immigration reform Politics

President Obama on The Dream Act – “No Is Not An Option.”

USA Today is reporting that President Obama told a largely Hispanic gathering at the White House today that he will continue to fight for legislation that would ease the path to citizenship for some children of illegal immigrants.

Speaking at a Cinco de Mayo reception, Obama said congressional Republicans have blocked the “DREAM Act,” which would apply to undocumented college students and members of the military.

“We didn’t come this far just to let partisan politics stand in our way,” Obama said. “‘No’ is not an option.”

Latinos are the nation’s fastest-growing voting population, and are a major prize in this election.

Polls currently give Obama a huge lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney among Latino voters; the president’s re-election team is currently running ads in Spanish-language media.

Barack Obama democrats Mitt Romney Politics Republican Texas

President Obama Beat Republican Candidates For Hispanic Vote

Hispanics are slowly becoming the largest voting block in the American political system. Hispanics are also a group of people highly despised by the Republican party – a party that has embraced an anti-immigration, anti Dream Act, “build the darn electrified fence now!” mentality. So it is no surprise that this group have been an ardent supporter of President Obama.

The Poll…

The survey, conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center, revealed a general-election weakness for Republicans among an increasingly influential voting bloc — with former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Texas Gov. Rick Perry each winning less than one-fourth of the Hispanic vote in hypothetical matchups against Obama.

Obama leads Romney by 68 percent to 23 percent and Perry by 69 percent to 23 percent among Hispanic voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 5.2 percentage points for the sample.

But have no fear. The Republican party are also well verse in the art on pandering.

With just a few more days before the Iowa primary begins on January 3rd, don’t expect any promises to the Hispanic community as the Republican candidates are still focused on pleasing their Teaparty base. But after this primary season is over, we expect nothing less than some baseless promises from the GOP nominee. Don’t be surprised the nominee offer open borders and amnesty, and free health care for all the undocumented people in this country.

Herman Cain Republican vote

Republican Leader Leaves Party Because Of Herman Cain

The Republican party is shedding their loyal members one by one. This time its Lauro Antonio Garza, the Republican leader of Somos Republicans, a Texas Republican group that caters to conservative Hispanics.

Mr. Garza sat back and listened to the recent claims by Herman Cain, that an electric fence along the border states would be the way to keep illegals out of the country. When asked about those irresponsible statements on this week’s Meet The Press, Cain said he was joking. No one in the Republican leadership however, had any problems with Cain’s careless remarks, and this silence from the Republican leadership was the last straw for Mr. Garza.

Below is his letter.

GOP leadership: Beyond Reprehensible

How much distance has been travelled since President George W. Bush left office? To us at Somos Republicans, the answer is, ‘Way too much!’ We fear that for most of the Republican Party, the answer is, ‘Not far enough!!’

Today, we find the Republican Party has strayed from its roots and its founding principals so far that they can no longer be seen. We saw this yesterday, in the glare of broad daylight, when a leading presidential candidate, Herman Cain, not once, but twice, advocated for the murder of innocent people and that was met with cheers! Somos Republicans, America’s largest organization of conservative Hispanics, was alone in its criticism of this loud mouth hateful bigot. He says he was ‘joking.’ Nobody here is laughing! The fact the GOP allows and applauds such outrageous thoughts is beyond reprehensible.

To us, the idea of allegedly ‘Pro-Life’ people shouting for the un-Constitutional use of deadly force is unbelievable. Then, too, we shouldn’t be surprised since Republican leaders have been advocating for the nullification of the American Constitution in states like Arizona, Georgia and now Alabama. When did Republicans, once synonymous with ‘conservative,’ become so liberal as to attack their very own Bill of Rights in the 4th and 14th Amendments?!

Where is Republican leadership? Where has the guiding principal of ‘Morality’ gone?! If the Republican Party cannot or will not rebuke this hateful bigot and others like him who wear the mantle of ‘Republican’ then perhaps the time has come for a rebuke of the Party itself!

Ronald Reagan left the Democrat Party saying they had left him. Perhaps, I shall do the same because the Republican Party has become radical and unreasonable. President Reagan must be tumbling in his grave!
Lauro Antonio Garza,MPO
Somos Republicans, Texas State Director
October 16, 2011

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