Donald Trump Ohio Politics

John Kasich Tells When He Will Quit his Campaign for President

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie endorsed Donald Trump yesterday. Yeah, that happened.

An unbelievable Pause goes here.

In the meantime, Ohio governor John Kasich is laying out his exit strategy from running a losing campaign for president.

“I will beat Donald Trump in Ohio, and that will be the beginning of a new day,” Kasich told a crowd in Nashville, according to the New York Times.

“Some of the other candidates, if they can’t win their home state, they got to get out, OK?” he added. “If I don’t win my home state, I’ll get out. But you know what? I’m going to win Ohio.”

The remark was a dig at his rival Marco Rubio, who is trailing Trump by 16 points in his home state of Florida, according to a recent Quinnipiac University poll.

Ohio goes to the polls on March 15. Another Quinnipiac poll puts Trump ahead of Kasich in Ohio by 5 percentage points, just outside the poll’s margin of error, but the governor has insisted that he will have no problem winning the state.

Ohio Racism

Black Boy Suspended from School for Staring at White Girl – Video

According to the 12 year old boy, it was a staring contest and the girl was “laughing” the whole time. But when the girl’s parents found out that a black boy was staring at their daughter, the boy was suspended from school the next day.

“I never knew she was scared because she was laughing,” the boy wrote in an apology letter. “I understand I done the wrong thing that will never happen again. I will start to think before I do so I am not in this situation.”

The incident happened at a school in Glendale, Ohio. The boy’s parents files a lawsuit against the school claiming their child was denied due process, but a judge dismissed the suit and the suspension was upheld.

According to a statement from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati:

Judge Patrick Dinkelacker listened to the plaintiff’s arguments yesterday, rejected them, and dismissed the complaint against the school.  We aren’t going to comment any further on particular issues concerning our students.


Ohio Politics

Breaking News – We Found a Republican Trying to Help The Poor

The Republican Governor of Ohio, Gov. John R. Kasich, is not taking a page from his fellow Republicans.

For those paying attention, Republicans have blocked, filibustered and massacred all proposed bills whose purpose was to help the poor. So when a Republican of any stripe stand up and bucks his party’s wish to see poor Americans suffer, we will cover that… bucking.

“I’m concerned about the fact there seems to be a war on the poor,” Kasich said, as quoted by the New York Times.  “That if you’re poor, somehow you’re shiftless and lazy.”

“You know what?” he said. “The very people who complain ought to ask their grandparents if they worked at the W.P.A.”

The Republican governor last week even “circumvented his own Republican legislature and its Tea Party wing by using a little-known state board to expand Medicaid to 275,000 poor Ohioans under President Obama’s health care law.”

But don’t be fooled however. Kasich has a well documented past of falling in line with his party and their war on the poor. In 2011, he even tried to take away the people’s collective bargaining rights, a move that resulted in a nosedive for his approval ratings and an eventual loss at the polls as the good people of Ohio rejected his union busting bill.

I don’t think Kasich has fully turned away from his party’s war on the poor, but these little steps in this direction is noteworthy.

Ohio Politics Republican voter suppression

Republicans Effort to Suppress The Vote Fails In Ohio – Early Voting Reinstalled

A federal appeals court ruled Friday that if soldiers from Ohio can cast ballots ahead of time, everyone else should have the same opportunity.

The court said that the state had not shown compelling evidence for why only one group should be permitted to cast ballots on the three days before Election Day. The decision, strongly advocated by the Obama campaign, will likely lead to more ballots cast from poor and elderly voters.

There is no word yet on whether the swing state will appeal the decision.

Ohio Politics voter suppression

Republican Voter Suppression Efforts Stopped In Ohio

After previously trying to restrict early voting, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted (R) today reversed course on his decision to block county boards of elections from setting their own early voting hours in the days leading up to the November election.

Last month, Husted and Ohio Republicans led an effort to limit early voting hours in Democratic counties, including those with major cities like Columbus and Cleveland, while expanding early voting in Republican counties. After the ensuing uproar, Husted moved to restrict voting hours across the state, only to have his cuts to early voting restored by a federal court.

Husted responded to the ruling by refusing to comply with the court order. Expanding voting hours, he claimed in Directive 2012-40, will “only serve to confuse voters.” Therefore, the directive read, he was “prohibit[ing] county boards of elections from determining hours for the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday before the election.” The move led Judge Peter Economus to set a hearing for September 13: “The Court ORDERS that Defendant Secretary of State Jon Husted personally attend the hearing,” his release read.

Facing a direct court order, Husted has chosen instead to back down. This afternoon, Husted’s office released Directive 2012-42 with a brief message: “Directive 2012-40 is hereby rescinded.” As a result, county boards of elections will now be allowed to set their own hours, pending Husted’s appeal of the Obama for America v. Husted decision.

h/t: ThinkProgress

Ohio Politics

President Obama Speaks in Ohio – Mitt Romney Was There Somewhere

Both President Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney are in Ohio today giving campaign speeches. It was a hard decision figuring out which speech to broadcast, but it all boiled down to the fact that here at EzKool, we are in your face with the truth, and broadcasting Mitt Romney’s speech completely contradict our tagline.

Ladies and gentlemen, President Obama…

Ohio Politics

“I don’t know whose record [Romney] twisted the most, mine or his.” – Barack Obama

President Obama offered an earthy rural metaphor to blast Mitt Romney last night in Iowa, saying the Republican candidate offered voters “a cowpie of distortion” in a recent speech.

“I don’t know whose record he twisted the most,” Obama said. “Mine or his.”

Speaking to supporters at the state fairgrounds in Des Moines, Obama said that during Romney’s last visit to Iowa he exaggerated the administration’s spending and failed to give it credit for budget cuts.

The president also said Romney’s background as a millionaire private equity manager doesn’t prepare him for the presidency.

“The challenge we’ve faced for over a decade is that harder work hasn’t led to higher incomes,” Obama said. “Bigger profits haven’t led to better jobs. And you can’t solve that problem if you can’t even see that it’s a problem.”

[USA Today]

Ohio Politics

The Ohio Supporters – Another Romney Campaign Lie Exposed

President Obama officially launched his 2012 Presidential re-election campaign on Saturday with a rally in Ohio. Speaking to a crowd of over 14000, the president hit all the right notes leaving the crowed fired up and ready to go.

But soon after the event was over, pictures began circulating from the right-wing and the Romney campaign depicting the crowed at the event as non-existent, as this tweet from the Mitt Romney Campaign Spokesman Ryan Williams said;

And the headline on the Breitbart conservative website read, “Obama Launches Campaign in Empty Arena.” If you are a low information Fox News viewer or someone who gets your news from Breitbart’s website, then you’ll walk away thinking the President has lost his touch. You will think the American people have tuned him out and you will think there is an enthusiasm gap for the President.

And then there is the truth. The video below shows a different story.

Mitt Romney Ohio Politics

Even in Ohio, President Obama Leads Mitt Romney

A new poll finds that President Obama continues to lead presumptive Republican candidate Mitt Romney in the key battleground state of Ohio but by a slightly narrower margin.

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Obama with 46% support to Romney’s 42%. Five percent (5%) prefers some other candidate, while eight percent (8%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

This Ohio survey of 500 Likely Voters was conducted on April 18, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports.

Democratic Ohio Politics

Democrats Lose Eight-Term Congressman Dennis Kucinich In Ohio

The Hill reports “Rep. Marcy Kaptur edged out fellow Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) in a primary on Tuesday, leaving no clear path forward for Kucinich to remain in Congress.

It was a humbling loss for the eight-term congressman, who built a national following, twice ran for president and established himself as a forceful voice for the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. But he faced a tough task in defeating Kaptur.

The swath of Ohio that brought Kaptur and Kucinich into battle runs along the coast of Lake Erie, spanning from Kaptur’s home base in Toledo to Kucinich’s stronghold in Cleveland. A last-minute change to the map, put into place by Republican state lawmakers, added more of Kaptur’s Toledo-area constituents to the new district, giving her a built-in advantage.

Neither Kaptur nor Kucinich sought out the fight. Drawn into the same district by GOP mapmakers, the two friends and House allies were forced to square off in the first of about a dozen redistricting-induced primary showdowns.

With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Kaptur captured 56 percent to Kucinich’s 40 percent. A third Democratic candidate, businessman Graham Veasey, placed last with 4 percent.

“This was a very intense campaign, because of the way the district was drawn,” Kaptur said on MSNBC. “We had to advertise in two media markets, the new one being five times more expensive than the existing one. It was just a real marathon.”

Kaptur said she had not yet spoken to Kucinich.”

democrats Ohio Politics

Dumb Quote Of The Day: Today’s Contributor – John Boehner

After a bipartisan effort in the Senate where both Democrats and Republicans voted to approve a payroll tax cut for hard-working Americans, House Republicans led by John Boehner voted to raise those taxes. A move that would result in a $1,000 tax bill for every working poor and middle class American.

After raising your taxes, Boehner had this to say;

“We’ve done our work for the American people,”… “Now it’s up to the president and Democrats in the Senate to do their work as well.”

I guess we should all thank Mr. Boehner for doing what we all wanted, to have our taxes raised.

Mitt Romney Ohio Politics Republican

Conservatives To Mitt Romney – Stop The Flip Flopping And Take A Stand

There’s a big fight going on in Ohio, and as far as Conservative Republicans are concerned, Mitt Romney is on the wrong side of the issues. That is, todayhe is anyway — because  it seems

Romney is trying to represent both sides of the issue at the same time.

Two very important initiatives are on the ballot for the upcomming election. Issue 2, will allow the people of Ohio to roll back the union busting provisions passed earlier this year by Republican governor John Kasich. If issue 2 passes, the people of Ohio would have essentially repeal Kasich’s decision on limiting collective bargaining in his state. Issue 3, also on the ballot, would allow Ohio to withdraw from any Health Care mandate.

So why are Conservatives even more upset with Mitt Romney today than they were yesterday? Because he went to Ohio and gave a non-answer when asked about his position on the ballot initiatives. His non-answer would allow him to flip flop later on if necessary, and Conservatives were not happy. They expected Romney to say that Jon Kasich’s decision to limit collective bargaining was correct. Instead, all they got was;

“I am not speaking about the particular ballot issues. Those are up to the people of Ohio. But I certainly support the efforts of the governor to reign in the scale of government. I am not terribly familiar with the two ballot initiatives. But I am certainly supportive of the Republican Party’s efforts here.”

Conservatives became confused. This to them, was not a strong stance against the Issue 2 and they collectively denounced Romney, causing his campaigners to later try and patch things up. His campaign spokes person issued the following statement; “Gov. Romney believes that the citizens of states should be able to make decisions about important matters of policy that affect their states on their own.”

That statement was still not good enough to those who wanted Romney to take a position for or against the ballot initiatives. A top conservative group called The Club For Growth made this observation;

“The big problem many conservatives have with Mitt Romney is that he’s taken both sides of nearly every issue important to us. He’s against a flat tax, now he’s for it. He says he’s against ObamaCare, but was for the individual mandate and susbidies that are central to ObamaCare. He thinks that collective bargaining issues should be left for states to decide if he’s Ohio, but he took the opposite position when he was in New Hampshire. This is just another statement in a long line of statements that will raise more doubts about what kind of President Mitt Romney would be in the minds of many Republican primary voters.”

Romney’s true colors are shining through, but what’s upsetting to his conservative base is that they  those colors are subject to change day to day.

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