
Fox’s Shep Smith Slams “Extremest” Governors Refusing Refugees – Video

I’ve said this about Fox’s Shep Smith before, that he is working on the wrong network. Now, there are times when Shep toes the line and push the Republican talking points, then there are times when he goes out on a limb all by himself and, yes, speak the truth!

Since the terrorist attacks in Paris and the revelation that one of the attackers made their way into France as a refugee, there have been much talk, primarily among Republican presidential candidates and some governors, that America should turn away any and all refugees from Syria. And it was totally expected that the hosts at Fox News will mindlessly push that talking-point, but there goes Shep again, stepping out on another limb.

“In the face of terror, will we panic, or be calm and deliberative in approach? Confronted with those who want to change our way of life, will we abandon our freedoms and the rights granted to us by the Creator? Or will we welcome huddle masses yearning to breathe free?”

Smith of course is talking about the Republican presidential candidates and the 15 or so governors, primarily Republican governors, promising to reject any refugee sent to their state. Shep continued;

“Our shining city on a hill is vulnerable. We’ve always known that. If we change it to accommodate the savages, have they won? And what then would be left to protect? We profess to stand as an example for all the world. Our unique experiment in freedom, tolerance, openness, and equality is our gift to societies and peoples everywhere. Come, join us. Enjoy a chance at the American dream. Today, we mourn, but we cannot allow ourselves to become like those who want to destroy us. We cannot resort to the tactics of the barbarians. We must fight for what we believe in and who we are, guard our freedoms faithfully for the generations to follow. And we must not let the rhetoric of potential and political extremists among us lead us to self-destruction. When there’s panic, we show resolve. When there’s calm for extremism, we resist. We are America. We must lead.”


arrested Politics

Fox News CIA Expert Arrested for Lying About His CIA Expertise

Only in the world of Fox News would you find a regular guest to the network getting indicted for lying about who he professed to be.

According to the Huffington Post, Wayne Simmons — who was often identified as a “terrorism analyst” by Fox News — was indicted by a federal grand jury in connection to alleged misconduct, including making false statements to the government, major fraud and wire fraud. The 62-year-old often touted his CIA record on the cable news channel, claiming to have worked overseas for the agency as an “Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer” from 1973 to 2000.

According to a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Eastern District of Virginia, Simmons “used that false claim in an attempt to obtain government security clearances and work as a defense contractor, including at one point successfully getting deployed overseas as an intelligence advisor to senior military personnel.”


Fox Host – Supreme Court Wrong To Rule Voting “A Fundamental Right” – Video

It should come as no surprise that the people at Fox News don’t believe every American deserve the right to vote, and they have pushed the Republican’s voter suppression agenda while at the same time demanding “freedom!”

The hypocrisy is palpable.

In the following conversation, one of the host at Fox News is utterly shocked that the Supreme Court voted in favor of voting rights for all Americans.

STEVE DOOCY: The state of California has passed legislation that will automatically register eligible voters when they obtain or renew a driver’s license. Governor Jerry Brown says it’s a way to increase voter turnout, but critics warn the measure could add millions of illegal people to the rolls because the state allows undocumented aliens to get driver’s licenses. That’s a problem, isn’t it, Judge Napolitano? 

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Yes, yes. Good morning, Steve. Yes, it is a problem because the other states, including our own home state of New Jersey, which permit registration at the time you get a driver’s license, have you go through another procedure in which you have to demonstrate citizenship. 

DOOCY: You’ve got to prove you’re here legally. 

NAPOLITANO: Correct, correct. California, it’s one procedure. You may not even know that when you get your driver’s license you’re also being registered to vote. And there’s no requirement of proof of citizenship. What’s the significance of proof of citizenship? All 50 states limit voting to citizens except when the state allows you to sort-of sneak in without proving your citizenship by getting a driver’s license instead. 

DOOCY: Sure. And one of the things they’d look to is the Supreme Court in the past has said that the right to drive in the United States is fundamental. However, they don’t say you have to be an American citizen, per se. But what about the right to vote? 

NAPOLITANO: You know, there’s a lot of debate without getting too academic about what the right to vote is. Is it a fundamental right that comes from our humanity like thought and speech and association and worship and self-defense? Or is it a privilege given by the government? In my view, the Supreme Court has wrongly said it’s a fundamental right. And once it said that, states like California decided to allow people to vote who aren’t qualified by law to vote because of the fundamental aspect. 

DOOCY: Those are for state elections. 

NAPOLITANO: For any election in California. 

DOOCY: But it’s against the law on federal elections?

NAPOLITANO: Yes, it is. But there’s really no way to monitor it. So if you are an illegal alien in California, get a driver’s license, register to vote, you can vote in local, state, and federal elections in California and those votes count. 

DOOCY: Interesting stuff. 

NAPOLITANO: It’s almost impossible to monitor this if the state is going to provide shelter for illegals to vote. 

DOOCY: And so that’s what is going to happen out in California.


Politics republican debate

The Republican Debate – Bad Lip Reading – The Video

To be honest, this video made more sense than the actual Fox News GOP debate. Don’t believe me? Watch!


ann coulter bill o reilly Politics Stupid

Ann Coulter on Bill O’ Reilly – “Good God He’s Stupid” – Video

So the donald went on Bill O’ Reilly the other night and continued his fight against “illegals,” taking his deportation argument even further with his new stance – even if you’re born here, you can be deported if he becomes president! According to the donald, “illegals” come to this country to have their babies, also called “anchor babies” by many in the Republican party, so these babies, born in the U.S.A, are not Americans.

But O’Reilly wasn’t having that argument and at the end of the interview, O’Reilly fired back at Trump.

“If you’re born here you’re an American. Period. Period,” he said.

Ann Coulter, a strong defender of everything donald apparently missed the interview, but later tweeted that her email was “exploding with denounciations of Bill O’Reilly for interview w/ @realDonaldTrump.”

A minuite later, she tweeted, “Sorry for delay. O’Reilly: “YOU WANT ME TO QUOTE YOU THE AMT? IF YOU’RE BORN HERE YOU’RE AN AMERICAN! PERIOD!” #GoodGodHesStupid

Indeed Coulter, indeed!

Watch the O’Reilly interview below.


Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics

Fox News Defends Donald Trump Against John McCain – Video

They basically listed the things Trump said about McCain and detailed where he is correct.


Politics Sarah Palin

You Betcha! Fox News Dumps Sarah Palin

I guess the novelty has worn off. It really says something about you as a person when Fox News… yes, Fox News, decides it wants nothing to do with you, and separates itself from you. I mean, how low can you go?

Fox News will not renew its contract with Sarah Palin, whose bombastic appearances have been a cable staple since the former Alaska governor’s failed run on John McCain’s ticket in the 2008 presidential election cycle. When asked for comment, a Fox News spokesperson confirmed the network had amicably parted ways with the governor on June 1.

bill o reilly Politics

Bill O’Reilly Lost Custody Of His Kids Because He’s a Wife Beater?

According to his own kids, Bill O’ Reilly dragged his ex-wife – their mother – down the stairs, unaware that one of his daughter was watching. And according to the report, his apparent abuse to his wife did not play well in a Nassau courtroom and a judge gave custody of the kids to the his ex.

Three weeks ago, a Nassau County Supreme Court justice ended a bitter three-year custody dispute between Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly and his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy, by granting custody of the couple’s two minor children to McPhilmy. Though nearly all documents pertaining to New York family court cases are sealed, Gawker has learned that the justice in the case heard testimony accusing O’Reilly of physically assaulting his wife in the couple’s Manhasset home.

According to a source familiar with the facts of the case, a court-appointed forensic examiner testified at a closed hearing that O’Reilly’s daughter claimed to have witnessed her father dragging McPhilmy down a staircase by her neck, apparently unaware that the daughter was watching. The precise date of the alleged incident is unclear, but appears to have occurred before the couple separated in 2010. The same source indicated that the daughter, who is 16 years old, told the forensic examiner about the incident within the past year.


Fox News to Poor People – Stop being lazy and “Get a Job!” – Video

Recently, President Obama called out Fox News for unfairly criticizing the poor and for classifying them as lazy people who leash off the government.

In response, Fox News proved the president right by classifying poor people – many of them watch Fox News by the way – as lazy and telling them to “get a job!”

I’m always amazed when rich folks look down on the poor folks who keep the rich folks rich.


Megyn Kelly’s Hillary Clinton Talking-Point gets Shut Down On Air – Video

Yes, Fox News is the direct right arm of the Republican party, so when Barack Obama or Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton is mentioned on the network, negative connotations usually follow.

Enter Fox News host Megyn Kelly, and her recent episode bashing Hillary Clinton for announcing her intentions to run for President but, according to Kelly, avoiding reporters. Kelly’s guest, a regular Fox News contributor named Leslie Marshall, was invited to discuss Kelly’s concerns and she totally shutdown those concern as premature.

“So far, brilliantly done” Megyn says, referring to Clinton’s presidential announcement and her listening tour. “I mean, if she didn’t want to speak to the press, she managed to avoid them, she made them look like idiots and she’s pursuing this method that Valerie Jarrett said got Barack Obama elected.”

Marshall calmly explained to Megyn that it is still early in the process. That Clinton announced her candidacy just days ago and that the 2016 election is still a good ways off. Marshall practically guaranteed Kelly that as time went on, Clinton will be interviewed. But this was not accepted by Kelly and she continued pushing the talking point that Clinton was avoiding the press.

In the end, Marshall clearly won this debate as common sense prevailed. To quote Marshall, “She will have scheduled interviews, she has to, she can’t avoid it.”


Benghazi Politics

Jon Stewart Slams Fox News Using Fox News as Ammunition – Video

Leave it up to the mastery of Jon Stewart to use Fox News against Fox News.

When the Justice Department released its findings on the Ferguson incident where Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Mike Brown, it also highlighted the backbone of the Ferguson Police Department’s money stream – racism, where blacks were targeted with bogus charges and fined heavily for those charges.

Yet, over at Fox News, the emphasis was misplaced like it often is at the Republican network. Fox spent countless hours demanding an apology from the Justice Department and the rest of the media for saying Mike Brown had his hands up when he was killed, a claim the Justice Department found to be… unfounded.

Stewart skillfully took this same Fox outrage and directed it at another well disputed favorite Fox story – Benghazi. And Stewart wondered why Fox News fails to admit that their Benghazi money-maker – although well debunked by all credible agencies as a total Fox fabrication – warrants the same apology.

Of course, that apology will never come, and Fox will continue pushing the same failed and debunked Benghazi narrative because, for whatever reason, people watch Fox and advertisers go where the people are.


Featured paris Politics

Paris Mayor – “What Fox News Did was to lie… at a very, very serious time”

Hidalgo spoke to CNN about the city’s planned lawsuit against Fox News for its coverage of the supposed “no-go zones” in the wake of terror attacks by Islamic extremists earlier this year in Paris. Fox eventually issued multiple corrections and said there was “no credible information” to support the idea that non-Muslims are not allowed in parts of England or France.

“We are in a world that can very dangerously tip over, as we’ve seen,” Hidalgo said, according to CNN’s translation. “And we should not accept this type of talk that only adds difficulty.”

Though she did not explain details of the lawsuit against Fox, she said the city “took legal action at the Paris high court.”

She said she remained angry about Fox’s reporting and that “it has economic consequences because some in the United States suddenly become afraid of Paris.”

“What Fox News did was to lie,” Hidalgo said, according to CNN. “It wasn’t opinion or legitimate criticism. We are in a democracy, so real criticism is normal. But it was a lie at a very, very serious time. And some like Fox stigmatized a portion of the population and they wanted to show something that doesn’t exist.”

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