Chris Matthews MSNBC Politics

Chris Matthews to President Obama – You Should Sue Congress – Video

Sometimes, I strongly disagree with Chris Matthews of MSNBC, like when he went on his show and clearly parroted talking-points from the Teaparty, or when he said that Democrats should accept the Teaparty and their crazy ideology. His acceptance of the Teaparty and their message has caused some rather angry posts to be written about him, right here on this site.

But there are other times when the unpredictable host of Hardball say things that’s worth repeating. Like on a previous broadcast when Matthews suggested that if Boehner and the Republicans are suing Obama for… absolutely no reason whatsoever, then maybe the President should sue Congress for not doing their job!

I’ll agree with that, but I’ll be more specific and suggest that President Obama should sue John Boehner and the do-noting Republicans in Congress.

Now you know this wouldn’t happen, even if it were possible for the Executive branch to sue the Legislative branch. This president, for whatever reason, seems to want to stay above the fray, and maybe this knowledge that Obama would not do anything, is the reason why Congressional Republicans are the way they are… determined to do nothing, determined to collect a paycheck from the rest of us, while not performing their duties!

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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