Donald Trump Politics

Meghan McCain Calls Donald Trump a “Barbarian” for Attacking Dead Soldier’s Family

Meghan McCain, daughter of Republican Senator and 2008 Republican presidential candidate, John McCain, is one of those Republicans who have had enough of Donald Trump.

After Donald Trump decided that it was perfectly fine to use his presidential platform to attack the parents of an American soldier who gave his life in service to this country, Meghan took to twitter to express her shock at the Republican presidential candidate, calling him a “barbarian” for going after the “parents of a fallen soldier.”

“I would ask what kind of barbarian would attack the parents of a fallen solider, but oh yeah it’s the same person who attacks POW’s,” McCain wrote on Twitter late Saturday.

Trump has faced backlash from Republicans and Democrats after he lashed out at Khizr Khan, the father of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq who gave an emotional speech last week at the Democratic National Convention.

Trump said Khan had “no right” to criticize him and questioned whether Khan’s wife, Ghazala Khan, was “allowed” to say anything.



John McCain’s Granddaughter says – “I’m With Her”

Caroline McCain, the granddaughter of the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, is a proud member of the “Never Trump” movement. In a post published by Medium, Caroline expressed her frustrations with the new leader of the Republican party, saying that Trump lost her support when he questioned her grandfather’s “war hero” status.

In a Medium post titled, “For this Republican, Never Trump means ‘I’m With Her,'” Caroline McCain writes that she became opposed to Trump last summer when he questioned her grandfather’s status as a war hero.

“I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said at the time.

John McCain was held prisoner during the Vietnam War.

While the Arizona senator “responded with grace and forgiveness — as only a man who was held in captivity for years can,” Caroline McCain wrote, “I’ve been nursing a grudge ever since.”

“He insulted my grandfather and attacked the very qualities  —  loyalty, bravery and selflessness  —  that he and countless other POWs embody,” she added.

McCain wrote that Trump never won her over during his candidacy, calling him a “misogynist,” “racist” and “demagogue,” citing his remarks on women and minorities throughout his campaign.

She said she decided to support Clinton during the Democratic National Convention this week, where Democratic heavy-hitters touched on themes of American exceptionalism in an effort to win over reticent Republicans.

“The party I grew up in, the party I want to work in and change and push to be more inclusive, betrayed me and countless others,” McCain wrote.

“Loyalty to party can never trump loyalty to country. And loyalty to party means nothing when the party has been poisoned.”

Donald Trump Politics

Muslim American Challenges Trump to Read the Constitution – Video

In their everlasting quest to be “Fair and Balance,” Fox News conveniently refused to broadcast certain DNC speeches to its audience. One of those speeches was done by Khzir Khan, a Muslim father whose son was killed by a bomb while he fought as an An American soldiers in Iraq.
It was a great speech overall, but the best part was clearly when he inquired about whether Trump ever read the constitution, then offered him his copy.

“Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you – have you even read the United States Constitution?”

Khan then pulled his own copy out of his jacket pocket.

“I will gladly lend you my copy,” Khan said to deafening cheers from delegates.

First those who missed this speech, here it is.



RNC Inadvertently Calls Donald Trump a Fake Republican

If a Republican donates to Democrats, then he or she is not a real Republican. That statement was made clear by the RNC when they call out Republican Doug Elmets. Elmets has donated a total of $2200 to Democrats and was a recent speaker at the Democratic Convention. He is not a fan of Donald Trump. 

To separate Elmets from the Republican party, the RNC put up a statement calling him a fake Republican because he donated to Democrats.

Now as RedState points out, “if Doug Elmets has no credibility to attack Trump because he has donated to Democrats, does Trump has credibility to support Trump, since he gave to way more Democrats? Or how about Ivanka Trump, who is also a huge Democrat donor and Corey Booker fundraiser – she was apparently a real enough Republican to get the prime speaking spot at the whole convention.

What a farce this whole thing has become.

Donald Trump Featured Politics

Donald Trump’s Flip Flopping Confuses his Closest Advisers 

Donald Trump is giving Mitt Romney a run for his money in the flip flopping department. Even his closest advisers are confused by the speed at which Trump changes his mind.

This week, Trump said the government should raise the federal minimum wage by roughly one-third, calling for a legal standard of $10 per hour. The federal minimum is currently $7.25 per hour.

The Republican presidential nominee has made a series of contradictory comments during his campaign, at times indicating wages are already too high and at other times suggesting a boost is in order.

At the Democratic National Convention this week in Philadelphia, Trump was hammered repeatedly by Democratic speakers for suggesting the minimum wage should be dropped.

But now that Trump is recommending a specific wage hike, it’s the right’s turn to gripe.

Trump’s latest position puts him at odds with conservative thinkers and most of the business community, which argues that a government-mandated wage hike would just mean fewer workers as businesses cut costs to meet the new requirement.

Even Trump’s own economic brain trust could not explain how the GOP nominee decided $10 per hour should be the new standard.

“I saw the statement that he made on TV, but I haven’t had the chance to talk to him in the last couple weeks about this,” Stephen Moore, an economist at the Heritage Foundation who is advising the Trump campaign on economic issues, told The Hill on Wednesday.

“I don’t know exactly what he was endorsing. The $10 minimum wage, that was the first I’d heard of that.”

Donald Trump Politics taxes

NY Daily News Calls for IRS to Stop Auditing Trump’s Taxes – #ReleaseYourTaxes

Did you know that the Trump campaign has said he will NOT be releasing his taxes before the November presidential election? Imagine that! A presidential candidate who has decided to stick it to the American people and keep his taxes secret. The Daily News asks, what is Trump hiding? If Trump was a straight-up businessman like he claims, then releasing his taxes should be easy.

“Supported by President Obama, the IRS should declare Trump’s tax audit settled,” the editorial board wrote Wednesday. “The benefit of preventing him from further politicizing the tax agency would far outweigh collecting however many millions of dollars he may have shorted the U.S.”

Trump has frequently cited the audit as the reason for not being able to release his tax returns. But the IRS has said Trump can still release his returns despite an audit.

“Trump’s returns might well show that he is worth far less than he has boasted; that he has given next to nothing to charity; that he has finagled to reduce his tax payments to zero; that he has tapped American taxpayers to subsidize his lavish lifestyle, or something even worse,” the editorial continues. “Voters should shame him, hound him and harangue him — and the IRS should cut its losses by cutting him loose.”

Trump would be the first presidential candidate in 40 years to not release his income taxes.

Donald Trump Politics

“Anything is possible” says Obama on a Trump Presidency

The current president of the United States has come to terms with the fact that Donald Trump – arguable one of the worst choice Republicans have made to run for president – could win in November.

“Anything is possible,” Obama said in an interview that aired on NBC’s “Today” show Wednesday. “It is the nature of democracy that until those votes are cast and the American people have their say, we don’t know.”

“As somebody who has now been in elected office, at various levels, for about 20 years,” the president continued, “I’ve seen all kinds of crazy stuff happen.”

At a news conference in February, Obama rejected the idea that voters would elect Trump to succeed him in the Oval Office.

“I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president,” Obama said. “And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people, and I think they recognize that being president is a serious job. It’s not hosting a talk show or a reality show, it’s not promotion, it’s not marketing, it’s hard. And a lot of people count on us getting it right, and it’s not a matter of pandering and doing whatever will get you in the news on a given day.”

Donald Trump Featured Politics

Donald Trump askes Russia to Hack Hillary’s Emails – Video

While holding a press conference in Florida, the leader of the Republican party defended Russia as he spoke with confidence that Russia had nothing to do with the hacking of the DNC. Then Trump made this request to the Russians;

“If it is Russia, which it’s probably not, nobody knows who it is, But if it is Russia, it’s really bad for a different reason, because it shows how little respect they have for our country. When they would hack into a major party and get everything, but it would be interesting. I will tell you this. Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you find the thirty thousand emails that are missing. I think you’ll probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens next.”


Michelle Obama Politics

See It Again – Michelle Obama’s Unforgettable DNC Speech – Video

On Monday, while making her speech that Hillary Clinton should be this country’s next president, the First Lady of the United States made an excellent and heartfelt case for why Donald Trump should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. Why he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere in Washington for that matter.



Utah Republican Senator Leaves the Republican Party – Video

He said the direction of the party makes him “want to cry.” But after attending last week’s Republican Convention, all his fears about the Republican party were reinforced.

“No party is entitled to my membership or my support,” Utah Sen. Mark Madsen said.

The current direction of the party, he said, “makes me want to cry.”

“I’ve invested a lot in that party,” Madsen added. Madsen, a delegate who supported Sen. Ted Cruz, now identifies as a Libertarian. The Republican lawmaker said the RNC last week “reinforced” his decision to change party affiliation.



Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns from DNC

Bernie Sanders was right all along. Seems the DNC was in it for Hillary Clinton from the start. With the recent Wiki-Leaks publication proving Sanders’ point, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has announced she will step down as chair of the DNC.

In a statement Sunday, Schultz said the best way to accomplish the election of Clinton is to relinquish her chairmanship when the Democratic National Convention comes to a close Thursday night. But in a sign the Florida congresswoman is still determined to be heard before what could be a crowd of hostile delegates, she also indicated she still planned to speak.

“As party chair, this week I will open and close the convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans,” she said.

Schultz’s imminent departure casts a cloud over the start of the Democrats’ four-day convention as it underlines the remaining divisions between the liberal supporters of Bernie Sanders and the party establishment that’s been loyal to Clinton. DNC vice chair Donna Brazile, a longtime party activist and consultant, will serve as interim chair through the November election.

Donald Trump Politics

Jon Stewart Has Something to say About Donald Trump – Video

Jon Stewart is Back… well…sorta! The recently retired host of Comedy Central’s Daily Show, made an appearance to t Stephen Colbert’s Late Show and let loose on the Republican party, Fox News and, oh yea… Donald Trump!


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