Chris Matthews Donald Trump Politics

INSANITY – Chris Matthews Had No Idea the KKK Endorsed Donald Trump – Video

How can you be a “prominent” member of the media, yet clueless to the sad fact that the KKK and White Supremacist groups have endorsed Donald Trump?

Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Hardball, questioned that sad fact on a recent installment of his show, when he attacked Hillary Clinton for bringing up Trump’s ties and endorsements from the KKK and White Supremacists. As a member of his panel pointed out that those groups have in fact endorse the Republican presidential candidate, Matthews answered that he didn’t know anything about that.

A simple google search would satisfy Matthews apparent ignorance on the matter, but Dailymotion did the work for him and his research team.

The first part of this video shows Matthews questioning and doubting Trump’s ties and endorsement from the KKK, and the second part of the video shows the KKK announcing their support for Trump.




Birthers Chris Matthews Donald Trump Politics

Chris Matthews Confronts Donald Trump on the Birther Issue – Video

Following the last Republican debate of 2015, Donald Trump was interviewed by Chris Matthews of MSNBC. And at the end of the interview, Matthews wanted to clear the air and have Donald Trump explain his feelings about President Obama’s place of birth. But Donald, the unofficial father of the birther conspiracy, refused to participate.

“Is Donald Trump honest when he says that Barack Obama isn’t a legitimate president?” Matthews asked.

“I should not tell you this, but I do watch you a lot,” Trump said. He then repeatedly said that he didn’t want to answer that question because “once I answer the question they don’t want to talk about the economy, they don’t want to talk about all the other things.”

When Trump was told that he would have to answer the question in the general election, Trump said he would answer it then.

Matthews ended the interview by telling Trump that the birther nonsense is “a blemish. I think it’s your original sin. I’m an American, I think the president should be respected! I think there’s a little ethnic aspect to it, I don’t like it!”


Chris Matthews Ebola MSNBC Politics

Someone Should Tell Chris Matthews – “Unlikely” Does Not Mean “Impossible”

Chris Matthews is a very smart man. That said, why does he have such a hard time understanding the difference between the words “unlikely” and “impossible?”

Over the last few days I’ve watched in amazement as the host of MSNBC’s Hardball blows his lid over and over again trying to grasp the difference between the two words. And so far, no luck.

It’s about the one confirmed case if Ebola in this country. When the CDC held a news conference on Tuesday acknowledging that a man in Dallas was in isolation because he had the disease, Matthews started his show with a clip of President Obama saying it was highly “unlikely” that Ebola would come to our shores. And Matthews has been hung up on that word ever since.

His unfortunate guests have received the brunt of Matthews criticism of the President as he asked them, no demanded, that they explain why Mr. Obama used the word “unlikely” if there is a confirmed case of Ebola in Texas. And in typical Matthews fashion, his guests rarely ever get the chance to explain because Matthews keeps on talking.

“Why would he say that?” Matthews asked, evidence of confusion branded across his forehead as he impatiently listened for an answer. Then seconds later as a guest ventured to answer, Matthews will continue on his tirade.

“He said this was ‘unlikely’ that Ebola would come to America.  Why would this president make such a statement?” Matthews would then cap off his confusion with, “we are now living in the world of the unlikely.”

But on yesterday’s show,  one guest came close to explaining the difference to Matthews, that saying something was unlikely doesn’t mean it was impossible. Dr. Anthony Fauci was one of the guests yesterday and he tried to shed some light on the two words.

“How does the president two weeks ago say that something like this was “unlikely” to happen?” Chris asked the Doctor, then he continued, “he said that it would be unlikely. It isn’t unlikely, it happened!”

The doctor tried to explain. “Well, you can be unlikely Chris and still happen. It is unlikely, but in fact, it isn’t impossible. And that’s what happened.”

Chris Matthews continued, still not getting the difference.

“But how can you tell the American people don’t worry, it’s unlikely, and it just happened? You can’t keep saying it’s unlikely if it’s happened, can you?

The doctor tried again, “well again, it depends on what you mean. It’s still an unlikely situation that someone will get through. It’s still unlikely.”

Chris moved on to the next guest.

Again, Chris Matthews is a smart man, but he is tripping himself up on something that is so simple, a two year old would understand.

Unlikely and impossible are two different words Chris. One word means there is a chance, the other means there is no chance. When the president used the word “unlikely,” stop thinking that meant impossible.


Chris Matthews eric holder Mike Brown Shooting Politics

Chris Matthews Wrongfully Criticized President Obama’s Leadership in Ferguson – Video

In a recent MSNBC interview about the events in Ferguson Missouri, Hardball’s host Chris Matthews attacked the president by comparing him to Eric Holder.

Earlier this week, Eric Holder made a visit to Ferguson, the place where citizens protested the murder of Michael Brown by a Ferguson cop, Darren Wilson. The protests have gone on for 12 days now with violent clashes between protesters and police officers with police using rubber bullets, tear gas and snipers to intimidate the protesters. Holders visit came on Wednesday, and is seen as a turning point in the protests. The violence is now minimal or even nonexistent as people are now hopeful that the federal government’s investigation will bring some form of justice to Ferguson.

In his interview with Craig Melvin, Matthews praised Holders visit, and used it to criticize the president.

“It may be a lesson for the president, too,” Matthews said. “And I’m not usually a critic of him but I have to say that I thought that in a very positive way Eric Holder showed how you lead in this country. And a big part of leading is showing up.”

What Matthews conveniently chose to ignore is the fact that Holder is part of the Obama administration, and his visit to Ferguson was initiated by the President himself.

Back on Monday during a press conference, the president called for calm heads to prevail in Ferguson and announced that he will send Eric Holder for a first hand account of the situation.

“The attorney general himself will be traveling to Ferguson on Wednesday to meet with the FBI agents and DOJ personnel conducting the criminal investigation and he will receive an update from them on their progress. He will also be meeting with other leaders in the community,” Obama said during the press conference.

Matthews refused to mention that fact in his criticism. He apparently thinks Holder’s visit was independent to the President’s decision to send him to Ferguson.


Chris Matthews MSNBC Politics

Chris Matthews to President Obama – You Should Sue Congress – Video

Sometimes, I strongly disagree with Chris Matthews of MSNBC, like when he went on his show and clearly parroted talking-points from the Teaparty, or when he said that Democrats should accept the Teaparty and their crazy ideology. His acceptance of the Teaparty and their message has caused some rather angry posts to be written about him, right here on this site.

But there are other times when the unpredictable host of Hardball say things that’s worth repeating. Like on a previous broadcast when Matthews suggested that if Boehner and the Republicans are suing Obama for… absolutely no reason whatsoever, then maybe the President should sue Congress for not doing their job!

I’ll agree with that, but I’ll be more specific and suggest that President Obama should sue John Boehner and the do-noting Republicans in Congress.

Now you know this wouldn’t happen, even if it were possible for the Executive branch to sue the Legislative branch. This president, for whatever reason, seems to want to stay above the fray, and maybe this knowledge that Obama would not do anything, is the reason why Congressional Republicans are the way they are… determined to do nothing, determined to collect a paycheck from the rest of us, while not performing their duties!

Chris Matthews Mitt Romney Politics

Jason Chaffetz Believes That Two-Time Loser Mitt Romney, Is Running For President

Chris Matthews of MSNBC actually made some news Monday night. He did not beat up on the president. And that in itself is amazing providing that of lately, the Hardball host has been on a personal vendetta it seems, to help bolster the Republican’s talking points.

Oh, and Matthews made another set of news. In an interview with Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz and Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings, Matthews asked Chaffetz his opinion on whether two-time loser Mitt Romney is running for president a third time. Chaffetz answered with no doubt in his mind that Mitt Romney is in deed, running!

Chaffetz even went as far as predicting that in 2016, the Flipper will be the next president of the United States.


Chris Matthews Elizabeth Warren MSNBC Politics


As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

June 20, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

What the fuck is wrong with Chris Matthews? Of all the people for the “tough” Philadelphia talker to go after he chooses Elizabeth Warren? Are you fucking kidding me? What a slimy, chicken shit Matthews has become. Don’t go after people like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, John Boehner or Mitch McConnell. No, go after the ONE person in all of Congress who has the nerve to stand up for the American people on issue after issue. OK there is also Bernie Sanders, but Warren has been a real fighter from day one.

Matthews chastised Warren for not doing enough. NOT DOING ENOUGH!? He blamed the Democrats for not passing vital legislation. The DEMOCRATS?! Matthews has been around long enough to know how this shit works. He knows the Republicans control the House, the TEA PARTY controls the House. He knows the Republicans in the Senate filibuster everything. The TEA PARTY filibusters everything. He knows this shit inside and out because he has talked about it.

So..why go after Warren and the Democrats? This is a game that Matthews has been playing for years. He cares only about his ratings so he tries to grab as many viewers from both sides as possible. What he does is simply flip flop. He is no better than a guy like John McCain or Rand Paul, or Ron Paul, who tell one audience one thing and another audience the exact opposite. All in an attempt to get as many votes as possible from both sides. It’s a sneaky, shitty little game and it proves that Matthews is full of shit.

This is why he can say something very incisive one moment and then something totally idiotic the next. He wants to be MSNBC and FOX all wrapped into one obnoxious package. It’s about ratings folks, it’s about staying afloat when times have maybe passed you by. This is why he rarely lets his guests talk. If he had allowed Warren to explain the facts to his audience, he would be left with egg on his face. So he talks, asks a question, doesn’t let the guest answer and talks over them. It’s a basic bully host tactic. Works all of the time.

I would NEVER be a guest on a show when someone like Matthews or O’Reilly is in charge. They will always be in control, able to manipulate the conversation, cut you off, have the last word. Matthews likes to have morons like Michael Steele and John Feehery on his show. Anyone would seem like a genius sitting across from these Republican hacks. Notice you don’t see these guys on too many other shows. How would a guy like Feehery survive a bout with let’s say..Ed Schultz or Lawrence O’Donnell??

But let’s get back to Matthews and Warren. I’m glad she was able to get a few words in here and there. I heard something like “Stop this!” Warren was having enough of Matthews bullshit. Only the true idiots of America think Matthews has a valid point when he blames the President and the slight Democratic majority in the Senate for the failure to get legislation through. Who shut down the gov’t Chris? Who has blocked more legislation than any other Congress in history? What Congress has done less, and worked fewer hours?

Matthews knows the simple answer to these questions. He knows that no legislation can pass without the House.  He knows that Warren is a fighter despite the obstacles. He knows lots of things. But the one thing he knows the best is that he loves his job and he wants to keep it. Like most of these people he wants to keep it till he drops dead on air. The ego is a very powerful thing.

It’s Matthews ego that turns the self proclaimed “straight talker” into a bullshitter of the highest order.



Visit America The Not So Beautiful

Chris Matthews Elizabeth Warren MSNBC Politics

Elizabeth Warren – Building Wealth Isn’t Magic, We “know how to do this”

In another interview, Chris Matthews of MSNBCs Hardball decided to go after Elizabeth Warren, the progressive congressional soldier from Massachusetts with the uncanny ability to speak the language of the hardworking American middle class.
Matthews, playing his now usual closet Republican role, tired attacking Mrs Warren on, among other things, creating wealth and opportunities for hard working Americans.

And like the true progressive soldier she is, Warren fought back, explaining to the Teaberry defender that the recipe for creating wealth is investing in the middle class, like we did after the Great Depression.

“Well, you know, this isn’t magic. We actually know how to do this. We did this for nearly half a century, coming out of the great depression until about 1980. We made the investments together that helped build opportunities for all of us.”

“I went to a commuter college that cost fifty dollars a semester. It opened a million doors for me. How could I go to a school that cost fifty dollars a semester? Because I grew up in an America that said, we collectively, all of us, are going to make those investments in education so that any kid, who works hard, who plays by the rules, who tries to get out there and make something of herself, is going to have a fighting chance to make that happen.”

Warren then explained exactly where things went wrong to Mr Matthews – in 1980 when the god of the Republican party got elected and implemented his reagonomics and the concept of Trickle Down Economics, that is, give to the rich and hope they’re not to greedy to throw some crumbs your way.

“It changed in the 1980′s,” Warren continued, “when the Republicans came up with a different vision. They said, ‘Eh, that’s not how you build an economy. The way you build an economy is you let those at the very top, the richest and the most powerful, keep more of their money and more of their power, and somehow it’s going to trickle down for everybody else.’”


Chris Matthews Politics

Chris Matthews Drama – Want Liberals to Accept The Teaparty’s Hate of Government

Maybe he’s auditioning for a role on Fox, maybe this is a late edition of a midlife crisis. Whatever it is, Chris Matthews of MSNBC is losing his political grounds and others are beginning to take notice.

In a show last week, Matthews asked Liberals to stop “looking down our noses at teaparty people.”

Why? Because according to Matthews, the Teaparty people are are angry “about the failure of our system.” Matthews then goes on explaining what those “failures” of government are, you know, the things about our government that give the Teaparty people the right to be angry. These governmental failure, according to Matthews, are failure to “control the deficit, the debt and the border. Then the man who sometimes call himself a Democrat asked; “What good is government good at?”

Here is his reasoning;

This looking down our noses at tea party people has got to stop. They have a message. They’re as American as any liberal is. And they’re really angry about the failure of our system. I was over covering Eastern Europe when the wall came down. You know what people didn’t like? It wasn’t the philosophy of communism they didn’t like — it was the complete corruption of it, the failure of it to deliver to working people. That’s what this system is doing right now: We can’t control the deficit, we can’t control the debt, we can’t control the border. What good is government good at?”

If Chris Matthews cannot figure out “what good is government good at,” then I cannot figure out what good his show is good at. There are times when his vast knowledge of politics is apparent, and then there are other times when he ask these dumb questions and have us all wondering, and the dumb questions phase is becoming too unbearable!

Asking what good is the government is the founding principle of the teaparty movement. Those fools would like to abolish everything the government has achieved over the last 65 years, including Civil Rights, Voting, Taxes, FEMA, the Board of Education, to name a few. And they will be more than satisfied running around the streets with their Ozzie and Semi Automatic Second Amendment rights slung over their shoulders, blasting anyone they consider threatening because that person is in a car playing music at a gas station.

Yea, Chris Matthews cannot see the importance of government. “What good is government good at?”

Okay Chris…

Chris Matthews Politics

Chris Matthews of MSNBC Parrots The Republican Talking Points on Bergdahl’s Release – Video

This must be what they mean when they call them “spineless democrats.”

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to figure out the difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Just a few days ago, I blogged about Chris Hayes, going above and beyond what is required to help the Republicans get their talking points together, by providing them a video of Obama apparently going against their words. After Chris’ video, the Republican in the room applauded the video, grinning ear to ear.

I’m waiting for their ad starring Chris Hayes.

I just watched the first segment of the Chris Matthews Hardball show, and his anger towards the release of the American soldier held for 5 years by the Taliban was again, surprising to me.

Now I’ve watched Chris Matthews on more than a few occasions and I know how unpredictable the man and his interview methods are. But after watching this first segment, I wondered why, why is MSNBC trying to take away viewership from Fox? These people don’t care about you MSNBC, keep it moving!

While conducting an interview with both Chuck Todd of MSNBC and Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune, Matthews spent most of the interview attacking Todd with questions of dissatisfaction at the circumstances surrounding the release of Bergdahl. Todd apparently felt so attacked, he had to remind Matthews on more than one occasions that he is not working for the Obama administration, but just a reporter.

Matthews questioned Bergdahl’s character forgetting that he was a member of the military who, before he disappeared, was in a war fighting for this country. He questioned the release of the 5 Gitmo detainees, and when told that we had to release these detainees regardless because the war is winding down, Matthews stated that the war will not be over, thus, we should not have released them.

And he ended the segment with an indirect message to the Republicans – “if any of our Americans from this day forward get killed over there because of these five guys once they’re back in authority over there, whose fault is that?” Clearly stating that from this day on, President Obama would and should be blamed if an American get’s killed based on actions from any of the former five Gitmo detainees.

Republicans are happily taking notes.

Chris Matthews Politics

Chris Matthews is Apparently Auditioning for a Fox News Show

Chris Matthews of MSNBC’s Hardball seems to be auditioning for a show of Fox News. Over the last few nights on his program, Matthews has taken the unusual position of hauling unwarranted attacks on the President, questioning the President’s leadership skills and wondering if Mr. Obama has any idea what is happening in America.

Here is an example of how Matthews is updating his resume with some Fox News talking points;

“What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn’t like dealing with other politicians — that means his own cabinet, that means members of the congress, either party. He doesn’t particularly like the press…. He likes to write the speeches, likes to rewrite what Favreau and the others wrote for the first draft.

“So what part does he like? He likes going on the road, campaigning, visiting businesses like he does every couple days somewhere in Ohio or somewhere,” Matthews continued. “But what part does he like? He doesn’t like lobbying for the bills he cares about. He doesn’t like selling to the press. He doesn’t like giving orders or giving somebody the power to give orders. He doesn’t seem to like being an executive.”

Matthews also said that the President, who gave him a thrill up his leg back in the 2008 campaign, “obviously likes giving speeches more than he does running the executive branch.”

The people at Fox News are taking notes.

Chris Matthews Politics

I Dare You – Try To Get A Word In On Chris Matthews Hardball

You have asked yourself this question before. Why do people go on the Chris Matthews show, when Chris Matthews does all the talking? Congresswoman Linda Sanchez got her personal dose of Chris on Monday’s Hardball With Chris Matthews, when a question from the host about immigration blossomed into a criticism of the Republican party, a comment, a question another comment and then a question, all by Mr. Matthews… then two more comments.

And when she was finally given a chance to answer the question, the congresswoman was cut off again because Matthews had to make a statement.

Here’s how it all went down;


“People that believe in border protection, who believe you can stop somebody from coming into this country by higher towers, or more drones, or more people working there, I think, are right-wingers or idiots.

If you want to work and you’re looking for a job, you’re going to come to America, Congresswoman. You’re going to come in here and you’re going to find a way in; whether you have to take a boat, an airplane, or swim – whatever you have to do, you’re going to get here.

My question is, are we going to have a work permit situation that’s truly enforced so there’ll be no incentive to do that, because you can’t work in the United States unless you’re here legally,” Matthews continued over Sanchez’s repeated attempts to respond.

If we ever have a system like that, we won’t be having this debate 20 or 30 years from now. Your thoughts?



Matthews had something else to say. Cuts off the congresswoman to add this;

“Because we never stop talking about it.”


“If you’d let me get a word in edgewise. I will tell you…”

Matthews had something else to say. Cuts off the congresswoman to add this;

“You have all the time in the world to answer my question.”

Exactly which question Chris?


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