Donald Trump Politics

Republican John Kasich Votes… For John McCain

He has his ways, after all he is a Republican. But John Kasich  is probably the most sensible Republican alive today. For example, he recently went to the polls and voted… for John McCain.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich voted Monday for 2008 Republican nominee John McCain instead of for 2016 Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Kasich wrote in McCain’s name at the top of the ticket, Kasich spokesman Chris Schrimpf said, on his absentee ballot.
Kasich ran against Trump for the Republican nomination, and has been a prominent holdout ever since dropping out of the race in May. He has long promised not to support Trump in November, but he had not previously said who he planned to support instead.
Donald Trump Ohio Politics

John Kasich Tells When He Will Quit his Campaign for President

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie endorsed Donald Trump yesterday. Yeah, that happened.

An unbelievable Pause goes here.

In the meantime, Ohio governor John Kasich is laying out his exit strategy from running a losing campaign for president.

“I will beat Donald Trump in Ohio, and that will be the beginning of a new day,” Kasich told a crowd in Nashville, according to the New York Times.

“Some of the other candidates, if they can’t win their home state, they got to get out, OK?” he added. “If I don’t win my home state, I’ll get out. But you know what? I’m going to win Ohio.”

The remark was a dig at his rival Marco Rubio, who is trailing Trump by 16 points in his home state of Florida, according to a recent Quinnipiac University poll.

Ohio goes to the polls on March 15. Another Quinnipiac poll puts Trump ahead of Kasich in Ohio by 5 percentage points, just outside the poll’s margin of error, but the governor has insisted that he will have no problem winning the state.

Politics war against women

John Kasich – Women “Left their kitchen” to Support Me – Video

I don’t know what is up with these Republican men and their demeaning view of women. Even John Kasich, easily considered the most level-headed in the group running for the Republican nomination for president, can’t seem to get past the women belong in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant mentality.

At an event in Virginia on Monday, Kasich bragged that women came out of their kitchen to support his first campaign in Ohio.


John Kasich is Angry! He’s “Had it” with Trump and Carson – Video

The Republican presidential candidate nobody ever talks about, spoke at a debate in Ohio today and let out all his frustrations with Trump and Carson!

“Do you know how crazy this election is?” Kasich asked, the creases in his forehead sharp enough to split a hair. “I’ve about had it with these people! I’m sick and tired of listening to this nonsense.”

Kasich began by turning his sights on Carson for his announced plan to get rid of Medicare when many senior citizens could be dependent on it. After that, Kasich went after Trump for his “crazy” mass deportation idea to “scream at [immigrants] to get out of the country.”

“What has happened to our party,” Kasich asked. “What has happened to the conservative movement? I’m done being polite and listening to this nonsense.”

Kasich also took issue with Trump’s taking credit for Ford’s decision not to move its manufacturing plants to Mexico. Kasich has said recently that Trump’s “bombast” wasn’t nearly as helpful for such issues as proposing real economic policy.

“That was like something out of a Back to the Future movie,” Kasich said. “We made that agreement back in 2011 for the simple reason that we knew what we were doing.”

ObamaCare Politics

Ohio Republican Governor Professes His Love for the Obamacare He Hates So Much

An Associated Press report on Monday has Ohio Governor John Kasich in the bowl of hot water with his conservative constituents.

In the report, the governor said that Obamacare repeal is not going to happen because, well, it’s a darn good law! But when conservatives in Ohio heard their governor speak favorably of Obamacare, they were up in arms, the posse to overthrow the governor with their knives and pitchforks almost formed.

So to clear his name and expressed his hate of Obamacare, the governor called POLITICO Monday night to clarify what he meant. He was talking specifically about repeal of the expansion of Medicaid — which Ohio has implemented — and not of the Affordable Care Act more broadly.

“From Day 1, and up until today and into tomorrow, I do not support Obamacare,” the Republican governor said on Monday evening. “I never have, and I believe it should be repealed.”

Except for the Medicaid expansion part — which wouldn’t exist without the law. Kasich, however, thinks there ought to be a way to save it.

“I have favored expanding Medicaid, but I don’t really see expanding Medicaid as really connected to Obamacare,” Kasich said.

If Republicans take the Senate, Kasich said, “you better believe they’re gonna repeal Obamacare and I agree with that.” But, he added, “There’s got to be an accommodation” for Medicaid expansion.

Mitt Romney Ohio Politics Republican

Conservatives To Mitt Romney – Stop The Flip Flopping And Take A Stand

There’s a big fight going on in Ohio, and as far as Conservative Republicans are concerned, Mitt Romney is on the wrong side of the issues. That is, todayhe is anyway — because  it seems

Romney is trying to represent both sides of the issue at the same time.

Two very important initiatives are on the ballot for the upcomming election. Issue 2, will allow the people of Ohio to roll back the union busting provisions passed earlier this year by Republican governor John Kasich. If issue 2 passes, the people of Ohio would have essentially repeal Kasich’s decision on limiting collective bargaining in his state. Issue 3, also on the ballot, would allow Ohio to withdraw from any Health Care mandate.

So why are Conservatives even more upset with Mitt Romney today than they were yesterday? Because he went to Ohio and gave a non-answer when asked about his position on the ballot initiatives. His non-answer would allow him to flip flop later on if necessary, and Conservatives were not happy. They expected Romney to say that Jon Kasich’s decision to limit collective bargaining was correct. Instead, all they got was;

“I am not speaking about the particular ballot issues. Those are up to the people of Ohio. But I certainly support the efforts of the governor to reign in the scale of government. I am not terribly familiar with the two ballot initiatives. But I am certainly supportive of the Republican Party’s efforts here.”

Conservatives became confused. This to them, was not a strong stance against the Issue 2 and they collectively denounced Romney, causing his campaigners to later try and patch things up. His campaign spokes person issued the following statement; “Gov. Romney believes that the citizens of states should be able to make decisions about important matters of policy that affect their states on their own.”

That statement was still not good enough to those who wanted Romney to take a position for or against the ballot initiatives. A top conservative group called The Club For Growth made this observation;

“The big problem many conservatives have with Mitt Romney is that he’s taken both sides of nearly every issue important to us. He’s against a flat tax, now he’s for it. He says he’s against ObamaCare, but was for the individual mandate and susbidies that are central to ObamaCare. He thinks that collective bargaining issues should be left for states to decide if he’s Ohio, but he took the opposite position when he was in New Hampshire. This is just another statement in a long line of statements that will raise more doubts about what kind of President Mitt Romney would be in the minds of many Republican primary voters.”

Romney’s true colors are shining through, but what’s upsetting to his conservative base is that they  those colors are subject to change day to day.

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