
Bernie Sanders Lays Out his Economic Agenda – Video

After a one-sided win against Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, Democratic Presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders flew back to Harlem, New York and was interviewed for MSNBC’s Politics Nation by the Rev. Al Sharpton. In the interview, Bernie Sanders laid out his policy agenda for the upcoming votes in Nevada and South Carolina, and for the rest of the country.

Among his policy initiatives are positions the Senator has advocated for decades –

  • Reforming Wall Street,
  • Healthcare for all,
  • Tuition free colleges,
  • Creating Jobs and
  • Reforming the tax code ensuring that the rich pays their fair share.

The presidential candidate spoke about his agenda in the video below. The interview will broadcast on Sunday’s episode of Politics Nation on MSNBC.


job creation Mitt Romney Politics

Romney – The President Needs At Least 6 Months To 1 Year To Create Jobs

Mitt Romney sat down with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow, and made a curious observation. He said voters who want a strong economy should vote for him, but Americans “ought to give, whichever president is going to be elected, at least six months or a year to get those policies in place.”

At first blush, that may sound fairly reasonable. A president takes office, he or she needs time to put a team in place, craft an agenda, and get to work. What’s more, we generally don’t see the results of economic policies immediately; the agenda needs time to take effect. In Romney’s mind, six months to a year seems fair.

But let’s go ahead and apply this standard to President Obama, who took office in the midst of the worst global economic catastrophe since the Great Depression. Hey, look, here’s a new chart I put together.


So according to Mittens, President Obama is doing pretty good. Six months after he was sworn into office, almost three million jobs were created. And in February 20, 2010 – one year after the President took office, almost 4 million jobs were created.

Contrast that to George Bush, who spent 8 years in office to see a little over 3 million jobs created.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Is An Empty Suit, and We Have Proof

Breaking News: Mitt Romney is an empty suit – but you already knew that. So it should come as no surprise to hear Mitt Romney’s plan to restore the economy.

While campaigning in Virginia earlier this week, Romney passed on some information explaining his answer to a common question these days – what would Romney do to help the economy?

“What I would do? People ask me, `What would you to get the economy going?’ and I say, `Well look at what the president’s done and do the opposite.”

Yep, that’s his answer and it’s quite alarming. To better understand the magnitude of this empty answer from this empty Republican suit named Mitt Romney, let’s take a look at some of the things President Obama has done, and the opposite path Romney would take.

1 – less than 4 years in office, President Obama has already cut taxes for small businesses 17 times. Romney would do the opposite, which means he will raise taxes on small businesses 17 times in his first term. But wait, there is a small issue called the Grover Norquist Pledge – a pledge that Republicans have taken making it impossible for them to raise taxes. So no opposite here.

2 – in less than 4 years, the President has cut taxes for 95% of the working middle class. A Romney opposite would be to raise taxes on 95% of the working middle class. By the way, that Grover Norquist pledge mentioned above would not apply here, as Republicans have shown a preference to putting the burdens of the economy squarely on the back of the middle class. Raising taxes on the middle class is an opposite Romney would certainly entertain.

3 – in less than 4 years, the President’s policies have saved the American Auto industry. A Romney opposite would be to let the auto industry die. As a matter of fact, Romney was very clear that killing the auto industry was his preferred method. He even said President Obama should “let Detroit go bankrupt.” I thought we were talking about helping the economy. Killing off the auto industry means killing off hundreds of thousands of jobs. Exactly how would this help the economy? Yes, definitely an opposite here.

4 – in less than 4 years, the President’s policies have created or saved over 4 million private sector jobs. A Romney opposite would be to eliminate these jobs. As a Venture Capitalist at Bain Capital, Mitt Romney did just that – taking over American companies, shutting them down and shipping those jobs overseas. And as governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney’s job record was dismal – he brought the state’s jobs record down to 47th out of all 50 states. Eliminating jobs? A proven Romney policy. Another definite opposite.

Although we could continue, the point is clear. Mitt Romney has finally decided to be honest about something. The only problem is his honesty about doing things opposite to President Obama on the economy is a recipe for disaster. We’ve already been down that road with Bush and that road lead us straight to this recession. We refuse to fall for the same failed game plan again.

George Bush Mitt Romney Politics

The Policies That Crashed The Economy Are The Policies Romney Will Continue

Mitt Romney made his millions from legal maneuverings done at his Bain Financial company that cost some smaller businesses their profits and cost thousands of employees their jobs. He is the poster boy of the top 1% of the richest people in America and he gladly carries that banner. In a world where greed takes the place of common sense and decency, a world where the rich are making more money now than anytime in our recent history – while the bottom 99% are asked to pay more of what they don’t have – this is not the time to put a poster boy for the top 1% in the White House.

With that said, what if Americans continue in their slumber and buy into the Romney sales pitch, you know… that he’s one of us, that he’s looking out for our best interests, that he wants the middle class to prosper, that he’s from the streets? What if on election day, the bottom 99% elects the poster boy of the top 1% to the highest office in the land. What can we expect?

Well based on Romney’s own words – and as we’ve seen, his words really don’t mean that much because of his amazing flip-flopping abilities – Romney’s economic plan will lower taxes even more for his rich buddies. His plan would raise taxes on the 99% even more, and we, the 99%, will be asked to carry more of this economy on our backs while President Romney and his rich buddies continue raking in the dough.

Romney has also said on many occasions that he will “repeal ObamaCare,” the health care plan President Obama put in place. A plan that is already providing insurance coverage to millions more young people and ends the ability of insurance companies to drop your coverage if you were sick in the past. While he was governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney implemented the very same health care plan for the citizens of his state. But now that he is running for president, Mitt Romney is promising repeal of a health care plan that mimics his own, simply to get the votes of his far right Teaparty base.

And there is also Romney’s promise to end regulations on businesses so that they will be free to do whatever is in their best interest to survive. Even if it means taking away common sense requirements put in place to support the employees and the general public as a whole. And apparently agencies like the EPA and the Education Department will no longer exist. So companies would be free to dump all kinds of pollutants into the atmosphere or into our waters, if it meant their profit margins would increase.

Like Romney said at a campaign stop recently, “corporations are people my friends,” thus, if elected, a Romney presidency would make sure that Corporations/people continue to live and prosper, even if we the people – the people the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights were meant to protect – suffer in the process.

Are you a member of the 1%? Then you would be happy… no ecstatic with a Romney presidency. But for the rest of us, we must wake up and realise that what Bush started with his unpaid wars – a move that put billions into the pockets of Dick Cheney, Halliburton and other war mongering companies – and his trillion dollar tax cuts for millionaires among many other dumb policies, will only magnify and multiply if Mitt Willard Romney gets the #1 spot in the white house.

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