I’ve been watching David Gregory on Meet The Press for sometime now since he took over from the late, Tim Russert. And it seems like every Sunday, I’m left wondering what his political affiliation really is. And no, I don’t expect him to lean Democratic, but I don’t expect him to lean Republican either and “lean” is the appropriate word to describe the lope-sided Republican geared questions and talking points Mr. Gregory kicks out every Sunday.
Now there are many times on previous shows of Meet The Press where the point stated above could be seen, but the most recent show is what I’ll base my belief on – that he is a Republican mole.
In today’s Meet the Press, David Gregory had Carly Fiorina on among other guests. In his first question for Mrs. Fiorina, David Gregory read an entire talking point from GOP Mitt Romney where he criticizes President Obama’s leadership, then asked Carly if the criticism was fair.
The piece that David Gregory read in it’s entirety is from Mitt Romney’s Op-Ed in USA Today. The piece states;
Has it come to this again? The president is meeting with his oil spill experts, he crudely tells us, so he knows “whose ass to kick.” We have become accustomed to his management style – target a scapegoat, assign blame and go on the attack. To win health care legislation, he vilified insurance executives; to escape bankruptcy laws for General Motors, he demonized senior lenders; to take the focus from the excesses of Government, he castigated business meeting in Las Vegas; and to deflect responsibility for the deepening and lengthening downturn, he blames Wall Street and George W. Bush. But what may make good politics does not make good leadership. And when a crisis is upon us, America wants a leader, not a politician
After reading the piece, Gregory asked another Republican, Fiorina, if a fellow Republican was “fair” to criticize the democratic president. Are you for real? You bring on a Republican, read an entire piece from a fellow Republican, and then asked the other Republican, “Do you think that’s fair?”
What did David expect Carly to say, “No, Mitt was completely wrong to write those words?” Maybe he thought she actually would have come on TV to publicly chastise her ally?
Meet the Press used to be a place where you could tune in for unbiased journalism. It seems that with the unfortunate passing of Tim Russert, they’ve thrown the ‘unbiased’ part out the window. Quite frankly, it seems the ‘journalism’ part died too and was buried along with Mr. Russert.