executive action mass shooting Politics sandy hook

An Emotional President Obama Talks About Mass Shootings and Guns – Video

The hurt was apparent on President Obama today as he brought together an audience at the White House for an announcement on upcoming executive actions on background checks. At one point, the emotional toll on the president was so heavy, it caused the tears to flow.

Below is the complete video of the president’s announcement on sensible background check measures he is proposing. Watch this video and witness a president who really cares about the American people, and is willing to stand on his own through executive actions to protect Americans.

While talking about the massacre at Sandy Hook where 20 elementary kids were slaughtered, the President broke down, pausing at various times to whip tears from his eyes.

“Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad,” Mr. Obama said. “And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day!”

Remember when Republican Rudy Giuliani said this president doesn’t care or love America?


Donald Trump Politics terrorist video

CNN Host Blames Hillary Clinton for Trump’s Terrorist Recruiting Video

Donald Trump’s image and words are being used in a terror recruitment video, and of course, like expected, it’s all Hillary’s fault. She caused Donald Trump to say the things he said and she caused Donald Trump to do the things he did.

Remember when Donald Trump proposed banning all Muslims from coming to the United States, well a terror group has used Trump’s words in a video, telling possible converts to either leave America, or stay back and fight. Asked about the new video, a guest on CNN put the blame squarely on the shoulder of Hillary Clinton.

FREDRICKA WHITFIELD (HOST): Let me begin with you, Ben, on that and how this video by Al-Shabaab may in any way influence what is or is not said on the campaign trail.

BEN FERGUSON: Yeah, I don’t think it will influence the election in any capacity. I mean if anything, they got their idea from Hillary Clinton when she mentioned putting Donald Trump in a video.


ISIS, Al-Shabaab and other terrorists like this, they understand social media. They understand how to get media attention. As soon as that was said, I’m sure they said, “that’s a great idea. Let’s throw Donald Trump in there. We’ll get even more publicity because of this, we’ll get to bring Hillary Clinton into this.” And it worked well for them.

BLM Politics

CNN Analyst Explains Why Militia with Guns are Better than BlackLives Protesters – Video

You’ve probably heard about it. Over the weekend, a militia group fully armed with their guns and ammunition took over a federal building in Oregon, vowing to keep the federal building until they get their way… or else!

And just in case you haven’t heard of this government takeover, well, it’s probably because the media has not covered the militia’s action – and might I remind you that they took over a federal building, armed with guns and ammunition – …the media hasn’t covered this takeover quite the same way they have covered, let’s say, BlackLivesMatter protesters. And where are the police with their trigger-happy fingers you asked? You know, the same ones gunning down innocent, peaceful protesters and black men all over this nation?

Good question.

This fact that the media and police intervention are apparently minimal, have been noted on many social media outlets, and CNN posed this question to their law enforcement analyst while discussing the events in Oregon.

CNN’s law enforcement analyst Art Roderick, explained why the militia, fully armed with their guns and ammunition, should be reasoned with, and not be treated the same way as BlackLivesMatter protesters are often treated. And according to Roderick, the militia is not looting anything.

“The last thing we need is some type of large confrontation because that’s when stuff goes bad,” Roderick explained. “And I think in this particular instance, if we just wait them out, see what they’ve got to say, then eventually, they’re all going to go home.”

Stelter pointed out that many activists had complained if the militia members were “Black Lives Matter protesters or if these were peaceful Muslim Americans [then] they would be treated very differently by law enforcement.”

“This is a very rural area,” Roderick replied. “It is out in the middle of nowhere. What are they actually doing? They’re not destroying property, they’re not looting anything.”

“I mean, there’s a whole separate situation going on as to exactly why they’re there and that will be worked out through the legal process,” he continued. “But I think now that they’ve taken over this location out at the fish and wildlife, this brings in the federal side. And I know the federal government has learned over the years how to deal with these types of incidences.”


Featured Politics

Republican Congresswoman Shut Down by Hillary Clinton – Video

A Republican congresswoman decided to attend a Hillary Clinton event and continuously interrupted the Democratic Presidential candidate with important about her stance on domestic and foreign policies.

Yea right. I said a “Republican congressman,” so if you really thought important policy questions were on her mind at the Clinton event, then I have a bridge to sell you.

The congresswoman, Rep. Katherin Prudhomme O’Brien, showed up and wanted to know about Bill Clinton’s sex life, a topic so important to her that she constantly bombarded the presidential candidate with questions to the point where Mrs Clinton called her “rude” and informed her that such disruptive outbursts will not be tolerated.


Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump’s Ad Plays on Fear to Win GOP Nomination – Video

Everything, from ISIS coming to kill you in your sleep to illegal immigrants coming to kill you in your sleep, Donald Trump masterfully tugs at the Republican voters favorite heartstring – fear.

The only thing left out of Trump’s fear-fest was Ebola. But don’t worry, give him time. This is just his first ad.


Carly Fiorina CNN Healthcare ObamaCare Politics

Carly Fiorina says “Obamacare was repealed” #LiesToldToUs – Video

Republican presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina – remember her? She’s one of the borderline floor scrubbers in the Republican polls – is trying to punch upwards, waaaay upwards, trying to hit Ted Cruz – one of the top Republican leaders in the polls. I don’t know why Cruz and Trump are at the top of the Republican list, but they are and Carly has her eyes set on Cruz.

In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Carly placed Cruz squarely in her cross-hairs. When asked if Ted Cruz “would doom the Republicans’ chances in November” because he was responsible to shut down the government, Carly answered that Cruz did what he thought was politically beneficial for him in the government shutdown. And in her answer, Carly dropped the nugget that Obamacare was repealed.

NOTE: Obamacare was not repeal!

 “Ted Cruz is just like any other politician,” Fiorina said. “He says one thing in Manhattan, he says another thing in Iowa.”

“He says whatever he needs to say to get elected, and then he’s going to do as he pleases… I think the American people are tired of the political class that promises much and delivers much of the same.”


Donald Trump Donald Trump News Politics

It’s 2016: Do You Know Where Your Candidates Are?

Is there really a president in this bunch? And I’m not just talking about the Republicans either.

While none of the GOP candidates thrill me at all for various reasons, I find myself also looking critically at the Democrats and asking if this really is the best we can do. Of course, Americans generally ask this question every four years when looking for a candidate they’re passionate about, like Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama. Neither of those guys will be on the ballot this year.

Instead, we have a group of Republicans who are falling over each other to appeal to a shrinking pool of older white voters who somehow want the country to revert back to 1953, when men were men, women were supposed to be in the home and minorities were supposed to be in the back of the bus or in the fields picking our fruits and vegetables. Those days are not coming back for a very good reason. The problem is that the GOP candidates don’t see it. Donald Trump is the commander in chief of this cabal, but his greatest support will turn out to be a Potemkin village full of people who say they love their candidate but do not come out and vote in numbers enough to elect him. Which is a good thing.

The other Republican candidates are just as flawed, and getting flawedier as time goes on. Trump has set the tone on immigration and religious intolerance, and the rest of the field has gone along with him, except for Jeb Bush. But he doesn’t seem to matter these days, because the last person the party wants to see at the head of the ticket is another Bush. Not that Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Chris Christie or John Kasich are doing any better.

Most of them deny any human hand in the changing climate and support various, intrusive policies for women who just want to get honest, impartial medical advice from their doctors. They’ve also come up with foreign policies that riff on bombings and sending American soldiers overseas without considering that other countries can do this work with limited US reserves. ISIS is a deadly threat, but sustained pressure from the sane Muslim world will go a long way towards turning the tables on them. We need to support that.

What strikes me particularly about the Republican candidates is that the two with arguably the best records in their previous jobs are Governors Bush and Kasich, and they seem to be having trouble breaking through the irresponsible and dangerous rantings of those above them in the polls. Aside from those two, none of the other candidates has done anything notable, and that includes Christie, who asked the New Jersey Supreme Court to declare his one great accomplishment – public worker pension and benefit reform – as unconstitutional. And it did.

And if the spotlight ever turns on Christie because of a win in New Hampshire, his abysmal handling of the New Jersey economy will not endear him to economic conservatives. Similarly, Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Carson and Fiorina do not have a signature accomplishment to run on. And perhaps that doesn’t matter: Mitt Romney did have an accomplishment in health care, but he ran faster than Usain Bolt away from it. Go figure.

As for the Democrats, Hillary is still faced with the drip drip of government e-mails being purged from her home server and she is less than stellar on the campaign trail. Bernie Sanders has the heart and passion, but his time was 1972, not 2016. The country is not ready to turn around and elect someone with his views, and if he’s nominated (which he won’t be) the Democrats will lose.

Don’t get me wrong here; I believe that Hillary Clinton will be elected president in November and that she will do a fine job in the White House. It’s just that the campaign’s tone has focused on what makes us weak and though they try, none of the candidates is an uplifting presence who is telling us what they see as the future of this country. Perhaps that will come in the summer. But in the meantime, it’s going to be a long winter.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

ban all muslims

Terrorist Group Features Donald Trump in Recruitment Video – Video

American Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump is showing his love for the country and how he will “Make America Great Again,” by doing the work of the terrorists.

In an newly released terrorist recruitment video by terror group al Shabaab, a clip of the Republican candidate proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the United States is prominently featured. Trump’s call for the ban is then followed by a terror leader, telling “Muslims of the West,” to “either leave or you fight!”

Before Trump’s appearance in the nearly 52-minute video, the al Qaeda-linked Islamic extremist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in a 2011 U.S. drone strike, is shown lecturing: “Muslims of the West, take heed and learn from the lessons of history. There are ominous clouds gathering in your horizon. Yesterday, America was a land of slavery, segregation, lynching and Ku Klux Klan. And tomorrow, it will be a land of religious discrimination and concentration camps.”

Trump then appears in a clip from a stump speech, saying, “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the [censored] is going on.” The crowd enthusiastically cheers Trump’s words.

Footage of Al-Awlaki again appears. “The West will eventually turn against its Muslim citizens,” he says. He adds that American Muslims have two choices: “You either leave or you fight.” Al-Awlaki extols Nidal Hasan, the former U.S. Army psychiatrist who killed 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009.


jeb bush Politics Tamir Rice

Jeb Bush say Grand Jury Correct in Tamir Rice’s Killing – “There’s No There There” – Video

First of all, Jeb Bush did not know who Tamir Rice was. After the reporter asked him if he thought the grand jury was correct in refusing to bring charges against the two police officers who killed the 12-year-old boy in Ohio, Jeb began his answer saying something about Chicago. The reporter had to tell him that Tamir Rice was killed in Cleveland.

With that out of the way, Jeb continued answering the question. He told the reporter that the grand jury’s failure to indict the officers meant, “the process worked,” and that sometimes when these type of cases are brought, the grand jury often sees that “there’s no there, there” and they usually do the right thing.

Absolutely amazing. This is coming from the man who wants to be president of the United States. And while I’m sure his total ignorance on Tamir Rice’s killing will be welcomed by some Republicans, this ignorance solidifies what many in the minority community already knows – like his brother George, Jeb Bush “doesn’t care about black people.”

Thanks for the quote Kanya!


Politics Tamir Rice

President of Police Union Calls 12 Year Old Tamir Rice a “Thug”

“Act like a thug and you’ll be treated like one.” Those are the words of the President of the Police Union in Miami, Javier Ortiz. And in those simple words, Ortiz implied that the 12 year old child who was shot and killed by police in 2014, deserved it. Because, as Ortiz said, Tamir was a thug

And Ortiz wasn’t done yet. He had more to say.

“Mr. Rice wasn’t your neighborhood kid running around with a water gun. He was brandishing and pointing a pellet gun in which the orange tip was removed,” Ortiz told the New Times. “As tragic as the situation is, I support those in law enforcement that had to make a split-second decision in protecting themselves and the community.”
Ortiz has been an outspoken defender of officers in other police shootings, including Darren Wilson, the officer who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Ortiz also attacked Miami Police Chief Manuel Orosa because he called for the prosecution of the New York officers involved in the chokehold death of Eric Garner.

President’s Weekly Address – Doing Something about Guns

A few days ago, word surfaced that President Obama was considering executive actions on gun control. There was nothing concrete, but the rumors were alive and well. Now, on the first day of 2016, the president himself is making it known that he will act on what he calls, “unfinished business,” more specifically, enforcing real background checks on gun purchases.


Celebrities dead

Natalie Cole – Dead At The Age of 65 – #RIP

“This Will Be” singer Natalie Cole is dead at the age of 65. Cole reportedly died from congestive heart failure at a Los Angeles hospital.

The singer, songwriter, who is best known for her songs “Unforgettable,” and “Inseparable,” is the daughter of the late jazz singer Nat King Cole and singer Maria Hawkins Cole. She was recently struggling with some health issues which resulted in her canceling some tours. TMZ broke the news of her death on Friday.

Cole struggled with drug addiction after losing multiple family member s—including her father, mother and sister, Cookie. The singer also battled hepatitis C and had kidney failure. She ultimately ended up receiving a kidney transplant from an organ donor.

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