Barack Obama Featured United States

142 Dead In Joplin, But Fox News Concerned About “Obama’s Gum Chewing”

It is quite obvious now that FOX News is not really a news network, and among the many proofs we have of this fact, came this other little nugget this past weekend. President Obama went to pay his respect to the survivors of the tornadoes in Joplin last weekend, but all Fox News could report to their herd, was whether or not the President was chewing gum.


Forget the President surveying the damages, comforting the residents and promising the survivors that, “we’re going to be here long after the cameras are gone. We’re not going to stop until Joplin jumps back on its feet.And who cares about the 142 dead victims of the tornado? Not “FOX NEWS!” On the Fox-Fix nation website, this was their observation;

Earlier today President Obama spoke at a memorial service in Joplin, MO honoring those who lost their lives to the destructive tornado that stuck the region last week. Seen at the last seconds of this video clip it appears as though President Obama was chewing gum. What do you think?

Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

Palin Prefers The Smell of Motor Cycle Emissions In The Morning

In another blatant and apparent attempt to pander to the motor-cycle community, Sarah Palin opened her mouth and her foot jumped in. Asked by a FOX reporter if all her stops along her bus tour will be as rowdy as the motor-cycle event Palin crashed, the Alaskan governor quitter answered that she loves the smell of “emissions.”

“Ohhh, it would be a BLAST if they were this loudy, and if they smelled this good. I love that smell of the emissions!”

I love motor-cycles, but quite frankly, I prefer the smell of a nice, freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning. I can’t help but wonder how the Tea Party  feels knowing that Sarah’s preferred smell in the morning is motor-cycle emissions… and not tea. And wondering even more, is Mrs. Palin going to be strapped to the back of her bus for the great smell?

Or maybe, just maybe she will have a hose strapped to her tour bus’ exhaust pipe to bring that wonderful smell directly into the bus. Can we ask that all the windows stay shut? Would that be asking too much?

Barack Obama Politics Terrorism United States USA PATRIOT Act

Bush’s Patriot Act Pt 2 – Boiling Frogs

As an easily distracted and soundbite sized attention span nation, we are prime fodder for what is called the “boiling frog syndrome”. ‘If you put a frog into a boiling pot of water he would quickly jump out. However a frog in a cool pot of water that is gradually heated would not perceive the danger and would slowly cook to death’.

The premise of this syndrome, that is used here metaphorically, is actually quite a clear illustration of what happens with our acceptance of inflation, the use of our taxes for things that we, in an informed state of mind, would never agree to, etc. But for this particular text the boiling frog syndrome is a clear analogy for the siege on our civil liberties and, indeed, our very constitutional rights.

In October 2001, then President George W. Bush signed into law the congressional act called the “Patriot Act”. Pretty name, it conceals any potential threat to you and I personally… see? THAT’S THE COOL WATER MR & MRS. FROG.

But lets take a closer look at this craftily labeled roll back of civil rights;

This so called Patriot Act law which we are told is a law to ‘counter terrorism’ never clearly defines exactly what is terrorism. This vague definition of terrorism leaves much open to interpretation of  ‘law enforcement agencies’ and agents who are subject to human emotion and racial and ideological influences.

The first amendment says that “Congress shall make no law abridging the right to petition the government for the redress of grievances”. Dear reader, what’s YOUR grievance with the government? On any particular day you may be considered a ‘terrorist’, a potential threat and detained indefinitely. Maybe as an immigrant some law enforcement officer or agency decides you’re a ‘threat’. Keep current on the expanded deportation laws under the so called Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act clearly violates fourth amendment rights as well, which states that The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures SHALL NOT BE VIOLATED”. Many would say “as long as I’m safe” or ” I have nothing to hide”…those are legitimate reasonings, but be very aware that evil goes in like a needle… and spreads.

Be aware that civil rights roll backs are happening ‘in stages’… the water is getting hot…slowly. The constant bombardment of terror threats makes our disappearing civil liberties more acceptable… getting hotter. The fact that it’s Barack Obama that just signed into law a continuance of the Patriot Act makes it more palatable…and look around, it’s getting steamy–but;  “I ignored it”, “The basketball playoffs are on plus I got the new iPhone”, “I heard about that Patriot Act years ago and I knew it didn’t feel right but I was scared so I didn’t open my eyes”, “Recently I saw on the news that the Patriot Act was extended but Trump said something stupid so I forgot…”

Anybody notice how warm it is in here?


Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

George Will: Should We Trust Sarah Palin With Nuclear Weapons?

George Will, a conservative who occasionally sees through the Sarah Palin hype, asked a pivotal question on Sunday. Do you really want Sarah Palin in charge of nuclear weapons?

Will was responding to a question posted by Christiane Amanpour, host of ABC’s This Week with Christiane Amanpour. With Sarah Palin kicking off a bus tour this week, the media has been transfixed on the question, trying to figure out if this tour means the quitter from Alaska is planning to run for President in 2012.

Amanpour’s question to Will, and the question the rest of the media is trying to answer? “George, what is up. Is Sarah Palin going to run?”

“The threshold question, not usually asked, but it’s in everyone’s mind in a presidential election. ‘Should we give this person nuclear weapons?’ And the answer [in Palin’s case], answers itself.”

I agree with you George. I wouldn’t even trust Sarah Palin with the English language!

However,  based on the way Fox News has handled their other employees who aspire to be presidential candidates by terminating these employee’s contracts, I’ll say that it is a safe bet that Sarah Palin is not going to run, as she is still actively and gainfully employed at the so-called ‘news agency!”

So until Sarah gives up her hefty paycheck at FOX, consider this “bus tour” another way for Sarah to re-capture the limelight and the media attention she so desperately craves.

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