Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Is An Empty Suit, and We Have Proof

Breaking News: Mitt Romney is an empty suit – but you already knew that. So it should come as no surprise to hear Mitt Romney’s plan to restore the economy.

While campaigning in Virginia earlier this week, Romney passed on some information explaining his answer to a common question these days – what would Romney do to help the economy?

“What I would do? People ask me, `What would you to get the economy going?’ and I say, `Well look at what the president’s done and do the opposite.”

Yep, that’s his answer and it’s quite alarming. To better understand the magnitude of this empty answer from this empty Republican suit named Mitt Romney, let’s take a look at some of the things President Obama has done, and the opposite path Romney would take.

1 – less than 4 years in office, President Obama has already cut taxes for small businesses 17 times. Romney would do the opposite, which means he will raise taxes on small businesses 17 times in his first term. But wait, there is a small issue called the Grover Norquist Pledge – a pledge that Republicans have taken making it impossible for them to raise taxes. So no opposite here.

2 – in less than 4 years, the President has cut taxes for 95% of the working middle class. A Romney opposite would be to raise taxes on 95% of the working middle class. By the way, that Grover Norquist pledge mentioned above would not apply here, as Republicans have shown a preference to putting the burdens of the economy squarely on the back of the middle class. Raising taxes on the middle class is an opposite Romney would certainly entertain.

3 – in less than 4 years, the President’s policies have saved the American Auto industry. A Romney opposite would be to let the auto industry die. As a matter of fact, Romney was very clear that killing the auto industry was his preferred method. He even said President Obama should “let Detroit go bankrupt.” I thought we were talking about helping the economy. Killing off the auto industry means killing off hundreds of thousands of jobs. Exactly how would this help the economy? Yes, definitely an opposite here.

4 – in less than 4 years, the President’s policies have created or saved over 4 million private sector jobs. A Romney opposite would be to eliminate these jobs. As a Venture Capitalist at Bain Capital, Mitt Romney did just that – taking over American companies, shutting them down and shipping those jobs overseas. And as governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney’s job record was dismal – he brought the state’s jobs record down to 47th out of all 50 states. Eliminating jobs? A proven Romney policy. Another definite opposite.

Although we could continue, the point is clear. Mitt Romney has finally decided to be honest about something. The only problem is his honesty about doing things opposite to President Obama on the economy is a recipe for disaster. We’ve already been down that road with Bush and that road lead us straight to this recession. We refuse to fall for the same failed game plan again.

George Bush Politics

And Rightly So – Americans Blame Bush For Bad Economy

Note to all future Presidents: If you begin your team as president with a surplus, don’t push dumb policies, like a trillion dollars in tax cuts for very rich people while fighting two wars costing another 2 trillion dollars.

Don’t start programs like Medicaid part D, designed to put hundreds of billions of tax payers dollars into the pockets of insurance companies, while those companies provide mediocre services to their policy holders. And it would help if you don’t have an IQ of 2, while having the name George W. Bush.

And if you insist on doing the things mentioned above, someone in the middle east might try to introduce a pair of Reebok to your face. But most importantly, the American people will notice and rightly put the blame where it belongs – squarely on your shoulders.

A majority of Americans believe that former President George W. Bush is more responsible than President Obama for the current economic problems in the country, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Fifty-four percent of respondents said that Bush was more to blame while 29 percent put the blame on Obama; 9 percent said both men deserved blame while 6 percent said neither did. Among registered voters, the numbers are almost identical; 54 percent blame Bush, while 30 percent blame Obama.

Independents, widely considered the most critical voting bloc this fall, continue to blame Bush far more than Obama for the economic troubles. Fifty-seven percent of unaffiliated voters put the blame on the former Republican president, while 25 percent believe the blame rests more with Obama.

Heck, even one in five Republicans say Bush is more responsible than Obama for the state of the economy!

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney’s Campaign Defends His Lying Ad

Relax people, it’s okay to lie as part of your campaign strategy to become the next elected president of the United States. At least that’s what Mitt Romney and his campaign camp believes. And they want you to be in on the lie too!

When asked if they had any explanation for intentionally misleading the American people with an ad showing President Obama saying, “if we keep talking about the economy, we will lose,” Romney’s campaign said that was their intent. Misleading the American people is “exactly what we want.”

What the ad fails to tell the American people is that –  the then Senator –  Obama was actually paraphrasing something Mr. McCain said in their 2008 presidential campaign.

Romney senior New Hampshire adviser Tom Rath tells CBS News the ad is “exactly what we want.”

“They were using McCain’s words to make fun of McCain. And we’re using the exact same technique,” he said.

Pressed on whether it was unfair to lop off the top of Mr. Obama’s comments — which would show the president was quoting the McCain camp — Rath said, “He did say the words. That’s his voice.”

He then [suggested] that the more people discuss the ad, the better it is for the Romney campaign.

So what’s the moral of this story? There’s none. There are ABSOLUTELY NO MORALS depicted in this story… and that’s exactly the way Romney is choosing to run his campaign. Morals, apparently, are for losers!

occupy wall street Politics

Best Sign Yet From The Occupy Movement

Best sign yet. As the “Occupy” movement spread across the nation, the bottom 99% are finding some very impressive ways to describe their frustrations. If awards were given out for ‘Best Sign In A Protest Movement’, this one should have no problem winning.

From ‘Occupy Austin’

Politics weekly address

President Obama Weekly Address – Pass The American Jobs Act Now

President Obama again used his weekly address to continue his push for the American Jobs Act and he asked Republicans to vote for the American people, instead of standing on the sidelines watching the economy go down the drain.

“There are too many people hurting in this country for us to simply do nothing,” he said.” The economy is too fragile for us to let politics get in the way of action.  The people who represent you in Washington have a responsibility to do what’s best for you – not what’s best for their party.”

President Obama also directed some of his address to people like Eric Cantor, the House Majority Leader. Earlier in the week, Mr. Cantor said that the House of Representative will not be voting on the American Jobs Act. President Obama called on all in Congress to vote on the bill, or explain to their reasoning for ignoring the wishes of the American people.

So any Senator out there who’s thinking about voting against this jobs bill needs to explain why they would oppose something that we know would improve our economic situation.  If the Republicans in Congress think they have a better plan for creating jobs right now, they should prove it.

The President also explained that the Jobs Act is fully paid for. It will also have “a significant” effect on the economy.

Independent experts who do this for a living have said that this jobs bill will have a significant effect for our economy and middle-class families all across America.

The video:

Barack Obama Politics weekly address

President Obama: End The Politics, Pass This Jobs Bill!

In his weekly address, President Obama again called on Republicans to work for regular middle class American people, instead of protecting the super rich. He focused on the jobs bill that Congress received over three weeks ago, and urged Congress to work and pass the bill that he says, “is fully paid for.”

This jobs bill contains the kinds of proposals that Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past.  And now I want it back.  It is time for Congress to get its act together and pass this jobs bill so I can sign it into law.

Mr. Obama also called out the Republicans in congress, saying that they’ve stated being in favor of some aspects of the jobs bill. And he ask them to state what “exactly they’re against.”

 Are they against putting teachers and police officers and firefighters back on the job?  Are they against hiring construction workers to rebuild our roads and bridges and schools?  Are they against giving tax cuts to virtually every worker and small business in America?

He then went on to mention some of the letters he has received from different constituents, asking for passage of the bill. He ended the address by promising to work endlessly on getting the jobs bill to become law. The President also urged the nation to work with him, and call their members of Congress. “If anyone watching feels the same way, don’t be shy about letting your Congressman know,” he said.” It is time for the politics to end.  Let’s pass this jobs bill.”

job creation Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Mitt Romney’s Record – 47th In Job Creation As Governor

We’ve all heard Mitt Romney’s claim that while he was governor of Massachusetts, he was known as a ‘job creator’. Well, that’s Romney’s claim, but it’s simply not the facts. The DNC has put together a little video shedding some light on Romney’s boast. The fact is, that out of all 50 states, Romney’s economic policies came in at number 47th in job creation.

The Ad.

Politics taxes

Russell Simmons To The Rich – Stop Bitching, Pay Your Damn Taxes

Republicans have shown time and time again during these negotiations on raising the debt ceiling, that they are willing to allow the good faith and credit of America to be ruined, just to protect the tax loopholes their rich friends enjoy. Loopholes like providing $600 billion a year to oil companies and giving tax breaks to companies who close down businesses in America and open those same businesses in other countries. Well, Russell Simmons, a millionaire whose net worth is listed as over $340 million, has some choice words for his fellow millionaire friends: “Stop bitching and pay your damn taxes!”

Mr. Simmons wrote a piece in Huffington Post in which he rightly criticizes Republicans for attempting to balance the budget on the backs of the middle class and poor, while the rich gets richer.

To all my Republican friends, billionaires and multi-millionaires, stop bitching and pay your damn taxes. How dare you make record profits and not want to contribute more to fixing our problems while some in our country are suffering the worst economic times since the Great Depression? I DON’T NEED A TAX BREAK. I AM RICH. AND SO ARE YOU!

He then questions the wisdom of American citizens who would support Republican candidates who only have intentions of protecting millionaires.

Who amongst us is stupid enough to support politicians that want to protect guys with corporate jets and five homes around the world? What rock are we living under? I know this may not sound like the voice of a yogi, but even Krishna would have told Arjuna stop crying and pay your damn taxes. So, stop this nonsense and start giving.

Simmons then questioned the claim by many rich folks who claimed they “worked hard,” to  attain their wealth and asked them, “what box you lifted today?” He continued;

Most of you, not all of you, but most of you got some lucky break or your daddy left you all that you needed. I know, for one, I am one of the very lucky ones. Talent was a small second to the luck I’ve had while building my businesses. The “hard work” is the fun part; the only happiness we get is derived from that service.

He then praised the efforts of President Obama for wanting to put politics aside to get America back on the right economic track, while the rich and their Republican friends exert no effort to do the same.

The President has shown he is willing to make compromises and make difficult decisions to put this country back on the right track while it seems that all you want to do is play Russian roulette with the most vulnerable people of our nation. The President is showing leadership and you Republicans are showing how silver your pockets are lined by the corporate interests. That is not acceptable and you should be targeted for support. You ought to know full well that we cannot decrease our deficit by only cutting our spending. We MUST raise revenue. And those who have made the most should give the most.

And we couldn’t agree with him more. Because of the policies and hard work of middle class Americans, the rich in this country have prospered beyond their wildest dreams. It is only right that now when the country needs their support, they should pick up the slack and do their share. The middle class and the poor are already carrying the majority of the burden.

Chuck Schumer Mitch McConnell Politics Republican United States

Republicans – Flushing The Economy Down The Drain For Political Gain

“Do they simply want the economy to go down the drain to further their political gain? They seem to be against anything that may create jobs, because they view a weak economy as key to their political chances in 2012.

“It’s an uncomfortable question, to be sure. Are they trying to undermine the economy on purpose, for political gain? Harry Truman had a do-nothing Congress. The Republicans seem to be trying to make this a do-nothing-on-the-economy Congress.”

Better late than never. Finally, Senator Chuck Schumer and other Congressional Democrats are beginning to believe what the rest of America has known since Rush Limbaugh’s  admission a few weeks after President Obama was sworn in: “I want this president to fail”. And ever since then Congressional Republicans have been on a mission to make sure Rush Limbaugh gets his wish.

The Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell also expressed Limbaugh’s sentiments when in October 2010, he explained what his number one priority was. No, it wasn’t fixing the economy. No, it wasn’t finding ways to put Americans back to work, and if you thought his number one priority was making sure America recovers from this recession, then you’ll be wrong again. McConnell, the Republican’s leader,  said his party’s  number one priority was to make sure President Obama was a one term president. In an interview with the National Journal, this was the exchange with McConnell;

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

President Obama was sworn in on January 20th, 2009, and now, a little over 2 years into his presidency, Congressional Democrats are finally seeing the light. Schumer continued;

“If there’s one thing the GOP has stood for throughout their history, it’s free trade. When Senator Baucus unveiled an agreement to proceed, you would have thought Republicans would jump for joy. Instead, Republicans took us down the rabbit hole once again.”

“Are Republicans opposing yet another measure they once supported simply because that measure might be good for the economy?” Schumer asked, also citing GOP opposition to recent measures like a payroll tax cut and to small business development programs.

Pressed by a reporter on whether he really believes the GOP wants to destroy the economy on purpose, Schumer went further than ever before, taking things out of the realm of the hypothetical.

“It’s a thought you don’t want to believe,” Schumer said, “but every day they keep giving us more and more evidence that there’s no choice but to answer Yes.”

With Republicans like this in government, who needs terrorists? We’ve  got our own, and they’re actively working to destroy the very foundation of this country.

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