
President Obama’s New Ad Explores “The Choice”

The new ad by the Obama campaign takes the focus off Mitt Romney’s vulture career at Bain Capital for the moment, and looked instead at the difference between candidates. The President explains what a Romney presidency would be like, saying that Romney would take us back to the same “Trickle-Down Economic concept,” tired (and failed) by George Bush.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney: Chairman, CEO and Sole Shareholder, But Not Responsible?

The good folks at the Obama Re-election campaign came up with another ad hitting Romney and his refusal to release his taxes to the American people. The ad ask the question, how was it possible that Romney was the Chairman, CEO and sole shareholder of the company, but not responsible for anything that happened under his watch?

Romney is already claiming he is not responsible for any hidden secrets his taxes may reveal because he entrust the investments of his funds to a “blind trust.” Of course we’ve already debunked that claim using Romney’s own words.

Barack Obama Mitt Romney Politics

Obama Vs Romney – Insourcing Vs Outsourcing. You Choose

A new ad by the Obama campaign draws a contrast between the President and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney. The narrator in the ad begins by saying, “what a president believes matters.” He then goes on to describe how Mitt Romney was a “pioneer in outsourcing American jobs to low wage countries.”

Compare that to President Obama, who the narrator says “believes in insourcing” and “saved the auto industry.” The President also “favors tax cuts for companies that bring jobs home.”

In an economy that need jobs, seems the choice is obvious. Insourcing vs Outsourcing? Obama vs Romney – You choose!

Mitt Romney Politics

Romney Economics: SCM Company, Captured and Killed for Romney Profit

SCM was another company bought on a $5 million investment, then captured and killed for a $100 million profit by Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital. The hardworking Americans who felt the brunt of Romney’s decisions tells their story below.

Romney has said on many occasions that his business experience qualifies him to be president. Anyone who say looking into Romney’s business experiences at Bain Capital is wrong, has decided to drown in a sea of ignorance.

Mitt Romney Politics quotes

Mitt’s Brain Power at Work – “I Can’t Remember What I Said, But I Stand By What I Said, Whatever It Was”

This man is now the leader of the Republican party and fittingly so. For Republicans have slowly became a group of people who are hellbent on doing everything they possible can to lower the education level of Americans. They are actually trying to end the Education Department. So hearing Mitt Romney make this statement earlier this week was not only practical, it was very appropriate.

Oh, and the Obama Re-Election Team created this ad below showing some other things Romney has said. The purpose of the video is to question if Romney remembers these statements, and whether he stands by them too.

Mitt Romney Politics

Romney’s Job Creation Record at Bain is Non-Existent

Mitt Romney is the first one to admit that he is not a politician, although he’s been running for political office for decades. He would rather the American public see him as a private citizen who spent his life running a business and have now decided to run for president. He would love if we forget the political nonsense he has said over the years and his dismal economic record as governor in Massachusetts.

With that in mind, the Obama administration decided to take a look at Romney’s business career – his record at Bain Capital. As the head of Bain, Romney’s decision to take over businesses, selling off their assets and shipping jobs overseas for cheaper labor is how Bain made its money.

Here’s an example…

Politics Republican

Scott Brown Sheds His Republican Skin – Is He Now An Independent?

Embroiled in a massive battle in Massachusetts against Democratic favored Elizabeth Warren, Republican Scott Brown seems to be shedding his Republican skin and has adorned himself in the Independent banner. In this newly released ad, Brown is said to have  “turned out to be unpredictably independent and beholden to no one.”


President Obama’s New Ad – ‘Go.’ We’re Moving in the Right Direction

It’s Monday, and the Obama re-election campaign has released another ad with a simple message – we are not there yet, but we are heading in the right direction.

The ad begins looking at the state of the economy before the President took into office. It also mentions that compared to where things were and where they are now with over 4 million jobs created, a rebounding auto industry, ending the war in Iraq and capturing Osama Bin Laden, the nation is coming back.

The ad will run in the battleground states of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire, Iowa, North Carolina, Florida and Colorado.

Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum: “As Governor, Mitt Romney was 47th Out of 50 States in Job Creation”

Today, Mitt Romney is bowing to the commands of Rick Santorum, even making the unprecedented move for a presidential nominee to go to the loser’s campaign headquarters to talk to the loser. That is what Romney is doing today as he begins his courtship for the Santorum endorsement.

And in preparation of that eventual endorsement, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has prepared this video, reminding Santorum and Romney of some of the things that was said as recently as a few months ago.

This is too easy.

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics

So Newt, Tell Us What You Really Think about Romney

The Republican nominating process this election cycle has been a godsend for the Democratic Party and the Obama re-election campaign is taking full advantage of that process.

With the recent withdrawal of Newt Gingrich’s presidential aspirations, the President’s campaign has put together this nifty little ad, using some of Newt’s own words to describe Mitt Romney.

Let’s go to the video-tape.

Mitt Romney Politics

This is Too Easy – President Obama Points Out The Romney Lies – Ad

Now that the President is officially in campaign mode with Mitt Romney being the obvious choice for the Republican nomination, the Obama presidential campaign put out this simple ad focusing on some of the things Romney have said during the campaign, and then showing where Romney is blatantly lying to the American people.

Like taking candy from a kid… not that we take candy from kids… well, your kids shouldn’t be dining on candies anyway… unless they’re Sarah Palin’s…

Back to the video below.

Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Mitt Romney’s Health Care Mandate Included “$50 Abortions” – Ad

Rick Santorum’s new ad against Mitt Romney is a doosey!

The ad begins with a picture of President Obama and a female narrator asking viewers if they would vote for someone whose health care included “$50 abortions and killed thousands of jobs.”

She then asks if voters will vote for someone who supported “radical” cap-and-trade legislation, the Wall Street bailout or higher taxes.

At the end of the video, the woman reveals that the person she was talking about was not President Obama, but Mitt Romney.

Yes, this video is a doosey alright!

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