Politics women are okay

Rand Paul is Clueless – Says Women are Just Fine Thank You. No Republican War at All

The midterm elections are fast approaching… okay, so it’s still January. But the midterms are coming this year, and with that knowledge, Republicans are quickly realizing… again, that their outreach to voting groups should go beyond rich white men.

Mike Huckabee began that outreach last week trying to convince women that Republicans are their friends. And today, Rand Paul picked up where Huckabee left off. Of course, Huckabee’s conclusion that Republicans don’t have a war on woman and Paul’s misguided understanding that women are doing just fine thank you, are both wrong. But they will keep saying it because they don’t have a clue, and the midterm election is almost here.

Said Paul on CNN.

“The whole thing of the ‘war on women,’ I sort of laughingly say, ‘Yeah, there might have been – but the women are winning it,'” the Republican senator from Kentucky said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” He said women have made great strides and, as an example, now make up more than half the students at medical and law schools.

“I think women are doing very well, and I’m proud of how far we’ve come,” the potential 2016 presidential candidate continued.

“And I think some of the victimology and all of this other stuff is trumped up. We don’t get to any good policy by playing some sort of charade that somehow one party doesn’t care about women or one party is not in favor of women advancing, or other people advancing.”

As the GOP gears up for the 2014 midterms, some in the party have acknowledged that Republican candidates could do better when it comes to talking about women’s issues.

“Some of our members just aren’t as sensitive as they ought to be.” House Speaker John Boehner said last month, when asked about efforts by the House GOP campaign arm to improve how candidates appeal to female voters.

CNN’s chief political correspondent, Candy Crowley, pressed Paul on whether the issue is a “matter of words and tone.”

“Somewhat,” Paul said. “I think also a lot of the debates we have in Washington and in the public, generally, are dumbed down. They’re characterized and we get to the point where we’re talking about stuff and throwing stuff back and forth, and we are never getting to the truth.”


Rand Paul’s Wife Hasn’t Decided if He Should Run for President

There’s at least one member of Sen. Rand Paul’s family who isn’t quite on board just yet with a 2016 run – and that’s his wife.

After a speech at the Detroit Economic Club today, Paul, a Republican senator from Kentucky, was asked whether he plans to run in 2016, and he revealed his wife’s displeasure with the idea of a run for the White House.

“Where’s my cellphone? Can I call my wife?” Paul joked. “There’s two votes in my family. My wife has both of them, and both of them are ‘no’ votes right now.

“If I’m a very able politician, I’ll tell you in a year whether I’m able to persuade my wife. Right now, I don’t know yet, but I thank you for your interest,” he added.

Paul has been frank in admitting he is considering a 2016 presidential bid and has said he is discussing the option with his wife and family


Rand Paul – The Republican Copy Machine, Gets New Gig

Our lesson for today – Plagiarism is not okay in any media outlets except for the conservative ones,  where people with multiple records of plagiarism are quickly hired and welcomed with open arms.

I’m talking about Kentucky Senator, Plagiarist extraordinaire and a beacon for Republican/Teaparty ideology, Rand Copy and Paste Without Attribution Paul.

Rand Paul, as you all know by now, loves Wikipedia, Forbes Magazine, The Week Magazine…  He loves them so much that he “borrowed” entire sentences,  sometimes paragraphs from those publications without citing them as sources, then passed that information on as his own. That is the true definition of plagiarism, but Paul initially admitted to no wrongdoing, and even suggested a “duel” with reporter Rachel Maddow for her role in bringing the plagiarism story to light.

Paul then somewhat accepted responsibility on Tuesday when he went on CNN and said, “ultimately, I’m the boss, and things go out under my name, so it is my fault. I never had intentionally presented anyone’s ideas as my own.”

But that semi-acceptance of him mastering the copy and paste technique was too late. Paul’s weekly column on The Washington Times was already canceled.

But fear not for this brave hero of the Republicans. Paul will still get the opportunity to display his, someone else’s work for all to see.

Shortly after The Washington Times cut ties with the copy machine from Kentucky, the conservative media outlet Breitbart News announced that they would gladly accept his services thank you.

Said Larry Solov, CEO of Breitbart News;

“We are pleased to add Senator Paul to our lineup of fearless, original thought leaders. Most of all, we think the fighting spirit he has become known for is a perfect fit for Breitbart News Network and reflects that of our founder, Andrew Breitbart.”

Yes, you heard that right. He actually referred to Rand Paul as a “fearless,  original thought leader!”

So to the young and aspiring Plagiarists too lazy to do their own research,  or formulate their own ideas, or credit the work they’re stealing, there is hope for you after all. Rand Paul is leading the movement!

NOTE: This post first appeared on EzKool… just in case Rand Paul gets any ideas.

Charlie Sheen Politics

Rand Paul: “We are winning, and I am not on any drugs”

Sen. Rand Paul said Thursday that Republicans are like Charlie Sheen and are actually “winning” despite criticisms this week of party disarray over a budget strategy that would defund Obamacare, according to reports.

“Does anybody remember Charlie Sheen when he was kind of going crazy…And he was going around, jumping around saying ‘Winning, winning, we’re winning,’” Paul (R-Ky.) said, according to an MSNBC report. “Well I kind of feel like that, we are winning. And I’m not on any drugs.”

Paul’s comments, which were from an appearance before an audience of the Liberty Political Action Committee in Virginia, come after a week of Republicans sparring over whether to move ahead with a resolution proposal that would also seek to defund Obamacare. However, Paul ensures that the party has the public’s support on a variety of issues.

Black people Politics voter suppression

Rand Paul thinks that Evidence of Voter Suppression Does Not Exist

Despite the fact that he and his party are doing all they can to suppress the votes of African Americas and Latinos.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a tea party senator with a long history of opposition to civil rights laws, told an audience in Louisville, Kentucky on Wednesday that there is no evidence of black voters being excluded from the franchise. According to local NPR host Phillip Bailey, Paul said that he does not believe “there is any particular evidence of polls barring African Americans from voting,” during a speech to the non-partisan Louisville Forum.

If Paul is not aware of the evidence indicating widespread efforts to prevent African Americans from voting, then he must not be looking very hard. During the 2012 election, black and Hispanic voters waited nearly twice as long to cast a ballot as white voters. In Florida, lines of up to six hours led an estimated 201,000 people to become frustrated and leave the polls.

These lines existed largely because of a voter suppression bill signed into law by Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) which reduced early voting hours in the state. After the election, top Republicans admitted that the purpose of cutting early voting was to reduce Democratic turnout.

One Republican operative conceded that early voting was cut on the Sunday proceeding Election Day because “that’s a big day when the black churches organize themselves.”

Get a clue Paul! You’re blinded by your own politics.

Politics Republican

Rand Paul Punks Out Against Chris Christie

Over the last week, Rand Paul and Chris Christie have engaged in a war of words. And it was only a matter of time before one of two things happened – they would either take to the streets gladiator style, or the Rand Paul punk fest will begin.

Guess which scenario played out? Yes, the punk fest began and Rand Paul led the way.

Said Paul…,

“I didn’t pick this recent fight with the governor down in New Jersey, but I think the party does better if we have less infighting, so I would suggest if he wants to ratchet it down, I’m more than happy to.”

No word yet from Christie. Known to never back down from a challenge, we expect the New Jersey governor to use the ratchet and hit Paul over the toupee just one more time. Then, maybe, he’ll consider Paul’s request.

Watch this space… LOL!


John McCain Slams Rand Paul Over Filibuster – Video

After having dinner with Republicans last night, things have changed today. President Obama has a new friend in Washington and his name is John McCain. Of course we don’t expect this this new found relationship to last for too long, so while it exist, we will point it out.

Rand Paul said that his filibuster was because he needed information from the Obama administration that the president would not use drones to “kill Americans” on American soil. It is a baseless argument, because most everyone knows that the government will not use Drones to kill Americans. The argument being made by Rand Paul and some Democrats in Congress and even some journalist like Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, intentionally remove the word terrorist or enemy combatant from their argument, and leaves the impression that Obama is going to use drones to kill regular Americans.

The video below shows John McCain today, dismantling Rand Paul’s filibuster of an Obama nominee.

One Republican putting another Republican in his place? Yeah, we’ll highlight that any day.

It’s amazing what a dinner could do.


Tid Bits

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fox News (lol!) chief and resident fat ass, Roger Ailes has written (really!?) a book, Roger Ailes Off Camera, where he takes pot shots at President Obama and Joe Biden calling them “lazy” and “dumb as an ashtray”, respectively (or dis-respectively, if you just wanna make up stuff the way Fox News does). Not wanting to waste anymore words on the book, and as a special treat, I’m going let John Q. Public finish up this blog with their comments. So without further ado, I present the ‘Top Five Best Comebacks To Roger Ailes Calling President Obama Lazy’ from the Daily Beast:
#5 “Who needs to work hard? Dow goes up all by itself!”Stuart21
#4 “So the “lazy boy” and the “dumb boy” kicked his onions all over the road in ’08 and ’12. Just shows that lazy and dumb can be a winner if you get them in the right combination.”OrlandusGreen
#3 “Just another old and fat white geezer NeoCon from a by-gone era still trying to make himself seem important. When Rupert and this fraud finally retire, the 21st Century world will be better off! They have made much money by trying to prove who they are by blowing out the candles of others.AnIndividual
#2  “Really? Lard butt wants to talk about lazy? Yeaaah I am totally swayed by his viewpoint. *yawn* Whatever fat boy. Shouldn’t you be out finding another vapid bimbo to replace Palin? Hop to Lardo!!”TrishaLynnDragon
And the number 1 best comeback is…
#1 “A man with more chins than a Hong Kong phone book…a man who makes Mitch McConnell look chinless…a man who, if he took off his t-shirt, would be called “avalanche”…is calling someone “lazy?”miltchocklit
My work is done here lol! (And please, no offense to our Ezkool fans in Hong Kong. We luv you guys!) ♦

Early this morning at 12:39 EST, after nearly 13 hours, tea party favorite Rand Paul ended his filibuster to block the confirmation of John Brennan for CIA director on the senate floor. In a show of support, or maybe just to break up the monotony, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also came out onto the floor at one point, to congratulate Paul, a fellow Kentuckian, on his “tenacity” and “conviction”, contributing further to the standoff by calling Brennan a “controversial nominee.” Paul said he recognized that he couldn’t stop Brennan from being confirmed, but that in lieu of the confirmation felt it appropriate to bring up his opposition to the possibility of federal government use of drones to go after suspected terrorists here in America, a topic discussed on Ezkool by fellow columnist Tony Blackwell. Thirteen hours huh?! Is that all you got? Maybe if you had taken a cue from fellow Repub. Marco Rubio and had a small bottle of water just…within…reach…
No word yet on what Paul’s actual opposition to Brennan is, other than the fact that President Obama selected him.
*Politcal Trivia: Who held the longest Senate filibuster on record?

In Arkansas on Wednesday, the biggest challenge yet to Roe v. Wade, came in the form of a ban on abortions at 12 weeks of pregnancy passed by the newly Republican-controlled legislature and joined by several Democrats. The new law called Human Heartbeat Protection Act, is in direct conflict with the limit established by the Supreme Court decision giving women the right to an abortion up to 24 weeks into pregnancy.
It’s simple ladies and gentlemen.This is straight up Vagina Envy. A case of those that can’t, REGULATE! You want the task of pushing an 8 pound being out of a tiny hole in your body, go right ahead gentlemen. But until you can regulate that fantasy into existence, stay outta the Vagina’s bizzness! You’re making her angry, and you won’t like her when she’s angry! ♦

It’s official! Israel has been on “locust alert” since Monday, after large swarms of the creepy critters were spotted in the Cairo area. The FAO of the United Nations warned that wind and climate conditions increased the chances of an entomological cross-border invasion of Biblical proportions! And biblical comparisons were irresistible as locusts the size of small birds swarmed across the border from Egypt three weeks before Israel’s Passover observances. But not all considered this a bad omen. In fact, noting that locusts are considered kosher, local farm workers began frying them up for crunchy afternoon snacks. 
The Jewish holiday of Passover commemorates the biblical story of the Israelites’ liberation from slavery in Egypt. Divine punishment in the form of 10 plagues afflicted the Egyptians as the Pharaoh refused the entreaties of Moses and Aaron to let their people go. An east wind brought the locusts that devoured what was left of Egypt’s crops. Locusts also appear in the Koranic version of the tale.h/t The NYTimes  However, this plaque was handled in a far more modern way than in the days written of in the Bible and Koran”. On Wednesday, the Ministry of Agriculture said spraying pesticide in the affected areas has reduced the size of the swarm considerably. Take that Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse!. ♦

Oh yes!–the answer to the trivia question: Storm Thurmond, who blocked the Civil Rights Act of 1957 for over 24 hours, held the longest Senate filibuster on record! Incredible. ♦

Later pilgrims…


Domestic Drone Attacks? Maybe One Day

It appears the debate on Drone attacks are really beginning to heat up, but not where you’d expect. No, not internationally, but domestically… right here in the Good ol’ US of A. Now before you get all flustered and began pulling out the ‘registered’ Oozy’s you just purchased at your friendly neighborhood gun show, listen to what the Attorney General of the United States had to say.

Eric Holder

Attorney General Eric Holder said in a press conference on Tuesday that he could see Drone attacks taking place on U.S. soil one day. In fact, he said;

“It is possible, I suppose, to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States, for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States. For example, the President could conceivably have no choice but to authorize the military to use such force if necessary to protect the homeland in the circumstances of a catastrophic attack like the ones suffered on December 7, 1941, and September 11, 2001. The question you have posed is entirely hypothetical, unlikely to occur, and one we hope no President will ever have to confront.”


Rand Paul

Of course, this has riled some feathers, especially from Tea Party Extraordinaire, Rep. Rand Paul. In an interview with the beloved, Fox News, Paul stated;

“The thing about the drone strike program is we’re not talking about someone’s actively attacking America — we’re not talking about planes flying into the World Trade Center. What we’re talking about is you’re eating dinner in your house, you’re eating at a café or you’re walking down the road.”

The two instances Attorney General Holder spoke of were the most dastardly and atrocious attacks on the United States. And let’s not forget about the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma that took place in April of 1995 where 168 innocent people were killed. That was a homegrown attack, cowardly planned and executed by an American. An unimaginable crime against our own people, American citizens. Americans who went to work as they always did on a seemingly, routine day. Some dropped off their kids in a daycare in the same building that was attacked. A routine, uneventful day that was just like a day in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 or in New York City on September 11, 2001. They all turned out to be anything but routine.

Here’s my take.

The dynamics have changed. The game has changed. Warfare has changed. I know we are Americans and living on American soil but, as an American, don’t we and shouldn’t we have the right to live in our own country, free from fear? A fear that may one day be generated by one of our very own Citizens that have nothing but terror and terrorism in their heart, like the cowards that attacked the Federal Building in Oklahoma.

The last thing I’d want is for Drones to be used here in America, BUT, if there is a known threat to my family, friends and loved ones, “Drone the H*ll out of Them!”

This shouldn’t be a Debate. IF the public is at risk from a “known” terrorist – American or otherwise – I believe the Government, the President, the Military should use any means necessary to eliminate that threat. So, if that means drones in the United States, So Be It.

Sometimes, Rep. Paul, a trial just won’t do.

marco rubio Politics Republican State of the Union address

Indecisive Republicans: First Marco Rubio, Then Rand Paul To Respond To State Of Union Address

They’re claiming that Rand Paul will give the Teaparty response to the President’s State of the Union address. His two cents will be added after Florida’s Marco Rubio gives the Republican’s answer to the President.

But who do they think they’re fooling? We all know that the Teaparty is just another tentacle of the octopus that is the Republican party. Let’s hope that this time around, Rand Paul keeps his eye on the right camera and not do what Michele Bachmann did last time around.

“We are giving a voice to the tea party movement when the mainstream media and the Republican establishment wants to write us off as dead,” said Amy Kremer, chairman of the Tea Party Express. This is the third year in a row that Kremer’s organization has sponsored the tea party response.

The dueling GOP speeches come at a time when a very public rift is developing between the Republican establishment and conservative activists over the direction of the party. Some grassroots activists are specifically angry at Karl Rove and other Republicans for stating that they will choose sides in upcoming Republican primaries and only financially help candidates who have a chance of winning in the general election.

Chris Matthews Politics United States

Ron Paul – I Would Have Voted Against The Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Republican candidate for President, Ron Paul, just confirmed what we already knew – that he is against the 1964 Civil Rights law that outlawed different forms of discrimination against blacks and women.

The Republican/Libertarian appeared on the show Hardball with Chris Mathews and made his feelings against The Act known. His son Rand Paul, stated the same sentiments against the Civil Rights Act when he successfully ran for Senate in 2010.

Below is the video, compliments of TPM

Barack Obama Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured Republican United States

Rand Paul To Donald Trump: Are You A Registered Republican?

“I’ve come to New Hampshire today because I’m very concerned,” Rand Paul, the freshman Teaparty winner in Kentucky said. “I want to see the original long-form certificate of Donald Trump’s Republican registration.”

There was light laughter in the room, when Mr. Paul made the request during a breakfast speech on Thursday at the Merrimack County Republican Committee. Hearing the laughter, Mr. Paul added, “Seriously, don’t you think we need to see that?”

One day after Mr. Obama released his long-form birth certificate from the state of Hawaii – a move that was followed by Mr. Trump’s claim, during a visit to New Hampshire, that he believes he deserves credit for the president’s decision – Mr. Paul sought to turn-the-table on Trump. He gently urged Republicans to take notice that Mr. Trump has contributed money to Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, and many other Democrats.

“I’m going to believe it when I see his embossed seal to his Republican registration,” said Mr. Paul, a rising figure in the Republican Party who is visiting New Hampshire this week during the Congressional recess. He spoke with a smile, but his words marked one of the first times that a leading Republican has challenged Mr. Trump’s ties to the party.

Your move chump, oops, I mean Trump!

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