Celebrities Maya Angelou RIP

President Obama’s Statement on The Death of Dr. Maya Angelou

When her friend Nelson Mandela passed away last year, Maya Angelou wrote that “No sun outlasts its sunset, but will rise again, and bring the dawn.”

Today, Michelle and I join millions around the world in remembering one of the brightest lights of our time – a brilliant writer, a fierce friend, and a truly phenomenal woman.  Over the course of her remarkable life, Maya was many things – an author, poet, civil rights activist, playwright, actress, director, composer, singer and dancer.  But above all, she was a storyteller – and her greatest stories were true.  A childhood of suffering and abuse actually drove her to stop speaking – but the voice she found helped generations of Americans find their rainbow amidst the clouds, and inspired the rest of us to be our best selves.  In fact, she inspired my own mother to name my sister Maya.

Like so many others, Michelle and I will always cherish the time we were privileged to spend with Maya.  With a kind word and a strong embrace, she had the ability to remind us that we are all God’s children; that we all have something to offer.  And while Maya’s day may be done, we take comfort in knowing that her song will continue, “flung up to heaven” – and we celebrate the dawn that Maya Angelou helped bring.

Christianity Featured

Glenn Beck – It Is “a badge of eternal dishonor” to be an American Citizen – Video

In his program today,  Glenn Beck urged his audience to get passionate about what’s going on in America, before they’re “thrown up against the wall and thrown up against the wall and thrown up against the wall, you might even get a billy club to the head!”

Beck was expressing his passion for Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, a Sudanese woman facing prosecution for refusing Islam and converting to Christianity.

Beck wants the US government to interject into this matter and save the Sudanese woman because she is married to a United States citizen, and he cannot figure out why Barack Obama is not making Meriam’s plight a national security issue or something, because…FREEDOM!

He then declared that America has gone “so dead inside” that it is now becoming “a badge of global and possibly eternal dishonor” to be an American citizen.

Featured money Money bag

What Would You Do If a Bag Filled With Money Dropped at Your Feet?

That very scenario happened to a poor California man who said that some days he only has $1.00 to buy lunch.

Joe Cornell told reporters that he was volunteering at a local Salvation Army, when a bag of money fell off a Brinks Security truck and landed at his feet. I can here some of you saying that this was his blessings, after all, the money bag sort him out and fell right in front of him. A bag that contained $125,000.00

What did Joe do? He turned the money in to the authorities.

When he was asked why he returned the money, Joe said that he wanted to set a good example for his grandkids.

“I thought ‘What type of man do I want my grandkids to think I am?’,” Joe said, “I want them to think I’m a just man that does the right thing and I did the right thing.”

KMPH reports that his wife cried when she heard what Joe did, considering that the are so poor.

Joe did not get a reward for turning in the cash.


Oh, And The Press Secretary Jay Carney Also Resigned

It happened so fast I almost got a whiplash.

The President:

“Jay has become one of my closest friends and is a great press secretary and a great adviser. He has good judgement, good temperament and he’s got a good heart. I’m gonna miss him a lot.”



Bill Maher Hammers Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak – Calls Him “An Idiot!” – Video

In case you missed it, last week, Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak waded into the political arena again and took a quick swipe against environmentalists and climate change believers, calling them”unpatriotic.”

You just knew his unannounced trip into the lion’s den of politics was not going to go unchallenged for too long.

Enter the lion himself, Bill Maher:

New rule. Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak, who thinks climate change is a hoax, has to stick to spelling. It’s ironic that Pat’s show is basically a puzzle where all the pieces point to one and only one incontrovertible answer, and yet when that happens with scientific consensus he wants to take another spin. It’s like as if Price is Right host Drew Carey denied the existence of new cars. 

Pat, when your grandkids solve the puzzle it will say, ‘Grandad was an idiot.’

The idiot just got his head chewed off!



Eric Shinseki Resigns From The Veterans Affairs

The weight of the entire Congress was on his shoulders as both Democrats and Republicans joined the chorus asking for his resignation. It was too much for the head if the Veterans Affairs, and today,  president Obama announced that he had accepted Eric Shinseki‘s resignation “with considerable regret.”

Schinseki came under heavy scrutiny over the last few weeks as reports surfaced that some 40 veterans on a medical waiting list, died while trying to get care.

In making the announcement, president Obama tapped Sloan Gibson, the current Deputy of Veterans Affairs, to temporarily take Shinseki’s position as Secretary of Veterans Affairs until the position is permanently filled.

Politically sneaking, the move by Shinseki to step down will he used by Republicans as a knock against Obama, as they are sure to quote the president who said at a press conference last week that “nobody cares more about our veterans than Eric Shinseki.”

Eric Shinseki was nominated as Secretary of the VA by President Obama. The retired four-star general, took office in 2008.

Benghazi Benghazi

What Is Hillary Clinton Saying About Benghazi? PIC

This was taken from a chapter in her upcoming book,”Hard Choices.”


Did You Know Republicans Blocked Money for Veterans Benefits This Year?

Yes, there are decades old problems at the VA, but over the last few weeks, Republicans have awoken from their deep sleep on these problems and, seeing an opportunity to blame Obama, they have all jumped on the three wheeled bandwagon.

However, in a shameful display of partisan obstruction, the Mitch McConnell led Senate Republicans a blocked a bill that would have improved veterans benefits.

Senate Republicans blocked the veterans bill by using a procedural maneuver to invoke the 60 vote rule. The final vote to waive the budget point of order failed, 56-41. Only two Republicans (Sen. Dean Heller and Sen. Jerry Moran) joined with Democrats on the vote.

Republicans claimed that they blocked the bill because Majority Leader Harry Reid would not allow an up or down vote on an amendment that would have attached sanctions on Iran to the bill.

Sen. Reid said, “I hope all the veterans groups have witnessed all the contortions the Republicans have done to defeat this bill. Shame on Republicans for bringing base politics into a bill to help veterans.”


Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer Agrees to Buy The Clippers

Steve Ballmer

TPM reports that former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has agreed to buy the Los Angeles Clippers for a record-breaking $2 billion. Now it’s up to others whether the deal goes through.

Shelly Sterling said in a statement issued late Thursday that she’d signed a binding contract for a sale of theClippers by The Sterling Family Trust to Ballmer in what would be a record deal if approved by the NBA.

Ballmer “will be a terrific owner,” Sterling said, “We have worked for 33 years to build the Clippers into a premier NBA franchise. I am confident that Steve will take the team to new levels of success.”


Republican Chairman Calls The Republican Debates a “Traveling Circus”

Reince Priebus also said that the Republicans are going to pick their own moderators for the debates, you know, people who won’t be posing tough questions to the Republican presidential candidates. Questions like what are your plans for the country if you become president?

My only question is, will there be enough people on Fox “News” to “moderate” all these Republican debates?

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Thursday that his party will be more vigilant in 2016 about selecting debate moderators.

Speaking at the Republican Leadership Conference, Priebus name-checked MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and said the days of people like him hosting debates are over.

He also said the party needs to have fewer debates than in previous years.

“How many people here think we need 23 debates?” Priebus said. “Here’s what we’re going to do: we’re going to take this 23-debate traveling circus, and we’re going to pick the moderators.”

Priebus previously threatened to withhold debates from CNN and NBC (MSNBC’s parent network) when they were planning projects based on Hillary Clinton. Both projects were later canceled.

Featured shooting

Joe the Plumber – “Guns are mostly for hunting down politicians”

Joe The "Plumber"

And now, your daily nut-baggery. Today’s episode brought to you by the letters “CRA” and “ZY,” and also by the number “REPUBLICAN PLUMBER!”

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what Joe The Plumber had to say about guns in his recent blog post;

Guns are mostly for hunting down politicians who would actively seek to take your freedoms and liberty away from you. Google “Hitler, Mao, Kim Jung Il, Castro, Stalin” just for starters.

As far as me being nice, cordial, respectful – don’t hurt people’s feelings… bla bla? We tried that and look where it got us?

With a Republican party that say guns should be used “for hunting down politicians,” is it any surprise that the political leaders in that party stay in bed with the gun lobbyists, lighting their cigarettes afterwards and bringing them a sandwich?

According to Joe’s message, you keep the gun debate off the table by not only threatening the leaders politically, you also threaten their lives.

Based on their insistence that guns are sacred, I’ll say that these Republican leaders got Joe’s message loud and clear.


Bernie Sanders Explain – The VA is Not The Problem, The Wars Are The Problem

It’s really quite simple, anyone should be able to understand. If there were no wars, then there’ll be no need for the VA. Still, Republicans can’t seem to get this simple logic.

They are constantly pushing for new invasions in new locations, desperately trying to prove to anyone watching that we have the biggest kahunas. Republicans keep whipping it out every chance they get, and they’re the first ones to cry fowl when the VA makes its way into the news cycle.

Well thank God Senator Bernie Sanders gets it and he explains it in a way even the two year old leaders in the Republican party should understand.

“The bottom line here, I would hope that as a country, is that we fully understand the cost of war. And Andrea let me tell you, I think many people do not. We’re not just talking about the thousands of people who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. We’re talking about 200,000 men and women who came home with PTSD and TBI. We’re talking about people who came home without legs, without arms, without hearing, and without eyesight, and if this country stands for anything, what we have got to say is that we are going to provide adequate funding to make sure that every person who is entitled to those healthcare services gets the best healthcare they can and they get it in a timely manner.”

Unfortunately, the two year olds in the Republican party aren’t listening. They’re too busy insisting that President Obama apologize one more time for the history of problems the VA has faced.


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