college Politics Rick Santorum

President Obama’s Unofficial Response To Santorum’s “Snob” Remarks

President Obama took some time from his address to the Governors today, to allude to Rick Santorum’s remark that he is a snob for wanting Americans to have an opportunity to attend college.

Obama, who addressed a gathering of governors Monday at the White House, made an oblique reference to the remark as he urged the group to prioritize education.

“I have to make a point here,” he said midway through his speech. “When I speak about higher education, we’re not just talking about a four-year degree. We’re talking about somebody going to a community college and getting trained for that manufacturing job that now is requiring … some basic training beyond what they received in high school.”

This is not a new position: In an address to Congress three years ago, Obama called on every American to “commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training.” Though he didn’t refer to Santorum by name, Obama was obviously alluding to the former Pennsylvania senator’s remark, which cast Obama’s position as an insult to workers who don’t have a college degree.

Mitt Romney Politics

Wishing Detroit Go Bankrupt, Romney Now Begs for Their Vote – Video

Let’s take a moment to remind the wonderful people of Michigan what Mitt Romney thinks of them and their auto industry. If it was left up to him, hundreds of thousands of jobs would have been eliminated, as Romney took the position that Detroit should “go bankrupt.”

Failing to acknowledge that his position on the auto bailout was wrong, Mittens is now spending heavily in the motor city, expressing how much he loves the height of the trees to anyone who will listen. And it seems his efforts are paying off as Michigan voters are taking another look at the tree hugger before Tuesday’s vote.

Enter AFSCME, one of the biggest unions in the nation. They created this video as a friendly reminder to the people of where Mittens stood when he was given a chance to weigh in on how to fix the auto problem.

Mitt Romney Politics

Romney’s Wife Calling The Shots – No More Debates For Mittens

Buzzfeed Reports: TROY, Michigan — Apparently, Ann Romney is tired of sitting in the audience at the Republican debates — she’s ready to get in on the action.

While introducing Mitt Romney at an event sponsored by Americans For Prosperity, the candidate’s wife sang his praises, and then joked that she should just take his spot at the podium.

“I also decided no more debates,” she said, as her husband stood next to her. “If we’re going to do another debate, he’s going to just sit in the audience and watch me.”

CNN canceled a debate that had been scheduled for March 1, after Romney pulled out, citing scheduling difficulties.

Medicare Mitt Romney Politics

Is This The Dumbest Mitt Romney Quote Ever?

Republicans must be ecstatic to have this guy represent them in the 2012 Presidential elections. In an interview with The Boston Globe,  Mitt Romney actually said this;

“This week, President Obama will release a budget that won’t take any meaningful steps toward solving our entitlement crisis. The president has failed to offer a single serious idea to save Social Security and is the only president in modern history to cut Medicare benefits for seniors.”

In that one statement, Mitt Romney accused President Obama of not doing anything to solve the entitlement crisis, then proclaims that Mr. Obama is the only president in modern history to cut Medicare benefits.

Wow. So the president is not doing anything about the entitlement crisis, but he’s the only president to cut Medicare?

Could it be that Mitt Romney — a member of the top richest 1% who only pays around 14% in taxes and already said he’s not concerned about the very poor — has no idea that Medicare benefits is considered an “entitlement program?”

Now Romney has said a lot of dumb things in the past – from his “corporations are people to my friends,” his “I like firing prople,” his “I’ll tell you what, ten-thousand bucks? $10,000 bet?” to Rick Perry at a time when the economy is in a recession, his “I should tell my story. I’m also unemployed” statement to unemployed Americans when he’s worth a quarter of a billion dollars – but this one has to be one of the dumbest thus far.

Lets see what tomorrow brings…

Mitt Romney Politics

Romney’s “Severely Conservative” Statement Causing Conservatives Severe Pain

Mitt Romney‘s statement at CPAC that he is “severely conservative” is causing some other conservative leaders to scratch their heads. Richard A. Viguerie, the Chairman of, had this to say after hearing Romney’s proclamation.

“In my 50 years in conservative politics at the national level, I have never heard anyone other than Governor Romney describe himself as ‘severely’ conservative.

“Romney has shown, once again, that he can mouth the words conservatives use, but he has no gut-level emotional connection with the conservative movement and its ideas and policies.

“To paraphrase a story about Mark Twain, one day his wife decided to repeat some of his more colorful four-letter words to embarrass him into cleaning up his language. After absorbing the barrage, the author thought for a moment and said, ‘Honey, you’ve got the words right, but you just don’t have the tune.’

“After 50 years in the conservative movement, I can say with some authority: Mitt, you may have the words of conservatism right, but you just don’t have the tune.”

“I wasn’t quite sure what the word ‘severely’ meant,” Sarah Palin told CNN, and Rush Limbaugh found it odd that Romney felt the need to express just how conservative he was. “I have never heard anybody say, ‘I’m severely conservative,” Limbaugh said, “no, I’ve never heard anybody SAY it.”

I don’t agree with Rush Limbaugh on anything, but on this issue I see his point. If you have to go this far and use these type of words to describe your ideology, then something’s really wrong. Like the old saying goes, “action speaks louder than words.” So because of Mitt’s lack of Conservative actions as governor of Massachusetts, he’s now trying to fool some by using his words.

Sad part is, Conservatives are so easily fooled.

Mitt Romney Politics Republican Rick Santorum

The Campfire After Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri: Santorum Sweeps! Mitt to be Nominee!

And the headlines will be breathless. Rick Santorum hit the trifecta last night winning all three states and setting himself up as the chief conservative challenger to Mitt Romney. Which is like being the first raccoon to cross the Interstate before the semi barrels by going 80 mph, good buddy.

Never mind that no delegates were at stake in any of the states. It’s all symbolic for the conservatives as they attempt to pull Romney so far to the right that he’ll have to lean just to stand up straight.

In the end, it won’t matter. Mitt will be the nominee, but he’ll be damaged and forced to say even more things that he doesn’t believe in order to mollify the conservatives. The Democrats are trying hard to give him an issue over religious groups forced to cover birth control. I would say this was a winning issue, but somehow, Mitch McConnell lecturing the country about religion and the pill is probably the best thing to happen to reproductive rights in a long time.

That sound you just heard? It’s just Tim Pawlenty baying at the moon. Move along citizens.

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Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics

Newt Gingrich Is At The End Of The Road… Or Is He?

The latest polls in Nevada have Mitt Romney leading and expected to win tonight’s Republican primary election by some 20 points. That is not good news for his rivals and an email to reporters from Newt Gingrich is raising speculations about the future of his campaign.

According to the National Journal, Gingrich will deliver a news conference tonight after the election results. Is he ready to concede the race and throw his support behind Romney, or is he going to continue his defiance against his party’s elite and march on to the next state?

Gingrich’s press conference is scheduled for 11PM in Las Vegas.

Newt Gingrich Politics

Newt Gingrich, Where Are Your Witnesses?

You can’t offer witnesses to something if no witnesses exist. Apparently, this little fact slipped Newt Gingrich‘s mind, as he continued telling ABC news that he had witnesses that will dispute his ex’s claim that Newt wanted an “open marriage.”

John King, the CNN host who moderated the last GOP debate and took a direct hit from Newt for asking about the ABC report, stayed on the story. And today, after a week of asking for these witnesses, King seems to take pleasure in announcing that Newt’s witnesses are just figments of his imagination.

Mitt Romney Politics republican candidates

Fidel Castro on G.O.P Presidential Race – The Greatest Competition of Idiocy And Ignorance

Cuba’s ex-president Fidel Castro, made an observation that I think is worth a mention in this post. Castro called the Republican presidential race “the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been.” I must say, I agree with that observation.

Politico reports;

Castro made his comments in his latest column of “reflections” on a Cuban government website, attacking the Republican candidates two days after their debate in Florida.

“The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and expansive empire is – and I mean this seriously – the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been,” he wrote, according to The Associated Press.

During the debate, Mitt Romney responded to a question of how he would react to a 3 a.m. announcement of Castro’s death by referencing the Jan. 19 death of Cuban prisoner Wilman Villar.

“We just had, with Wilman Villar, his life was just lost in a hunger strike fighting for democracy,” Romney said.

Castro wrote that Villar was a common criminal and not a political dissident, the AP reported.

Newt Gingrich Politics South Carolina

South Carolina Saturday Night After-Party: What Happened?

Newt pulled the upset, and the exit polling shows him with strength among conservatives, those concerned with electability, and women. Of course, that last demographic will get the most talk in light of Newt’s affection for more than one partner at a time, but I guess the desire to defeat President Obama outweighs all other desires combined. It was a solid win, and by an even larger margin than I thought. The results:

Prediction          Actual

Gingrich        36%               40%

Romney        34%               28%

Paul              15%               13%

Santorum      14%               17%

Obviously I missed out on Santorum and the margin, but Gingrich did what he needed to do. The debate performances and his robust conservatism won in a very conservative state. Now he can go on to Florida and see if he can win over the conservatives there. My guess is that he can. And if he wins Florida, then Romney’s stock will have taken a Great Recession-type hit.

Santorum says he won’t quit the race at this point. He gave it his all, but is clearly not the conservative voter’s choice and he would only make it easier for Romney in the Sunshine State. Paul has his reliable 15%, but is now more marginalized than ever.

At this point, all of the candidates have been vetted. What’s left will be an expensive, potentially nasty fight, although Mitt has to be careful because he was seen as running the most unfair race in South Carolina. I’m not sure what unfair means, but maybe Newt’s charge against negative ads has something to do with it.

On to Florida, where voters have already been casting ballots. I imagine that after yesterday, Newt will see a surge of support.

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Mitt Romney Politics Republican South Carolina Steven Colbert

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If you believe Corporations are people…, help stop Mitt the ripper.”

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Election results Iowa Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Post-Caucus Cigarette: What The Results in Iowa Mean

Was Iowa good for you? All that talk about three-way ties must have made conservatives across the political spectrum very uncomfortable. So let’s tidy up a bit.

Here’s what I thought would happen, and what actually happened:

Romney     26%          24.6%

Santorum  24%         24.5%

Paul            21%          21.4%

Gingrich    15%        13.3%

Perry          8%        10.3%

Bachmann   5%         5.0%

Not bad, I think.

Obviously, it was a terrible night for Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann who now have to be considered the first casualties of the race. Perry has the money to carry on and could find some sympathy in South Carolina and Florida, but he’ll struggle to get any positive press out of Iowa. Better he should keep his money and spend it on a Senate race. Newt also underperformed and needs a great showing in the next three states to remain viable. Ron Paul did about as well as can be expected, but he’s just not going to be the nominee. Did he gain influence in the party? Yes. Let’s see what that actually gets him.

Rick Santorum is the big winner here and with debates this weekend he has the chance to capitalize on the momentum. He’d better make sure that he’s prepared to defend himself because Mitt, Newt and Ron Paul are going to throw everything at him. If he does well he could place, after Mitt, in New Hampshire and set himself up for a better showing in the southern states. If he falters under the pressure, he’s probably toast. Right now I would say that he’s the best hope for the Tea Party and religious conservatives. And sweater vest manufacturers (who I hope are in the USA).

And Mitt? If he had kept his mouth shut on Monday and Tuesday about his chances of winning, he could have feigned surprise at his good showing. Since he set expectations higher, though, his performance has to be seen as underwhelming. He’ll win New Hampshire next week, but now it has to be more than a solid win. Anything under 40% is a Pyrrhic victory. He also has to keep his composure during the debates and not come off as screechy or too aggressive. That would be seen as desperate.

So now it’s on to the Granite State where global warming is killing the skiing industry. Move along citizens; nothing to see here.

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