Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum Calls President Obama a “Snob” for Wanting Students To Go To College

Rick Santorum is not as dumb as he sounds. He actually went to college and got a decent education. But as you listen to the Republican presidential leader (or close to it), Santorum’s comments leave you wondering.

The latest claims by Santorum is that President Obama is a “snob” for wanting “everyone to go to college.” If that is the case, can we assume that Rick will return the various degrees he received from the American education system? Is he gonna return his BA from Pennsylvania State University, or the MBA he received from the University of Pittsburgh, or how about the JD he got from Dickinson School of Law.

Or maybe this level of education is right for Santorum and those close to him, but if that same opportunity to go to college  is offered to anyone else, then there’s something snobbish about that. And why is it not snobbish for Santorum to have that level of education, but against anyone else getting it?

Hypocrite galore!

Barack Obama Politics Rick Santorum United States

Santorum Criticizes President Obama For Quran Burning Apology

Rick Santorum, the present Republican flavor of the month,  is now criticizing President Obama for apologizing to the Muslim world for American troops accidentally burning Qurans in Afghanistan.

 The Associated Press Reports: Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum criticized President Barack Obama’s apology for the burning of Qurans in Afghanistan, adding that Afghanistan should apologize to the U.S. for the deaths of four U.S. soldiers during six days of violence sparked by the incident.

“There was nothing deliberately done wrong here,” Santorum said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week”. “This was something that happened as a mistake. Killing Americans in uniform is not a mistake. It was something that deliberate.”

More than 30 people have been killed in clashes since it emerged Tuesday that copies of the Muslim holy book and other religious materials had been thrown into a fire pit used to burn garbage at Bagram Air Field, a large U.S. base north of Kabul. Protesters angry over Quran burnings by American troops lobbed grenades Sunday at a U.S. base in northern Afghanistan and clashed with police and troops in a day of violence that left seven international troops wounded and two Afghans dead.”

But is President Obama the first president to issue an apology? If you only listen to Santorum and the other Republican presidential hopefuls, you’ll think he is. But even George W. Bush and the Republican god Ronald Reagan, issued apologies.

President Ronald Reagan was initially reluctant to apologize to Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned in camps during World War II. He did so after Congress issued its apology and provided for reparations.

Bush apologized for abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib after the photographic evidence was seen around the world. He called it “a stain on our country’s honor and our country’s reputation”

Mitt Romney Politics

Romney’s Wife Calling The Shots – No More Debates For Mittens

Buzzfeed Reports: TROY, Michigan — Apparently, Ann Romney is tired of sitting in the audience at the Republican debates — she’s ready to get in on the action.

While introducing Mitt Romney at an event sponsored by Americans For Prosperity, the candidate’s wife sang his praises, and then joked that she should just take his spot at the podium.

“I also decided no more debates,” she said, as her husband stood next to her. “If we’re going to do another debate, he’s going to just sit in the audience and watch me.”

CNN canceled a debate that had been scheduled for March 1, after Romney pulled out, citing scheduling difficulties.

Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Jon Stewart Takes a Closer Look at The Santorum Surge and the Left-Overs

“Santorum, really? Republicans are gonna try every chocolate in the box?” Jon Stewart.

God Politics Rick Santorum

Apparently, God Also Told Santorum to Run for President

Do you know why Rick Santorum decided to run for President? No? Well if you listen to his wife Karen Santorum, the reason was a combination of ObamaCare and God that made him run.

Karen made an appearance on Glenn Beck show and explains;

“I did always feel in my heart that God had big plans for Rick. Eventually it was there, tugging at my heart. When Obamacare passed, that was it. That put the fire in my belly.”

Yes folks, if you listen to the Santorums it seems that God cannot stand Obamacare. Apparently, God was willing to sit this one out, you know, let the politicians deal with the politics. The Santorums would like you yo believe that God saw the capitalistic nature of Healthcare in America where profits were more important than saving lives, and, according to them, God approved.

But the nerve of President Obama! He decided that more Americans should get life saving healthcare through ObamaCare and that ladies and gentlemen, that was it! God turned to his secret weapon. He turned to Santorum!

How dare Mr. Obama go against the wishes of the Santorums and their god by trying to help the sick and the poor. Didn’t he know that helping the sick and those in need means Corporations may lose some of their profits, and that go against the teachings of Rick Santorum’s god? Who does this Obama dude think he is, the good samaritan?

And for what its worth, God also told Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and Hurman Cain to runor President.

marriage equality Politics

Love Is Natural, Hatred Is Learned

Two alcoholic heterosexuals get married. They produce a child with fetal alcohol syndrome. This marriage has the blessings of both state and church. Two men or two women who want to marry each other, who are upstanding members of their communities and have adopted and raised productive children, are prohibited in most states and allowed civil unions, which are inferior to marriage in fact and in law, in a few.

This is equality under the law?

Marriage equality will be the law of the land sometime in the future but, for most gays and lesbians, justice delayed is justice denied. How can this be? How can a country that promises freedom and civil rights for all of its citizens continue to deny basic rights to a sizable group?

Opponents say that being gay is unnatural and that there’s something inherently wrong with loving someone of the same gender. That’s exactly wrong. Love is one of the most natural processes humans have. You don’t even have to think about it. It just happens from the time we’re born and lasts throughout our life.

Hatred and discrimination, on the other hand, are unnatural. We need to remember that people are not born anti-gay. Discrimination and hatred are learned behaviors and most children learn them from the very adults who claim to be fair, just and responsible. And why are these adults anti-gay? Some are frightened or threatened or jealous or ignorant or all of the above. Some use a rigid cultural definition of what constitutes a family. Some are offended by how other people show their love. Some use a deity as a weapon to threaten and marginalize.

The religious argument strikes me as utter hypocrisy. How can we love the sinner but hate the sin? Isn’t that attitude responsible for sanctioned discrimination and actions against homosexuals? The same goes for the social argument that the right wing peddles. How can the party that lives on freedom and keeping the government out of our lives continue to preach that government should deny marriage equality? Both groups have made the claim that allowing gays to marry would damage heterosexual marriage. In fact, the opposite is true. Marriage has been shown to make families more stable and productive, strengthens commitments to social values, and provides for economic expansion as people make purchases for different stages of life. Gender preference has nothing to do with how we love our family members or how firmly we commit to them.

The more compelling democratic argument is that every adult should be able to marry the person they love, adopt children and be protected by all laws and rights that all other adults have, including economic rights and privileges.  A federal court decision on Wednesday used an employment benefits case to determine that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional. The decision by U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White was unambiguous in its defense of liberty and equality:

“The imposition of subjective moral beliefs of a majority upon a minority cannot provide a justification for the legislation. The obligation of the Court is ‘to define the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral code,'” White wrote. “Tradition alone, however, cannot form an adequate justification for a law….The ‘ancient lineage” of a classification does not render it legitimate….Instead, the government must have an interest separate and apart from the fact of tradition itself.”

 On February 7th, a panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found that:

“Proposition 8 (which denied homosexuals the right to marry) served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California.”

These courts have it exactly right. Denying citizens their full rights because of who they love is utter nonsense. The history of the United States shows us to be a country of inclusive rights. To have candidates for the highest office in the land proudly proclaim their preference for discrimination, hatred and disdain is obnoxious, offensive and backwards. Marriage equality is on its way. Let’s make it sooner rather than later.

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Obama Administration Proposes Consumer Bill of Rights

Have you ever done a search for a product on Google then watch in amazement as that product shows up in ads on all the websites you visit? That is just one of the many ways sites like Google and Facebook use your personal information to sell to other companies or track your presence on the web and the sites you visit to make money.

Various Consumer advocacy groups have cried foul on these actions calling them intrusive, and apparently, the Obama administration agrees. The proposed bill calls for more protection of Consumers information and better control over how this information is used.

The proposal, unveiled Thursday, is designed to give consumers more control over how their personal data is used and to help businesses build trust with consumers. The White House has called on the Commerce Department to corral companies, privacy advocates and others to develop policies based on the plan. The White House also announced that Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL have agreed to submit to Do Not Track technology and provide consumers with a means to control their online privacy.

The proposed Bill of Rights deals with six areas of online data management:

Transparency: Companies policies regarding security should be easily understandable to consumers.

Respect for Context: Consumers should expect that companies will collect, use and disclose personal data in ways that are consistent with the context in which consumers provide such data.

Security: Personal data should be handled securely and responsibly. Access and Accuracy: Consumers should be able to access and correct personal data.

Access and Accuracy: Consumers should be able to access and correct personal data.

Focused Collection: Data collection should be held within “reasonable limits.”

Accountability: Consumers have the right to have their personal data handled by companies and organizations that adhere to the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights.


This Is One Corporate Tax Cut Republicans Will Oppose

Congressional Republicans have been calling for less taxes on Corporations. Doing this they claim, would stimulate more hirings, thus more jobs. Well the President has listened to their calls and today, the administration announced a plan to reduce the Corporate tax rate from 35% to 28%.

“Obama’s plan would be part of a larger effort to overhaul the U.S. tax system and it dovetails with Obama’s call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on individuals making $200,000 or less.

“While the 35 percent nominal corporate tax rate ranks among the highest, deductions, credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a much lower rate.

“Under the framework proposed by the administration, the rate cuts, closed loopholes and the minimum tax on overseas earning would result in no increase to the deficit.

“That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or enjoy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under Obama’s plan. Others, however, would pay less while some would simply benefit from a more simplified system.”

Sounds like a win win situation. Republicans get their Corporate tax cuts and President Obama get to close corporate loopholes. But don’t expect anything to get done, as Republicans will not agree to do anything this president proposes even if the proposal is one of their own. And ending Corporate loopholes is not something Republicans’ to-do list.


President Obama Sings The Blues at The White House

Ever heard Mitt Romney sing? You’re not missing anything. His singing actually sounds the same as any of his speeches – dry and robotic.

On the other hand, here is president Obama, entertaining the likes of Mick Jagger and BB King at the White House last night. After singing a line to an Al Green classic a few weeks back, President Obama was asked to join in. He was reluctant at first, but eventually took the mic and wowed the crowd.

contraception Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Mitt Romney Does the Santorum – Its All About Obama’s Religious Test

Call it desperation, call it pandering, call it President Obama’s Religious test. Whatever you think it is, just add it to the growing list of ways Mitt Romney has shown that he will say whatever and do whatever to be president.

Romney has seen Rick Santorum’s huge success among his base by attacking Mr. Obama’s beliefs, so naturally, Romney figures the same luck would come his way if he does the same thing.

“You expect the president of the United States to be sensitive to that freedom and protect it and, unfortunately, perhaps because of the people the president hangs around with, and their agenda, their secular agenda, they have fought against religion,” Romney said, responding to a question about religious freedoms, in particular the Obama administration’s recent controversial attempt to require all institutions, including hospitals and colleges with religious affiliations, to offer free birth control and other contraceptives.

The policy was later rewritten to allow certain institutions to refuse to pay for the contraception and instead allow for private insurance to offer the cost of the coverage.

“I can assure you, as someone who has understood very personally the significance of religious tolerance and religious freedom and the right to one’s own conscience, I will make sure that we never again attack religious liberty in the United States of America,” Romney said, seemingly referring to his own Mormon faith, which has frequently been questioned during his various campaigns.”

Oh, and the small part in the Constitution that says there shall be no Religious test to be President? That does not apply to Obama.

Leave it up to Mitt Romney – a man who claims to know what it feels like to have your religion and beliefs attacked – to do the same and attack someone else’s faith.

Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

As The Santorum Runs in Michigan, Romney Stays Afloat

Michigan has become a must win for Mitt Romney. He was born there (although we haven’t seen his birth certificate) and his family has strong ties to the state. His father George Romney, even held office there when Mittens was a young millionaire. But over the last few weeks, polls have suggested that the state is becoming a headache for Mittens, as Rick Santorum is really running (for lack of a better word) through the state and Romney’s own words in 2008 and a few weeks ago, to let Detroit go bankrupt.

But Mittens is slowly gaining hold once again in the state. Public Policy Polling (PPP) puts it this way: “The Republican race for President in Michigan has tightened considerably over the last week, with what was a 15 point lead for Rick Santorum down to 4. He leads with 37% to 33% for Mitt Romney, 15% for Ron Paul, and 10% for Newt Gingrich.

The tightening over the last week is much more a function of Romney gaining than Santorum falling. Santorum’s favorability spread of 67/23 has seen no change since our last poll, and his share of the vote has dropped only 2 points from 39% to 37%. Romney meanwhile has seen his net favorability improve 10 points from +10 (49/39) to +20 (55/35) and his vote share go from 24% to 33%.”

Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum’s Idea of “Small Government” – Cartoon

The perfect depiction of what we’ve heard from Rick Santorum and the rest of the Republican field so far. They preach “small government,” but are on a constant crusade to tell you what to do in your bedroom.

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