Barack Obama Chris Matthews Politics Republican

Who Is The Puppet Master of Congressional Republicans?

His name is Grover Norquist – The author of a pledge that over 230 Republican House members, 41 Republican Senators and more than 1,100 state officeholders, from state representatives to governors have signed. The Pledge forces these members to promise that no matter what the circumstance, no matter how dire the situation, they will not raise taxes.

Norquist appeared on Hardball with Chris Mathews yesterday and defended his position and that of the signers of the pledge. He was asked many times by Mathews to describe any scenario where he would allow the signers to do what’s right for the country instead of holding to the pledge, but Norquist managed to sidestep the question, choosing instead to bark the same old talking point that the pledge is “what the American people want”, despite recent polls that show over 70% of Americans disagree with Republicans on this matter.

America must raise its debt ceiling from $14.3 trillion by August 2nd to meet our financial responsibilities worldwide. Republicans, who for decades have tried to cut spending on programs benefiting the poor and middle class, turned down over $3 trillion in those cuts offered by Democrats because taking that offer would mean they must agree to closing some tax loopholes for millionaires.

Congressional Republicans have made a pledge of allegiance to Grover Norquist, instead of making it to the Flag of The United States of America.

Chris Matthews Politics United States

Ron Paul – I Would Have Voted Against The Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Republican candidate for President, Ron Paul, just confirmed what we already knew – that he is against the 1964 Civil Rights law that outlawed different forms of discrimination against blacks and women.

The Republican/Libertarian appeared on the show Hardball with Chris Mathews and made his feelings against The Act known. His son Rand Paul, stated the same sentiments against the Civil Rights Act when he successfully ran for Senate in 2010.

Below is the video, compliments of TPM

Arizona Chris Matthews MSNBC Politics Sarah Palin United States

Teaparty Says Nothing Wrong with Guns at Political Rallies

Some people just don’t get it, either because they’re ignorant, or they’re uninterested in reality. But in either case, they come across as just plain stupid, and in this case, a liar too!

That was exactly how Jason Phillips, founder of the Teaparty Nation appeared, when he was interviewed today on Chris Matthews show on MSNBC. When Mr. Phillips was asked if he believed guns should be brought to a political rally, Mr. Phillips first claimed ” I haven’t seen any” at the political rallies he’s gone to.

Chris continued questioning and pointing out how stupid Phillips’ argument was, then the question was asked again, “do you believe guns should be brought to a political rally.”  Forgetting what he said a few moments ago Phillips responded;

I was at a political rally in Arizona a few months ago. People openly carry out there and I felt perfectly safe! I wasn’t worried in the least!

Meanwhile, six people died less than 48 hours ago, and a congresswoman is fighting for her life. Someone brought a gun to a political event in a supermarket. Mr. Jason Phillips, founder of the Teaparty Nation, saw nothing wrong this scenario.

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