show How Osama Bin Laden Died – Video

Little cameras on the helmets of Seal members captured every moment of the operation to catch Osama Bin Laden. And based on this information, CBS has created this video, to give a more accurate idea on what happened the night the most wanted man in the world was killed.

Below is the video.

Osama bin Laden Politics

Besides Getting Osama Bin Laden, What Else Did The President Do This Week?- Video

So you think getting Osama Bin Laden was the only thing on President Obama’s plate this past week? Well you’re wrong. An historic week it was, but what else did the President have to deal with, while getting the most wanted man in the world?

This video explains.

Featured Osama bin Laden Politics Racism United States

Ding-Bat Fox Employee Calls President Obama A Murderer

Judge Napolitano of Fox News should be fired, but don’t hold your breath for that to happen, Fox openly demands that their employees make the kind of remarks Napolitano made yesterday. The Fox News ding-bat accused the President of “illigally killing” Osama Bin Laden. All this, because the President is not a Republican, and possibly because he’s black.

The Fox News Napolitano went on the propaganda machine better known as Fox Network, and basically called the president a murderer, saying, “this business of the president deciding to kill people is very dangerous and very unlawful.” He continued;

“Where will it stop. Who will President Obama kill next? Can the president now send the seals to kill colonel Qhadaffi? President Assad? Prime minister Putin? Fidel Castro? Hugo Chavez or Kim Jon Il? Can he kill whomever is an obstacle to his purposes?

Can he kill Bradley Manning or Juliane Assange? Or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? Could he kill Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or me? Can the president kill anyone who was once a friend but became our enemy?

Although the Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or “me” question may be a valid one in some circles, Napolitano’s rant, is of course, based purely on capturing some political ground for Republicans lost after Obama gains over the last week. And of course theres the racial element thats always present.

According to his own diatribe, Osama Bin Laden was the most wanted man in the world. He wasn’t wanted because of his pleasant ways and wonderful mannerism at the dinner table, he was wanted because he personally went on a mission to kill as many American citizens as he possibly could. And because of his hate and contempt for Americans, Osama Bin Laden was sought after by multiple administrations including that of Bill Clinton, who the Republicans, including Fox News, blamed for the attacks on September 11th. According to the Republican’s theory, if Bill Clinton had killed Bin Laden when “he had the chance to,” then September 11th, 2001 would not have happen.

George Bush tried to find and kill Bin Laden – a search that lasted about an hour. He sent in troops to drop bombs in known caves in Pakistan and Afghanistan, with the hope of killing Bin Laden. Drone attacks were often used but most of the time resulted in other terrorists being killed. “We want him dead or alive” was the famous Bush line. Judge Napolitano didn’t see the need to question these drone attacks or the other bodies they provided, but he now has issues with President Obama accomplishing what previous administrations couldn’t.

The Fox News employee suggests the only time a President is “legally” allowed to kill someone is, “in self defense, in war on a battlefield or after a verdict by a jury for the death penalty. ” Well it seems to me that two of the three reasons given, were present in the case of Osama Bin Laden.

  1. Bin Laden began the war on America when he recruited and paid for members of his army to board planes to New York and Washington that would kill over three thousand Americans. Ground Zero was a battlefield and America had no choice but to respond.
  2. Self defense –  Self defense is not only when you have word of an eminent attack, but also after you’ve actually been attacked. America was attacked on September 11th, and our retaliation was, and is, in self defense.

And keeping with the mindset of Fox News, Mr. Napolitano lied to his sheeple, telling them that there are no pictures, just Obama’s word. Of course we know this to be a lie. There are pictures and a video of the mission. But even if there were none, how does Napolitano explain the survivors who were present in the mansion with Bin Laden? According to all the news reports and Pakistan officials, Bin Laden’s wife was shot in her leg, there were other dead bodies from the mission and there were children on the compound. If you are to believe Napolitano’s “all we have is Obama’s word,” then you will have to believe that Bin Laden’s wife volunteered to be shot in the leg, and the dead bodies are not really dead. You will have to believe that all the children found at the compound were paid off, probably with candy, to perpetrate afraud.

The whole point here is that Fox News and their sicko employees can’t accept the fact that a Democratic President – wait a minute, Bill Clinton was a Democratic President and they wanted him to kill Bin Laden – strike that… They can’t accept the fact that a black Democratic President accomplished what other administrations tried, and failed to do.

Politics United States Wayne LaPierre

N.R.A. Will Not Talk, While 2,405 Shot Dead Since Tucson Arizona

In January, we saw the destruction power of a deranged gunman who opened fire in Tucson, Arizona, killing six people in a botched attempt to assassinate Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. So naturally, the talk about gun-control has became prominent once again, as both Democrats and Republicans try to show they’re ontop  the issue.

This is a political issue dating back decades, with Democrats usually in favor of some form of gun regulation, and Republicans against most. Caught in the middle of all the politics is the National Rifle Association, a group that gives heavily to both political parties, essentially suppressing all gun control legislation from the very start.

President Obama, the ultimate pragmatist that he is, thought the best way to deal with this problem was to have both sides come to the table to talk about what can be done, if anything. A starting point that no group or organization should be against. A conversation…! Who could be against sitting down and talking? The NRA of course!

The New York Times reports;

On Tuesday, officials at the Justice Department will meet with gun control advocates in the first of what will be a series of meetings over the next two weeks with people on different sides of the issue, including law enforcement, retailers and manufacturers, to seek agreement on possible legislative or administrative actions.

The effort follows Mr. Obama’s call, in a column on Sunday in a Tucson newspaper, to put aside “stale policy debates” and begin “a new discussion” on ways to better enforce and strengthen existing laws to keep mentally unstable, violent and criminal people from getting guns.

But the National Rifle Association, for decades the most formidable force against proposals to limit gun sales or ownership, is refusing to join the discussion — possibly dooming it from the start, given the lobby’s clout with both parties in Congress. Administration officials had indicated they expected that the group would be represented at a meeting, perhaps on Friday.

Six people died in Tucson in January, among the deceased was a 9 year old girl and a federal judge. A congresswoman is still trying to regain some sense of normalcy, or as much normalcy as possible, considering she was shot at point-blank range in the head.

A new report by Newsweek finds that since the shooting in Tucson two months ago, 2,405 more people have been shot and killed in America. But the lives of these innocent people in Tuscon and those killed nationwide over the last two months means nothing to the NRA. Their argument is the second amendment of the Constitution, that states;

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Although it is their constitutional right to “keep and bear arms,” how many more lives have to be lost to senseless violence before groups like the NRA decide that coming to the table to talk, just talk, about a way to stem such senseless violence, cannot be a harmful thing. You know what’s harmful? 2,405 gunshot deaths in two months – that’s harmful!

Read the full Times report here.

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