Featured Racism

Black Woman Kicked Off Bus for Refusing to Sit in the Back

And this story is not about Rosa Parks, it’s about an incident that happened in California in 2014!

According to the SF Gate, Toni Young — who is black — states she was on her way to a family celebration in Sacramento in April of 2014 when she grabbed a front seat on a Greyhound bus driven by Cynthia Lara.

Young states that after she took her seat, Lara told her she would have to move because she was expecting an elderly woman to board when they reached Sacramento.

Despite explaining that she was getting off in Sacramento and that the seat would be available then, Lara insisted that Young move.

According to Young’s attorney, Michael Adams, she complied but “quietly” told Lara, “You don’t have to have an attitude about this.”

The lawsuit states Lara  “loudly asserted that she did not have any attitude,” and called for a security guard to remove Young from the bus.

It was then, Young asserts that Lara “loudly muttered” the racial slur.

“It was shocking to me that we have an incident like this reminiscent of the Rosa Parks incident many years ago,” said attorney Adams.

According to the attorney, Young was escorted off the bus and had to wait several hours for the next one. Young said she asked the guard for paperwork to file a complaint, but he said they were out of the forms. When she asked to speak with the station manager, she was told her the manager was not available.

Young stated that by the time she reached Sacramento, the family celebration was over.

“It was the most dehumanizing incident of my life,” explained Young. “I will never ride a Greyhound bus again.”

Joe Scarborough Politics

Joe Scarborough Slams Keith Olbermann on Morning Joe – Video

Keith Olbermann, one of the strongest Progressives ever to work at MSNBC and the man who singlehandedly brought the network back from the obyss, was knocked by Joe Scarborough today, years after Olbermann left the network.

Posing a question to Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin, Joe wanted to know why Fox News dumped their support for Marco Rubio and is now in favor of Donald Trump. In asking his question, Joe sourced a New York Times article claiming that Fox News had “abandoned” Rubio. Joe called this Rubio abandonment “shocking,” because, he “had never seen a candidate treated better by any network, other than MSNBC bowing and scraping to Barack Obama 2008.”

The MSNBC host then went into his Olbermann impersonation.


Donald Trump Featured Politics Racism

White Supremacist Group to Hold Rally for Donald Trump in DC – Video

Flirting with the racist among him, Donald Trump has found another reason to act ignorant and to pretend that endorsements from hate groups like the Klu Klux Klan, or David Duke, or White Supremacist, can be accepted on a case by case basis.

On Saturday evening, an Arlington-based think tank called the National Policy Institute plans to hold its annual conference in the rotunda of the Reagan building in D.C., with around 150 attendees expected.  The topic of the conference will be the Republican presidential frontrunner, Donald Trump.
But the NPI isn’t just any think tank. The Southern Poverty Law Center considers its president Richard Spencer to be one of the “most successful young white nationalist leaders” in the country today.
The NPI’s website says the group is  “dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of  people of European descent in the United States.”
In Trump, Spencer sees a figure “energizing” the white nationalist movement. So on Saturday, conference attendees will enjoy cocktails, dinner, desert, and three speakers praising and parsing the “Trump phenomenon.”


Domestic Policies Donald Trump Mitt Romney

The GOP Creates a False Reality

I don’t know why people are so concerned about Donald Trump’s foreign policy experience. He’s currently fighting a war right here in the United States, and he seems to be winning.

The past couple of days have shown, in vivid monochromatic white, that the Republican Party is in full-blown Three Mile Island meltdown mode, what with talk about a brokered convention and establishment plots to deny Donald Trump the nomination and vast amounts of money to stop his campaign that should have come in November when, perhaps, and I mean perhaps, it could have made a difference. What’s clear is that the party wants to stop him, but in the absence of any one candidate that has been identified as the anti-Donald, this is not going to happen.

Carting out Mitt Romney, of all people, to tell the world that Trump is a fraud is in itself a fraud of momentous proportions, but it is emblematic of how far the GOP has fallen and how they have, in Karl Rove’s famous words, created their own reality. Remember that it was Republican fuzzy math that gave them the false idea that Romney was going to defeat Obama until FOX News called Ohio for the president and Rove went into mini-meltdown mode on national television.

Then they thought that simply by winning some House seats that they were going to force the president to give up his signature accomplishment because, well, the base demanded that he do that. Then there’s the Cruz shutdown gambit  and the proposed Planned Parenthood shutdown gambit and the climate denial gambit and now the Supreme Court shutdown denial gambit that just got a whole lot more interesting.

But they’re saving the biggest reality denial for the fall, and that’s the idea that a political party that loathes its potential nominee and is publicly and loudly looking for an alternative that includes forcing a brokered convention and inviting talk about a third-party challenge can actually win a presidential election in November. Moderate Republicans, and I mean real moderates, not right wingers like John Kasich or Marco Rubio, will flee the GOP in the fall. Senators will run from Trump and try to create their own local reality in a news environment that will force them to take sides. And if the GOP does give in and support Trump, it will lose Hispanic voters and ensure that more women, young people and African-Americans will go to the polls. It’s difficult enough to win national elections when the party is helping its nominee; it’s almost impossible to win with a party that is spilt along three or four fronts.

I said repeatedly that Trump would not be the nominee because I assumed that the Republican Party would do anything to ensure its viability. That clearly is happening too late and I will admit that I am wrong as soon as Trump crosses the delegate math finish line. But if the party is still this fractured at the convention, then they will find it extraordinarily difficult to win in the fall.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Featured

Trump’s Campaign Co-chair Arrested for Conspiracy to Commit Crimes Against America

And now this!

Jerry Delemus, the husband of a New Hampshire Republican lawmaker and co-chair of the state’s“Veterans for Trump” coalition, was arrested Thursday for his role in the armed standoff nearly two years ago at the Bundy ranch.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Delemus on nine federal charges — including conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, threatening a federal law enforcement officer, obstruction of justice, attempting to impede or injure a federal law enforcement officer and several firearms charges,reported Portsmouth Patch.

The Tea Party activist and outspoken Donald Trump supporter traveled cross-country in 2014 to take part in the armed standoff between Bureau of Land Management agents and Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his militia supporters in a dispute over unpaid grazing fees.


Jimmy Fallon Plays Donald Trump and Chris Christie Stands Behind – Video

When Donald Trump gave his victory speech on Super Tuesday, he was flanked by the governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie.

Standing behind Trump like an obedient little puppy waiting for the crumbs from its master’s plate, Christie was an instant hit on social media, a total embarrassment to the people of Jersey.

Jimmy Fallon couldn’t wait to break out the wig and orange body spray, as he impersonated Trump and poked fun at the governor.



Poll – Majority of Americans Want Obama Supreme Court Nominee

A new CNN/ORC poll finds a majority of Americans want president Obama to fulfill his constitutional responsibilities and nominate a replacement Supreme Court Justice for the seat recently vacated by the passing of Antonin Scalia.

Overall, 58% say they’d like to see the President nominate someone to the Court rather than leave the seat vacant until a new president takes office next year, 41% would prefer a vacancy.

And more — 66% — say that whomever Obama nominates should get a hearing in the Senate. But once that happens, 48% say that if most or all Republicans in the Senate oppose Obama’s nominee, they would be justified in preventing a vote to confirm him or her.

Obama has said he does plan to nominate someone for the seat, and has called on the Senate to vote on his nominee. Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, has said the Senate Judiciary Committee would not hold hearings on any nominee put forward by Obama, nor would the full body vote on Obama’s choice.

Canada Donald Trump Featured

Google – Searches to “Move to Canada” Increased 350 Percent Since Super Tuesday

I thought I was the only one seriously considering a move to Canada if Donald Trump wins the White House. Apparently, I’m not the only one.

Google says the search “How can I move to Canada?” spiked 350 percent as results came in late Tuesday showing wins for GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

“Searches for ‘how can I move to Canada’ on Google have spiked +350% in the past hours,” tweeted Simon Rogers, the search engine’s data editor, Tuesday evening alongside the hashtag #SuperTuesday.

“Searches for ‘Move to Canada’ are higher than at any time in Google history,” the company later added.

Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Jr. Gives Radio Interview to White Supremacist

Donald Trump found himself in hot water on Sunday when he refused to denounce an endorsement by the former leader of the KKK, David Duke Now his son, Donald Trump Jr., apparently thought it appropriate to give a 20-minute radio interview to a white supremacist, a man who said slavery was great for black Americans.

James Edwards, host of the show “Political Cesspool,” scored a 20-minute interview with Donald Trump Jr. at a Memphis rally on Saturday, he wrote on his blog.

Edwards, who calls his views unabashedly “pro-white,” has hosted Ku Klux Klan leaders and Holocaust deniers on his show. He once wrote of slavery: “For blacks in the Americas, slavery is the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Unfortunately, it’s the worst thing that ever happened to white Americans.”

Ben Carson Politics

Carson’s Prayer – Hoping that People “Wake Up Before it’s Too Late”

Hope and prayer. That’s Ben Carson’s path to victory… maybe.

“Well, we clearly don’t know. We don’t have a well-defined path to victory,” Bob Dees told the Washington Examiner on Tuesday

“But we think the opportunity still exists for people to wake up, and that’s what we’re hoping.”

Dees said the campaign is hoping people gravitate toward Carson before it’s too late.

“Thomas Jefferson talked about that. He said that democracy depends on well-informed voters,” he said.

“He also said that he thought America would go down this path and the people would be manipulated [but] just before it was too late, people would wake up and regain their senses and start doing the right thing. We are hopeful that that occurs, and that along the way, people start doing the right thing.”

Carson has said in the past that he plans to stay in the race despite low poll numbers and having won few delegates.

The candidate said Tuesday that Republican officials have asked him to suspend his campaign. But he said that going into Super Tuesday, people could “awaken and recognize that just what they were asking for is what I have presented for them.” 

Donors have also tried to get Carson to drop out, Dees said.

“That’s been very tangible. It’s been several … two groups of billionaire types of folks that have pressured him,” he added. 

“People that drive super PAC activity and other endeavors and, in fact, there was even discussion of a, well, we can help with the Florida [U.S.] Senate seat if he’ll just agree to do what we’d like you to do or support our guy, drop out, etc. … [R]equests like that to subvert the system really galvanize him further and really substantiate the premise of which he’s in this race to start with.”


Donald Trump Paul Ryan Politics

Paul Ryan Slams Donald Trump on Super Tuesday

It’s all for show. Someone had to stand up and pretend to tell the rest of America that Republicans are not as crazy as they seem, and Paul Ryan was the chosen one.

After Donald Trump basically embraced former KKK leader David Duke with his initial refusal to reject Duke and the KKK, Paul Ryan was tapped to try and convince Americans that Trump was wrong.

“If a person wants to be a nominee of the Republican Party there can be no evasion and no games,” said Ryan in one of the party leadership’s most pointed attacks on Trump.

“They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry … This is the party of Lincoln. If someone wants to be our nominee, they must understand this.”

Ryan’s rebuke of Trump came as voters in 11 states headed to the polls on Super Tuesday. Prognosticators believe Trump will win the majority of delegates up for grabs on the busiest day of the battle for the nominations in both parties.


Donald Trump Politics

The New Hampshire Union-Leader Retracts its Chris Christie Endorsement

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie obviously did not win the Republican nomination for president, as the loser candidate dropped out a couple of weeks ago. But while he ran, some were fooled into thinking Christy had what it takes to be President.

Boy were they wrong. And that is exactly what one of Christie’s top endorser is saying now after Christie endorsed Donald Trump.

The New Hampshire Union-Leader just published an editorial on Monday titled “Christie was our bad choice,” it said it made a poor decision.

In its endorsement, the paper said that Christie had conservative values and could take down Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

“Boy, were we wrong,” Monday’s editorial begins.

The Union-Leader says despite the governor’s “baggage,” the paper thought he had the skills and experience necessary to take the presidency — and the best chance to take down Trump.

It then went on to slam Christie for his recent endorsement of Trump — something he said he’d never do, the editorial said.

“Watching Christie kiss the Donald’s ring this weekend — and make excuses for the man Christie himself had said was unfit for the presidency — demonstrated how wrong we were,” the editorial said.

“Rather than standing up to the bully, Christie bent his knee. In doing so, he rejected the very principles of his campaign that attracted our support.”

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