George Bush Iraq Politics war


As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

June 17, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

David Gregory is an asshole. So is EVERY mainstream media moron who does a “segment” with one of the Bush cronies who got us into the Iraq war to begin with over 10 years ago. We know the right-wing plan is to simply prey on the ignorance of Americans (always their plan) and pretend Bush and company never existed. That the Iraq war is Obama’s fault because hey Mr. and Mrs. Shit kicker..he’s President now ain’t he??

Yes the ignorant American public, the uneducated masses who allow the Republican party to exist since we know it couldn’t exist anywhere else. But OK, we expect it from the R’s. We don’t expect the media, the people who are supposedly intelligent to comply with the right wingers game plan (hey, what happened to the “liberal” media?) This is exactly what they do when people like Gregory or Anderson Cooper put guys like Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Dick Cheney, Ari Fleischer, John McCain, et al. on national television to ask their “advice” on what to do now in Iraq.

Let me ask these media folks a question. Would you put on a serial killer to talk about gun control? A rapist to talk about women’s rights?

We know the answer, it’s a simple one. So why the fuck do they continue to put these Iraq war architects on to get their advice on how to quell the fighting in Iraq? The same guys who claimed the war would be done with quickly. The same guys who thought it was the right time for Bush to dress like a dick and step off an aircraft carrier to proclaim “Mission Accomplished.” The same politicians who were one hundred percent behind the war to begin with.

Kristol, the arrogant know nothing killer of women and children, said back in 2003 that the war would be over “in two months.” Two fucking months! Yet there he is on “Meet the Press” being asked by that putz Gregory, “What should we do now Mr. Kristol?” It’s unbelievable! Tim Russert must be turning over in his grave knowing that he would have simply pulled the video of Kristol saying the war would end in two months back in 2003 and ask him why should anyone listen to him now?

THAT would be the question to ask if someone had the urge to put this bullshit artist on television. This is what Paul Wolfowitz said in 2003…“It’s hard to conceive that it would take more forces to provide stability in post-Saddam Iraq than it would take to conduct the war itself and to secure the surrender of Saddam’s security forces and his army. Hard to imagine.” Hard to imagine yes, because it actually happened! Yet there he is, another mass murderer on national television shows being asked his “expert advice.” As though this son of a bitch actually walks on two legs.

Want more?

Dick Cheney is 2003..”My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.”  

“I think they’re in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency.” 

John McCain..“Make it a hundred…That would be fine with me.” -to a questioner who asked if he supported President Bush’s vision for keeping U.S. troops in Iraq for 50 years.

Paul Wolfowitz in 2003..“There’s a lot of money to pay for this. It doesn’t have to be U.S. taxpayer money. We are dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon.”

I could go on and on and on…doesn’t matter. Aside from people like Ed Schultz and Lawrence O’Donnell, we see this pattern of putting people who are a total failure on television and asking their opinion and advice on major, life or death situations and policy. As though all of recent history has been erased. As if the thousands upon thousands of deaths, both U.S. military and Iraqi civilians never happened at all. It’s disgusting and unethical.

Yet they continue to get away with this lazy, intellect free journalism because the average citizen of this country doesn’t have a clue. They failed in school and they continue to fail in life. History doesn’t matter.

This is why as a country, we continue to die.


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George Bush Politics war

Bush’s Press Secretary Forgot The Year They Took Us Into War in Iraq

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Usually, one remembers the dates that’s important to them. Their birthday, their anniversary, the year they graduated from high school or college, the year they invaded another nation and declared war on that nation… well, maybe that last one is not that important, especially when thousands of Americans died and tens of thousands of Americans lost limbs in said war. And who cares that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens lost their lives? Remembering the year we invaded Iraq is not a big deal.

Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary for George Bush, could not remember when he and the administration he worked for took this country into war. In an apparent attempt to criticize the Obama administration for the present security situation in that nation, Fleischer took to Twitter and tweeted this:

Just for the record, and in case other Bush mouthpieces wanted to get into this conversation, George Bust invaded Iraq in March of 2003.

After TalkingPointsMemo pointed this out in a post, Fleischer responded with a casual “thank you,” then stated that he must have hit the wrong key on his keyboard.

Yea, sure you did Fleischer! Sure you did!

Domestic Policies Express Yourself News Politics war war on women

We Need A War On War

If the Greatest Generation fought and won World War II and created a new world where a war like that one was far less thinkable, then the Baby Boomers must be the Double Secret Greatest Generation for fighting multiple wars on multiple fronts.

We fought the War on Poverty. Haven’t won that one yet. We’re currently fighting the War on Terrorism, the War on Women, the Climate War, the War on Christmas (how will we know if we’ve won that one?) and other, lesser wars on education, entitlements, health care, obesity (seem to be winning this one), the minimum wage, voter ID laws, sabermetrics and a few others that I’m sure others believe us to be waging.

What we really need, though, is a War on War. That one would be worth fighting, albeit delicately. Because obviously we couldn’t’ be fighting an actual war while fighting a war to end wars. So don’t look for the United States to enter Syria, Iran, North Korea or even Nigeria with a force ready to end hostilities or to slap some people in the face, grab them by the shoulders and yell, “What the heck are you thinking?” (I would volunteer for this kind of duty. I do outrage really well.)

The War on War has to start with every individual and every media outlet in the country. It requires a sustained effort on the part of every citizen and we need to teach it to our youth. It would be an idealistic campaign, but sometimes those are the most successful ones. Besides, we can’t afford to lose this one.

Register your comments at and on Twitter @rigrundfest

military troops Politics war

John McCain Continues His Call For War – Russia vs The US

If it’s Sunday, John McCain is on a television network somewhere calling for a war somewhere in the world and this Sunday was no exception. On CNN’s Candy Crowley’s The Situation Room, McCain – who is slowly becoming a regular on Crowley’s program – called for the United States to step up our military presence in Ukraine against Russia.

McCain of course would disguise his new military presence in Ukraine as a support group.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Sunday called for economic sanctions against Russia, arguing that they would be effective since its economy depends on oil and gas exports.

“Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

While McCain said that in the short term Russia has won Crimea, the U.S. can still work to help Ukraine gain that land back in the long term.

McCain said that in addition to sanctions the U.S. needs a long term military plan to help Ukraine, but not one that will lead to American troops in the region. The senator suggested aid to the Ukrainian military so “at least so they can defend themselves.”

Based only on our past track record, sending in military “support” to Ukraine will not de-escalate the situation, but looked upon as a move of aggression by the opposition, in this case Russia. At that point, the obvious will be true. If our military is there and Russia attacks, then we will be bound to protect ourselves and Ukraine, thus, war!

Nice try McCain, nice try.

Egypt Foreign Policies News Politics Russia United States war

The World Gets Dangerous

You can’t say we weren’t warned that Vladimir Putin might try to flex some muscles in Ukraine. After all, the Olympics are over, there were no terrorist attacks, Russia won the most medals, and Viktor Yanukovych turned out to be better suited for the summer games, beating a hasty vamoose from Kiev all the way to Moscow. Perhaps we could have a Dictator’s Marathon in Rio come 2016. I’d watch “Baby Doc” Duvalier run from shouting crowds. And you would too. After all, you watched Curling, right?

Let’s move on.

The latest is that Russian security forces are now in the Crimea and are asking Ukrainian forces to defect. They’re also trying to neutralize and reverse the events of last week when crowds in Kiev forced the President from his post. Putin is painted as the bad guy here, but the West has a problem on its hand that is similar to what happened in Egypt last year. A democratically elected government has been overthrown in a decidedly non-democratic manner, but since the people who have taken over are seen as a better alternative, the western powers are accepting the change. This is dangerous.

Of course, Yanukovych made this problem worse by leaving. Had he stayed and honored the agreement he made with the opposition, then the system would not be under such strain. And I suppose he could be invited to come back as part of a Putin-sponsored deal that restores the legitimately elected government and keeps Yulia Tymoshenko out of jail. I don’t expect this, but I didn’t expect the Crimea to become a world headline and another part of the world that most Americans can’t find on a map.

President Obama and John Kerry will need to finesse this so that we don’t look weak, but that we also don’t get involved in a shooting war. I trust that they’ll hold off the Republicans who want us to refight the Cold War with hot weapons and show Vlad the Invader what a real country does with its taxpayer-bought arsenal.

Maybe we can use Governor Christie’s expertise and cause a traffic jam that bottles up the Russian forces until we can get the UN to negotiate an exit.

This one bears watching, and is a reminder that we need to be thankful that we have a level-headed team in the White House to see us through.

For more please go to: and Twitter @rigrundfest   


Entertainment war

What I’ve Been Playing: Rome 2 Total War

I’ve been playing Total War series games since Rome Total War first came out back in 2004 and I fell in love, as did many others. It was a revolutionary game by being the first attempt to make such a strategy game on such a massive scale. Over the years the Total War series has expanded and entered many different eras from the Medieval era to the Napoleonic era. Every good franchise though needs to return to its roots so Creative Assembly came out with Rome 2 Total War; I was stoked and wanted to play this game till my fingers fell off, sadly the love affair is short lived.


What I like :

  • It’s Rome! I fell in love with the time period before and I still adore it to this day.
  • The interface has been given some practical changes since Shogun 2. I can now load up Rome 2 and instantly just launch right back into my campaign
  • The campaign map looks beautiful to say the least


What I dislike: 

  • It’s…unfinished (What a shock). The game is full of glitches, bugs, and crashes to the point that any internet forum is overcome with reports of them.
  • I hope you have a supercomputer to run this game or at least $800-$1,200 to spend on building one; the game may not be as demanding as say Battlefield 4 but it still requires a serious build. Here are the specs.
  • The AI is still way too passive and dumber than dirt. The AI is extremely passive to any military advancements you’ll make and when they do decide to respond it’s usually with just a ton of poorly equipped armies thrown at you with no organization at all. On the battlefield it’s just as bad, I hate having to chase down fleeing range units and it’s just too easy to defend against waves of soldiers being thrown at you with no tactical planning.
  • You can’t win. I have put 30 hours into the game so far and have two campaigns running (Rome and Macedon) and have reached the point where it’s just impossible to continue. The game is a balance between military conquest and keeping your populace fed and happy, sadly once you expand to a certain point the people will just become unhappy. This in turn will halt any expansion and force you to garrison huge armies into provinces to keep everyone happy and under control. Failure to keep the people happy will cause a revolt and unlike Total War’s of old where a revolt is a small pathetic army, a revolt in Rome 2 is a closer to a full scale invasion force.
  • The graphics don’t resemble those of a finished $60 game that requires the computing power of god to run. Honestly, Medieval Total War 2, a now seven year old game, would look better than this running on max settings


I really really wanted to love this game and finally get a finished product from Creative Assembly but they just failed to deliver. I’m stuck with a buggy and unfinished product again and am currently waiting for them or the modding community to fix this game. If you really want this game wait till Christmas time when it drops in price but, if you can’t wait I’d suggest going to the and finding a mod to overhaul this game.

Politics war weekly address

President’s Weekly Address – Ending The War In Afghanistan And Rebuilding America

Following his meeting with President Hamid Karzai, President Obama used his weekly address to update the American people on how we will end the war in Afghanistan, and how our goal of ensuring that al Qaeda never again uses Afghanistan to launch attacks against America is within reach. The war will be over by the end of next year, and we must now focus on the task of rebuilding America, strengthening our economy, and supporting our brave troops and veterans, and the President is confident we can meet these challenges by working together as a nation.

Politics war

Anderson Cooper’s Close Call – Bomb Explodes In His Vicinity – Video

Anderson Cooper had a close call on the Gaza front line when a rocket exploded just a few blocks from where he was reporting live.

The CNN anchor was speaking to the camera in the midst of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Sunday night when a rocket exploded close to where he was standing, causing the veteran journalist to duck for cover.

He was discussing the death toll – which includes ten members of the same family – on the Gaza trip as Israel continues to hit Hamas strongholds. So far, 96 Palestinians and three Israelis have died since the conflict began last Wednesday.

h/t Daily Mail

Mitt Romney Politics war

Mitt Romney – Who Needs Congress? My Lawyers Will Advise Me On Declaring War

The clip below features the cast of Republican candidates trying to get their party’s nomination to take on then candidate, Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential elections.

In the clip, moderator Chris Matthews asked Mitt Romney a question – who will you consult before sending our troops into war? This should have been easy one for Mitt. The Constitution already answered this question – Congress is the body of Government authorized to declare war. But when asked, Mitt Romney replied that his lawyers would make that decision.

This is not a joke people, this man could be the next president of the United States.

Iraq troops war

Finally. The War In Iraq Officially Ends Today

Another promise kept, as Republicans continue chastising the president for following through on  his word to end the unpopular war.

“After nearly nine years of war, tens of thousands of casualties –including 4,500 dead — and more than $800 billion spent, the U.S. military on Thursday formally ended its mission in Iraq and prepared to leave the country,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

New York Times: “The tenor of the farewell ceremony, officially called ‘Casing the Colors,’ was likely to sound an uncertain trumpet for a war that was launched to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction it did not have and now ends without the sizable, enduring American military presence for which many officers had hoped. The tone of the string of ceremonies culminating with the final withdrawal event on Thursday has been understated in keeping with an administration that campaigned to end an unpopular war it inherited.”

In all fairness, the decision to leave Iraq was made between the Bush administration and the leaders of Iraq. But this important little fact means absolutely nothing to Republicans, as they continue accusing this president of wrongly bringing this war to an end.


Politics troops war

Americans Overwhelmingly Agree With the President On Iraq

On October 21st, President Obama announced that all military personnel in Iraq will be home for the Christmas holidays, officially bringing an end to the war and reflecting the wishes of the American people.

A new Gallop poll conducted on October 29th and 30th, shows that 75% of Americans agree with the President’s decision.

Independents and Democrats alike supports the idea of withdrawing our troops and ending the conflict. Of course, Republicans disagree.

Read the poll here

Barack Obama Iraq troops war

For President Obama, Another Promise Kept

Bringing the troops home. It was a promise Barack Obama made while campaigning for President, and now, less than three years into his first term, President Obama is keeping yet another promise.

He made it official today by announcing that all American troops remaining in Iraq will be home for the holidays. He thanked them for a job well done and promised them all the benefits they have earned in serving their country.

Of the 39,000 troops in Iraq, about 150, a negligible force, will remain to assist in arms sales, a U.S. official told CNN. The rest will be out of Iraq by December 31.

The president said he was making good on his 2008 campaign pledge to end a war that has divided the nation since it began in 2003 and claimed more than 4,400 American lives.The announcement also came after talks that might have allowed a continued major military presence broke down amid disputes about whether U.S. troops would be immune to prosecution by Iraqi authorities.

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