
Republican Senate Candidate – Outsourcing, “I’m proud of it”

Proud of taking American jobs and outsourcing them to other countries. This Republican Senate candidate is only saying out loud what that the rest of the Republican Party say in secret.

U.S. Senate candidate David Perdue said Monday he is proud of outsourcing he has done in his career as a corporate executive, pushing blame for lost jobs back on Washington.

Perdue, a former CEO for Dollar General and Republican nominee to replace retiring Sen. Saxby Chambliss, was stung by his own words last week in an article on The Washington political news website quoted Perdue from a 2005 deposition where he said he “spent most of my career” outsourcing.

“Defend it? I’m proud of it,” he said in a press stop at The White House restaurant in Buckhead. “This is a part of American business, part of any business. Outsourcing is the procurement of products and services to help your business run. People do that all day.”

China Politics

Obama Campaign Hits Flip Romney’s Chinese Connection

A new ad from the Obama Campaign hits Flip Romney where it hurts – in China. Yes, China, where Romney has made millions of dollars from outsourcing American jobs for cheap labor and a huge profits.

The Associated Press reports;

The 30-second spot opens with a clip of Romney during a 2011 Republican primary debate. He says “the Chinese are smiling all the way to the bank taking our jobs and taking a lot of our future. And I am not willing to let that happen.”

A narrator responds that Romney “made a fortune letting it happen.”

The Obama ad refers to a newspaper account about the role Romney’s firm played with companies that were “pioneers” in helping outsource jobs. It pointed to one business that said it was a “one-stop shop for their outsource requirements.”

“Mitt Romney’s not the solution. He’s the problem,” the narrator says.

Barack Obama Mitt Romney Politics

Obama Vs Romney – Insourcing Vs Outsourcing. You Choose

A new ad by the Obama campaign draws a contrast between the President and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney. The narrator in the ad begins by saying, “what a president believes matters.” He then goes on to describe how Mitt Romney was a “pioneer in outsourcing American jobs to low wage countries.”

Compare that to President Obama, who the narrator says “believes in insourcing” and “saved the auto industry.” The President also “favors tax cuts for companies that bring jobs home.”

In an economy that need jobs, seems the choice is obvious. Insourcing vs Outsourcing? Obama vs Romney – You choose!

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