Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics Republican

Trump To Republicans – Let The Nation Go Into Default

Donald Trump just wont go away quietly. In order to make himself seem relevant still, The Donald had a little advice for the Republicans in Congress trying to negotiate a plan with the President to raise the debt ceiling. What was Mr. Hairpiece’s advice? Don’t compromise, do not make any deals. Let the nation go into default!

Donald Trump is willing to watch America lose its triple A ratings, to allow our economy and possibly the world’s economy to spiral out of control. Why? Because that way, President Obama would not be re-elected. The Donald had this to say on Fox and Friends;

“Frankly the Republicans would be crazy unless they get 100 percent of the deal that they want right now to make any deal. If this happens, for instance if this stuff is going on prior to an election, he can’t get reelected. He possibly can’t get elected anyway … The fact is, unless the Republicans get 100% of what they want, and that may include getting rid of Obamacare, which is a total disaster, then they should not make a deal other than a minor extension which would take you before the election which would ensure Obama doesn’t get elected, which would be a great thing.”

When the show’s host told him of a poll that shows Americans would blame Republicans if the nation defaults, Trump added this little nugget;

“I don’t care about polls! When it comes time to default, they’re not going to remember any of the Republicans’ names. They are going to remember in history books one name, and that’s Obama.”

They just don’t know when to stop the politics and do what’s best for the country.

Barack Obama Politics Republican Steve King

Republicans Suggest Impeaching Obama If Nation Defaults

President Obama has tried just about every conceivable angle, to convince these Republicans that a “balanced approach” is what’s needed to address the nation’s debt. That balanced approach being, spending cuts plus raising revenue. But Republicans have been defiant. They have maintained their original “no compromise” position on allowing some of the loopholes for the wealthy to end, and in effect, kept the stalemate going on how the debt ceiling should be raised.

And now this… Republican Steve King of Iowa, has turned the tables on the President. King is now suggesting that President Obama should be impeached if the nation defaults. Let that marinate!

So Republicans have refused to work with the President and Democrats on any plausible solution towards avoiding a default, but at the same time, they’re now calling for the President’s impeachment if we do?

Picture this:

The ship called The Economy just sank, and Republicans are safely in the only life boat. President Obama is in the water trying to save as many as he can. Both his hands are already full, but there’s still more to be saved. He turns to the Republicans and asks for their help…and they throw him an anvil.

Then from within the safe confines of the life boat, Steve King shouts out, ” and make sure you save everybody… and don’t let that anvil sink!”

Barack Obama George Bush Politics

Bush Vs. Obama – Who Spent The Most

A new report from the New York Times attempts to answer the questions – how did our economy get to this point? And where did this massive deficit come from? The report took the spending habits of the last president, and compared them to those of President Obama, from his inauguration in 2009 and projected through 2017, and interestingly, despite what Republicans and Conservatives think, George Bush still out-spent Barack Obama by more than 2 to 1.

When President Clinton left office in 2001, George Bush inherited a surplus, one that was projected to be over a trillion dollars for the next decade if the Clinton policies remained in effect. The chart below, which took information from The Congressional Budget Office and The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, tells the story of George Bush and his spending ways, and how he turned a surplus into a deficit beginning in 2002, and how that deficit grew each year until he left office in 2009.

  • The Bush wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, along with Defense – $1.5 Trillion added to the deficit.
  • The Bush Tax Cuts – $1.8 Trillion added to the deficit.
  • Non-Defense Discretionary spending under George Bush – $608 Billion added to the deficit.
  • Bush Tarp and other Bailouts – $224 Billion added to the deficit.
  • Bush’s Medicare Drug Policies – $180 Billion added to the deficit.
  • Bush’s Stimulus and other spending – $773 Billion added to the deficit.

All in all, George Bush took an actual surplus of $127 billion in 2001 and turned it into a deficit of $319 billion in 2005. His total in new spending equaled over $5 trillion. This figure dwarfs the $1.44 trillion in new spending President Obama is expected to make through two terms ending in 2017.
It should be noted that the biggest spending spree George Bush and the Republicans went on, according to these figures from the Congressional Budget Office, was the Bush Tax Cuts. The New York Times report puts it this way; “If all of them [Bush Tax Cuts] expired as scheduled at the end of 2012, future deficits would be cut by about half, to sustainable levels”.
Barack Obama Politics Ronald Reagan

It’s Time. Everyone Must Pay Their Fair Share

We all know the importance of America meeting her financial obligations and the global impact if Washington cannot or will not come together and figure out a way to get the debt ceiling raised. Over 200 world renowned economists recently wrote a letter to congress advising, no, demanding that the debt ceiling be raised and raised ASAP.

And while Republicans have steadfastly held their ground and insist that no new revenue be part of any debt ceiling debate, what exactly did their leader, Ronald Reagan, have to say about this very issue the many times America’s debt stared him in the face? On August 11th 1982, in Billings Montana, Ronald Reagan spoke to the crowed and explained the necessity of tax hikes on the wealthy by posing this question;

“Would you rather reduce deficits and interest rates by raising revenue from those who are not now paying their fair share, or would you rather accept larger budget deficits, higher interest rates, and higher unemployment?”

Reagan went on and raised the debt ceiling 18 times throughout his presidency.

Yes, everyone in these debates seem to believe that raising the debt ceiling to pay our bills is necessary. But the Republicans’ position that it must only be done through spending cuts with no new revenue is not only wrong, it’s immoral.

The millionaires and billionaires in this country owe a large portion of their wealth to the policies of this nation. The freedom of our government to empower an individual to be creative, to have and allow an idea to blossom into a product or service that benefits the masses. Whether it’s through subsidies, loopholes or legislative laws, these various provisions by the government increases the profit margin.

This is the reason we are considered the greatest nation on earth – we are free to dream and be innovative. And we are encouraged by these policies and the prospects of huge profits, to use the American capitalistic system to make our dreams come true. It is therefore, necessary that in this time of economic uncertainty, everyone – especially the rich – contribute to America’s recovery. This is not the time for more hand-outs. Sitting back while the poor and middle class bear the load of this economy is not the patriotic thing to do. It is wrong, and this type of mentality does a great disservice to the nation.

The choice is clear to all who are honest with themselves. Would we rather larger budget deficits, higher interest rates and unemployment, or should we demand that the millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share to the country that is partly responsible for their acquired wealth?

It’s time to close these loopholes, it’s time to end these unnecessary subsidies, it’s time that everyone contribute to this nation’s recovery.

Barack Obama Politics Republican United States

Save Us First, Mr. President

After eight years of the Bush Administration living way beyond its means and charging up a debt that has now put the country on the brink of disaster, NOW the GOP wants to introduce “cap, cuts and balancing”  in their never-ending quest to pin this insurmountable mess on President Obama.

The offer from Harry Reid and the Democrats to cut $2.7 trillion from our spending budget with no tax increase to the rich and no additional revenue is a travesty. Who’s going to suffer from those cuts? The poor and the soon to be devastated middle-class that’s who!

The pressure is on President Obama in this no-real-win situation. He can either allow the bills to go unpaid and be the first United States (Black) President in history to default on the country’s debt repayment schedule – but still illuminate the despicable, uncooperative stance of the GOP and thus hopefully proving to the skeptical and undecided that any faction of the  Republican Party is incapable of running anything, let alone the governing challenges of the US.

Or, he can drop his losing bi-partisan stance, take control, raise the debt ceiling as he knows – and reputable non-partisan economists have advised him – must be done, eliminate tax loopholes for the super wealthy who live like kings on the backs of the labor force  and steer Boehner and his bunch clear of the Big 3.

Mr. President, you may have to deal with this bullsh**t again in 2012 when you’re re-elected, but because of the sacrifices you would  make for us today, with hope and good sense the People will stand by you, especially in lieu of the odds we’ve witnessed you up against for the last 7 months with Republicans and the Tea Party.

What would I want you to do? I’d want you to save us first,  Mr. President! And come what may in 2012! You have more than proven that you are up for the challenge!

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