Democratic Politics Republican

Eric Cantor Comforts Irresponsible Oil Speculators

Eric Cantor, the number two Republican in the House of Representative is reassuring Oil speculators that the Republican party will do whatever they can to stop the regulations Democrats are tying to put in place. It is believed by most financial economists that these speculators are the major reasons why gas and oil prices have skyrocketed. But Cantor will not let this small fact detour his mission. In his view, speculators must continue doing their part, regardless of the effects on the economy.

ThinkProgress filed this report;

Cantor told the audience of speculators that his Republican caucus would “do our part” to block the implementation of financial reforms passed last year as part of the sweeping Dodd-Frank law. He even called out the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the regulators in charge of overseeing derivatives and energy speculation, and promised to stop regulations from going online.

CANTOR: We want to help you continue to lead for America, that means we gotta do our part when you see the implementation of Dodd-Frank coming at you like a barreling train. We want to help control that so that we can get some sensible, sensible follow up to that legislation. […] Whether it’s the EPA, the FDA, the FCC, the SEC, the CFTC, you name it, there is an acronym for a federal agency causing harm right now. We’re trying to pull that in.

Democratic Featured MSNBC Republican United States

Eric Cantor Shows Ignorance On How To Do His Job – Video

Eric Cantor doesn’t know how laws are made. The number 2 Republican in the House of Representative held a news conference yesterday and allowed the following words to come out his mouth;

“…the Senate’s got to act, prior to the expiration of the CR.  If it does not act, HR 1 becomes the law of the land.”

Cantor was talking about a House Resolution to fund the government for this budget. So far, the House and Senate congressional members have agreed to two temporary Continued Resolutions (CR), because an agreement could not be reached on specific budgetary issues like spending cuts. Republicans want to cut over $61 billion from the budget. So what Cantor was saying here, is that if the Senate cannot submit their bill for the next budget, then the HR1 bill passed by the House of Representatives automatically becomes “the law of the land.”

What the statement from Mr. Cantor demonstrated, was that the Republican Majority Leader was not aware of how laws are made, or he tried unsuccessfully to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. Anyone and everyone knows that in order for a bill to become law, both House and Senate must agree on the bill and the President must sign it into law.

In the video below, Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC tore into Mr. Cantor and his ill-informed comments.

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Barack Obama Politics Republican United States

Next Step For House Republicans – Cutting Health Care Funding

The push to end President Obama’s major initiative continues in the Republican House of Representative. After voting to repeal the law earlier in January, House Republicans are now talking about their next step in stopping Americans from getting the consumer protection and Health care the law provides. Their next step is cutting off its funding.

As reported by AP

WASHINGTON (AP) — One of the House’s top Republicans says he believes the chamber will soon vote to block spending for President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor told reporters Tuesday that by the time the House approves a government-wide spending bill for this year, it will end up prohibiting the use of money for the overhaul. The House is expected to debate that legislation shortly.

That overhaul, which became law last year, is one of Obama’s proudest legislative achievements. Republicans have opposed it as a costly, big-government overreach.

Spending for government programs expires March 4 unless Congress approves new legislation providing extra funds.

Cantor, a Virginia Republican, and other GOP lawmakers want to use the spending bill to cut government expenditures across the board.

Democratic Nancy Pelosi Politics Republican

Pelosi to Cantor – No Thank You, I Already Have A Date

The new Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor invited House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to sit with him tonight for the State Of The Union Address, but according to a tweet from Mrs. Pelosi, she turned him down. The tweet read;

“I thank @GOPLeader for his #SOTU offer, but I invited my friend Rep. [Roscoe] Bartlett from MD yesterday & am pleased he accepted.

And maybe it is fitting that Nancy chose another date for tonight’s ball. Reports from The Hill recalls Mr. Cantor as recently as Monday, criticizing Nancy Pelosi for not meeting with him regularly, or as often as he would like. The report quotes Cantor as saying;

“I would love to have the opportunity for her to engage in some type of working relationship so that we can actually deliver results. Thus far it seems she is continuing to drive the ideological agenda just the same as she did over the last four years.”

If asking Nancy to be his date tonight was Cantor’s way of making up, Pelosi wasn’t having it. Her spokesman Nadeam Elshami released a statement defending Mrs. Pelosi, saying;

“It’s important to set the record straight. The fact is, Leader Pelosi has met with Speaker Boehner on numerous occasions both as Speaker and since he became Speaker, and offered to hold regular meetings. Democrats remain committed to working with Republicans to create jobs, strengthen the middle class and reduce the deficit.”

Next time, maybe Cantor should just send flowers!

Barack Obama Birthers Birthers Hawaii United States

Eric Cantor and The Birthers See Things Differently

He won’t call them crazy because according to Eric Cantor the Republican House Majority Leader:  “I don’t think it’s nice to call anyone crazy.” But Mr. Cantor did say that he believes the President is a citizen, and that the Birthers are wrong to think he’s not.

Mr. Cantor appeared on NBC’s Meet The Press on Sunday and stated that the question of President Obama’s birth is already settled with most Americans. He said, “I don’t think it’s an issue that we need to address at all. It is not an issue that even needs to be on the policy-making table right now whatsoever.”

Birthers, on the other hand, cannot give up their pointless fight. With no proof whatsoever, they have held onto the claim that the President is a foreigner, and thus unqualified to be president. And although Hawaii’s Health Director has confirmed the President’s original documents are on file in the state, Birthers will not be fooled with the facts. They believe the president is a foreigner and that’s all they need…A belief!

An attempt to explain the Birther’s point of view is seen in this video.

Barack Obama Mitch McConnell Politics Racism Republican United States White House

Republicans Cannot Accept a Black President In The White House!

Hello America. Please have a seat. We have some very disparaging news for you.

Compliments of the actions of the Republican Party, we have been led to a very definite conclusion. America, President Barack Obama is a black man, and he’s living in the White House! Please take a moment or two to absorb this!

First Lady Michelle and President Obama

At first we were blind of this fact. We were all captivated by his speeches and the calm, cool manner in which he conducted his campaign.  But we never once looked at the obvious, the literal fact staring us in the face every time the then senator Barack Obama came on our big screen HD tv’s. Sure, he seemed a bit… dark, but… that could have been because of these new tanning machines. Just look at John Boehner for pete’s sake, he’s practically a black man!

Looking back, there were way too many minorities at his inauguration. That should have been a dead giveaway, but again, that too was overlooked  for some strange reason. I guess it was partly due to the euphoria over his call for change and returning to a government that was for the people and by the people.

We were excited. It felt like something historic had took place and no one bothered to pay attention to the obvious. Like sheep, we joined the jubilation with all those minorities knowing that eventually, the Republican Party will do their job and investigate the inauguration and this president. And they will tell us why we were all caught up in the excitement of the newly elected president.

It didn’t take long America.

After the swearing in of President Barack Obama, the rumors started up again. Some were skeptical. He looked… different, but we were unable to put our hands on what the difference was. Was it his height? No, there were others taller. Was it his walk, his talk, his mannerism? No, it was his color!

At the time no one came out to tell us that our new president was black, no one that is, except Rush Limbaugh – the Republican truth speaker. He saw something the rest of us couldn’t, and he dropped the hint when he went on his radio show and said,“I want Barack Obama to fail!”

Now the statement by Rush was a little odd, we agree. Before the new President unpacked his bags, the conservative-radio-pundit-turned-Republican-talking points-creator, was already wishing for him to fail! America, that should have been an eye-opener right there, and yet…

But now friends, we are no longer in the dark. Thanks to the Republican Party, we see the light or, in Barack’s case, we see the darkness!

At first the hints were very subtle, a policy disagreement here and there – a no GOP vote there. We anticipated these disagreements and NO votes from the opposition party, but eventually, we all expected the two sides to come together and work for you, the American people.

But as time went on, we began to see a pattern. Policy after policy, vote after vote, the Republican Party continued moving away from making any decisions that would give a “win” to President Obama. We watched in astonishment as Republican created legislations died at the hands of the Republicans when President Obama adopted them.

The hints became even more pronounced. Thinking that Americans were not seeing the real Black Obama, Republicans stepped up their hatred a few notches.

Why else would Mitch McConnell join the Rush Limbaugh talking point and wish for the President to fail. Why would he – at a time when our economy is in the pits – state that,  “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

Why would John Boehner, the new Republican House Majority Leader say that the Republicans are “going to do everything,  and I mean everything we can do to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can,” referring to the historical Obamacare bill the President eventually signed into law.

And it wasn’t only the Republicans in Congress. Conservative radio and television commentators went on daily and nightly rampages to bring to light the fact, that there was something different about our new President. Yes, this too is nothing new. The opposition’s pundits will ‘pundicize,’ but the level of lies, misinformation, hypocrisy and propaganda was and is, at an intensity that no one had ever seen before.

The accusation was even made that the president was being racist against white people! This was as direct as Glenn Beck could have been in pulling out the race card, and using it to his advantage!

Then we, being the observers that we are,  stood back and examined the situation. Things began coming together and began making sense. The huge turnout of minorities for his inauguration, the historic feel of the moment and the unified opposition from Congressional Republicans in fighting anything and everything associated with Barack Obama, told the truth!

And that truth is simple:  the Republican leaders of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Eric Cantor cannot accept the fact that a black President lives in the White House. They cannot accept the fact that a black president has accomplished what others failed at – comprehensive Health Care for all Americans.

And the nerve of this black President to take on the Republican mantra of Tax Cuts. He offered tax cuts to 95 percent of America’s middle class, and now he wants to make these cuts permanent.

In their effort to make sure this particular president failed, these so-called Republican leaders are willfully putting Americans in a more dire situation by opposing proven methods to stimulate economic growth. They believe that President Obama must not achieve anything while in office. It is their belief that President Obama must not get credit for anything positive. After all, he is black and in their minds – probably from lessons instilled in them from childhood – blacks cannot the amount to anything positive.

These Republican leaders believe that if President Obama succeeds in his endeavors, then this might encourage more black Americans to consider running for the presidential office in the future. That atrocity must be stopped, regardless of the benefits President Obama’s policies will have on the American people.

America, we have figured it out and now you know the truth. Thanks to the Republican Party, we now know that there’s a black President in the White House.

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