
Petition Urges Superdelegates to “Let The Voters Decide”

A petition is circulating asking the Superdelegates in the Democratic race for president to listen to the will of the people in their states and support the candidate the voters selected.

The race for the Democratic Party nomination should be decided by who gets the most votes, and not who has the most support from party insiders.

That’s why we’re calling on all the Democratic superdelegates to pledge to back the will of the voters at the Democratic Party convention in Philadelphia.

Sounds like the democratic way to me!


Donald Trump Politics

Petition to Ban Donald Trump from United Kingdom Passes Half a Million Signatures

While Donald Trump gains more love and support from Republicans here in America, his prospects in the United Kingdom grows more and more grim.

A recent petition to ban Trump from entering the United Kingdom because of racist statements the Republican presidential candidate has made in recent days, has now grown to well over 500,000 signatures. The original goal was to get 100.000 votes in the hopes that Parliament will take up the motion. With over 500.000 people signing the petition, we now wait for the government to decide whether Trump will ever welcomed to the U.K ever!

In case you haven’t seen the petition, here it is!

CNN Don Lemon Featured

Petition to Have Don Lemon Fired from CNN Reaches Over 33,000 Signers

The petition was started by Jamell Henderson from Brooklyn NY. In it, Mr. Henderson stated that “Don Lemon has consistently antagonized and defamed the characteristics of African-Americans on the national scale.” Mr. Henderson used multiple examples to make his point, listing Lemon’s coverage of the Trayvon Martin murder, “the holding of the ‘N’ word sign before the national audience to disrespecting the Mayor of Baltimore.”

But it was Lemon’s coverage and comments on the recent events in South Carolina where a teenage school girl was attacked and dragged by a school resource officer, that prompted Mr. Henderson to get this petition started.

Mr. Henderson wrote;

But what concerns me is that Lemon has repeatedly failed to fulfill his responsibility to remain objective and unbiased in his work. As a news anchor, Mr. Lemon’s job is to present the facts to the public, but time and time again, he has presented his opinion as fact—even when that opinion is contradicted by reality and common sense. That’s unacceptable for a journalist.

I’m disappointed that someone I used to look up to now is someone that I have trouble respecting as a journalist. Please join me in calling on CNN to remove Mr. Lemon from his role at the network.

Politics White House

White House Petition to Give Alaska Back to Russia Gains Support

Thanks Sarah Palin! Because if you, Americans, even some in Alaska, have had enough;! I blame you!

A White House petition is gathering thousands of signatures urging the return of Alaska to Russia. The U.S. bought Alaska from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 million.

The “Alaska Back to Russia” petition was created by an unnamed Anchorage resident (S.V.) last week and it has already gotten more than 18,000 signatures. The petition needs 100,000 signers by April 20 to warrant a response from the Obama administration.

The petition reads:

“Groups Siberian russians crossed the Isthmus (now the Bering Strait) 16-10 thousand years ago. Russian began to settle on the Arctic coast, Aleuts inhabited the Aleutian Archipelago. First visited Alaska August 21, 1732, members of the team boat St. Gabriel »under the surveyor Gvozdev and assistant navigator I. Fedorov during the expedition Shestakov and DI Pavlutski 1729-1735 years…Vote for secession of Alaska from the United States and joining Russia.”

Politics White House

White House Petition – Make Congress Wear Logo Of The Corporations They Represent

This petition is well worth your support, considering many in Congress represent Corporations and not the actual people who went to the polls and voted them into office. The petition, although it may be considered a joke by many, hits the nail on the head and correctly identifies the main problem with today’s politicians – they cater to those special interests who donate millions to their re-election campaign, and forget the suffering of the constituents they’re supposed to represent.

I especially like the part suggesting that the size of the logo should reflect the amount of money the politician accepted in donations from the company. Brilliant!

Here’s the petition:

Since most politicians’ campaigns are largely funded by wealthy companies and individuals, it would give voters a better sense of who the candidate they are voting for is actually representing if the company’s logo, or individual’s name, was prominently displayed upon the candidate’s clothing at all public appearances and campaign events. Once elected, the candidate would be required to continue to wear those “sponsor’s” names during all official duties and visits to constituents. The size of a logo or name would vary with the size of a donation. For example, a $1 million dollar contribution would warrant a patch of about 4″ by 8″ on the chest, while a free meal from a lobbyist would be represented by a quarter-sized button. Individual donations under $1000 are exempt.

At the time of this post, the petition had 18,000 signatures. It needs a total of 100,000 signatures to receive a response from the White House. Click on the link above and add your name to this petition.


White House Responds To The ‘Deport Piers Morgan’ Petition

The Petition to deport CNN’s Piers Morgan gathered over 109,000 signatures, far more than the 25,000 required to get an official response from the White House. Well that response is finally here.

By Jay Carney

Thank you for participating in We the People to speak out on an issue that matters to you.

Let’s not let arguments over the Constitution’s Second Amendment violate the spirit of its First. President Obama believes that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. However, the Constitution not only guarantees an individual right to bear arms, but also enshrines the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press — fundamental principles that are essential to our democracy. Americans may disagree on matters of public policy and express those disagreements vigorously, but no one should be punished by the government simply because he or she expressed a view on the Second Amendment — or any other matter of public concern.

We recognize that the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, sparked an intense, and at times emotional, national conversation about the steps we can take as a country to reduce gun violence. In fact, your petition is one of many on the issue, and President Obama personally responded by sharing his views on this important issue.

n a recent press conference, President Obama also addressed the Second Amendment and the important perspective that law-abiding gun owners bring to the public conversation on this issue:

Look, like the majority of Americans, I believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. This country has a strong tradition of gun ownership that’s been handed down from generation to generation. Obviously across the country there are regional differences. There are differences between how people feel in urban areas and rural areas. And the fact is the vast majority of gun owners in America are responsible — they buy their guns legally and they use them safely, whether for hunting or sport shooting, collection or protection.

But you know what, I am also betting that the majority — the vast majority — of responsible, law-abiding gun owners would be some of the first to say that we should be able to keep an irresponsible, law-breaking few from buying a weapon of war. I’m willing to bet that they don’t think that using a gun and using common sense are incompatible ideas — that an unbalanced man shouldn’t be able to get his hands on a military-style assault rifle so easily; that in this age of technology, we should be able to check someone’s criminal records before he or she can check out at a gun show; that if we work harder to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, there would be fewer atrocities like the one in Newtown — or any of the lesser-known tragedies that visit small towns and big cities all across America every day.

Jay Carney is White House Press Secretary

Alex Jones, the man who started the petition was invited on Morgan’s CNN show to discuss gun issues. It was an invite we’re sure Morgan regretted making. The show turned out to be an absolute disaster.

CNN Piers Morgan Tid Bits

Dueling Petition – Another Petition To Keep Morgan In U.S Because The British Don’t Want Him Back

It seems no one wants Piers Morgan. A few days ago we told you about a petition on the White House’s website that asks for Piers Morgan‘s deportation because of his anti-guns advocacy. That petition, now with 81,000 signatures is well pass the 25,000 threshold required for an official response from the White House.

And now that’s more: Another petition has popped up asking the Obama administration to keep Piers Morgan in the United States, because, according to the petition, “No one in the UK wants him back.” This petition so far has only 5,254 signatures, short of the 25,000 needed for an official White House Response.

Other interesting petitions on the government website includes two petitions to revoke Westboro Baptiste Church‘s 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status, the first petition getting over 43000 signatures and another petition getting over 58000 signatures.

There’s also a petition to impeach all politicians who signed the Grover Norquist Pledge “in violation to their oath the the government of the U.S” This petition has a little over 8500 signatures.

CNN Featured gun control Piers Morgan

Over 48,000 Demand Piers Morgan Be Deported For Wanting Better Gun Control

Oh, these Republicans and gun lovers have found a new target, a new way to divert attention away from the real problem and point the rest of our attention to the shiny new object – British born, Piers Morgan. Morgan’s crime? Calling for more gun control laws to protect the lives of Americans.

On his CNN Show for December 21st, Morgan had NRA defender and executive director of Gun Owners of America Larry Pratt
on for a heated exchange following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school, one calling for more gun control and the other blaming everything and everyone else but guns for the carnage happening regularly in America. The heated debate between Pratt and Morgan escalated, causing Pratt to say, “It seems to me you are morally obtuse. You seem to prefer being a victim to being able to prevail over the criminal element. I don’t know why you want to be the criminal’s friend.”

Morgan fired back, “you’re an unbelievably stupid man aren’t you? You have absolutely no coherent argument. You don’t actually give a damn about the gun murder rate in America.”

Well, that exchange between Morgan and Pratt got someone very angry. They went to the White House’s website and started a petition to get Morgan deported. Petitions must receive a total of 25,000 signature to get a response from the White House, but Morgan’s deportation petition is gathering signatures at an unbelievable rate. When I began writing this post, there were 48,129 signatures. When the post was finished some five minutes later, there were 48,900 signatures on the petition.

UPDATE: The White House Responds To Deport Piers Morgan Petition

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics Rick Santorum

Judge Rules Against Rick Perry And Other Republican Candidates In Virginia Lawsuit

Judge John Gibney heard the case brought by Rick Perry and the other Republican candidates who joined the law suit, and he made the decision. Perry and the other candidates will not compete in Virginia. They knew the rules and did not do what was necessary to get their names on the ballot in a timely fashion.

“They knew the rules in Virginia many months ago; the limitations on circulators affected them as soon as they began to circulate petitions,” he writes. “The plaintiffs could have challenged the Virginia law at that time. Instead, they waited until after the time to gather petitions had ended and they had lost the political battle to be on the ballot; then, on the eve of the printing of absentee ballots, they decided to challenge Virginia’s laws. In essence, they played the game, lost, and then complained that the rules were unfair.”

The decision means Perry, as well as Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman, will not appear on the ballot in the state’s March 6 primary.

Democratic Wisconsin Wisconsin Union Bashing

Total Recall – Another Wisconsin Republican To Be Recalled

Earlier in the week, we reported that petitions were already filed to repeal four Republican senators in Wisconsin. Tomorrow, Democrats will file another petition, gathering thousands of signatures more than what is required to file.

Dems will file a massive amount of signatures tomorrow to trigger a recall election against a fifth Wisconsin GOP state senator, I’m told.

Graeme Zielinski, the spokesman for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, confirms to me that Democrats will submit approximately 30,000 signatures for the recall of Alberta Darling — nearly 150 percent of the 20,343 required.

This is the fifth time Dems have collected far more signatures than necessary for a recall — all but ensuring that all five recall elections will actually happen.

I’m only guessing that the last three petitions for recalls will be as successful.

Democratic Featured Republican Wisconsin

Wife of Republican Wisconsin Senator Wants Him Recalled

The doorbell to the known residence of Wisconsin’s Republican Senator Randy Hopper rang. The maid for the residence opened the door and found a group of protesters collecting signatures on a petition to recall Hopper. The maid quickly signed the petition and called her boss, Randy Hopper’s wife, who came to the door with the shocking news that he no longer lived at that residence.

She then indicated that she too, will sign the recall petition.

According to Mrs. Hopper, it seems the conservative Republican senator lives with his 25 year old mistress in another part of town. Mr. Hopper represents Wisconsin Senate District 18, and worked hand in hand with Wisconsin’s governor, Scott Walker to take away voters negotiating rights.

According to reports by Blogging Blue:

Randy Hopper filed for divorce from his wife in August 2010, and it’s being reported his soon to be ex-wife will be signing a recall petition.

As for the claim by Hopper’s soon to be ex-wife that Hopper is living in Madison with his 25-year-old mistress, I’ve received unconfirmed reports the “other woman” is Valerie Cass, who as of this morning was a lobbyist for Persuasion Partners, Inc., a right-wing lobbying firm

Wisconsin’s law states that elected officials can be recalled by the voters and as a state senator, Randy Hopper’s name is among the eight names on the recall petition drafted by the state’s Democrats. Mr. Walker will be up for recall in 2012.

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