Israel Politics

Rick Perry – So What if Kids are Killed in Gaza, People “Lose Their Lives in War!” – Video

Innocent women and children are being slaughtered in Gaza, some of them killed when Israeli bombs dropped on their schools, hospitals and UN sanctioned “safe zones.” But if you listened to Rick Perry, there is no problem here. War is war and innocent people die!

In an appearance on CNN, host Candy Crowley asked Perry,“When you look at 1,700-plus civilian deaths in Gaza — the large majority of which are civilians we are told — what is your thought about that, what is your reaction to that?”

Without any form of emotion, the gun tooting Republican governor from Texas responded;

“War is a horrible thing. There are individuals who lose their lives in war.”

“But when we have a fairly good understanding that Hamas is actually using their citizens as shields, at that particular point in time, it loses a lot of the the power, if you will, from my perspective. When you look back at Hamas’ statements that they will not be satisfied until Israel is wiped off the face of the Earth, then you start understanding the mentality a little bit better of a terrorist organization like Hamas.”

Here in America, crazy Republicans have gone into Churches to disrupt services, and in Dr. Tiller’s case, a crazy Republican even killed the man while he worshiped in Church because he didn’t share their ideology. They’re apparently accustomed to these safe zones being attacked, so Perry’s statement come as no surprise.


Politics war


As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

August, 2, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

Many of you probably haven’t heard about the column written in the Times of Israel titled “When Genocide is Permissible.” That’s for two reasons. Firstly, it was pulled shortly after it ran online by the editors of the publication. Secondly, there has been little or no mention of it in the mainstream press.

The “column” written by Yochanan Gordon, a frequent contributor to the publication, concludes that “If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?” Mr. Gordon doesn’t seem to have the mental capacity to comprehend what he is saying. Wasn’t it Hitler who believed that wiping out Jews would lead to “quiet and a better society?” Therefore he had every right to commit those atrocities? Really?

But you probably haven’t heard about this anyway. I’m sure you would have heard about it if a writer in Palestine had written something titled “Why Israel must be wiped out.” No. I’m SURE you would have heard about it.

That scribbling wasn’t the worst thing that happened today. Believe it or not. Well the worst thing is that at least 100 more Palestinians were killed…mostly civilians. You have probably heard something about that but I’m certain you heard that ONE Israeli soldier was “abducted.” Yes this you have heard. That ONE soldier in an army that is in a war was taken by the opposing side. This you have heard about. This is NOT a war crime, it happens all the time in war. But this is what has led the news reports, not the column calling for genocide of Palestinians, not that 100 more people in Gaza were killed. Killing civilians and children in schools and hospitals is indeed a war crime.

You have also probably not heard that the U.S. Senate has approved more funds be sent to Israel to help in their efforts to kill more civilians and children. I hate to hang this on Obama because let’s be honest, EVERY American President has supported Israel almost without conscience or question. It’s just the way it is, has always been and probably will always be. Obama is no different. When Israel is responsible for the murders of children they get a slap on the wrist. “Please show restraint” the American President says. When ONE Israeli soldier is abducted it’s automatically a good reason to send more money their way to “protect and defend” themselves. It passed the House by a vote of 395-8!

If Obama is reading this he is nodding his head and saying something like “I know man but what else can I do?” He knows the score, he knows where the money is and who it comes from and that money is power and might makes right. Just the way it works. So the USA continues to fund terrorism. To fund this man.

When Russia and Putin step foot in the Ukraine all hell breaks loose and economic sanctions are swift and hard hitting. When Israel kills children and is in the process of genocide, they get even more money to help them along.

Anyone else disgusted at being an American right now?


Visit America The Not So Beautiful

Israel Palestine Politics

Heartbreaking Video – UN Official Breaks Down Talking About The Deaths in Gaza

In an interview with Al Jazeera Arabic, UN Official Christopher Gunness could not contain his emotions when asked about the clear massacre of innocent lives in Gaza. “The rights of Palestinians, and even their children, are wholesale denied… and its appalling,” Gunness said, right before breaking down in tears, a breathtaking image captured on video.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to continue bombing Gaza with or without a cease-fire agreement in place. He claims the goal of the Israeli military is to demolish all the tunnels used by Hamas.

Meanwhile, 24 days into the war, over 1400 innocent Gaza civilians have died. Some of those killed were hiding away in UN Shelters and schools, so-called “safe zones.”


Israel Palestine Politics war


Photo: Lefteris Pitarakis/AP

As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

July 31, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

OK Israel, enough is enough. When you start to bomb schools and kill sleeping children you have lost me for good. I knew Netanyahu was a right wing scum bucket, but now he should be considered a terrorist. If Arabs did this, we would be calling them just that. No more double standards, I’m done.

This is exactly what the Israeli’s have done. They bombed United Nations schools where Palestinian civilians went to escape the bombings because they thought they would be safe there. U.N. officials say they warned the Israeli’s no fewer than 17 times about the locations of these schools and that children would be there and that civilians were gathered there, civilians not terrorists.

“Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children” said Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. I agree. The Israeli’s claim there was rocket fire from near the school so of course they needed to bomb the entire school. The Geneva Convention prohibits attacks on schools and hospitals, but hey they are Israel so they can get away with it right?

Anyone who claims there is no double standard at work here is simply full of shit. I mentioned Arabs but if any other country were bombing schools and killing children at the pace the Israel’s are right now the United States would be leading the charge against that country. The war hawks here would be calling for retaliation and another war against the violating country. Not with Israel. This is as appalling as the despicable acts of violence the Israelis are responsible for.

There is no excuse. We wouldn’t be accepting one from an Iran or a North Korea or even Germany for that matter. So far there have been 1,328 Palestinian deaths in this Gaza war. There have been 59 Israeli deaths. This is a one-sided massacre. Dare I say a Holocaust? Yes I dare.

The Israeli’s want this to be seen by everyone as a fair war. If that were the case then the Palestinians would have the same fire power that Israel has. Of course they do not. It makes sense for the right wing of this country to love Netanyahu because they love war. Anyone on the left who backs this daily massacre is a hypocrite. These people will call Bush, Cheney et al, war mongers, but in the same breath they will make excuses for Netanyahu. I’m here to call them on their bullshit hypocrisy.

The United States and their Israel apologist machine is in full force. The National Security Council has already put out a statement that tried to make the Palestinians equally responsible for the bombings by saying they oppose the Israeli attacks on the schools BUT ALSO oppose Palestinians hiding weapons in the schools. There is yet to be any evidence of that of course and even if there was it’s no excuse to kill innocent civilians and children.

The word “terrorist” has not been used by the United States in response to these school bombings. I wonder why? Ask yourself if that word would be part of the discourse if the roles were reversed or if one of the “Axis of Evil” were responsible for the attacks. You and I know the answer, it’s obvious.

There have been several “terrorist” attacks on these school. The U.N. has said there have been NO weapons stored in these schools by Palestinians. The U.N. is the same organization that said there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

They were right then and they are right now.

It’s time to call out Netanyahu for what he is. A terrorist.


Visit America The Not So Beautiful

Israel Palestine

Gaza Massacre Extends Past 1000 – Israel Waits an Additional 4 Hours Before The Massacre Continues

(AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

I guess we should thank Israel for their kindness in allowing the innocent residents of Gaza – the ones still alive – to pull their dead from the rubble. Instead of a 12 hour cease fire, Israel gave the poor souls an additional 4 hours to prepare for more bloodshed!

Thousands of Gaza residents who fled the violence streamed back to devastated border areas during Saturday’s truce to find large-scale destruction: fighting pulverized scores of homes, wreckage blocked roads and power cables dangled in the streets.

In the northern town of Beit Hanoun, Siham Kafarneh, 37, sat on the steps of a small grocery, weeping. The mother of eight said the home she had spent 10 years saving up for and moved into two months earlier had been destroyed.

“Nothing is left. Everything I have is gone,” she said.

Across Gaza, more than 130 bodies were pulled from the rubble Saturday, officials said. In southern Gaza, 20 members of an extended family were killed before the start of the lull when a tank shell hit a building where they had sought refuge, Palestinian health official Ashraf al-Kidra said.

Israel launched a major air campaign in Gaza on July 8 and later sent ground troops into the Hamas-ruled territory in an operation it said was aimed at halting Palestinian rocket fire and destroying cross-border tunnels used for attacks.

MSNBC Palestine Politics

MSNBC Contributor Who Spoke Out Against MSNBC Bias, Gets “Cancelled”

Yesterday, a paid MSNBC contributor spoke out against her network’s apparent bias in the way it reported the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

According to Rula Jebreal, MSNBC showed clear favoritism in their reporting to Isreal, and disregarded the other part of the story – the suffering being caused by Israeli bombs in Palestine.

“Because of AIPAC, and because of the money behind it, and because of Sheldon Adelson, and because of all of us in the media,” Jebreal said. “We are ridiculous. We are disgustingly biased when it comes to this issue.”

She went on… “Look at how many airtime Netanyahu and his folks have on air on a daily basis. Andrea Mitchell and others. I never see one Palestinian being interviewed on theses same issues.”

Well that was yesterday, and it seems that MSNBC cannot take criticism. After making her pont, Jebreal tweeted that all her upcoming appearances on the network were mysteriously cancelled.

Politics war

Anderson Cooper’s Close Call – Bomb Explodes In His Vicinity – Video

Anderson Cooper had a close call on the Gaza front line when a rocket exploded just a few blocks from where he was reporting live.

The CNN anchor was speaking to the camera in the midst of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Sunday night when a rocket exploded close to where he was standing, causing the veteran journalist to duck for cover.

He was discussing the death toll – which includes ten members of the same family – on the Gaza trip as Israel continues to hit Hamas strongholds. So far, 96 Palestinians and three Israelis have died since the conflict began last Wednesday.

h/t Daily Mail

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